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< Suryo> Hi guys! Has there ever been any international students in the US who have participated in GSoC? If yes, could you please tell me? Thanks.
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< mulx10> zoq: Thanks, it worked.
< mulx10> however, the python bindings tests are still failing. I will dig up the issue. Thanks for help.
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< rcurtin> mulx10: see #1864
< rcurtin> (about the python bindings)
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< mulx10> rcurtin: oh nice, the PR is passing all checks.
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< chandramouli_r> zoq: Can you help me in writing code for the game. Where exactly the code has to be executed to run them. ?
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< Hemal> hello, I am trying to make /mlpack using cmake ../ and make
< Hemal> it is showing the error : /home/hemal/mlpack/CMake/ 103: /home/hemal/mlpack/CMake/ cannot create /home/hemal/mlpack/build/share/man/./bin/mlpack_logistic_regression.1: Directory nonexistent
< Hemal> But I am not working on logistic regression, I just want to skip this part and build(make) the ann directory codes and the test directory codes where I have made changes
< Hemal> How to bypass this error ? or what else can be done ?
< Hemal> >>Generating man page for ./bin/mlpack_logistic_regression...
< Hemal> and then the error occurs
< Hemal> found : make mlpack_test for building tests, now, for ann module , what should I do ?
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #297: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 33 min:
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< zoq> chandramouli_r: Happy to help, what game?
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< zoq> Hemal: You could disable the cli executables: 'cmake -DUILD_CLI_EXECUTABLES=OFF'
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< chandramouli_r> atari games
< chandramouli_r> where should the code be executed ?
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< zoq> chandramouli_r: Not sure I can follow; you can test mlpack methods against openai gym, it would be nice to have some examples in the models repo.
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