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<noocsharp> i don't care that much, it's just the first kiss related website i've seen in a different style
<micro_O> i'll look into adding separate pages for awesome-kiss, kiss-find, and any other community projects
<noocsharp> perhaps i should add my repo to kiss find
<micro_O> lmk where it lives, or just make a pr to add it to the includelist
<micro_O> oh, i should rename those lists, they dont make any sense right now
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<noocsharp> howdy
<noocsharp> to answer your question about npm from yesterday, it isn't online yet
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<rio6> is there a way for kiss root to export variables
<rio6> s/root/hook
<testuser[m]> there was
<testuser[m]> but now no
<rio6> removed by intentionally?
<rio6> damnI cant english rn
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> Hooks cant do much now
<testuser[m]> I guess you could gdb the parent kiss process and call setenv
<testuser[m]> putenv
<rio6> heh
<rio6> easier to change /bin/kiss
<rio6> > This file can now be written in any language. The only requirement now is that it be executable. The variable originally exported in the environment are passed as command-line arguments to KISS_HOOK.
<rio6> so that's why
<illiliti> changing variables within kiss internals is error-prone
<illiliti> you can easily shoot yourself in the foot because shell variables are global by default
<rio6> idea: let kiss run `$hook | while read line; do contains "$line" export && eval $(line); done` so only intended variables are exported
<rio6> (buggy code, but provides the point)
<illiliti> eval is evil
<illiliti> remember that and never use it
<rio6> same evilness as sourcing imo
<illiliti> yeah
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<riteo-laptop> hiiii!
<riteo-laptop> I think I finally generated the initramfs, but does efivar compile to anyone?
<riteo-laptop> it fails with "cannot find -lefivar" which sounds weird
<riteo-laptop> like, isn't that the library I'm trying to compile?
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> yeah it doesnt work
<testuser[m]> i guess its building tests
<riteo-laptop> oh
<riteo-laptop> could it be that DESTDIR thing again?
<testuser[m]> no
<riteo-laptop> even tinyramfs broke because of that
<riteo-laptop> oh
<illiliti> fuck. i hate these new changes
<testuser[m]> yeah it works fine if you just remove the test target in makefile
<riteo-laptop> yeah I wonder why they weren't at least planned
<riteo-laptop> oh I'll try
<testuser[m]> at line 55, change all contents with '`true`'
<riteo-laptop> ok
<riteo-laptop> lol this is the third package I'm forking just to install kiss linux with luks
<testuser[m]> with shell backticks idk if they show up in the message
<riteo-laptop> yeah they do
<riteo-laptop> wait there's VERSION too now?
<testuser[m]> could you make an issue on shithub for efivar
<testuser[m]> VERSION is for source files
<testuser[m]> so you can do https://tar-VERSION.tar.xz in source file
<riteo-laptop> I don't know, those changes feel oddly unnecessary to me tbh
<riteo-laptop> but anyways
<riteo-laptop> I can make the issue with no prob
<riteo-laptop> should I make also the DESTDIR PR from yesterday?
<testuser[m]> konimex fixed it
<riteo-laptop> nice
<riteo-laptop> ok I'll report the issue when I finish this hell then
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<riteo-laptop> bruh now I can't just put the output of `cat source` as an argument for curl -O
<riteo-laptop> I really don't like this change
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> i often do that
<testuser[m]> did
<riteo-laptop> I mean, I can get the presetting of stuff in the script, you can easily revert it and it already changed the enviroment in on obvious ways
<riteo-laptop> but why pass that through sources? What if something has VERSION in it?
<riteo-laptop> s/that/sed/
<cotangent> <riteo-laptop> but why pass sed through sources? What if something has VERSION in it?
<riteo-laptop> it just feels wrong
<testuser[m]> you escape it
<testuser[m]> lol
<riteo-laptop> you can escape it
<riteo-laptop> really
<testuser[m]> yeah
<riteo-laptop> did dylan add this thing or did it come for free
<testuser[m]> check the comments
<riteo-laptop> I'll do
<testuser[m]> line 343
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<riteo-laptop> I can't find it
<riteo-laptop> lemme update kiss
<testuser[m]> just grep for VERSION
<riteo-laptop> already updated lol
<riteo-laptop> ok now I can find it
<riteo-laptop> that's just weird
<riteo-laptop> is this a new thing?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> few weekss
<testuser[m]> most people don't like it either
<testuser[m]> i guess one could setup a mirror of the repo with substitution pre applied
<testuser[m]> so it can be used for kiss find or repology
<riteo-laptop> if so many people don't like it why hasn't anybody told dylan?
<riteo-laptop> or maybe they did
<testuser[m]> they did, but he is BDFL
<riteo-laptop> I see
<riteo-laptop> well, time to patch efivar
<testuser[m]> this is his reply if you want to see it
<riteo-laptop> >After VERSION introduction, some packages now now have changed their VERSION number, to part of the url
<riteo-laptop> BRUH
<riteo-laptop> oh nvm
<riteo-laptop> I thought it was literal url pieces
<testuser[m]> lol
<riteo-laptop> ok the argument of "sources have already weird syntax" is actually quite good
<riteo-laptop> my only concern would be to change those markers slightly like "$VERSION" to make it clearer those are such
<riteo-laptop> the tool for preparsing stuff would be great
<riteo-laptop> I hope dylan adds one by default
<riteo-laptop> still, as much as I'm not against it that much (since it's also optional) I still see it as a minor annoyance and something that could be avoided
<riteo-laptop> s/could be/could've been/
<cotangent> <riteo-laptop> still, as much as I'm not against it that much (since it's also optional) I still see it as a minor annoyance and something that could've been avoided
<testuser[m]> <riteo-laptop> "I hope dylan adds one by default" <- Just copy paste from kiss
<riteo-laptop> testuser[m]: Changing that line to `true` does nothing
<testuser[m]> Show the diff of the old and new makefile
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<testuser[m]> Or just send the makefile you edited
<riteo-laptop> I uploaded it on
<riteo-laptop> the patch
<testuser[m]> Yea it should've workee
<testuser[m]> Worked
<riteo-laptop> oh wait
<riteo-laptop> I redid make in b and it said nothing to be done for all
<riteo-laptop> did it compile?
<testuser[m]> Means it worked
<riteo-laptop> oh
<riteo-laptop> I was sure that I saw that same error
<riteo-laptop> oh
<riteo-laptop> it did return that error
<riteo-laptop> but if you make again it says that it's done
<riteo-laptop> now I'm confused
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<testuser[m]> The lib has built so just install it
<testuser[m]> For a hack put `make ... || :` in the build file
<testuser[m]> Before the last make install line
<riteo-laptop> let's try
<riteo-laptop> well, it didn't stop
<riteo-laptop> let me try compiling efibootmgr
<riteo-laptop> it compiled in an istant
<riteo-laptop> epic
<riteo-laptop> what did `:` do?
<testuser[m]> Nothing
<testuser[m]> Literally
<testuser[m]> it does nothing
<riteo-laptop> is it like a feature of shell?
<testuser[m]> So if the make fails it just ignores the failure
<testuser[m]> : doesnt do anything
<riteo-laptop> oh
<riteo-laptop> that's interesting
<testuser[m]> Block affer `||` is executed after command fail, so by adding `||:` you do nothing after command fail
<riteo-laptop> I see
<testuser[m]> And yea : is a shell builtin
<testuser[m]> You can use anything like `true`
<riteo-laptop> and that stops shell -e from quitting
<riteo-laptop> s/shell/sh/
<cotangent> <riteo-laptop> and that stops sh -e from quitting
<riteo-laptop> cool
<riteo-laptop> btw I really hope a community wiki will continue to exist
<riteo-laptop> there is a lot more stuff at
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<riteo-laptop> hi galaxy!
<riteo-laptop> well, time to reboot
<riteo-laptop> I'm 100% sure it won't work but there's only one way to find out
<riteo-laptop> cya!
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<riteo-laptop> I'm so close!
<riteo-laptop> the disk boots but for some reason the initramfs doesn't recognize my nvme disk
<riteo-laptop> is there some module I forgot to compile in?
<gtms> Did you add those to kernel? (Device drivers -> NVME support -> ...)
<riteo-laptop> I don't know, I'm starting with just defconfig
<riteo-laptop> thinking about it I should've checked before asking that question...
<riteo-laptop> well, it was the excitement I guess
<riteo-laptop> oh thanks!
<riteo-laptop> yeah, it wasn't set
<gtms> Great!
<gtms> Every time i compile kernel, this happens :D
<riteo-laptop> well, time to reboot once again!
<riteo-laptop> cya!
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<riteo-laptop> update: the initramfs starts and asks for the luks password!
<riteo-laptop> sadly when luks tries to mount the drive it says that it can't figure out the target type or something like that
<riteo-laptop> oh I'm dumb
<riteo-laptop> it's probably another kernel module lmao
<riteo-laptop> exactly
<riteo-laptop> epic, time to reboot again
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<riteo-laptop> i'm sooo close
<riteo-laptop> it starts, asks the password, mounts the disk and starts kiss
<riteo-laptop> but it says that it can't run a script
<riteo-laptop> oh wait I think I'm dumb
<riteo-laptop> I don't think I installed baseinit
<riteo-laptop> yeah it wasn't installed
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<gtms> What a journey!
<testuser[m]> Bruh
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<Guest1> Hi. Is there a Linux distro more KISS than Alpine? (source based distros like KISS don't count)
<testuser[m]> What do you count as KISS
<testuser[m]> Not having dbus and other garbage ?
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<Guest1> Yes
<Guest1> musl instead of glibc, busybox instead of bash, etc
<Guest1> I want to know for the sake of interest
<testuser[m]> Hmm i don't know a binary distro other than alpine that does that, void is somewhat close to it i guess, but less minimal
<testuser[m]> kiss can be a binary distro too if someone hosts a repo :p
<Guest1> Right. But no one needs it )
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<testuser[m]> ask dylan :p
<dilyn> ^
<rio6> pr it?
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<msk[m]> I get when building kiss-xorg's chromium package, should I report an issue on their GitHub, or is there something obviously wrong I did to cause it?
<testuser[m]> and its version 91, latest is 92
<testuser[m]> just use this
<testuser[m]> those ...x11=true flags are redundant but it doesnt matter
<msk[m]> thanks, I'll try kyxor's package
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<claudia02> those chromium configure flags are not the easiest to wrap ones head around.
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<noocsharp> in the gnu coreutils build system, is there a way to just build one program?
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<testuser[m]> there's --enable-install-program to install a single/multiple progs but dont know if a single can be built
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<noocsharp> im tired of formatting text manually, so i wanted to extract fmt from coreutils
<noocsharp> but openbsd fmt has no dependencies on other files, so i'm just gonna use it
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<noocsharp> also, unless libfmt does something i'm missing, the package should probably be renamed from fmt to libfmt
<acheam> does libfmt not provide bin/fmt?
<acheam> also whats wrong with busybox fold?
<acheam> its not great, but it worked fine for me
<noocsharp> the problem with fold is that i didn't know that it existed 30 seconds ago
<acheam> :)
<noocsharp> actually, i tried it, and fold just does line wrapping
<noocsharp> not full text formatting
<acheam> whats full text formatting?
<noocsharp> fmt lengthens lines if they're too short
<acheam> ah okay
<acheam> can't you just join all the lines, then use fold?
<acheam> delete all single linebreaks
<noocsharp> well then i lose my paragraphs
<acheam> no
<noocsharp> oh wait i see what you're saying
<acheam> not if you keep double linebreaks
<acheam> idk how to do that though, maybe something with tr
<noocsharp> i just want to pipe it into fmt and let it do it's thing
<acheam> | tr -d '\n' -c '\n\n' | fold -w 72
<noocsharp> that didn't work
<acheam> yeah
<noocsharp> i imagine there's a way to do it tho
<acheam> or just steal obsd fmt
<acheam> hmm didn't know that bc is just a preprocessor for dc
<testuser[m]> noocsharp: Ask ang
<noocsharp> wtf i have dc installed
<acheam> is it not posix?
<acheam> i thought it was?
<noocsharp> i think it is, but still, i don't think i've ever tried to run dc
<acheam> its cool
<acheam> would reccomend learning it
<noocsharp> i just use bc
<acheam> i'm kind of on a stack-based fad
<acheam> but emacs calc-mode first turned me on to stack-based calculators
<noocsharp> to me, stack based languages like forth just seem esoteric
<noocsharp> they're simple, but it's hard for me to see how one would build anything bigger than a toy, and sufficiently reliable
<acheam> they're unusual, but that doesn't make them esoteric
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<acheam> there are tens of space probes in space right now powered by forth. I think of it as being a step above assembly
<acheam> which is what most implementations are
<noocsharp> huh, didn't know that
<acheam> although the implementation i'm learning right now is more of a cross between python and assembly
<noocsharp> which one are you learning?
<acheam> retro forth
<noocsharp> i've seen it when browsing on
<acheam> there are also some chips that can directly run forth, which I find really cool
<acheam> its developed using fossil, is just a mirror
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<noocsharp> isn't it being used to build an os?
<noocsharp> or is that a different one
<acheam> the os is technically complete
<noocsharp> can't wait to try it in the real world
<acheam> lol
<noocsharp> tbh i should learn a new programming language
<noocsharp> every time i've tried in the past few years, i just give up and go back to what i know
<acheam> im just forcing myself to write simple stuff in forth
<noocsharp> and a few hundred lines for a full os... that's pretty neat
<noocsharp> actually a few thousand, but still
<acheam> like, right now im rewriting "nc netlaser 9001 < file.pdf" in forth
<noocsharp> how does one make syscalls in forth?
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<acheam> depends on the implementation, in retro forth you can use io:unix-syscall
<testuser[m]> Rewrite kiss in forth
<testuser[m]> fiss
<noocsharp> i just extracted collapseos... it doesn't have a directory containing everything
<acheam> >
<acheam> ?
<noocsharp> i extracted it and all the files extracted into the current directory
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<acheam> oh
<acheam> oof
<acheam> best way i've found to fix that is re-extract the tarball in a new directory, then do
<acheam> for i in *; do rm ../$i; done
<acheam> replace .. to path where you extracted the files to originally
<noocsharp> i cleanup up already, wasn't that bad
<noocsharp> cleaned up*
<noocsharp> huh, didn't know that you could write to arbitrary addresses in forth
<noocsharp> i thought it was limited to the stack
<acheam> nope you can peak and poke as you please
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<testuser[m]> What is it with webdevs and refactoring UIs every couple of days
<testuser[m]> Shithub changed the organization view
<testuser[m]> Few months back they changed issue/PR icons
<omanom> job security lol
<noocsharp> managers want to show that they're not useless
<omanom> can't increase team velocity if you don't keep changing shit
<micro_O> txr looks pretty cool
<noocsharp> txr?
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<Guest16> Using awk is it possible to keep the delimiter. I am using a regex as the delimiter and want the result too. So if the input is "Hi word1 Hello" and the delimiter is regex "word1|word2" I want to store the "word1"
<Guest16> Print delimiter on its own is what I mean
<acheam> uh isnt the delimiter saved in a variable?
<Guest16> Yes, awk '{print FS}' prints the literal regex but I want it to print the result of the regex
<acheam> oh
<acheam> can you just re-run the regex on the input?
<Guest16> Don't think so
<Guest16> The output would be "Hi word1|word2 Hello" which wouldn't help
<Guest16> Since could be word1 or word2
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<ang> noocsharp: awk '/^$/{printf "\n\n";i=0;next}{printf "%s%s",(i++)?" ":"",$0}END{print ""}' | fold -s
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<ang> you could also install 9base, or maybe try and steal its fmt(1)
<Guest16> ang awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ if($i=="open|wep|psk|8021x"){print $i} } }
<Guest16> Didn't print the match
<Guest16> It's a regexp but I want the word matched to be printed
<ang> that's not how you match regular expressions
<ang> if that's what you intend
<ang> $i ~ /open|wep|psk|8021x/
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<ang> you can replace the slashes with "..."
<Guest16> Thnx that works, sorry I don't know awk too well
<ang> all good
<ang> == is simple string comparison
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<rio6> does anyone know if gnu make uses ctime or mtime to determine which files are outdated?
<ang> noocsharp: even easier, paste -s -d'\n' file | fold -s
<noocsharp> cool
<noocsharp> probably just gonna go with openbsd fmt, it seems reasonable enoguh
<ang> yeah, better to have a fmt(1)
<ang> rio6, can't you try it? As far as I understand it, ctime changes when you modify the file OR change it's properties
<ang> so simply do a chmod 600 on some files and see what make does
<ang> noocsharp: busybox fold(1) sucks anyway. It adds trailing spaces to all folded lines
<ang> there are a couple commits from dylan, where he removed a ton of trailing spaces
<noocsharp> i just got fmt packaged, works amazingly
<ang> nice
<noocsharp> it doesn't even download anything, i just put fmt.[c1] in the files directory of the package lol
<ang> haha
<ang> with a custom makefile?
<noocsharp> i call cc directly in build
<noocsharp> it's just one file, and a man page
<ang> yeah, fair
<noocsharp> and it hasn't been updated in 3 years, so i think it's pretty safe
<ang> now I wonder if the plan9 fmt is smaller
<noocsharp> this one's only 414 loc according to gocloc, after i removed pledge calls
<acheam> oh you ported your own instead of using ibara's
<acheam> ?
<noocsharp> yeah, only have to remove like 6 lines
<ang> 9base links to some plan9 libs
<noocsharp> wow, that's tiny
<ang> most of the plan9 stuff is tiny, unfortunately quite a few utils lack some POSIX mandated options
<ang> cat -v considered harmful etc :)
<noocsharp> posix schmosix
<acheam> thats to be expected given that plan9 doesn't really try to be posix :)
<ang> oh yeah, definitely
<ang> its cat has literally 0 options
<acheam> thats what cat should be though!
<ang> agreed
<acheam> at least busybox lets you configure cat down to being tht
<acheam> that
<acheam> but obsd cat has 7 flags
<acheam> which makes me sad
<acheam> including all the bloat ones like -n and -v
<noocsharp> send a patch upstream, i'm sure they'll be very happy and accept it with open arms
<ang> I tend to use cat -vet quite often
<acheam> whats -e?
<ang> you can use sed to unambiguously print all characters but cat -vet is quick to type and easy to remember
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<ang> $ for end of line
<acheam> ah
<acheam> i dont see the problem with cat | vis though
<acheam> or vis -lt in this case
<cem> I think cat -v is overly exaggarated
<cem> The whole "considered harmful" thing from Rob Pike is about the enlargement of the UNIX ecosystem and cat -v is a great example
<acheam> yes
<acheam> there shouldnt be any great examples!!!
<cem> Fair enough
<ang> acheam: as a vis user, have you mastered structural regex already?
<acheam> i no longer use vis
<acheam> also i was reffering to vis(1), as mentioned in the cat -v paper
<acheam> basically obsd keeps cat flags for compatibility and they were in 4.1bsd
<noocsharp> what do you use then?
<noocsharp> ed?
<ang> oh right. For a second I thought you meant a program like that
<ang> but then I was wondering why tf the text editor vis would choose that name then
<acheam> there is a gh issue about it
<acheam> on *bsd, vis is usually installed as vise
<acheam> noocsharp: vi(1)
<acheam> which on obsd, is just a visual frontend to ed
<acheam> you can swap to and from them easily
<acheam> s/ed/ex/g
<cotangent> <acheam> you can swap to and from them easily
<ang> ex though, not ed
<acheam> yes
<acheam> idk the difference though
<ang> ex is a more bloated vi, all you need to know
<ang> s/vi/ed/
<cotangent> <ang> ex is a more bloated ed, all you need to know
<ang> acheam: never submitted this:
<ang> a couple tips and tricks in there
<acheam> wow lots of nice tips thanks!]
<acheam> the z bindings I really hate
<acheam> compared to vim
<acheam> much less convinient than z{t,b,z}
<acheam> and less logical
<acheam> also do you know how to run a shell command on a custom number of lines?
<acheam> like say, sort the next 10 lines in place
<ang> yes, I do
<ang> !<motion>
<ang> or .,+10w !<command>
<ang> s/ ./ :./
<cotangent> <ang> or :.,+10w :.<command>
<acheam> uh im just getting <motion> not found
<ang> wow, I didn't use g cotagent
<acheam> like if I do !10j sort
<ang> sec
<acheam> oh
<acheam> nvm
<acheam> i was doing it with :
<acheam> thank you!!!
<ang> ah
<ang> you are welcome
<acheam> holy shit this is a gamechanger
<acheam> instantly 10x more usable
<ang> yeah, quite a few things like this which are not immediately obvious
<acheam> where would we be without ang?
<ang> :]
<ang> because you can use motions, you can obviously use }} to i.e. fmt(1) a paragraph
<acheam> ye
<acheam> tbh i dont really see the use of buffers
<acheam> i just open a new terminal
<acheam> assuming im not on the tty that is
<ang> I never really used them properly
<acheam> waaaaait
<acheam> macros via buffers?
<acheam> oh it is documented
<acheam> i just never read it
<ang> the og way to do macros, yeah
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<acheam> my days of sadness upon instinctively clicking q and seeing "q isn't a vi command" are over
<ang> do you need macros often?
<acheam> yes
<acheam> although tbf I use macros in a lot of places a regex would do
<ang> yeah
<ang> I think I mostly turn to awk if I need something more complex
<acheam> I fairly rarely use :%s, and when I do, its never with some complex regex
<acheam> awk is king
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<ang> it really is
<ang> best bang for your buck
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<Guest16> ang If I passed a shell variable to awk in order to print specific column how would I do that. awk -v var="\$1" would print literally the string "$1"
<Guest16> '{print var}'
<ang> don't escape the $
<ang> foo=bar; awk -v var="$foo" 'BEGIN { print var }'
<Guest16> then the shell would interpret that as the first arg in the function but i want literally the column number
<ang> oh, gotcha
<Guest16> I thought it would be \$1 so that it would work out to '{print $1}' but that did not work
<ang> field=3; echo "foo bar baz" | awk -v var="$field" '{ print $var }'
<ang> should print "baz"
<Guest16> ok
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<Guest16> ang Can you help with my function . "$@" is a multi-line variable but [ $line = $answer ] isn't evaluating to true even tho I printed the variables out separately and they look exactly the same
<Guest16> Does read -r line manipulate the variable in some invisible way im not seeing
<Guest16> Basically it's a menu program and the first menu works but the second did not
<Guest16> nvm srry
<Guest16> figured it out
<ang> is the command substitution desired?
<ang> the $(...) part
<ang> so what was it?
<Guest16> There was a trailing whitespaces
<ang> ah lol
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<Guest16> ang Is it possible to run command in subshell but not have it show up in the main. Like for example foo="$(printf 'bar')". I could do just foo="bar" but I also want to run command such as tr
<Guest16> And i dont think it is possible to pipe a variable and have it treated as a string
<Guest16> But i dont want the printf 'bar' to actually show up on the screen
<ang> Uhm, I'm not really sure I understand your problem
<acheam> redirect stdout?
<Guest16> awk: warning: escape sequence `\o' treated as plain `o'
<Guest16> thing is there is no \o
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<NomisIV> Hi! I'm trying to install kiss linux, but kiss doesn't seem to find my repos. How can I troubleshoot this?
<acheam> echo $KISS_PATH
<NomisIV> Yes, and they point to the right path
<acheam> then it should find your repos...
<noocsharp> what's the output
<NomisIV> It says: ERROR Package 'e2fsprogs' not in any repository
<acheam> whats the output of echo $KISS_PATH
<NomisIV> It fails for any program I try to build
<Guest16> ang Btw my issue earlier was trying to read from a multiline variable without echoing it to the screen
<Guest16> printf '%s\n "${multi_var}" | while read -r line ...
<NomisIV> My KISS_PATH is currently ":/repos/repo/core:/repos/repo/extra:/repos/community/community"
<acheam> that ain't the right path
<noocsharp> well did you store your repos in the root dir?
<acheam> unless you created /repos?
<acheam> which i would advise against
<NomisIV> I did. Why would you advice against that?
<acheam> uhh, its root-owned now, and shits all over the FHS
<noocsharp> try removing the leading ':' perhaps? (not sure if it's actually problematic)
<acheam> IIRC the leading : issue was fixed
<acheam> can you cd /repos/repo/core/<package> and then kiss b?
<NomisIV> Yeah, it didn't change anything
<Guest16> What's FHS
<Guest16> ok
<Guest16> yeah that is bad practice just use /var/ something
<Guest16> or put it in your /home/$USER
<NomisIV> acheam: It did something, but it failed on a 404. I thank that was just the package though
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<acheam> what package was it?
<acheam> try another one
<NomisIV> I think everything fails with 404?
<acheam> uhh then thats an issue on your end
<noocsharp> you don't have a network connection then
<acheam> that wouldn't 404 would it though?
<NomisIV> I've tried e2fsprogs, dosfstools and ncurses
<noocsharp> oh yeah, maybe it's dns?
<acheam> yeah thats what im thinking
<NomisIV> But I can ping without any problem
<acheam> hmmmm
<NomisIV> And I just git cloned both repos
<Guest16> Do you have internet
<acheam> scroll up
<acheam> whats the ip that "ping" shows?
<NomisIV> It might have something to do with the version of the tarballs that it tries to download. The server irn't guaranteed to have *every* tarball, and if the version variable is invalid somehow, that would explain it
<acheam> most release servers keep archives of all past releases
<acheam> and our repos aren't that bad
<acheam> maybe a 404 here or there but not /every/ package
<acheam> whats the ip that "ping" shows?
<NomisIV> the ip is
<acheam> okay thats the right ip
<noocsharp> when did you download the kiss rootfs?
<acheam> and from where
<acheam> `kiss version` ?
<NomisIV> Today, or rather yesterday now (just passed midnight)
<NomisIV> Kiss version 5.4.0
<acheam> oh you're way outdated then
<NomisIV> Oh lol
<acheam> did you get it from
<acheam> we're on again
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<NomisIV> I did
<NomisIV> Can I just extract the new tarball on top of the old one?
<acheam> theoretically an old rootfs shouldn't be an issue, but with the libressl/openssl changes and stuff it will be easier to start with the new one
<acheam> rm -rf first
<acheam> or reformat
<NomisIV> I'll try that tomorrow, it's too late now
<NomisIV> But thanks a lot for the help
<acheam> you're in a channel of night owls, 12am is weak!
<acheam> if you're not tweaking your kiss install until the rooster crows, you're not doing it right
<NomisIV> I'm sorry, I'm trying to turn my (real) life back into control and the discovery of kiss linux hasn't been helpful xD
<NomisIV> Btw, is there an easy way to get "normie" programs like steam and dircord working? I'd prefer a solution that isn't flatpak though
<acheam> chroot
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<NomisIV> I'll look into that :)
<acheam> unpack an arch rootfs then kiss-chroot into it
<acheam> pretty simple, and its like running arch instead of kiss
<acheam> beware that kiss-chroot pretty much removes any security benefits of chroot beyond programs not seeing your personal files
<NomisIV> Do you have personal experience with steam in chroot, or just programs in general?
<acheam> programs in general
<NomisIV> I'm curious about game compability, because I'm currently having a bit of trouble with steam
<acheam> but many people here have run kiss
<NomisIV> Steam in gentoo I mean
<acheam> if you want to run more than a few programs just run gkiss though
<acheam> should let most proprietary programs work out of the box
<NomisIV> What's that?
<GalaxyNova> kiss with Glibc and GNU coreutils
<NomisIV> Aah, right
<GalaxyNova> You'd also need it if you want to listen to spotify or watch netflix
<acheam> not gnu coreutils
<acheam> just glibc
<GalaxyNova> oh?
<acheam> yes
<noocsharp> one of the best things about kiss is that it destroys the temptation to use shitty normie software, because it's painful to get it working
<NomisIV> Lol, I'm dangerously close to just say fuck it and leave gaming all together
<acheam> do. it.
<NomisIV> I mostly program in rust in my free time anyway
<NomisIV> The problem is that I have fun games, and I'll miss them :'(
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<NomisIV> Like, it's one thing to be able to play them but not doing it, and another thing to not be able to do it altogether
<soliwilos> I've tried some renpy games via a void rootfs.
<acheam> how could a proprietary program be fun? doesn't the moral guilt weigh heavier than than any short-term pleasure that it can provide? (/s)
<NomisIV> Lol
<NomisIV> I can kinda forgive games though. At least the commercial aspect of it
<soliwilos> I use it mostly to run tor browser.
<acheam> cant you run tor on kiss?
<acheam> i cant imagine it being much different to build than firefox
<GalaxyNova> Someone packaged tor in community
<GalaxyNova> But I'm yet to find a working tor browser package
<GalaxyNova> If anyone packages it, hit me up ;)
<soliwilos> Not sure how complex it is to package, but the project recommends against building your own as far as I recall.
<acheam> well so does firefox
<acheam> also because they don't want people using out-of-date versions
<soliwilos> It would be nice to build it on kiss.
<acheam> dew it
<soliwilos> I recall looking at a gentoo ebuild for it, was horrid.
<soliwilos> Kind of put me off trying to package it.
<GalaxyNova> soliwilos: cAN yOU pAcKAgE iT fOr Me?!?
<soliwilos> I'll at least look into it.
<acheam> not. good. enough.
<soliwilos> :p
<acheam> lol the rpm logo is awesome
<acheam> why a packaging format needs a logo? Don't ask me!
<acheam> also why a packaging format needs 50 repos?
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<Guest16> Should probably delete tbh
<acheam> no
<acheam> we are using it for community things now
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<dilyn> kiss-community is now just aiming to be a more centralized hub for community-led projects and stuff
<Guest16> ang How would you do process substitution in POSIX <(echo 'hi')
<Guest16> Im trying to read a multiline variable but since I am piping into while loop the variables in the loop are lost
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<acheam> there isn't a good way to do it