<buZz> is the fallback not what osso-xterm uses?
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<Wizzup> uvos: you typo'd the sigstoped branch, that's why it didn't build
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<freemangordon> uvos__: umm, was that pointed to Wizzup perhaps?
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<norayr> folks, i don't want to annoy anyone, but without working on-screen keyboard most of the devices without hw kbd are useless. almost.
<norayr> gedit does not understand ENTER with onscreen - that should be simple to fix, it was working before.
<norayr> (was working with one of the keyboards)
<norayr> the important thing not the problem itself - that is reaction to the problem.
<norayr> it is important to not tell that problem does not exist, when it does.
<norayr> sincerely, you just cannot ignore this: https://toobnix.org/w/dhb9VMzyGASkiYxmeoYB7G
<norayr> you want leste to be usable with devices that don't have hw kbd. and not only with maemo apps.
<norayr> i am saying this not to annoy anyone, and not because it is sort of a whim.
<norayr> but because i care about the project. i just think it is really easy to fix for someone who knows the code.
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<rafael2k> apart of madbomber, which games would you suggest to install in maemo for a kid?
<rafael2k> I can only use qtwebbrowser, madbomber and literm/fingerterm without physical keyboard (of course I'm eagerly waiting to arrive the pinephone keyboard)
<rafael2k> I already say to friends wanting to use Maemo (usually ex-N900 users) - get a keyboard to attach to the PP
<rafael2k> the rest is fine, just this vkb stuff I agree, it annoys...
<rafael2k> on the other hand, just remove the vkb and says Maemo-Leste currently needs a physical keyboard (and keep the actual kbk as an option to enable... but the user would be alerted)
<rafael2k> I love the qtwebbrowser vkb
<rafael2k> Wizzup, I'm testing the fixed maemo-statusmenu-volume
<rafael2k> Wizzup, it works perfectly!
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<Wizzup> great
<Wizzup> rotation also fine?
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<rafael2k> Maemo-style, yes
<rafael2k> yay!
<rafael2k> we could suggest Pine64 to sell a Maemo-version PP, the PP + keyboard already attached
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<rafael2k> :P
<rafael2k> by far it is the most lightweight distro (usable at least)
<Wizzup> with keyboard, yeah
<rafael2k> yes
<rafael2k> I use without... my daughter uses it... but there any many shortcomes
<rafael2k> (without a physical kbd)
<rafael2k> apart of issues of architecture, telephony works pretty well too
<rafael2k> audio too, better than in other distros
<rafael2k> where firefox crashes (mobian)
<rafael2k> (crashes when watching youtube in firefox)
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> freemangordon: volumeapplet pr ok?
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<rafael2k> games
<rafael2k> any games still to forward port to Chimaera?
<rafael2k> I'm not sure if anybody talked about this, but is the lockscreen broken in portrait?
<rafael2k> btw, do we have the two taps to turn on the screen?
<rafael2k> the PP button is hard
<Wizzup> rafael2k: yeah, lockscreen in portrait is not fixed yet
<Wizzup> I think it requires some theme changes + some gconf value
<Wizzup> uvos has it working on his phone with the marina theme I think
<Wizzup> rafael2k: we: two taps, this is possible but requires some careful handing
<Wizzup> rafael2k: like, currently we have X not listen to input, so that the ts enters pm
<Wizzup> we can have the ts do it's own pm regardless, and them have it wake up upon touch, and suspend after some touch, but this requires some work and kernel support for each device
<Wizzup> rafael2k: brainparty probably needs porting
<Wizzup> rafael2k: extras pkg from here https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/644
<Wizzup> rafael2k: I also had a lot of packages/games that could be ported ... somewhere
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<rafael2k> forget about the two touches
<rafael2k> it will not integrate well with the suspend, indeed...
<Wizzup> rafael2k: right, but brainparty doesn't scale to the larger screen well I think
<Wizzup> there is also mahjong, not sure if that was done alreadu
<Wizzup> I guess I'll try to update the image builders today to newer debian
<Wizzup> maybe it helps with the arm64 image build failures
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<rafael2k> cool!
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<rafael2k> compiling it
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<peetah> hello, I've just booted the latest released maemo-leste on my N900, but it seems to have a different MAC address than the one gave by maemo. I'v checked with "macchange -p" and even the permanent mac addresses differs from the one exposed by maemo. Can't find an issue related to this on github. Does it ring a bell to anyone ?
<peetah> *the one given
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<peetah> is th emac address hard set in /etc/network/n900-staticmac ?
<peetah> it seems so
<peetah> uvos__: ready to receive your instruction to test kernels
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* enyc meows
<enyc> peetah: don't remmeber that one, i wonder how it afflicts ipv6 addy assignment on wifi ;o
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