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< rcurtin> sreenik: sure, I am traveling at the moment but I will try and provide a response when I can
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #303: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 43 min:
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< heisenbug_> Hey, I actually made a PR regarding Model Zoo, not big just added a
< heisenbug_> but the continuous-integration check failed...
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< heisenbug_> My exams were going on, so I was not able to follow it up, but now as they are over I came back to it...what can be the issue?
< sreenik> rcurtin: Thanks. Meanwhile I will also try to come up with something.
< sreenik> heisenbug_: The models repo has this appveyor build failing problem. Even I have a PR pending for that. Many of the closed PRs also have appveyor build failing.
< sreenik> I have never really tried out changing to the "script" mode ( If you have time you can and then see if it gets solved.
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< chandramouli_r> zoq: I need some help to implement C++ version of the atari code. I don't know where to execute them. Can you help me with some idea for the algorithm implementation ? Should we consider frames as an input to predict the future state from current state ?
< heisenbug_> So, what do we do about it now?
< heisenbug_> It needs to be fixed.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #156: FAILURE in 14 sec:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Ryan Curtin: Merge branch 'jeffin143-ccov'
< rcurtin> hmmm, need to clean the Jenkins workspace
< rcurtin> I'll update the build to always do that
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #157: FIXED in 45 min:
< zoq> rcurtin: are we running out of space?
< rcurtin> zoq: no, the issue was that the CMake cache has problems if a file is removed
< rcurtin> so no space issues yet :)
< zoq> ahh, okay
< zoq> release on the road?
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< zoq> chandramouli: You could use, which also comes with a atari c++ demo:
< zoq> chandramouli: Using the frame as input is a good starting point.
< zoq> heisenbug_: The windows build isn't configured right, there is an open PR which hopefully will fix the issue.
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : It would be great if you could re visit pr 1780, and leave some comments whenever you are free *
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