ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< akfluffy> hey is there a more in depth rnn tutorial? I'm having trouble understanding how formatting works, what rho should be and stuff
< akfluffy> besides the noisy sines one?
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< chandramouli_r> Can someone help me out with this error error: ‘arma::mat {aka class arma::Mat<double>}’ has no member named ‘is_symmetric’
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< favre49> chandramouli_r: is_symmetric was added in armadillo 9.1. Maybe you have an older version of armadillo?
< favre49> the minimum supported version of armadillo for mlpack and ensmalen is 6.5, so i imagine that is your problem
< chandramouli_r> I tried including it using -I /path/to/armadillo still gives me an error. maybe i should change the version linked in mlpack
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< chandramouli_r> how to include the latest version in mlpack
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< chandramouli_r> favre49: thanks solved it :)
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< travis-ci> chandramoulirajagopalan/mlpack#2 (master - bcbc539 : chandramouli): The build failed.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #291: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 39 min:
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< ShikharJ> Turns out, we had a total of 89 proposals this year!
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< johnsoncarl[m]> Great!
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< aman_p> \msg nickserv identify johnsoncarl AMN09pandey
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< johnsoncarl> hey
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< johnsoncarl> hey
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< rcurtin> johnsoncarl57: johnsoncarl: aman_p: you may want to change your IRC password since you accidentally sent it to the whole channel
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< johnsoncarl57> yeah .. '=D
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< johnsoncarl> .
< zoq> johnsoncarl: Hello.
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< johnsoncarl> dont know i'm having tough time setting irc this time
< johnsoncarl> the service i used suddenly went down, and i dont remember password :(
< johnsoncarl> anyways.. sorry for the mess
< zoq> No worries :)
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< johnsoncarl> okay works fine now
< johnsoncarl> hey zoq
< johnsoncarl> i have dropped a message about new algorithm's implementation
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< Suryo> ShikharJ: that's an amazing number! Congratulations on so many applications! :)
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< travis-ci> chandramoulirajagopalan/mlpack#3 (master - f1c7b9c : chandramouli): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> chandramoulirajagopalan/mlpack#4 (master - 6719d40 : chandramouli): The build is still failing.
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