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<acheam> Your computer already runs minix
<acheam> Assuming its Intel
<acheam> (At least thats what my intel tells me)
<acheam> ba dum tss
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<_phoebos> wahey pounce is working
<_phoebos> methinks
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<phoebos> sorry about the spamming
<phoebos> but it werks now!
<akspecs> phoebos: why `ew GNU'
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<GalaxyNova> akspecs: GPL and general unixy ness
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<riteo> hiiiii!
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<riteo> oof I already have to go but I should come soon(tm). Cya lateer!
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> kyxor: its not needed for wayland
<testuser[m]> You're on X right ?
<kyxor> testuser[m]: Hi! yep x11
<kyxor> What do I need to change to get them back, I mean I could just make symlinks to /lib folder in the package build script, but I am not sure how it worked before 92 version
<acheam> Git diff?
<testuser[m]> It needs it's own libgles stuff
<testuser[m]> yeah just check the 2nd latest diff of chromium package
<kyxor> acheam: that's not so simple to spot or tell though, expicially when the git diff is like 10 terminal screens long. Thanks testuser, I'll take a look at older commits more closely
<testuser[m]> Just check diff of the build file
<testuser[m]> im pretty sure u just need the install lines back, libglesv2* will be built
<testuser[m]> No need to change flag
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<necromansy> hello lads
<kyxor> ok yep, found it. I would of never thought that those not needed on wayland
<testuser[m]> necromansy: hi
<kyxor> testuser[m]: is there a way to disable gpu support completely in chrome, for example if so, I think that might reduce compile times quite a lot
<kyxor> cause for my use cases chromium doing everything on cpu is oddly more beneficial, as I get frequent gpu crashes anyway from it
<testuser[m]> I don't think so, but run `gn args out/Release --list | grep '^.*_gpu'`
<testuser[m]> I forgot the exact gn args command but you can find it by --help
<kyxor> ok!
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<riteo> hiii! I'm back!
<kyxor> kcd giflib
<kyxor> oopps wrong term :)
<testuser[m]> riteo: Hi
<kyxor> dylan dropped rsync from his repo so now crosstool-ng/ won't build
<riteo> oh talking about networking I just recalled noticing that dropbear wasn't the default for kiss linux, does anyone know why's that?
<riteo> it looks really similar to busybox under some aspects and I was really wondering why OpenSSH was the default.
<riteo> (similar in phylosophy)
<riteo> these minimalists smh my head
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<acheam> riteo: the only "default" packages in KISS are the ones in repo/core IMO
ElKowar549 is now known as ElKowar
<riteo> acheam: yes and there is only openssh
<acheam> Thats in repo/extra
<riteo> wait really
<riteo> kiss-find didn't find it
<riteo> yeah it isn't there
<acheam> No, openssh is in repo/extra, which by my definition doesnt make it a default package
<acheam> But its semantics
<riteo> oooh you mean that, sorry
<acheam> It doesnt really matter
<riteo> still, I find it weird that there's only openssh when dropbear is more light, small and embedded friendly, much like busybox
<acheam> Personally, I could never get dropbear to work how I wanted
<riteo> I see
<acheam> Openssh isnt that bloated, and has other helpful utilities that dropbear doesnt include like ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id
<riteo> oh
<riteo> how does one generate an ssh key without ssh-keygen?
<riteo> openssl?
<testuser[m]> by hand
<acheam> Nvm it has "dropbearkey"
<acheam> And dropbearconvert
<riteo> brb reading the ed25519 spec to generate my key with pen and paper
<riteo> oh cool
<riteo> well, there are some people like me who just do basic ssh authentication and nothing more
<riteo> that's another thing in my list of things to do/push
<acheam> Use keys my guy
<riteo> wait don't keys work with ssh
<riteo> I mean
<riteo> dropbear
<acheam> Wait can you use dropbear as an ssh client?
<riteo> I thought that was the point of it
<acheam> Oh well thats a dealbeaker for me
<riteo> I didn't know you could use it as a server lol
<acheam> I thought it was only a server
<acheam> Look at us, two very well informed individuals having a great debate rooted in facts
<riteo> #kisslinux moment
<riteo> well, I'll be packaging it soon right when I happen to use my laptop again
<riteo> but maybe after pushing cataclysm-dda-curses which actually builds to kiss-games
<riteo> (and maybe fixing the tiles version too while I'm at it)
<riteo> well, gtg, cya later!
riteo has quit [Quit: epic great debate rooted in facts moment]
<phoebos> doesn't dropbear use an incompatible key format to openssh?
<phoebos> also riteo, openssh is still good software
<acheam> Yes it does phoebos
<acheam> Which is why dropbearconvert(1) exists
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<riteo> hiiii! I'm back!
<testuser[m]> hi
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<riteo> I'll go for now, cya later!
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