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<buZz> norayr: it helps to plonk heatsinks on/below batteries you're soldering to , to 'wick' away the heat somewhat
<buZz> uvos__: i think the maintabs of those LG cells are lithium :O
<buZz> one of my tabs had the nickel come off during rebuild, and its mad hard to solder to
<buZz> i think i need silversolder for it
<uvos__> nah lithium is to reactive
<uvos__> soldering to lithium in a air-water atmosphere would be more than hard ÖP
<buZz> ^_^
<Wizzup> norayr: btw the amazon link you sent to me doesn't seem to sell anymore
<Wizzup> norayr: or maybe they just don't sell to me or something
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<Wizzup> uvos__: btw I am planning to move to leste as my daily driver at the end of the year, any chance you could help me out a bit in the next two weeks to get a telepathy backend in sphone?
<uvos__> Wizzup: sure, in advisary capcatiy, i dont have that mutch time at the moment
<uvos__> but do ask away about how things work in sphone
<uvos__> i pretty mutch use the d4 as my primary phone allreay, the android phone only tags along as a whatsapp device at this point
<Wizzup> neat :)
<Wizzup> uvos__: with hildon?
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> cool
<sicelo> Wizzup: we're already running dnsmasq for some reason in Leste. i think it would be a good idea to also use it to provide dhcp on usbnet.
<Wizzup> yeah, probably sensible
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<Wizzup> uvos__: well one thing, we would have multiple telepathy accounts that can call
<Wizzup> uvos__: telepathy-ring, telepathy-rakia, telepathy-gabble
<Wizzup> and we can have multiple accounts for the latter, maybe even for the first one too
<Wizzup> how would that fit in sphone?
<uvos__> Wizzup: perfectly fine
<uvos__> every module can register any number of backends (backend == proctoll in sphone more or less)
<uvos__> it just tells sphones what mimes it supports and what capabilites the backend has (call text etc)
<uvos__> then when sphone is opend with a mime ie tel://number it will select the backend that claims to support this mime to place the call
<uvos__> sphones dialer will also show all the procols with names in the selection dropdown when placing a call
<uvos__> the id you get you are then to save and when a call comes down on call_dial_pipe you are to check if you are supposed to handle this call by matching to your ids see https://github.com/maemo-leste/sphone/blob/eacc386bf976e999a0c2a0d0a536cebe5b7f788d/src/modules/commtest.c#L107
<uvos__> if so you shal handle the call
<Wizzup> uvos__: can you register new ones at runtime?
<uvos__> yes
<Wizzup> and remove as well I assume
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> 2 problems in current sphone we still ned to solve is however:
<Wizzup> so if there are multiple telepathy-rakia accounts (sip://), how does it know which one to pick
<Wizzup> there's also a question of which accounts are online, but the gtk rtcom stuff+abook solves this, but I guess that's too hildon dependent?
<uvos__> you get the full url in the module
<uvos__> so externaly ofc its username@
<uvos__> otherwise theres no way ofc
<uvos__> sphone only gets the mime as given by firefox gnome-conteacts etc
<uvos__> also
<uvos__> 1. the dialer ui currently allows to you only enter numbers, this is only a ui problem
<uvos__> 2. the ui dosent know that it should only offer to send sms via backends that claim to support it (ie it will try to send messages with any backend)
<uvos__> i gues you could add support pop up a dialog when a mime is to be handled by multiple "backends" (ie because of multiple accounds) and allow the user to select that way
<uvos__> otherwise in a nomal sip:// mime as provided by the external applications the information is just not there to know
<Wizzup> right, tel:// can also be handled by sip
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<uvos__> yes
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<freemangordon> uvos__: re battery leads heat sink - I think one should try extremely hard to be able to overheat the battery from soldering, those flat wires that come from the battery are about 1cm long and very thin
<uvos__> freemangordon: overheating the battery is not the problem
<freemangordon> but? electronics?
<uvos__> the probem is that the polimer that the leads are sandwiched in survive finite temperature capacity, and the thermal expansion of the lead can delaminate the interface.
<uvos__> the actuall battery will be fine (unlike when soldering to li-ion cells like 18650 etc)
<uvos__> but just do be an idiot and hold the iorn there for several minutes
<freemangordon> right, but in order this to happen, you should have high enough temperature (at least 80 deg I would guess) at the end of 1cm long and thin stainless steel wire
<uvos__> and youl be fine
<uvos__> freemangordon: right
<freemangordon> to me this can't really happen under normal soldering conditions
<freemangordon> if you take a lighter.. well :)
<uvos__> well if people have trouble geting the solder to wet
<uvos__> then they might be messing around with the iorn for a while
<uvos__> then i could see it
<freemangordon> still, this happens 1 cm away from the weak spot
<freemangordon> but I agree one should be careful
<freemangordon> just trying to say it is not *thet* fragile
<freemangordon> *that*
<freemangordon> Wizzup: tomorrow will try to finish HAM ui
<freemangordon> fortunately I have an idea what needs to be done
<freemangordon> just didn;t have time today
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, we cna also just not have the background
<freemangordon> no, it is just that it is picky, but I'll fix it
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