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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #310: FAILURE in 3 hr 43 min:
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< mulx10> jeffin143, zoq: I guess reshaping would not mean anything. For example : the network input are of form (batch, 10x50) reshaping it i.e. (batch, 50 x 10) would mean the same.
< mulx10> Initially with concat along axis I wanted to implement reshape as well. But if you see the above reshaping does no help.
< mulx10> Let me know what you think. Also jeffin143 best of luck for your exams.
< mulx10> Loki_ : I have submitted more than 1 application.
< mulx10> zoq: I'll try to complete the PR #1829 as soon as possible.
< mulx10> Sorry for the delay.
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< Loki_> Then also mulx10
< Loki_> What are your project ideas.??
< Loki_> Thank you for your answer.
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