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< akfluffy> zoq: what's the difference?
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< Yashwants19> Thank You rcurtin for your time and valuable feedback. :)
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< mulx10> akfluffy, zoq: akfluffy you are correct. The parameter size is set in Reset().
< mulx10> I guess that's the reason only Predict was not working. I faced this issue when trying to add cell param in the LSTM layer.
< mulx10> By only Predict I mean calling Predict() without Train().
< mulx10> ShikharJ: Sorry for the delay. I have rectified the PR.
< mulx10> Sumedh, zoq, rcurtin: Thank you for taking out the time to review my proposal.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #145: FIXED in 43 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> noreply: Merge pull request #1800 from MuLx10/LSTMCell
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< KimSangYeon-DGU> rcurtin: Thanks for reviewing my proposal, and I answered the comments. Can you take a look, if you have a chance?
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< jeffin> What is the equivalent of dense layer in mlpack..?
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< mulx10> jeffin: You can use `Linear`.
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< Suryo> zoq, rcurtin: hey, I know that you guys are really busy right now but if you could take another look at my proposal and leave some final comments, it would be great... I've updated some aspects of the deliverables and also the tentative plan of action.
< zoq> Suryo: I'll take another look over some applications later today.
< Suryo> Thanks a lot zoq!
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< favre49> zoq: I was also hoping you could look at the timeline of my project and tell me whether I have packed too much into too little time.
< zoq> favre49: Sure
< favre49> I am considering adding certain features like the tests for multi-objective optimization before the start of the coding period (if my proposal is accepted of course)
< favre49> thanks :)
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< jeffin> Mulx10 : yup , thanks
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< akfluffy> mulx10: I think rnn_impl.hpp already checks if the matrix is empty and calls Reset(), no?
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< Yashwants19> Hi rcurtin: I have answered the comments and updated the proposal as suggested by you.Please take a look on my updated proposal and leave some final comments.
< Yashwants19> Thank You :)
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< mulx10> akfluffy: Yes it does but that doesn't explain why matrix shape is 0x0.
< mulx10> akfluffy: I was wondering if what could possibly go wrong in reset(), any ideas?
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< akfluffy`> mulx10: I can't figure it out. It looks like it should work but it obviously does not. I'm going to see if there are any inconsistencies between FFN Reset and RNN Reset
< zoq> Suryo: For some reason I can't comment on the pdf, maybe something wrong with the permissions?
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< Toshal> zoq ShikharJ rcurtin: Hi sir, this is just as a reminder as only three days are left. Please, take a look at the proposal I submitted. Even a quick glance will be helpful.
< zoq> Toshal: Hello there, what's the title of the application?
< Toshal> zoq : Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules. Thanks for the prompt reply.
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< favre49> zoq: I saw your comment on my proposal's, and thought it would be simpler to have the discussion on IRC. I saw you advised me to keep NSGA as something to do only if I have the time left.
< favre49> However, I need NSGA to implement MM-NEAT
< favre49> Would you advise I take a different direction with the project, given the time constraints?
< zoq> favre49: I see, mazbe it works the other way around implement MM-NEAT if time allows?
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< zoq> Toshal: Can you comment on the pdf?
< abhinavsagar> @zoq: Could you please take a look at my proposal and tell me what changes do I need to make in it?
< zoq> abhinavsagar: Sure, What's the title? Makes it easier for me to find the application.
< abhinavsagar> @zoq: Reinforcement learning. Thanks for the reply.
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< favre49> zoq: Yup, thats my plan. I've mentioned that in the body of the proposal, but left the timetable rather idealized. Should i keep the timetable more realistic?
< zoq> favre49: Probably a good idea, or make that point more clear.
< Toshal> zoq: Actually No. The fact is I didn't made my proposal on docs it's alignment is getting messed up in google docs.
< favre49> okay, thanks for the advice :)
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< zoq> hm, I was able to comment on another application; are you able to share this in another way just to make comments?
< zoq> another application that was a pdf as well
< Toshal> zoq: yes we can comment, sorry. There will be chat symbol in the top right corner of the pdf alongside printer symbol. With that we can comment.
< Toshal> Okay I found what is the issue I will upload new link.
< Toshal> zoq: Reopen the link it's fixed. Sorry for the delay.
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< dhawgupta> hi
< ShikharJ> dhawgupta: Welcome!
< ShikharJ> Hmm, I think it should be a general advice to everyone to include as much detail as you can in your proposal. We'll be judging your application seriously on your proposal, and the better the re-assurance it gives us about your expertise, the better it is.
< ShikharJ> So don't shy away from including what, how and why of the features you're planning to implement.
< ShikharJ> A simple "I plan to implement X. X is used for blah blah blah" doesn't provide as much confidence as "I plan to implement X. This should be introduced in mlpack because ... I plan to implement X through Y. A prototype is Z..."
< dhawgupta> Hey, thanks for the details I will keep this in kind. ;D
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< jeffin> ShikarJ : thanks for the input, would be happy if you could see my proposal and suggest something to add upon
< jeffin> Thanks
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< akfluffy`> mulx10: let me know if you figure it out
< akfluffy`> Hey, so I have a question about RL (specifically q_learning)
< akfluffy`> Basically the method of DQN is to approximate the Q function right?
< akfluffy`> using a neural network