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<rafael2k> just connected an AirSpy HF+ to the PP with Maemo
<rafael2k> that make a nice portable SDR
<rafael2k> I imported the ppkbd layouts repo here: https://github.com/rafael2k/ppkb-layouts
<rafael2k> may be we could also add this to our infra of upstream fork. Anyway, which package should I put the X and text mode maps?
<rafael2k> may be also make the pp kbd keymap default for the PP (and PPP in when we have support for it)
<rafael2k> this thing of having two USB ports is neat, I like it
<rafael2k> kind of getting used to it
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<humpelstilzchen[> I'm using ppkb-layouts for a while it works fine
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<BCMM> I've found an article saying that the n900 camera is working, but the wiki seems to say it doesn't. what's the current situation? https://tuxphones.com/maemo-leste-linux-nokia-n900-droid-4-powervr-gpu-acceleration-support/ https://leste.maemo.org/Nokia_N900
<BCMM> (i'm trying to resurrect an n900 with a broken cell modem to use as a timelapse camera)
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<rafael2k> humpelstilzchen[, good to know. The guy that made that project have many optimized layouts for German language. I think we should include them all.
<rafael2k> BCMM, libcamera has an interesting project of supporting the N900 ISP, so userland don't need to do the heavy-lifting task of configuring it
<rafael2k> BCMM, take look here: https://libcamera.org/open-projects.html
<BCMM> ah, so "interesting project" in a future sort of way?
<BCMM> oh i see, GSoC this year
<rafael2k> currently, basic support is available in kernel AFAIU... ask in #libcamera channel @ OFTC
<rafael2k> I think adding support in libcamera is the way to go... of course you can use the kernel interfaces directly.
<BCMM> sorry, i'm more or less unfamiliar with this whole stack. would this be additional software to install on maemo-leste?
<BCMM> (so far i've never installed maemo-leste)
<rafael2k> we have libcamera support in the next Maemo-Leste version (Chimaera), but N900 camera support is still missing
<BCMM> thanks
<rafael2k> but I don't have an N900 myself. Please ask in #libcamera channel
<rafael2k> they might have more up-to-date information
<BCMM> when you say "use the kernel interfaces directly", what does that mean? something other than plain v4l2?
<rafael2k> v4l2 + media controller APIs
<rafael2k> anyway, you can use the original Maemo which cames with N900 to do what you want...
<sicelo> BCMM: it does work already, with some heavy tweaking. https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20200306.084252.32b5515a.en.html
<sicelo> but yes, libcamera will hopefully make this easier
<BCMM> sicelo: so no focus so far?
<sicelo> i think that works too, but probably manually :-)
<sicelo> in all honesty, i guess it's not suitable for your need right now
<sicelo> it's more a proof of concept
<rafael2k> just use gstreamer with the Maemo 5 which comes with N900 should work
<BCMM> i think that's what i'm going to do (just using maemo 5). i can't work out how to fire the flash properly but i might be able to get away with just using the torch instead
<BCMM> sicelo: manual is fine for what i'm doing. i'm basically trying to write a janky shell script to take a photo every N minutes
<BCMM> thanks for the information, anyway
<sicelo> i think there were also issues with exposure ..
<sixwheeledbeast> BCMM: it's hard to find stuff with m.o down but you should be able to access the flash directly. https://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_Flash_Torch
<uvos__> its not that easy
<uvos__> syncroization/ the camera framework has to know the flash will fire, because it adjusts exposure and wb
<uvos__> so you will have to fiddle with it a bit
<sixwheeledbeast> I suppose i am answering the rest of the question from #maemo. I can well believe it will not be easy, somehow third party camera apps where made tho.
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<norayr> uvos__: do you think i can provide you access to d3, or to a computer that is connected to d3 via usb, so that you could 'check registers'? i don't know which registers are those by the way.
<uvos__> norayr: i have several d3
<uvos__> access is not the issue
<norayr> oh, good.
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<norayr> can maemo project upstream something (don't know where, since gtk 2 is not mantained) so that maemo hildon menus would show somehow in regular linux?
<norayr> when i was using fremantle, i didn't know it is something else. i though the regular gtk menu is shown by this gtk theme as maemo menu with buttons from upper part of the screen.
<norayr> or maybe the hlidon lib can do that? so just adding to the system libhildon would make hildonized application to run on any linux?
<norayr> that would be ideal.
<Wizzup> what is the use case here?
<Wizzup> the system requires hildon-desktop or matchbox to run to decorate the menus / make them work at all
<norayr> users won't feel locked into yet another ecosystem - if someone loves mstardict, let's say, they can run same mstardict on regular debian, or gentoo, or ubuntu touch, or whatever.
<norayr> even i, when i use a lapdock, it's not comfortable to work with hildon, and i use windowmaker.
<norayr> but then in windowmaker i cannot run my maemo apps. with droid4!
<Wizzup> oh, right, I think it probably works in some way already
<Wizzup> if you don't link to hildon
* Wizzup bbl
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<rafael2k> so, it seems people are working to workaround the pp kbd "issue" with the usb charging: https://codeberg.org/phalio/ppkbbat-tools
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<rafael2k_> ow boy, I'll need to patch the kernel to get all keys working on the keyboard
<rafael2k_> :/
<rafael2k_> we will get there
<rafael2k_> humpelstilzchen[, which layout and variant are you using?
<rafael2k_> I come back tomorrow, need to fix this, be it patching kernel or not... I can not do a "-" wtf!!
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<humpelstilzchen[> rafael2k_: XKBMODEL="pp" and XKBVARIANT="pine" in /etc/default/keyboard - '-' is on Pine+7
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<humpelstilzchen[> rafael2k_: Also looks like I have modified xkb/pp and xkb/pp-driver for backspace and more importantly /usr/local/ppkb-layouts/xkb/evdev to register the layout
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<sicelo> mmm, does N900 have Thumb2-enabled kernel in Leste?
<sicelo> at least looking at kernel config on github, i don't see CONFIG_THUMB2_KERNEL set, unless it gets set somewhere else
<uvos> no and i dont know if the kernel mitigates broken coretex-a8 thumb
<freemangordon> it does not need to, as workaround is in CPU iself
<bencoh> in cpu?
<freemangordon> umm, yes?
<freemangordon> like...
<freemangordon> one of the issues is that T flags is not properly set when switching the context
<uvos> dosent the linker create a bunch of trampoliens to avoid broken jumps?
<bencoh> I vaguely remember kernel-power/kernel-cssu (from fremantle) having thumb-related errata, are we talking about the same issue(s) ?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> sec
<bencoh> yeah, that
<freemangordon> "The workaround enables the BTB/BTAC operations by setting ACTLR.IBE and also flushes the branch target cache at every context switch"
<freemangordon> ACTLR.IBE is the "CPU" part
<bencoh> ah
<bencoh> I see what you mean by "in cpu"
<freemangordon> by default BTB/BTAC is noop
<uvos> wonder how mutch this degrades performance
<uvos> probubly not mutch - but still
<freemangordon> well, we need it anyways because of spectre/meltdown
<freemangordon> otherwise yes, not much
<freemangordon> I am running fremantle thumb kernel/userspace since the dawn of the ages
<freemangordon> way faster that leste :)
<uvos> only thing not thumb in leste is the kernel
<uvos> so i doubt its the performance difference
<freemangordon> right
<uvos> more like stuff got more bloated in the last 10 years
<freemangordon> but I think we shall enable thumb kernel
<freemangordon> actually I am almost sure it was enabled
<uvos> maybe got lost when the kernels where merged (ie it was not in mapphone kernel)
<freemangordon> could be
<freemangordon> but it makes sense to re-enable t
<freemangordon> *it
<uvos> anyhow sure
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<arno11> Is there a way to enable overclocking in n900 kernel ?
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