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< jeffin143> rcurtin , zoq : could u tell me how to re run travis-ci on a pr again* without pushing
< rcurtin> jeffin143: I think we have to restart it, I'm not sure you are able to
< rcurtin> pushing a simple commit is fine
< rcurtin> anyway I just finally finished releasing 3.1.0... falling asleep... off to bed for now, talk to you later
< jeffin143> Good night 😴
< jeffin143> Good job on realease :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#6879 (mlpack-3.1.0 - b48a95a : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...b48a95a4b1f0
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#6880 (mlpack-3.1.x - a63718e : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
< travis-ci> Change view :^...a63718ed79a4
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< mulx10> zoq: I will incorporate the changes. I just buy with my semester exmas. Sorry for the delay.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #306: FIXED in 3 hr 43 min:
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< zoq> jeffin143: Only members in the contributors group can restart the travis build. Let me know which one you like to run again and I hit the button for you.
< zoq> mulx10: No worries, hopefully everything went well.
< zoq> rcurtin: Nice job with the release.
< jeffin143> Thanks zoq, could you re run 1843, timeout issue.
< zoq> jeffin143: restarted
< jeffin143> Also left a comment on pr1798, do checkout when free :)
< jeffin143> Thanks :)
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< sreenik> Thanks MuLx10 for the suggestions on the PR.
< sreenik> zoq: Thanks for finding out those style errors. I am a little exhausted with exams and all, might need some rest. I shall fix them in a while.
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< zoq> sreenik: Sure no worries.
< jeffin143> Exam season in india :) every one is bit tadd up and tired
< rcurtin> zoq: thanks, I hope to do another one in just a few weeks :)
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< jeffin143> Rcurtin , zoq :
< jeffin143> Cosine similarity* is considered as metric in same frameworks, and thus i just gave a glance at metrics/
< jeffin143> Sorry the above message was for @ shikharj :)
< rcurtin> jeffin143: yeah, but here we are using the mathematical definition of metric as in 'metric space'
< rcurtin> that's why I put it under 'kernels' :)
< jeffin143> I got it, after you pointed it out :)
< rcurtin> :)
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