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<noocsharp> yeah, i think others have done that
<bujeddhazeus> Ok
<bujeddhazeus> I'll see whether I find a fix for my issue and if I don't I'll email him
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> bujeddhazeus: gdb Firefox and check backtrace
<testuser[m]> Check what library the segfault is in
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<illiliti> need help
<illiliti> post output of `lsof | grep $$`
<illiliti> are you on wayland/sway?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<illiliti> which sway? sway-no-seat, sway-tiny, sway or ..?
<testuser[m]> recent git normal sway
<testuser[m]> but with the eglstream wlroots
<illiliti> seatd embedded into sway?
<soliwilos> If it helps:
<soliwilos> I'm running hikari.
<illiliti> testuser[m]: btw, looks like you have fd leak of /dev/dri/card0
<illiliti> i do have fd leaks too but not /dev/dri/card0
<testuser[m]> no im using libseat as a shared library
<illiliti> see those sockets?
<testuser[m]> hmm
<illiliti> something didn't set O_CLOEXEC...
<illiliti> i think it's seatd
<illiliti> true lsof reveals that type of those sockets is stream
<illiliti> this bug should be reproducible with sway-no-seat
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<bujeddhazeus> testuser: I did backtrace it, but it's difficult to tell, because it segfaults at a different place with debug symbols compiled in and without
<bujeddhazeus> Like, when built with debug symbols, this is what I get:
<bujeddhazeus> It crashes in an extra debug function while exiting
<bujeddhazeus> I think one of the differences between this build and the one for kisslinux, though, is dbus support is enabled
<testuser[m]> Hmm
<testuser[m]> The normal ff works right ? The patch doesn't make any actual code changes but just swaps around ifdefs to remove x11 headers so it shouldn't cause issues
<testuser[m]> Also can u show the backtrace with normal non-debug ff if u have it
<bujeddhazeus> testuser: i guess I'm going to need to build it with X11 dependencies to test next
<bujeddhazeus> Yeah I can backtrace the non-debug ff in a bit (I'm still waking up) but it won't show much
<bujeddhazeus> testuser: to be completely honest, back in June/July I had no idea that the kisslinux patch existed so I took the old ff85 patches from mozilla bugzilla and fixed em up for ff89... that worked but I never ended up uploading it because I got burnout
<bujeddhazeus> So now with ff94 I wanted to try Dylan's patch
<bujeddhazeus> There may be more differences between the two than I thought though, and his patch might be incompatible with my build options for ff94
<jslick> Trying to use json-glib as a dependency but getting ` ERROR: Unknown options: "docs"`
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