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duplex2 has joined #kisslinux
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<acheam> duplex: cp it to "$1/usr/bin" not /bin
<acheam> cjw95: full log needed
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<duplex> acheam: will that make it accessible to all users?
<acheam> it would have been that way anyhow
<duplex> so yes?
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<GalaxyNova> duplex: /bin is s symlink to /usr/bin
<GalaxyNova> that's how it is on lots of unix systems
<GalaxyNova> so yes it will
<GalaxyNova> also
kyxor has joined #kisslinux
<kyxor> wow dylan adopted kirc into his repo - respect.
<kyxor> I decided to purge all rust dependancy packages from my repos. RIP
<acheam> nice
<acheam> what packages were those?
<cjw95> rust is massive but theres so much cool stuff being written in it
<kyxor> It's maybe cool but I stick to traditional C programs (simply preferance)
<acheam> like what cjw95
<kyxor> acheam: pretty much all that are in community and firefox + cbindgen + rust in repo-main
<acheam> nice
<acheam> I never actually installed rust just by virtue of my software choices on my kiss machine
<duplex> would anyone be interested in me adding genfstab to the community repo?
<acheam> I doubt it would be denied
<acheam> But I also doubt that usage would be very high
<acheam> and its also not really needed as a package given you can just kiss b bash, and then run jt
<acheam> you don't need it after the install
<kyxor> dupex: Oh idk if it's better but I use
<kyxor> It seems to suit my needs
<acheam> the one I linked is by cem which makes it 10x better by default
<duplex> I use that the one by cem
<duplex> but not just for install
<duplex> well install of main system
<duplex> I use it a decent bit
<acheam> no reason not to package it then
<kyxor> oh yeah it's smaller, nice
<duplex> also has a man page which is nice
<acheam> yes.
<cjw95> @acheam rust programs I use daily are ripgrep, nushell, starship, exa, alacritty. (cool but not very KISS!)
<acheam> indeed not very kiss lol
<acheam> but whatever floats yer boat
<acheam> I think I'm still the maintainer of exa actually
<kyxor> I heard that ripgrep is some magic in terms of performace
<acheam> dilyn: can you please drop all my packages
<duplex> before I go through the process of packaging it, has anyone already packaged gummiboot?
<acheam> like, systemd-boot?
<duplex> yesn't
<acheam> kyxor: it is very fast
<duplex> gummiboot was eaten by systemd but alpine still maintains it
<kyxor> if ripgrep is really that good, we need a good C port then, I am sure C can kick it in the balls if someone cares to optimize
<acheam> there is the_silver_searcher
<acheam> but its not as fast
<acheam> still much faster than grep though
<cjw95> haha small world. kyxor it blows grep out of the water
<acheam> there is also ugrep, but its cpp
<acheam> it is between ripgrep and silver_searcher in speed
<acheam> I don't think ripgrwp is that much faster than ugrep though
<kyxor> well, whatever the magic they are using is probably from more efficient algos, or they use advanced hardware features like AVX instruction set
<acheam> oh nice duplex
<acheam> might give that a shot at some point
<cjw95> ooh will have to give ugrep a try
<acheam> warning: ugrep is big bloat
<acheam> has archive support and stuff
<duplex> gummiboot is more KISS than grub imo
<acheam> grub isnt a very high standard
<duplex> yeah fair
<acheam> honestly there are no good bios bootloaders
<duplex> gummiboot is uefi only sadly
<acheam> oh
<acheam> why bother then?
<acheam> unless your dualbooting, efistub works well I've heard
<duplex> not for me
<duplex> my uefi wipes efistubs
<acheam> oh
<acheam> bruh
<duplex> after a couple reboots it's gone
<duplex> but it still looks for BOOTX64.efi
<duplex> which gummiboot has
<duplex> so it works
<duplex> I could probably fix that though
<duplex> my uefi is OSS thankfully
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<duplex> I've seen a few things being built with libblkid in the official KISS repo but I can't find a package for it. does anyone know if another package is providing it?
<kyxor> ok I don't get it, how did dylan get rid of gzip but his package manager is still trying to use gzip to extract tarballs
<kyxor> ohh I see, wtf
<kyxor> the package for it now is pigz (gzip) was an alias name
<kyxor> well that's an easy way to brick a system, is to remove pigz, if you do you can't install most packages anymore, but more important you can't install pigz itself without having pigz
<kyxor> good that i have backups lol
<kqz> duplex: util-linux
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<GalaxyNova> My ISP's DNS server is down again ;(
<GalaxyNova> how hard can it be to NOT fuck up the DNS servers every fucking second
<GalaxyNova> this is the third time this has happened this month
<noocsharp> use a different dns server
<GalaxyNova> like google dns? lol
<acheam> very occasionally it had issues
<acheam> but its privacy respecting at least
<GalaxyNova> thanks
<noocsharp> yo, it supports dns over tls
<noocsharp> thats pretty nice
<noocsharp> how do i configure my system to use dns over tls by default?
<acheam> isnt that just a web browser thing?
<acheam> oh maybe try using this?
<noocsharp> my understanding is libc does dns resolution
<GalaxyNova> what??
<GalaxyNova> noocsharp: Doesn't dhcpcd do that?
<noocsharp> dhcp != dns
<noocsharp> dhcp assigns ip addresses to devices on a network, resolves ip addresses from domain names
<noocsharp> s/resolves/dns resolves/
<cotangent> <noocsharp> dhcp assigns ip addresses to devices on a network, dns resolves ip addresses from domain names
<acheam> yes but libc doesnt do https
<acheam> so you usr a proxy
<acheam> whether that be the browser, or this software
<acheam> at least that's my understanding
<noocsharp> but i _want_ libc to to tls
<noocsharp> s/to to/to do/
<cotangent> <noocsharp> but i _want_ libc to do tls
<acheam> lol
<acheam> get patching
<noocsharp> brb, gonna embarrass myself in #musl
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<testuser[m]> Hi
manjaro-user has joined #kisslinux
<noocsharp> hello
<noocsharp> and goodnight
<manjaro-user> This is the IRC for kiss right? Never used IRC before
<manjaro-user> And I'm using it off of a live USB
<acheam> yes
<manjaro-user> OK, I was going to ask where I can get the lz4 package. But I see it is in community
<manjaro-user> So I need to git clone that and add to my KISS_PATH, and I should be good. I'm doing my first Kiss install btw
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<acheam> yes
<manjaro-user> is the fact that the repo is archived by the owner at all a concern?
<testuser[m]> use kiss-community/community
<manjaro-user> got a direct link to that?
<manjaro-user> I can't find it
<manjaro-user> thanks
<acheam> DYLAN: would you be able to clarify the situation with the community repo? if you don't plan on bringing it back could you update the readme/description to point to kiss-community? thanks!
<testuser[m]> I don't remember properly but i think he decided to limit the official kiss to just the main repo, no more community one
<manjaro-user> I get an error when building efibootmgr. Are there any known bugs currently for that?
<testuser[m]> Log ? I think rieto encountered that
<testuser[m]> Riteo
<manjaro-user> I'm new to IRC, should I just paste the last few error lines? Does this chat even handle multiple lines? lol
<manjaro-user> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<manjaro-user> make[1]: *** [/root/.cache/kiss/proc/873594/build/efivar/src/include/ thread-test] Error 1
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<manjaro-user> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<manjaro-user> make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/.cache/kiss/proc/873594/build/efivar/src'
<manjaro-user> make: *** [Makefile:14: all] Error 2
<testuser[m]> do `kiss fork efibootmgr; cd efibootmgr`
<manjaro-user> ok
<testuser[m]> And then replace the first occurance of `make` with `make ||:`
<testuser[m]> kiss fork means to create a personal copy of the package
<testuser[m]> So you can modify it
<testuser[m]> Replace it in the `build` file
<manjaro-user> and then just run make within the directory?
<testuser[m]> Amd type `kiss b` without extra args so it will build the package in current directory
<testuser[m]> no
<manjaro-user> ok
<manjaro-user> build still failed
<testuser[m]> |nc 9999 < build`
<testuser[m]> `nc 9999 < build`
<testuser[m]> Run this to upload to a pastebjn
<testuser[m]> and send the link
<testuser[m]> Noo
<testuser[m]> You had to add it at the end of the command
<testuser[m]> Like `make EFIDIR=/boot/EFI efibootmgr ||:`
<manjaro-user> oh ok
<testuser[m]> `||:` makes it ignore errors, we can ignore here since it's just failing to build a unit test
<manjaro-user> well... it still failed though
<manjaro-user> I can send the build log to you the same I just sent build
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> Send it
<testuser[m]> Youre typing `kiss b` right and not kiss b efibootmgr
<manjaro-user> yes
<testuser[m]> Show the `build` file again
<testuser[m]> The latest changes
<testuser[m]> It should work
<testuser[m]> Wait
<testuser[m]> oh the build fails on efivar not efibootmgr
<testuser[m]> sorry
<testuser[m]> you need to make the same change in efivar, by `kiss fork efivar; cd efivar` and kiss b that, then kiss b efibootmgr
<manjaro-user> ok, can do
<manjaro-user> quick dumb question, the build for efivar has two instances of make. Do I need to make the change for both lines or just the first?
<testuser[m]> first
<testuser[m]> i reported the issue so it will be fixed in a few mins by dylan
<manjaro-user> awesome, they both installed correctly
<manjaro-user> also cool
<manjaro-user> thanks for the help
<testuser[m]> np
<manjaro-user> hopefully this install is successful
<testuser[m]> oh he fixed it a few seconds before i made the issue
<testuser[m]> bruh
<manjaro-user> does that mean I can go back and rebuild both without my forks?
<manjaro-user> kiss b efivar efibootmgr
<testuser[m]> after running `kiss u` yeah
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<GalaxyNova> Has anyone tried to get GNU icecat to work on KISS?
<GalaxyNova> I can't imagine the package to be much different than the current firefox one
<testuser[m]> why would you use it?
<testuser[m]> its just an ancient firefox
<testuser[m]> and esr wont work on ayyland
<GalaxyNova> oh
<GalaxyNova> that's unfortunate
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: because privacy
<testuser[m]> arkenfox user.js goes brr
<testuser[m]> there's not much a hard fork does that a userjs cant
<testuser[m]> thats a bs site
<testuser[m]> most of it is valid
<testuser[m]> but exaggerated
<GalaxyNova> it's hosted on neocities so it must be true /s
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<ang> kiss-repo-ophans seems broken, it never lists anything
<testuser[m]> Did you unset KISS_PATH and check ?
<testuser[m]> Oh yeah it is broken
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<ang> the whole logic in the script seems wrong afaict
<ang> that works
<testuser[m]> there's an implementation inside kiss itself also
<testuser[m]> in pkg_upgrade
<ang> oh yeah, I noticed the output during an upgrade
<ang> let me have a peek
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<ang> how I did it seems best. Doing it how it's done in kiss, would mean duplicating more if its code
<ang> s/if/of/
<cotangent> <ang> how I did it seems best. Doing it how it's done in kiss, would mean duplicating more of its code
<acheam> ang: how does that work? isnt NF a number?
<ang> $ is to access fields and takes an expression
<ang> $(NF-1) would be the second last field
<acheam> oh I missed the dollar sign
<acheam> Thanks!
<dilyn> acheam: you should make an issue on the repo to put them up for adoption
<acheam> but github :(
<dilyn> f
<testuser[m]> dont you need to use shithub to contribute to most stuff anyway
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<FartOfDarkness69> Hey guys, kiss b alacritty is failing because of missing libX dependencies
<FartOfDarkness69> also what launcher are you guys using on wayland?
<acheam> launcher?
<FartOfDarkness69> like rofi, dmenu ect
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<RaveDave91> Hello
<FartOfDarkness69> hey
<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> FartOfDarkness69: alacritty is orphaned
<testuser[m]> You can adopt it and change the build script to use `cargo build --features wayland --no-default-features`
<FartOfDarkness69> Nice, cheers!
<FartOfDarkness69> was thinking about using cargo as a secondary package manager anyway, will have a look at the build script in the week
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riteo has joined #kisslinux
<riteo> hiiiiiiii!
riteo is now known as riteo-laptop
<riteo-laptop> yes, I'm still on that laptop
<riteo-laptop> I've read almost every single kernel compile option and did my own config
<riteo-laptop> it took me 3 days
<testuser[m]> nice
<riteo-laptop> but I'm back again, with one small problem: sway-tiny seems to work fine, but foot refuses to work
<testuser[m]> fonts ?
<riteo-laptop> exactly
<riteo-laptop> there's also a weird error regarding a certain fd (file descriptor?)
<testuser[m]> log
<riteo-laptop> right away
<riteo-laptop> I hand copied it, tell me if it works lol
<testuser[m]> just install a font
<riteo-laptop> oh
<testuser[m]> ttf-croscore
<riteo-laptop> I'll do that
<riteo-laptop> dylan should add it to the wayland page
<riteo-laptop> it starts now, thanks!
<riteo-laptop> now I have another issue though, as usual
<testuser[m]> what is it
<riteo-laptop> the characters are hilariously crammed toghether
<testuser[m]> jpg
<riteo-laptop> /bin/sh looks like "british" lol
<riteo-laptop> oh that's gonna take me a while, I've still got to download the software for that
<testuser[m]> change sway scaling settings i gues
<riteo-laptop> gimme me a minute
<testuser[m]> output HDMI-A-1 scale 1.25
<riteo-laptop> oh I'll try that before
<testuser[m]> meta (windoes key) + shift + c to restart sway
<testuser[m]> without exiting
<riteo-laptop> should it close and reopen?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> bar should flicker
<riteo-laptop> wait maybe I pressed fn
<riteo-laptop> I don't even have a bar lmao
<riteo-laptop> it does nothing, foot doesn't even close
<testuser[m]> then just exit sway
<testuser[m]> sway-tiny doesnt have a bar
<riteo-laptop> oh that explains it
<riteo-laptop> is there a combo for that? I couldn't find it
<riteo-laptop> otherwise I might need to killall it
<testuser[m]> win shift E
<testuser[m]> but having/not having a bar shouldnt affect exit/restart
<riteo-laptop> it doesn't do anything still
<riteo-laptop> I have no idea why it does that
<riteo-laptop> I only have two ttys, brb
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<riteo-laptop> ok sadly it did nothing
<testuser[m]> change font size in foot
<riteo-laptop> I mean, the font's smaller, but /bin/sh still reads as british
<testuser[m]> take this into .config/foot/foot.ini
<riteo-laptop> I'll do
<riteo-laptop> also thinking about it I'm an idiot, I could've closed sway from foot lol
<riteo-laptop> ok I tried it
<riteo-laptop> now the font's bigger, but britain still prevails
<testuser[m]> that might just be the font then
<testuser[m]> i use cantarell
<riteo-laptop> I'll try another font
<testuser[m]> jetbrains mono actually
<testuser[m]> cantarell for regular stuff
<riteo-laptop> is it packaged in community? I can't find that name
<testuser[m]> no fonts in repos
<riteo-laptop> oh community got dejavu
<testuser[m]> idk if people just dont care about fonts or package their own like me
<riteo-laptop> I'll try dejavu before because I already got the package metadata on hand
<riteo-laptop> and it works fine
<riteo-laptop> thanks for the help!
<riteo-laptop> so apparently that other font is broken
<riteo-laptop> oh, testuser[m] you're git-bruh?
<testuser[m]> perhap
<testuser[m]> s
<riteo-laptop> I didn't know that! I've seen that name pop up a lot on kiss related projects
<riteo-laptop> well, I had to change my kernel configuration and now I have to reboot. Since I'll probably still reboot a few times and soon I'll build firefox I think I'll come back later
<riteo-laptop> cya!
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<duplex34> do any packages supply gnu-efi-libs or liblzma-devel in kiss or kiss community repo?
<duplex34> actually it doesn't have to be devel
<dilyn> all of our packages are -devel packages
<dilyn> liblzma should be provided by... xz
<dilyn> i would assume gnu-efi-libs just provides evifar? which is just efivar in the main repo
<duplex34> I'm 90% certain it's a different thing
<dilyn> it was previously in community iirc
<dilyn> ah, still is
<duplex34> that's it
<dilyn> it's in community as gnu-efi
<duplex34> oh good
<duplex34> is it good practice to pregen man pages to remove an unneeded dependency?
<dilyn> mostly up to the maintainer, people sometimes make requests for manpages
<dilyn> in which case they should be pregenerated
<dilyn> scdoc has been an exception to this rule of thumb
<duplex34> ok cool I'll pregen it then
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<GalaxyNova> Can I safely remove /etc/sv/udevd?
<GalaxyNova> I don't use udev
<kqz> yes
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<dilyn> files in /etc aren't cleaned on package removal
<GalaxyNova> why not
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<duplex79> if I wanted to just use clang, libc++, and LLVM binutils what kiss fork/rootfs/overlay should I use?
<testuser[m]> wyverkiss
<testuser[m]> GalaxyNova they're cleaned only if original installed and current file at time of removal have same shasum
<duplex79> does wyverkiss work with the community repo?
<testuser[m]> ye
<testuser[m]> Most of it
<duplex79> alright cool
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<GalaxyNova> oh i see
<GalaxyNova> also btw
<GalaxyNova> anyone here use
manjaro-user has joined #kisslinux
<GalaxyNova> ^^^
<GalaxyNova> manjaro-user: Are you on manjaro
<manjaro-user> live usb
<manjaro-user> I was here last night to get help with my kiss install. It was a success, except that my internet is not working at all.
<manjaro-user> If I had to guess, I screwed up the kernel config. But could be something else.
<GalaxyNova> ah
<GalaxyNova> manjaro-user: It's most likely not a kernel config issue
<GalaxyNova> did you install dhcpcd?
<manjaro-user> yes
<GalaxyNova> did you enable the dhcpcd service?
<manjaro-user> probably not
<GalaxyNova> then that's the problem
<GalaxyNova> kiss h wiki/software/dhcpcd
<GalaxyNova> it shows you how to enable it
<manjaro-user> yep, I'm looking at that now
<manjaro-user> quick dumb question, how do I get doas or sudo? I did a kiss s doas and got nothing. But maybe the package is named something else
<GalaxyNova> opendoas is in the community repo
<GalaxyNova> sudo is no longer available in the main repositories, though you can get it by rolling back the repos before it was removed
<manjaro-user> I would rather use doas anyways
<duplex79> does wyverkiss have libgcc by default?
<GalaxyNova> duplex79: I don't think so
<GalaxyNova> it uses clang / llvm
<manjaro-user> what's the situation with kde on Kiss if you want to use wayland?
<manjaro-user> In the xorg vs wayland section, it talks about using wayland. You have to uncomment kwwinft and comment kwin in the build packages
<GalaxyNova> manjaro-user: KDE on kiss is not very well supported
<manjaro-user> ok, I suspected that may be the case
<GalaxyNova> you should ask dilyn, but personally I would just use sway
<manjaro-user> I was going to mess with sway regardless
<manjaro-user> Maybe use kde with sway instead of kwin. Idk
<dilyn> i wasn't able to get a wayland session to launch for KDE when I was working on it, but wayland support has only gotten better
<dilyn> however, you'll have to use xwayland (which means you'll need xorg-server) as I don't believe kwin(ft) support a strictly wayland-only session
<manjaro-user> how is kde support if I just use xorg?
<dilyn> kwin at least still requires xcb stuff afaik, and kwinft only advertises *better* wayland support, not strictly wayland support
<dilyn> kde works quite well if you're using just xorg
<dilyn> although you'll still have to install wayland
<dilyn> and you might run into a strange issue impacting some people (including me, sometimes) with plasmashell crashing. which I still haven't been able to figure out
<manjaro-user> so kde basically requires xorg and wayland?
<dilyn> but you could use something like sowm instead of kwin as your window manager
<dilyn> yes
<manjaro-user> If I do end up using kde, I'll likely use sway as my wm
<manjaro-user> I still love tiling wms. My reason for wanting to use kde is to get everything else
<dilyn> i don't know if you can switch kwin for sway but if you find that out lmk
<manjaro-user> I didn't think it would be an issue. I'm building sway right now, so I've yet to try anything
<dilyn> yeah I'm just not certain how KDE handles compositors; I know you can change the window manager itself that KDE will use, but I think the compositor might be less... selectable. I'll take a poke
<GalaxyNova> I don't think compositor effects will work if you use sway
<GalaxyNova> because kde expects you to use kwin
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<manjaro-user> So I was checking out the xorg repo
<manjaro-user> and its own extra repo, and has firefox. Which the core repo extra also has firefox
<manjaro-user> does that mean they'll conflict or anything like that if I had this xorg repo into my KISS_PATH?
<dilyn> `kiss` searches for packages like how PATH is searched
<dilyn> so whatever the first match is for repos in your KISS_PATH, that's the one which will be used
<manjaro-user> does that mean also that the order I have the repos in my path matters?
<manjaro-user> And, if so, do I need the xorg extra/comunity first. Since I assume that'll install firefox that works with xorg, and not wayland
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<dilyn> yes, yes
<manjaro-user> ok, I moved the xorg paths to be first
<manjaro-user> does kiss have i3 packaged?
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<noocsharp> see commit 77ad454a7 in community
<noocsharp> it was packaged, but it looks like it was never added to graveyard
<noocsharp> you can just retrieve it from there
<noocsharp> it's no longer in community because it doesn't support wayland
GalaxyNova has quit [Quit: Whoooooshh]
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<duplex79> musl doesn't support multiarch right?
<noocsharp> i mean it supports multiple architectures
<noocsharp> what is multiarch?
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<duplex79> noocsharp: "Multiarch is the term being used to refer to the capability of a system to install and run applications of multiple different binary targets on the same system. For example running a i386-linux-gnu application on an amd64-linux-gnu system."
<dilyn> you would certainly need to rebuild gcc with multilib support
<dilyn> i can only assume that you would need binutils and musl to change as well? but i'm not entirely certain
<duplex79> ok so could I safely pretend /usr/lib is the only place libs are going to be?
<dilyn> all */lib directories are symlinks to /usr/lib
<dilyn> KISS doesn't support multilib by default, everything is assumed x86_64
<duplex79> alright good
<dilyn> so /lib64 -> /usr/lib
<duplex79> that means I can easily fix clang with gummiboot