ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< Gus_> Hi. Can anybody give an example of a Convolutional Neural Network is implemented with mlpack? Specially the convolutions operators using different kernels
< Gus_> Thanks a lot in advanced
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< Gus_> Great!
< Gus_> This one is a very good and clear example for CNNs
< Gus_> You guys are the bests. Really.
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< chandramouli_r> Can someone review my draft proposal and give your feedback ? Thanks in advance !
< dhawgupta> Anybody who has been able to compile mlpack on Clion, I have done so on the normal command line process, and rebulding it everytime is a real pain, was looking to make use of CLion but the build process simply fails
< dhawgupta> with mostly these logs ```-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES)
< dhawgupta> -- Could NOT find OpenMP_CXX (missing: OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS OpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES)
< dhawgupta> -- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND OpenMP_CXX_FOUND)
< dhawgupta> -- Updated gitversion.hpp.
< dhawgupta> CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:514 (message):
< dhawgupta> txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated.
< dhawgupta> -- Not building Markdown bindings.
< dhawgupta> -- Found Python: /Users/dhawgupta/anaconda3/bin/python
< dhawgupta> CMake Error at src/mlpack/tests/CMakeLists.txt:195 (file):
< dhawgupta> file STRINGS file
< dhawgupta> "/Users/dhawgupta/mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/mytest/dhawal1.h" cannot be read.
< dhawgupta> CMake Error at src/mlpack/tests/CMakeLists.txt:208 (file):
< dhawgupta> file STRINGS file
< dhawgupta> "/Users/dhawgupta/mlpack/src/mlpack/tests/mytest/dhawal1.h" cannot be read.
< dhawgupta> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
< dhawgupta> See also "/Users/dhawgupta/mlpack/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
< dhawgupta> Problems were encountered while collecting compiler information:
< dhawgupta> <built-in>:1:10: fatal error: '/Users/dhawgupta/mlpack/cmake-build-debug/src/mlpack/cotire/mlpack_CXX_prefix.hxx' file not found
< dhawgupta> <built-in>:1:10: fatal error: '/Users/dhawgupta/mlpack/cmake-build-debug/src/mlpack/tests/cotire/mlpack_test_CXX_prefix.hxx' file not found```
< chandramouli_r> does it compile with -fopenmp
< chandramouli_r> ?
< chandramouli_r> maybe there
< chandramouli_r> maybe there's a problem with the version of cmake you use.
< chandramouli_r> Try adding -fopenmp to the CMakeLists.txt that might work!
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< heisenbug_> hey, I haven's received any comments on my proposal, can I know the status? I know you guy are very busy with all your GSoC and other commitments. Thank you.
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< yashMustak> Hey, I wanted to ask whether implementation of A.I. algorithms in my GSoC proposal will be worth and appealing to the goals of mlpack?
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #288: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 30 min:
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< sreenik> rcurtin zoq I have just uploaded my proposal on mlpack-Tensorflow Translator. I know I am late, please have a look if possible :)
< sreenik> Also, I'll update the Abstract before the final submission
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< jeffin> Sreenik :i also went through the code and couldn't find it, may be the code in mlpack/models for digit recognizer, we could try calling model.model() , if it throws error that means it's not there*
< jeffin> I was work on it to print the summay of layers*
< jeffin> Something like model.summary() function in keras*
< jeffin> Working*
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< sreenik> jeffin: You are right. There must be some other way to get the layers. Maybe the source code of ffn_impl.hpp can prove helpful, will need digging the code up a bit
< jeffin> Sreenik : i did go through it closely , couldn't find a catch , let's see if you could find some treasure*
< sreenik> Haha, ahoy!
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< mulx10> Hello everyone!
< mulx10> Anyone wants to lend a hand to resolve the issue:
< mulx10> I have been trying hard to dig up the resources. Still, I have not been able to progress considerably.
< mulx10> Namrata is helping. Despite that I need help.
< mulx10> Thank You
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< jeffin> Mux10 : i haven't worked with the Network so unsure , but i will read and let you know :-)
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< Yashwants19> Hi zoq, Shikhar J : I have posted my proposal on GSoC dashboard. rcurtin had reviewed my proposal.If you will also review my proposal and leave some comments.It would be great for me.
< Yashwants19> Thank you.
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< heisenbug_> Is anyone up for a discussion on the project String Processing Utilities?
< ShikharJ> Toshal: I can't seem to open your draft in Google docs, as it is in pdf format. So I can't comment on it at places.
< heisenbug_> Hey, even I submitted the draft but didn't got any comments...
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< ShikharJ> heisenbug_: I will only be reviewing the proposals which adhere to the areas I'm interested/ I'm comfortable in mentoring. I think I have mentioned general advice in a previous comment.
< jeffin> Shikharj : under ann/activation function / softsign is the fornula for softsign derivative correct..??
< heisenbug_> You were listed as Potential Mentor for that project, so I thought you will be reviewing it...
< ShikharJ> Please be patient regarding the process.
< heisenbug_> I followed your general advice while drafting the proposal.
< jeffin> I learned it as 1/(1+ abs(x))^2
< heisenbug_> Yea ShikharJ
< ShikharJ> heisenbug_: I thought you mentioned String Processing. Sorry for the confusion :)
< heisenbug_> Yea, actually I was thinking of another application. That would be my second proposal. I submitted a draft for Application of ANN Algorithms Implemented in mlpack
< heisenbug_> Although I was not sure if I can submit two proposals to same organisation.
< ShikharJ> heisenbug_: I think that you can.
< heisenbug_> Yea, I went through the FAQ and didnt find anything that say I cannot, so I hope I can.
< zoq> heisenbug_: Please keep in mind, we do this in our free time; at this point (one day before the dealine), we can't provide feedback for every appplication, we do our best to provide as much feedback as we can.
< zoq> heisenbug_: You can submit up to 3 applications.
< ShikharJ> jeffin: I'll get back to you regarding that.
< heisenbug_> Yea, I am sorry.
< zoq> heisenbug_: No worries.
< heisenbug_> So, can we discuss a bit about the string utilities, if you can...
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< zoq> heisenbug_: I'm about join a meeting, there are some additional information in the mailinglist archive. Take a look at the posts from last year as well.
< heisenbug_> Ohk, thank you for your time.
< ShikharJ> jeffin: I think that we're doing std::pow(1 - std::abs(y), 2). Where y = x / (1 + std::abs(x)); So essentially, we reach back to the same expression that you mentioned, however, here the advantage is that we don't need to keep a track of whether x was positive or negative. It is a clever way of computing the derivative, thanks to zoq.
< jeffin> Shikhaj : oh yes , i didn't see that. Thanks :)
< jeffin> May be next time i should work out the formula on paper, before asking :)
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< atulim> @rcurtin @zoq I have submitted my Gsoc Proposal on Gsoc portal. Kindly take a look at it and suggest changes. Sorry for the delay.
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< favre49> zoq: I submitted the final proposal, thanks for all your help :)
< favre49> rcurtin: I was wondering, what is the convention behind the naming of the ensmallen versions?
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< rcurtin> favre49: whatever's on my mind that day? no formal convention :)
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< abernauer> Shared my draft proposal if it could get comments would appreciate it.
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< Suryo> rcurtin, zoq: I'd like to request the same... Some last moment comments on my proposal. I don't know what went wrong the other day when I uploaded the link to the updated draft...
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< rcurtin> Suryo: definitely no time from my end, sorry about that
< rcurtin> remember that if we need clarification on anything after the application is submitted we can just get in touch and ask :)
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< akfluffy> what are the activation function layers for neural networks that range from -1 to 1?
< Toshal> ShikharJ: Actually you can comment on the proposal in pdf itself. Select the text on which you want to comment. A message symbol with a plus on it will appear on right edge of the text/page with that you can add the comment.
< Toshal> Please let me know if this is not clear.
< Toshal> akfluffy: TanHLayer is one of the activation layer in mlpack.
< akfluffy> Thanks, I tried that but I forgot "Layer", I just wrote TanH
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< akfluffy> also, is it possible to just apply an activation function to a single neuron in a layer
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< Suryo> rcurtin: that's reassuring! Thanks!
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< akfluffy> are there any plans to implement the a3c algorithm for reinforcement learning
< zoq> akfluffy: Not really, I think there are methods that provide better results, are easier to implement and faster as well.
< akfluffy> like regular q_learning?
< zoq> or PPO
< akfluffy> I thought a3c was able to provide better results than DQN
< akfluffy> hmm
< zoq> right, wasn't really thinking about DQN
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< akfluffy> what are the other policy based methods we have implemented besides DQN?
< akfluffy> oh, aren't the async methods similar to a3c?
< zoq> yeah, but I would rather implement something like PPO instead of A3C, at least at this point.
< Toshal> zoq: I saw your comment on my timeline. Thanks for the feed back. Can I suggest two timelines? One which will be more flexible than the current one and current one itself.
< zoq> Toshal: What about you mention some "ideas" to strip down the timeline, if necessary? That way you can keep the original timeline and there is no need to create another one.
< akfluffy> zoq: are there any plans to implement PPO?
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< akfluffy> also, is it possible to add a Batch Normalization layer not at the input? What if I wanted to normalize data further in
< zoq> akfluffy: It's not on my current list.
< zoq> akfluffy: you could use e.g. batch normalization at any level
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< akfluffy> thanks
< heisenbug_> Hey, thanks for comments on my proposal. I went through the suggestions and replied accordingly. I just want to thank all the mentors and people who are helping us through the process. Thank you for your constant guidance.
< heisenbug_> regarding string utilities why cant we use unicode?
< heisenbug_> We can use something like hash table or any other more efficient maping algorithm and apply that.
< heisenbug_> Also in that project do we have to implement more than one algorithm?
< heisenbug_> Coz I think the main trade off would be how are we mapping these encodings coz after processing we again have to convert it back to test and process of conversion may occur many times depending on the algo/application. So using some better algo for mapping would be my first step. Any suggestoins?
< heisenbug_> *suggestions?
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< GZennaro> Hello, I'd like to have some suggestions about the proposal for GSoC 2019
< GZennaro> I'm a computer science student in NY and I'd love to contribute to your project. My primary coding language is C++
< heisenbug_> You can submit the draft they will review it and will comment on it.
< heisenbug_> Although I dont know they will now, coz its late now as less than 24hrs are remaining so...
< GZennaro> what are you looking for in a candidate?
< heisenbug_> I am myself a candidate.
< heisenbug_> You can check the logs, they had some general suggestions.
< heisenbug_> Link for the logs
< GZennaro> thank you
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