(i'm trying to resurrect an n900 with a broken cell modem to use as a timelapse camera)
rafael2k_ is now known as rafael2k
humpelstilzchen[, good to know. The guy that made that project have many optimized layouts for German language. I think we should include them all.
BCMM, libcamera has an interesting project of supporting the N900 ISP, so userland don't need to do the heavy-lifting task of configuring it
but yes, libcamera will hopefully make this easier
sicelo: so no focus so far?
i think that works too, but probably manually :-)
in all honesty, i guess it's not suitable for your need right now
it's more a proof of concept
just use gstreamer with the Maemo 5 which comes with N900 should work
i think that's what i'm going to do (just using maemo 5). i can't work out how to fire the flash properly but i might be able to get away with just using the torch instead
sicelo: manual is fine for what i'm doing. i'm basically trying to write a janky shell script to take a photo every N minutes
thanks for the information, anyway
i think there were also issues with exposure ..
syncroization/ the camera framework has to know the flash will fire, because it adjusts exposure and wb
so you will have to fiddle with it a bit
I suppose i am answering the rest of the question from #maemo. I can well believe it will not be easy, somehow third party camera apps where made tho.
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uvos__: do you think i can provide you access to d3, or to a computer that is connected to d3 via usb, so that you could 'check registers'? i don't know which registers are those by the way.
norayr: i have several d3
access is not the issue
oh, good.
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can maemo project upstream something (don't know where, since gtk 2 is not mantained) so that maemo hildon menus would show somehow in regular linux?
when i was using fremantle, i didn't know it is something else. i though the regular gtk menu is shown by this gtk theme as maemo menu with buttons from upper part of the screen.
or maybe the hlidon lib can do that? so just adding to the system libhildon would make hildonized application to run on any linux?
that would be ideal.
what is the use case here?
the system requires hildon-desktop or matchbox to run to decorate the menus / make them work at all
users won't feel locked into yet another ecosystem - if someone loves mstardict, let's say, they can run same mstardict on regular debian, or gentoo, or ubuntu touch, or whatever.
even i, when i use a lapdock, it's not comfortable to work with hildon, and i use windowmaker.
but then in windowmaker i cannot run my maemo apps. with droid4!
oh, right, I think it probably works in some way already
if you don't link to hildon
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humpelstilzchen[, which layout and variant are you using?
I come back tomorrow, need to fix this, be it patching kernel or not... I can not do a "-" wtf!!
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rafael2k_: XKBMODEL="pp" and XKBVARIANT="pine" in /etc/default/keyboard - '-' is on Pine+7
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rafael2k_: Also looks like I have modified xkb/pp and xkb/pp-driver for backspace and more importantly /usr/local/ppkb-layouts/xkb/evdev to register the layout
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mmm, does N900 have Thumb2-enabled kernel in Leste?
at least looking at kernel config on github, i don't see CONFIG_THUMB2_KERNEL set, unless it gets set somewhere else
no and i dont know if the kernel mitigates broken coretex-a8 thumb
it does not need to, as workaround is in CPU iself
in cpu?
umm, yes?
one of the issues is that T flags is not properly set when switching the context
dosent the linker create a bunch of trampoliens to avoid broken jumps?
I vaguely remember kernel-power/kernel-cssu (from fremantle) having thumb-related errata, are we talking about the same issue(s) ?