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< chandramouli_r> zoq: I have implemented atari-games using DQN in python and I would like to add some more detail into it. I just ran a basic version of the game using a few libraries. I would now like to add more detail and optimise it using the papers in the ideas section.
< ShikharJ> I like the LOTR and Jim Carrey analogy already.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #313: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 50 min:
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : in readme under mlpack logo, download current stable version still is 3.0.4 , shouldn't it be 3.1.0..??
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< rcurtin> jeffin143: good point
< rcurtin> I won't get to it until tonight, if you want to submit a PR before I get to it feel free :)
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : umm done :) Good night off to sleep have an exam tmrw 😢
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< rcurtin> thanks---good luck on the exam :)
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< gmanlan> @rcurtin
< gmanlan> you there?
< rcurtin> well, I am for a second... but now my plane is landing :(
< rcurtin> so I'm about to lose internet
< rcurtin> once I'm on the train home from the airport I should be able to chat
< gmanlan> ok great, wanted to pick your brain for a bit regarding #1887
< gmanlan> I'm trying to find the bug (if any) on the forest randomness (which is not for some reason)
< rcurtin> oh, were you able to replicate the issue?
< rcurtin> I haven't had a chance to look into it yet
< gmanlan> yes, I can replicate it
< rcurtin> if I remember right each tree in the random forest should be selecting different random dimensions
< rcurtin> (also I am surprised I haven't been kicked off inflight wifi yet)
< gmanlan> yeah, I see that in the code, but for some reason there is no randomness at all
< gmanlan> I assume that's provided by MultipleRandomDimensionSelect
< rcurtin> oh... wait a second...
< rcurtin> what happens if you run with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1?
< rcurtin> or without OpenMP
< gmanlan> let's see
< rcurtin> the training is done in an OpenMP loop, so I fear that what's happening is that the random number generator is being copied to all threads, thus producing the same random numbers
< rcurtin> parallelism bugs :(
< gmanlan> I just disabled openmp in the sample app I'm using, but still the same...
< gmanlan> to be sure, I do a diff of the saved models each time, and every time I train, the resulting models are 100% identical - metrics as well consequently
< rcurtin> hmm, ok
< rcurtin> ok, landing now
< rcurtin> talk later
< gmanlan> sure - ttyl
< rcurtin> oh. I think I get what the issue is
< rcurtin> MultipleRandomDimensionSelect selects dimensions at the time of construction
< rcurtin> but when we do trees.resize(), it copies them all
< rcurtin> thus they all have the same value
< gmanlan> ahhh good catch
< gmanlan> what class is handling resize()?
< gmanlan> wrong question - it's a vector
< gmanlan> actually resize is being call before the training
< rcurtin> I think the solution will be to re-initialize the dimension selector in the decision tree when Train() is called
< rcurtin> let me write that up and a test case too
< rcurtin> I think I can do it on the train ride home
< rcurtin> could be overoptimistic :)
< gmanlan> ah ok, I was trying to replace the resize by an old-fashion initialization
< gmanlan> but you know better the code
< rcurtin> that could work too I guess. if you're already working on something I can stay outnof the way :)
< rcurtin> out of*
< rcurtin> I think either solution is fine
< gmanlan> will update you in 7' if my approach works
< gmanlan> otherwise will let you go with yours
< rcurtin> sounds good
< rcurtin> I will at least write up a test case :)
< gmanlan> sounds good - and man, I'm so not used to Templates
< gmanlan> it gives me headaches :)
< rcurtin> eventually the headache becomes permanent and you stop noticing it
< rcurtin> :)
< gmanlan> hahaha
< gmanlan> didn't work for me
< rcurtin> ok, up to you, I can try making a patch or use the one you put together as a starting point if you can send a gist or patch or something
< gmanlan> I will let you try, I think I'm slowing you down anyways
< gmanlan> I have my environment ready to go if you get something, I can quickly verify it works under different scenarios
< rcurtin> no worries, let me try a quick change
< rcurtin> mg test case is successfully failing so let me see if I can make it succeed
< rcurtin> my*
< rcurtin> coding on a phone is a little hard though
< rcurtin> :)
< gmanlan> you are coding on a phone? that's a new XP level
< rcurtin> hehe
< rcurtin> I do everything through a GNU screen session
< rcurtin> so I just connect my phone via ssh to that session
< rcurtin> and if I get uo from my desk mid-sentence, I can just continue from there on my phone :)
< gmanlan> that's awesome - painful maybe - but awesome
< gmanlan> last time I did something like that was with a WinCE Pocket PC
< gmanlan> (nightmare)
< rcurtin> hehe, wince indeed
< rcurtin> for me it's not great but it became necessary because airport travel has so much downtime
< gmanlan> I agree
< rcurtin> waiting in security lines... sitting on a bus to or from the airport... etc.
< gmanlan> ok I have to drive now and I will not try to mimic you with your GNU session
< rcurtin> ok, I have a fix, but then I noticed that the RF code isn't bootstrapping the data
< gmanlan> will be back in 40'
< rcurtin> which broke some other tests that were poorly written by me some years ago :)
< rcurtin> yeah, coding and driving, probably a bad idea :)
< rcurtin> talk to you later
< gmanlan> ah- better sooner than later
< gmanlan> ttyl
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< rcurtin> fix is ready, I'm just testing the robustness of the tests now
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< gmanlan> I'm back
< gmanlan> rcurtin: do you need help testing the fix?
< rcurtin> sure, need to push it
< rcurtin> just finished dinner, once I get home I' push the code and open a PR for testing
< rcurtin> I' push*
< gmanlan> sounds great, I will be around
< rcurtin> I'll push* (sigh, phone keyboards)
< gmanlan> :)