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< robb_> Hey guys, so the FFN template requires that the InitializationRuleType has a default constructor, but it doesn't
< robb_> in the case of ConstInitialization
< robb_> So you can't use ConstInitialization as a template argument
< robb_> Shouldn't the default constructor of ConstInitialization initialize the weights to 0?
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< robb_> Since ZeroInitialization got removed
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< Soonmok> Hi! I'm trying to run mlpack with gpu using nvblas. I installed cuda tool-kit which include nvblas, but when I run mlpack application, it doesn't seem that it use gpu (I checked it using command Nvidia-smi). what should I check to use nvidia gpu?
< ShikharJ> Soonmok: I think Ryan would be the person to help you regarding that. Let's wait for his reply.
< Soonmok> Thanks for your reply!
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< ShikharJ> zoq: rcurtin: I think the wiki page for testing guidelines is ready now.
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< rajiv_> Hi, I don't understand how the Backward() function in the ann/layers works. I started with the simplest linear_impl.hpp, I don't understand the line: g = weight.t() * gy; It would be great if someone could help me out
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< ayesdie> ShikharJ: Hi ShikharJ, my name is Ayush Chamoli, and I'm a student in India and also an aspirant for GSoC 2019 and I would like to apply for the `Essential Deep Learning Modules` which looks interesting to me. I've been handling some issues and got accustomed to the mlpack's codebase. I followed the work you did on `GAN` and `RBM` last year and found that you had some PR that were still open. If you don't mind, can I work on
< ayesdie> those completing those?
< ayesdie> on completing those*
< ShikharJ> ayesdie: Yeah sure, if you see any incomplete open PR that isn't being worked upon, feel free to fix it up.
< ShikharJ> rajiv_: I'm assuming you know how backpropagation works? Between that and the documentation for Backward() function, I think you should be fine? Can you be specific regarding your query?
< ayesdie> I was asking for the #1477 CIFAR-10 test that was still open
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< ShikharJ> ayesdie: Yeah, any includes that one too :)
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< ayesdie> Alright, and sorry for misunderstanding.
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< awad> i wanna ask about graph data meaning in string processing utilities and what are other kind of data we need to support and at this step i understand we need only to convert data using techniques like one hot enconding or dictionary and how to recover it and test this algorithms is there any thing else after that i will give this algorithm to whom and thanks in advance
< awad> i mean graph data is it edge and nodes like facebook or other meaning
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< rajiv_> ShikharJ: I was a bit confused with the notation but now I understood :)
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< rajiv_> ShikharJ: I wanted to know about the Backward() as I'm working on dense blocks now. Dense block is a combination of bn-relu-conv layers and that unit can be called a conv_block. So, a dense block contains many conv_blocks. How should I perform Backward() in this case?
< rajiv_> You can check the PR here:
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< awad> can i know default timezone here i feel lonely here
< zoq> awad: There is no default timezone, the community is distributed aroudn the world.
< awad> i asked some questions but no answers until now
< zoq> awad: Somebody will answer your question once they have a chance, this might take some time.
< awad> thanks
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< Bhanesh> hey there
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< Bhanesh> hey there
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< Bhanesh> I am intrested in NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies
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< zoq> Bhanesh: Hello, let me know if I should clarify anything.
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< mulx10> Hello
< mulx10> is there some issue with LoadCSV?
< mulx10> when I load only the first word from the text gets loaded
< mulx10> what gets loaded:= "facebook_corpus_msr_1723796" "Well
< mulx10> expected := "facebook_corpus_msr_1723796" "WellMost of Private Banks ATM's ..."
< mulx10> should I create an issue?
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< arash> Hello everyone,
< arash> I am shresth, and I am planning to contribute to mlpack for GSOC 2019
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< zoq> arash: Hello there!
< zoq> mulx10: I don't think LoadCSV can load text.
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< mulx10> zoq: data::Load with DataSetInfo can
< mulx10> which in turn calls LoadCSV, but it loads a part of it. I actually tweaked its expression to load the text as well.
< mulx10> currently I 'm testing it.
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< zoq> mulx10: Ah, nice!
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< Sergobot> Hi everyone! My nane is Sergey and I'm studying applied maths and CS in Saint-Petersburg. I want to contribute to mlpack as part of GSoC 2019. Can I talk to someone about it? :)
< zoq> Sergobot: Hello and welcome, happy to help.
< Sergobot> Awesome
< Sergobot> So, I went through the list of ideas and liked NEAT the most
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< zoq> Sergobot: Glad you liek the idea :)
< Sergobot> It feels really interesting but a somewhat courageous to me, as I may lack neccessary experiences
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< Sergobot> It says only basic C++ and understanding of how NNs work are required but I wonder if that's it
< Sergobot> Like, the idea itself is far from trivial and it's surely same for the implementation
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< zoq> I might be biased but the main idea behind NEAT is somewhat straightforward; My recommendation is to get familiar with the optimizer framework (ensmallen), the paper might be interesting as well ( Take a closer look at some existing methods, that might give you an impression of how the project could be structured.
< Sergobot> Ok, thanks!
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< awad_> i wanna ask about graph data meaning in string processing utilities and what are other kind of data we need to support and at this step i understand we need only to convert data using techniques like one hot enconding or dictionary and how to recover it and test this algorithms is there any thing else after that i will give this algorithm to whom and i mean graph data is it edge and nodes like facebook or other meaning and if it like fa
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< awad> any mentors here
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< awad> how can i contact with Ryan Curtin
< Sergobot> Please be patient, mentors can't be avaliable 24/7. They have their own lives and stuff.
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< awad> it's my dream to be part of open source community and participate in GSOC sorry
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< Sergobot> awad: No problem! That was only a friendly remark :)
< zenzu> Hello everyone, my name is Tom and I would like to work on reinforcement learning project. I am beginner in AI but I have experience in C++, ROS and robotics. I would like to combine mentioned project with robotics if it would be possible. Looking forward to work together :)
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< rob_b> what algorithms would you guys recommend for time series regression?
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