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Guest59 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest59> Yup user error on that one not sure what I did when I first set it. Booting with init=/bin/sh and reseting with passwrd fixed it. Thanks!
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<dilyn> is a wonderful site
<dilyn> here ends your public service announcement
<acheam> wow dylin turned ultra normie
<acheam> you haven't spent enough time around midfavila recently obviously
<acheam> jkjk
<acheam> but did you give up on K&R?
<acheam> s/dylin/dilyn/g
<acheam> cem: what does carbsbot do?
<dilyn> haven't given up on K&R, just switching to go atm
<dilyn> I'll probably finish K&R in time, though I might end up abandoning it for Beej's guide; I haven't decided on that yet
<dilyn> also I am mega normie
<noocsharp> 7.7mb dilyn
<testuser[m]> What
<noocsharp> the exercism homepage
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<acheam> as I said
<acheam> ultra normie
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<acheam> but noocsharp, its actually fine, because its all served by cloudfront, which uses its cutting edge hypercloud drives to deliver max performance
<acheam> okay heres an A+ idea for any amazon engineers here: use alexa devices as a CDN
<acheam> you can buy that off me for 10% of Amazon stock
<noocsharp> use frequencies that humans can't hear and microphones on computers to deliver content from alexa speakers to computers
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<acheam> oooh use the dog whistle frequency! Then you could sell an app that claims to calm down dogs, but it actually just changes the frequency
<dilyn> luckily I don't have bandwidth caps and get 200mb/s down; i don't terribly care about website size:P
<acheam> "I'm rich so I dont care about the starving children"
<acheam> (Yes I know thats extreme, and I get your point, I didnt even realize the website was particularly big until noocsharp pointed it out)
<phoebos> tbf dilyn's not in a position to share «wealth» with «starving children», it's someone else's website
<phoebos> and his own is pretty lightweight
<phoebos> still, i find it difficult to understand _how_ most websites are so massive
<acheam> my comment was mostly facetious
<acheam> but yeah, like what do you even do with 8mb
<acheam> I'd probably struggle to fill that if you asked me (beyond stuff like massive image files)
<phoebos> i guess all the web devs have been collectively adding to one huge js library and css pack which everyone just includes
<testuser[m]> u don't even need to write code
<testuser[m]> Just `npm install problem_solution`
<testuser[m]> Even if it's 5 lines of code
<phoebos> anna karenina is less than 2mb. like wtf
<testuser[m]> See this
<testuser[m]> It might even be larger
<testuser[m]> Don't try it on a webkit browser it would probably crash
<phoebos> fucking hell that site feels like i'm dying
<phoebos> make cool interactive experiences, sure, but not in a webpage
<testuser[m]> Wait wtf it even has sound
<testuser[m]> Didn't notice the first time
<testuser[m]> It's lagging so bad on phone
<acheam> > Please do consider upgrading your browser
<acheam> no.
<acheam> webwars is back folks
<noocsharp> i took a look at exercism to see what was so large, and i found this:
<noocsharp> this is an svg
<acheam> what? your website doesnt have svgs with base64 encoded jpegs in it?
<acheam> 3mb is a steal for that!
<phoebos> damn i need to finish the gif thingy i was making so i can put a favicon on my site
<phoebos> no, there is no other way to make a gif
<testuser[m]> phoebos: doing it in the browser is ok though i feel cuz no one is going to download random executables to see ur demo
<phoebos> at least don't put it on the homepage then
<acheam> phoebos: okay, to be the devils advocate, what do you reccomend as an alternative to things like
<acheam> or at least be like gmail and offer a simpler version of the site
<testuser[m]> Lol their paywall doesn't work with js disabled
<phoebos> that new york thing has a paywall
<phoebos> lmao
<testuser[m]> Epic webdev moment
<phoebos> *some* cool interactive experiences are ok in a browser, but not that 3d raytracing thing on a homepage
<acheam> weird it doesnt paywall me
<phoebos> maybe bcs my ip isn't in america? idk
<noocsharp> so i decoded that base64 jpeg inside the svg, and it comes out to 2.1MB
<noocsharp> but it's 1871x4096
<testuser[m]> Some sites even have some auto scroll shit so if you try to scroll urself with mouse it jumps all over the place
<phoebos> is that like a 4K screen lmao
<noocsharp> yeah, except vertical
<noocsharp> and they only show like 1/3 of the image
<noocsharp> i'm filing an issue for them
<phoebos> haha
<acheam> > We are not accepting pull requests to the website at this time
<acheam> bruh
<acheam> send them a PR anyways thats their website rewritten in pure HTML
<acheam> no css, javascript, or jpegs inside svg
<acheam> I'm honestly curious how you end up with jpegs inside svgs
<acheam> some kind of auto-converter gone wrong?
<acheam> some attempt at optimization?
<noocsharp> yeah, its weird especially considering they have jpegs on the page
<noocsharp> maybe an autoconverter found that the jpeg inside the svg was smaller, so used that
<noocsharp> even though that specific jpeg file should not have been used in the first place
mmatongo has joined #kisslinux
<mmatongo> Hello
<testuser[m]> Hi
<mmatongo> How are you doing?
<testuser[m]> Good
<testuser[m]> Great
<testuser[m]> Nice
<testuser[m]> You?
<vbt> does dylan araps hang out in this group?
<testuser[m]> No
<mmatongo> great
<mmatongo> I'm having a lil trouble installing kiss
<mmatongo> I'm still adamantly using xorg but when I run startx my mouse/touchpad and keyboard stop working and I have to reboot and stay in tty for them to work
Guest1 has joined #kisslinux
<Guest1> Hi
<mmatongo> Hey
<Guest1> How's it going?
<mmatongo> Slow
<mmatongo> A lil hot
<mmatongo> You?
<Guest1> Good
<Guest1> I see that there are web developers here. What web stack do you recommend for creating a social network?
<vbt> svelte
<Guest1> I forgot to say, for the backend
<vbt> go
<vbt> or rust(choose warp)
<Guest1> Thanks, I'll take a look
<testuser[m]> netcat and shell script
<testuser[m]> highly scalable
<testuser[m]> run that on some microservices
<vbt> or choose this monster
<Guest1> Oh, thank you all
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<chadwb[m]> <mmatongo> "I'm still adamantly using xorg..." <- Hey, I have the same issue
<chadwb[m]> when you launch it as root it works, but when you do it as a non-root user then there's something going on
<chadwb[m]> i think the problem is that you need to add your user to some group, cause it cant read libinput
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<testuser[m]> chadwb: Check ls -l /dev/input
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<Sarkic> Hello!
<Sarkic> i was just wondering if theres a linux-firmware package for Kiss, just because I don't know how to find out specifically what firmware I need
<testuser[m]> downloa the full thing and extract to /usr/lib/firmware
<Sarkic> Oh damn didn't know that existed, thanks man
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<testuser[m]> Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 IST 2022
<testuser[m]> Soon
<acheam> Happy new years!
* acheam checks watch
<acheam> still have 10.5 hrs here
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<dilyn> happy new year folx:)
<phoebos> acheam: ls -q
<phoebos> is posix
<phoebos> but if you're parsing ls, you need to use a language other than sh
<dilyn> doing $(ls) | while read foo; do ...; done is my favorite thing
<phoebos> *visible discomfort*
<dilyn> :V
<dilyn> only on known-safe filenames tho
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