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< heisenbug_> I have drafted a proposal regarding ANN Algorithms...
< heisenbug_> Do I need to explain the model on which I want to work in detail?
< heisenbug_> Or just an overview will be fine?
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< akfluffy> hey, everyone. I
< akfluffy> I'm getting an error during make that has something to do with arma. I haven't had this problem before. I even tried reinstalling armadillo (git) but that didn't work either
< akfluffy> it happens during lmnn_main.cpp
< akfluffy> it can't convert the following: size_t minCount = arma::min(...)
< jeffin> akfluffy : could you post error
< akfluffy> well, it's a very long error because of the templates
< akfluffy> I will paste the gist of it
< akfluffy> error: cannot convert ‘arma::..., arma::...' to 'size_t', size_t minCount = arma::min(arma::histc(labels, arma::unique(labels)));
< akfluffy> I'm going to try reinstalling an older version of armadillo
< akfluffy> yes, the older version of armadillo works. The latest git version will not
< jeffin> Ohh
< akfluffy> We should add compatibility before next armadillo release lol
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< Suryo> zoq: Thanks for letting me know! Let's see... The "can comment" link seems to be the same. But I've updated it again and you can take a look.
< Suryo> I appreciate you letting know about it! I hope that I may still have time to edit it.
< Suryo> I will also send you a "can edit" link over email.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #287: UNSTABLE in 3 hr 41 min:
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< heisenbug_> I have uploaded the proposal as draft, hope I can get some comments on it so I can improve it in any suggested way to make it most effective.
< heisenbug_> Thank you.
< heisenbug_> zoq, ShikharJ I hope you guys will find some time to review my proposal.
< heisenbug_> I don't need to share a link here, right?
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< ShikharJ> Nope. We'll review there.
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< sreenik> When we load an mlpack model, what kind of a data structure is it loaded into? Which part of the source code deals with it, is it core/boost_backport/collections_load_imp.hpp only?
< zoq> sreenik: search for "Loading and saving"
< sreenik> zoq: Thanks. So for an FFN model I should load it into an FFN object it seems. I shall try it out right away
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< sreenik> In this at the very end, something like model.Model() is mentioned but the class FFN has no function named Model() (I want to extract individual layers from an FFN object)
< sreenik> Is the docs incorrect about it or am I going wrong anywhere?
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< mulx10> zoq, akfluffy: I happen to find the error in rnn_impl, that causes Predict() to fail if Train() is not called before.
< mulx10> I am testing it currently. I will add the necessary changes.
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< akfluffy> mulx10: thank you :)
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< ShikharJ> zoq: We might want to open an issue regarding arma_check() that we had discussed before on Jeffin's PR.
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< ayesdie> rcurtin: could you review my draft proposal? I have shared it through the GSoC dashboard.
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< jeffin> Zoq , shikhaj , recurtin : why don't we use regex in cmake , set(sources *.cpp) , so that after making new files we don't have to remember adding it to cmake
< jeffin> Is there any particular reason , we have manually wrote each and every file..??
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< riaash04> zoq: I have some minor changes to gsoc proposal draft based on your comment. Would be great if you could review. Thanks!
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< ReemGody> I have finally uploaded my proposal on GSOC dashboard and I am excited to know what you think about it
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