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<sad_plan> hi
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<sewn> hi sad_plan
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<synimas> hello, currently looking at this wiki article and i was curious on how the systemd modules worked, because i dont have sysemd obvi lol
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<synimas> ah nvm "This means that access to data is not protected in case the PC gets stolen." prob shouldnt bother
<synimas> maybe itll be possible to make the /boot encrypted with this and just unencrypt my main disk with initramfs
<synimas> what im asking is how does systemd-cryptenroll work basicaly
<sad_plan> you should be able to encrypt boot with a initramfs and grub. atleast afaik. Ive encrypted my bootdrive before when using artix
<synimas> this has secure boot and tpm support
<synimas> so it wont work if a new drive is put in or secure boot is off
<sad_plan> if your threatmodel requires that, maybe not use kiss?
<synimas> well ive got kiss installed, this is my fun laptop, why not go overboard
<sad_plan> sure
<synimas> good learning tool too, also why wouldnt i want to use kiss for a situation where this would actually be a good idea to do?
<sad_plan> because some things are harder to accomplish on kiss
<synimas> ah, agreed, everything is harder to accomplish on kiss
<sad_plan> not everything. but some things are harder on kiss
<synimas> found this,, odd that its called a poor mans bitlocker even though its the same thing
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