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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<phoebos> > a scheme implemented in GNU make
<phoebos> wow
<testuser[m]> Bruh
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<noocsharp> thanks, will send patch
<noocsharp> i believe i also have several other outdated packages
<phoebos> :)
<testuser[m]> :(
<phoebos> i only pinged you bcs 1.4.4 fixes two CVEs
<phoebos> :p
<noocsharp> unfortunately dilyn hasn't applied the update i send for mupdf a few days ago so not sure how soon he'll apply this one
<phoebos> dilyn: tut tut
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<natris1979[m]> Holy cow. That lisp. I'll never understand why people torture themselves like that
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<illiliti> king is cancelled from now
<cem> illiliti: yeah, it's quite unfortunate that google owns go
<cem> requiring a google account for it is plain stupid
<phoebos> that is stupid
<phoebos> i wonder if vlang is any good
<phoebos> meant to be like go without gc
<phoebos> compiles to c
<phoebos> no cla
<illiliti> vlang is yet another vala with bad reputation
<illiliti> iirc, it is implemented gc recently
<phoebos> ugh
<noocsharp> my language has if/else now :v
<illiliti> xd
<illiliti> link?
<noocsharp> i don't think it's even turing complete yet
<illiliti> looks simple and clean
<noocsharp> hopefully i can keep it that way as it grows
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<illiliti> wow
<illiliti> zfs survived power outage with no data corruption
<illiliti> that's good
<illiliti> yes, i did zfs-on-root
<illiliti> zfs is the only way to get rid of lvm2
<akspecs> illiliti: do it again, jim!
<illiliti> i will!
<illiliti> btw, zfs+encryption is much faster than luks
<illiliti> zfs boots in 2-3s, while luks boots in 9s
<illiliti> i don't know why luks is so bad
<noocsharp> i should encrypt my laptop's disk again
<noocsharp> before i moved to kiss i had an arch install that was encrypted
<akspecs> has zfs native encryption ever gone up against an audit?
<akspecs> i imagine LUKS is tried, tested, reliable
<akspecs> one can make the argument, that since there some 3 letter agency influence in the development of zfs, they would implement some form of a backdoor -- label it a bugdoor the moment it's found out, and so on, and so forth
<illiliti> valid point
<noocsharp> you could make that argument about the linux kernel
<illiliti> luks is battle-tested and reliable, while zfs is still new
<illiliti> BUT
<illiliti> zfs is better maintained than lvm2
<illiliti> lvm2 contains shitton of legacy(and probably vulnerable) code
<illiliti> i rather trust zfs than lvm2
<illiliti> fyi: cryptsetup depends on lvm2
<akspecs> how about luks + zfs + something other + ???? = profit
<akspecs> or however the meme goes
<illiliti> too slow
<akspecs> apparently veracrypt underwent an audit, or whatever it was called prior
<akspecs> and the audit spoke favorably of it, despite the code being considered "outdated"
<akspecs> i imagine a good cypher may withstand time longer that most will appreciate depsite quantum computing and other advancements in tech
<akspecs> to this day, millions of dollars worth of super computers will take a looooooonnnngg time to break a good encryption