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< chandramouli_r> Can someone review my proposal as I have submitted the draft proposal in the official site.
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< Suryo> rcurtin, zoq: I'm finally submitting the updated draft of my proposal. In case there are any things that you would like me to clarify later, kindly let me know.
< Suryo> I'll resume working on the PR on PSO from this week. The past two weeks (and even this one till Wednesday) are really hectic. Multiple exams and assignments at my end.
< Suryo> Thanks a lot!
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #289: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 38 min:
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< zoq> Suryo: Sounds good, good luck with your exams.
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< sreenik> zoq: I also have the same request. I know you are short on time, so could you just leave a short suggestion on the "Testing" part of my proposal if possible. The title of the proposal is "mlpack-Tensorflow Translator", thanks :)
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< chandramouli_r> zoq: Can you leave your feedback on this proposal! This is the draft proposal. Here is the link
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< sreenik> zoq: Thank you for the inputs
< chandramouli_r> zoq: Thanks for your inputs.
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< mulx10> jeffin: Thanks we will distribute the work.
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< Hemal> While developing a method, do we need to take care of python bindings? Do we have to write a separate code to ensure that the method runs properly in python ? Or is it done automatically ?
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< yashMustak> I have just shared my GSoC proposal, if anyone can review it before deadline, please review it.
< yashMustak> doc name is GSoC_2019_Proposal
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< Yashwants19> Hi Hemal most of the methods contain *_main.cpp file that will take care of python bindings.
< Hemal> @Yashwants19, thanks !
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< akfluffy> hey, so I have question
< akfluffy> I'm making an autoencoder (4 features to 1) with the layers: (4,1), (1,1), and (1,4)
< akfluffy> then I'm using model.Train(data, data)
< akfluffy> but I'm getting a matrix out of bounds error. data is 4x17. However, I'm getting an index out of bounds error when I try to train it
< akfluffy> might it have something to do with using the same dataset for the predictions and labels?
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< Suryo> zoq: thanks a ton!
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< akfluffy1> I fixed the problem, apparently I had to specify the error function for it to work. I assumed it would automatically be MSE
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< zhxj9823> hi!
< zhxj9823> I just saw the introduction of GSoC in the last few days and I just finish my proposal right before. I wonder if there is a chance to communicate so that I can improve my proposal or something. Really want to be part of here. I feel terrible that I just knew this so late.
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< sonu628> I know I am bit late, I am uploaded my proposal on gsoc dashboard, I would be extremely thankful if I could get last minuit tips for proposal
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< johnsoncarl[m]> @freenode_sumedhghaisas, I have just submitted the proposal, kindly review it.
< johnsoncarl[m]> it was tough understanding the algorithms. Anyways, it was a nice exerience.. Hope for the best .
< johnsoncarl[m]> @freenode_sumedhghaisas
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< johnsoncarl[m]> hey zoq , I am not sure if sumedh is available anymore or not. I am propsing to implement his proposed QGMM, with lots of additional features.
< johnsoncarl[m]> Kindly have a look at my proposal if possible.
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< Toshal> Thank you sir for your feedback they were quite helpful.
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< zoq> ShikharJ: Sorry fir the slow response, will open an issue for the arma_check idea.
< ShikharJ> zoq: I wanted to open it myself, but I thought you might be the person better suited to describe the problem and its solution.
< zoq> ShikharJ: I think we both are suited to describe the issue :) But I can do it and if I missed something please feel free to comment on the issue.
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