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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #309: FIXED in 3 hr 50 min:
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< jeffin143> Zoq : about the discussion we had that day* on reshape layer, the subview layer can flatten the layer so we have that support in our framework*
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< zoq> jeffin143: Ahh you are right.
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< jeffin143> Zoq : then may be we could just opt in for a layer which could do something like - if 100*50 is there, it could reshape it to 10*500
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< Loki_> Hi mulx10 what is your project idea for gsoc.
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< zoq> jeffin143: Not sure we need an extra layer for that, since the operation is so simple someone could arma reshape or memptr. I think the reshape layer is a good idea.
< jeffin143> Zoq: Sorry but , couldn't get you :)
< zoq> jeffin143: I don't think we need and extra layer to flatten the output, but we could implement a layer that does reshaping.
< jeffin143> Yup : that was what i was saying * , just one reshape layer would work , since flatten could be done using subview layer .
< zoq> jeffin143: okay, would be nice that have that
< jeffin143> Umm would start working on it , once i m done with my exams :)
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< zoq> jeffin143: Sounds good, best of luck with your exams.