peetah: to get the same MAC used in Fremantle, wl1251-cal needs to be fixed first
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Hi there
Is there a way to manage charging speed?
My droid4 seems always charging at 532000, I changed to 1000000, will this affect something?
it's fine to do that
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Wizzup: in case normal sink is provided, there is no need to call pa_context_get_server_info(). Also, first commit removes the check if the provided normal actually correct
do you want me to rework those 2 commits the way I think it shall be and request back a review?
freemangordon: fine
please do
I'll be away most of the daytime, dofosdem thistill
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freemangordon, lemme know, I can test here too
if there are no issues, I'll release it later on
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sicelo: so... why 532000 by default if 2000000 is just fine?
some workaround for conneting to a PC?
and.. if we can know if a PC is connected or not, maybe we can make it automatically switch between those values?
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SuperMarioSF: lots of kernel code is missing
I was about to send patches upstream. And I will, most probably, some day
default of 500mA is because there is no charger type detection implemented
even this is bad, but is better than defaulting to 1800mA
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okay... I guess I will create a script to change that value to 1800000 every boot.
freemangordon, ok!
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SuperMarioSF: yeah i default to 1200000 aswell
cant spend all day waiting for a charge to complete :D the 532000 is barely enough to run the whole phone, so i dont understand that default either
it seems change those thing can break the detection of charge-mode
so it never enter that screen
lemme check that
those settings should not be there, or need a 3 second delay
wait for some time helped.
SuperMarioSF: there are charger patches to make it better, but they are not ready/merged yet
seems I am out of the physical discomfort I had for the last two weeks so I can restart work on charger patches
rafael2k: BTW, I am not sure I understand the question on teh bugtracker, maybe Wizzup can answer
* Wizzup
just got back from fosdem, will read backlog in a bit
I met with pavel and gave him another d4, he was quite happy with the latest image, but said the battery doesn't last long, we discussed the 4.2v vs 4.35v
SuperMarioSF: also you just add a script to /etc/init.d/ and 'rc-update add <scriptname>' default
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Hi Wizzup
How about those XT883s?
SuperMarioSF: I mailed you that I recieved them, they are in front of me now
I just got back from FOSDEM2023, but I can try to turn them on tonight or tomorrow
I received the email but there is just "received", no first impression provided.
freemangordon, hey, sorry, I just wanna know in case of a device with more than one sound device, if the setting in .ini will still be able to be used
which is expected, you just came back.
SuperMarioSF: yeah, I got back on thursday eve, then went to fosdem shortly thereafter
rafael2k: yes, in theory
maybe try it, in case we broke something