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<phoebos> wow the comsci course at my uni suggest doing 'export PATH=./:$PATH' in order to "save lots of typing"
<phoebos> in the ~/.profile as well
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<dilyn> ...
<dilyn> that is absolutely disgusting smh
<noocsharp> at the very least do ./bin
<dilyn> if you're going to put it in .profile you should just be correct lmfao
<dilyn> "save typing" biiiiiitttccchhhh
<noocsharp> "if you'd like to press 2 fewer keys and pollute your home directory with garbage"
<dilyn> XD
<phoebos> at the very _very_ least, put ./ after PATH so that you can have files with the same names as actual programs without everything breaking
<phoebos> computer scientists smh
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> Guest93: yeah but it's unusable for any recent GPU
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<Guest93> Hi
<Guest93> testuser[m]: I have a fairly new graphics card, but nouveau works fine in Arch Linux, despite the lack of hardware acceleration
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<testuser[m]> Guest93: Just build mesa with nouveau support and enable it in kernel
<testuser[m]> The decades-long goal of software reuse has been achieved in modern development, where today’s software is built using 100s of projects
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<dilyn> testuser is now just a professional shitposter lmfao
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<ax> hello kiss community ... I see with regret that dylan has disappeared and something as banal as pigz continues to break dependence on other things. That said, how did you fix last: can't open '/ dev / null / wtmp': Not a directory? Has anyone made a patch for musl? I compiled utmps but it doesn't seem to hit
<ax> or perhaps we should consider --disable-utmp in the base system
<omanom> this alpine ticket seems to reference the issue you had?
<ax> what i was saying ... we need to recompile coreutils but in this fix he include utmps
<ax> ok ... i build it, test this solution.
<ax> i doubt the library does its job on init base system
<ax> but... now test. thanks omanom
<omanom> sure, hope it solves the issue!
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<phoebos> ( ˘ ³˘)♥
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<phoebos> lol june recommends packagers to add macros sooo
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