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<Jeff42> which were them?
<noocsharp> actually wait, nvm i didn't
<noocsharp> i was just looking at extra entries that i had for other stuff
<noocsharp> your kernel is called vmlinuz-5.16.0-rc4?
<Jeff42> yes, the vmlinuz file is called that
<noocsharp> what's the output if you run the `file` command on it?
<noocsharp> actually first i should ask, have you build a custom kernel before?
<Jeff42> yes, many times for Gentoo but I never tried a kernel with only modules built-in
<Jeff42> (I always used udev)
<noocsharp> ok, so you know where to get vmlinu* from
<noocsharp> i guess run `file` anyway to double check that it's the right one
<noocsharp> tbh it's been a while since i had to do anything with grub, so not sure if i'm the best person to help
<Jeff42> yep seems to be the right one
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<Jeff42> noocsharp The problem is with my graphics driver as setting nomodeset allows me to run the system perfectly (amdgpu driver does not load because of nomodeset though)
<noocsharp> ok, well i've never had to deal with that so can't help you there
<noocsharp> apologies
<Jeff42> no need for apologize, you helped me a lot
<noocsharp> but other's here have i'm pretty sure so i'll leave it to them
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<noocsharp> my compiler now has procedures that can be called with parameters
<noocsharp> i have spent the last 3 days thinking purely about types and stacks
<acheam> nice
<acheam> noocsharp: whats atd? Looks like some client server network thing
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<tleydxdy[m]> if I want to write a script that gets triggered when say my laptop is plugged in, what's the best way to go about it?
<tleydxdy[m]> for file changes there's inotifywait, I guess I would need to write something like that for uevents?
<dilyn> acpid
<tleydxdy[m]> would that conflicts with udev?
<tleydxdy[m]> well, to clearify, I don't really want to put some config into the system, rather I want it to be something the user can run
<tleydxdy[m]> the naive solution would be to poll /sys on a loop, but that's clearly bad
<dilyn> if you want it to be a thing the user can run and NOT be triggered, then it doesn't need to be automated; the user will know when to run it...
<dilyn> acpid scripts are also user-executable tho
<tleydxdy[m]> say the user want to have a notification pop up in their desktop everytime the power is plugged in (or a drive etc), I want it to be something they can run and it would do that. rather than say I have to have the admin put some script in the udev rules.
<tleydxdy[m]> or to have the admin run a daemon really. but if that's the only way then I guess
<dilyn> so you want a notification daemon? most of those require dbus...
<dilyn> though someone around here made a thing a long while ago iirc
<tleydxdy[m]> it's just a example
<tleydxdy[m]> the point is run a script when uevents happen
<tleydxdy[m]> s/the point is run a script when uevents happen/the point is have the user hook a script to when uevents happen/
<dilyn> Right, but that's a question with a broad number of answers. Hence all my suggestions and questions XD
<dilyn> like, yes you can just read a file. Or if it's an event something like acpid could read it, OR you could use something like dbus
<tleydxdy[m]> hmm, I guess I'm not understanding something here
<dilyn> or i am
<tleydxdy[m]> say with the acpid solution
<tleydxdy[m]> I assume the admin has to set it to run on boot, which I guess is fine. then what?
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<dilyn> the acpid solution just requires you to enable the acpid service and then from there you just have a control/hooks script that lives in /etc
<tleydxdy[m]> which means admin has to put stuff there right?
<dilyn> correct
<tleydxdy[m]> yeah, so a user can't hook into the event
<tleydxdy[m]> only admin can
<dilyn> i mean a user can do something like this
<tleydxdy[m]> exactly
<dilyn> which is what you're suggesting sort of with watching files
<tleydxdy[m]> but that means it need to have it in a loop
<tleydxdy[m]> inotify doesn't work on sysfs nodes
<tleydxdy[m]> sadly
<dilyn> f
<tleydxdy[m]> so I'm thinking if I just need to write a small program that just listens to uevents and exits
<tleydxdy[m]> * and exits when events come
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<illiliti> tleydxdy[m]: you can leverage your device manager to show notifications
<illiliti> but if you want to write portable solution, then you need to write program that listens to uevents(see `busybox uevent` for example)
<tleydxdy[m]> oh sweet
<tleydxdy[m]> didn't know busybox has something like that
<tleydxdy[m]> I was reading the libudev man pages and was kinda lost
<illiliti> you don't need libudev for such simple thing
<tleydxdy[m]> I guess it makes sense since busybox can handle udev stuff
<tleydxdy[m]> yeah, I don't know anything about these
<noocsharp> acheam: let's you interface with the modem on a pinephone
<noocsharp> atd does
<bujeddhazeus> I'm actually wondering whether I should be using mdev instead of manually creating device nodes for the hardware I need to access on early boot for my current project
<bujeddhazeus> Debating internally more like
<bujeddhazeus> I run udev once I've booted usually
<illiliti> udev? it doesn't exist on kisslinux
<bujeddhazeus> Ah apologies for interrupting on-topic conversation, you got me. I use gentoo
<bujeddhazeus> I just randomly decided to come in here when I was experiencing issues and decided to stay here, people seem nice enough
<illiliti> then i don't understand why you need mdev to create nodes if you already have udev
<bujeddhazeus> initramfs
<bujeddhazeus> I wouldn't include udev in an initramfs, especially when that's a common use for busybox
<tleydxdy[m]> for me I just copy over any node I need
<tleydxdy[m]> which is not that many
<bujeddhazeus> Yeah. Same here. However, when cross-compiling, it's a bit trickier
<tleydxdy[m]> ye
<bujeddhazeus> There's always running raspios to get the mknod values in my case, our searching through kernel sources or whatever
<bujeddhazeus> s/our/or/
<bujeddhazeus> Looks like I'm tired
<illiliti> bujeddhazeus: udev can be used in initramfs
<illiliti> there's nothing wrong with it
<bujeddhazeus> Right. But I'd rather keep it as only part of the main OS along with openrc and friends for some reason unknown to me
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<phinxy> What's the `top` for kiss?
<phinxy> I was expecting htop in the repo.
<testuser[m]> Use the community repository
<testuser[m]> It has htop
<phinxy> What's the URL?
<phinxy> Cheers.
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<akira01> Yo guys
<akira01> anyone ever find a way to make firefox detect microphone with alsa only?
<akira01> Never have a solution for this
<phinxy> What should I do to organize out of tree programs, make a personal kiss repo, how hard is that to do?
<phinxy> Stick 'em in /local?
<testuser[m]> making kiss packages is super easy
<akira01> yep
<akira01> either i made some packages and iam too noob for this
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<jedavies> Anyone know how I can change passwords for a chroot? Busybox passwd seems to have /etc/shadow hardcoded. If it's a different arch I can't chroot into it and run passwd.
<testuser[m]> just set pass with passwd on another chroot and copy over the hash into broken chroot
<testuser[m]> from /etc/passwd
<testuser[m]> shadow*
<Jeff42> Sway-tiny has a blank yellow screen without a mouse and keybinds not working, how do I fix that? (XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is a folder in my home directory)
<jedavies> testuser: Yeah may just have to use a predetermined passwd file. Working on a pmbootstrap-style script for the pinephone, wanted a way of creating a default user/password.
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<phinxy> I adopted another package's `build` file which removed intltool from the build, for "isight-firmware-tools".  Could the package now be helpful for somebody else, i.e. can this be pushed to the community repo or is it too trivial?
<testuser[m]> u can put anything in community repo as long as you're willing to maintain it
<testuser[m]> but usually people put such stuff that isnt very popular into their personal public repos
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<testuser[m]> Rich
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<acheam> noocsharp: nice
<acheam> how are your pinephone adventures doing?
<acheam> done much since the summer?
<acheam> phinxy: whats wrong with top?
<phinxy> just never learnt how to use it
<acheam> oh the way you worded your question it sounded like top wasnt installed or something
<phinxy> I gladly use programs like wpa_cli and top should perhaps be something to teach myself
<acheam> also your build files should never modify /
<acheam> so instead of /lib/modules, it should be $1/lib/modules
<acheam> also you can use uname to find kernel version
<phinxy> It's almquist shell, right?  How would uname in a environment variable declaration look like?
<phinxy> `X="hello $(uname -r) world"` seems alright
<acheam> yep
<acheam> although you may need to cut it at "-" if your kernel name has one in it
<acheam> uname -s | cut -d '-' -f 1
<phinxy> I the build file to append to the existing /lib/modules/*/modules.dep, with a $1 at the front of the path, could kiss interfere with the file edit?
<phinxy> I wanted the build file *
<acheam> hmm thats tough
<acheam> you could do it in a post-install files
<phinxy> That would be better
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<noocsharp> acheam: i haven't done much on it since summer
<noocsharp> i think i bit of more than i could chew
<noocsharp> off*
<noocsharp> but atd is probably the most valuable part, so might try to get it working with some other ui
<acheam> nice
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<phinxy> i copied mesa to mesa-2.  How can mesa-2 be made to satisfy dependencies for mesa?
<phinxy> would be nice with a "replaces" file
<acheam> dont rename packages
<phinxy> How would you suggest to edit them?
<acheam> just fork it to another package called mesa and put that higher in KISS_PATH
<acheam> or keep it as mesa-2 and symlink it
<acheam> to change the dependency in already-installed programs you can just change the text in /var/db/kiss
<phinxy> mv /var/db/kiss/mesa-2 /var/db/kiss/mesa ?
<acheam> change the name of the package in your repo
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<sad_plan> o/
<acheam> hey sad_plan
<sad_plan> hey acheam