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< akfluffy> hey so I wanna make a custom fitness function for my NN. I want to have it evaluate the whole thing before determining fitness, so how would I do that? I plan to use the CNE optimizer
< akfluffy> because if I change Evaluate() I think it steps through every point. I want to have it just return the entire network's "fitness"
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< johnsoncarl[m]> hey zoq
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #290: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 34 min:
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Oh okay, I'll open one then. Feel free to add details when you can :)
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< hardikJ> Hey, I am a beginner in mlpack. I have installed mlpack earlier when 2.2.5 was the latest version, but now I want to upgrade, to the latest version, how can I do that?
< zoq> hardikJ: Remove the libmlpack in the mlpack install path and include in the include path.
< hardikJ> Thanks @zoq
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< akfluffy> hey, does doing model.Parameters() represent all of the weights and biases as well as connections? Optimizers only look at those, right?
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< sreenik> akfluffy: model.Parameters() returns an arma matrix having only the weights and biases that too if I remember correctly, in a single column (or row maybe), nothing else
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< akfluffy> sreenik: thank you. and does an optimizer optimize an arma::mat? are those what get passed to Evaluate()?
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< zoq> akfluffy: Right, all the network parameter are combined in models.Parameter() and are passed to the Optimize function.
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