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<revilo345[m]> I have an installation issue. after booting into live environment has anyone encountered issues when partitioning ?
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<acheam> what issues
<acheam> noocsharp: but can! mu ha ha ah
<noocsharp> it goes down twice a year when i update openbsd
<acheam> and thats all the info I need
<noocsharp> also i was joking because github goes down concerningly often
<acheam> really? Only major outage I can think of is the big one recently
<acheam> but I also barely use it, so wouldn't smaller outages
<acheam> s/smaller/notice smaller/g
<noocsharp> i recall 2 recent outages at least
<noocsharp> which is unacceptable for something as essential as github
<acheam> yeah
<noocsharp> i really should delete my github account, move to
<noocsharp> but i want to get a job
<acheam> I just have my GH profile point to my personal website
<acheam> I dont delete repos from there though, so it at least doesn't look dead
<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> noocsharp: just mirror everhwhere
<noocsharp> i already mirror on my website, no point in if i already have github
<testuser[m]> Also what does shithub have to do with job just point people to sourcehut for your projects
<noocsharp> managers do hiring and managers don't know what sourcehut is
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<noocsharp> indeed
<noocsharp> i like your github bio
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<Guest12> what's the best privacy respecting open-source email client that has a gui?
<Guest12> for some, you have to go through extensive configuration because they leak your timezone in the header, for example
<Guest12> this is unrelated to kiss
<testuser[m]> thunderbird? idk
<testuser[m]> there was this claws mail thing too
<Guest12> yeah claw is the one leaking i think
<testuser[m]> oh
<testuser[m]> what do you even use email for other than receiving verification codes
<Guest12> if it was for me, i'd just use a client that runs in the terminal
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<phinxy> Version -
<phinxy> The version file is a single line split into two mandatory fields. The first
<phinxy> field is the package's version and the second field the version of the
<phinxy> repository files themselves.
<phinxy> Can someone explain the second field?
<testuser[m]> its for release bumps
<acheam> its for if you update the build file but not the software version for example
<testuser[m]> u add package initial version 1.0 with rel 1
<testuser[m]> then u forgor 💀 to apply a patch but people already installed rel 1
<testuser[m]> so you bump rel to 2 then version file is "1 2"
<testuser[m]> so the package is rebuilt
<phinxy> makes kiss not use a cached file?
<testuser[m]> no it makes it rebuild the package
<testuser[m]> with any changes you made to the package
<phinxy> Oh OK I get it.
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<chadwb[m]> Is there any way to use a kernel that's already precompiled? I'm not sure what I am doing wrong (perhaps it is because of my corebooted BIOS) but I simply can't make a working kernel
<soliwilos> chadwb[m]: You should be able to use pretty much any kernel that has drivers for your hardware.
<soliwilos> Tried using make defconfig?
<chadwb[m]> Do you have any guidance on where to download one?
<chadwb[m]> I have done make defconfig then made some minor changes and trying to boot such as changing hostname & processor type. Doesn't let me boot
<chadwb[m]> s/Do you have any guidance on where to download one?/Do you have any guidance on how the process for that works?/
<soliwilos> What's the error it stops the boot with?
<chadwb[m]> I'll try to do it again from the beginning, i'll report back
<soliwilos> chadwb[m]: You can also list the kernel drivers in use on whatever linux you booted it with to install: lspci -k | grep driver
<soliwilos> Then make sure your kernel has them.
<reynald_> hello I have installed kiss today in qemu, but I have a problem: buid package are not a problem but install it give me an error like usr/bin/kiss: line 164: cd: /var/db/kiss/installed/cmake: No
<reynald_> usr/bin/kiss: line 164: cd: /var/db/kiss/installed/cmake: No such file or directory
<phoebos> reynald_: what command were you running?
<phoebos> can you check manually if /var/db/kiss/installed/cmake exists
<phoebos> are you using KISS_ROOT
<reynald_> kiss i cmake
<phoebos> what user are you running kiss as
<reynald_> I put this export KISS_ROOT="/" in .profile
<reynald_> as user with doas
<phoebos> you don't need to do that for KISS_ROOT but it shouldn't cause a problem
<phoebos> try using kiss from master
<reynald_> ok I am not familar with git, how I do that please
<reynald_> ok it's work now with kiss from master thank you ;)
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<phoebos> need a kiss release :p
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<dilyn> KISS with binary packages when?
<dilyn> KISS with binary packages NOW
<acheam> i dont know what to make of this
<acheam> why apt?
<dilyn> coworker asked for it
<dilyn> lol
<tleydxdy[m]> kiss at work?
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