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<phoebos> my site is now up!
<phoebos> And no, i'm not capable of creativity which is why i've only copied other people X)
<necromansy> ayyy
<phoebos> ayyy indeed
<testuser[m]> Hi
<phoebos> all i need to do now is move muh logs over and setup litterbox
<phoebos> hi
<necromansy> heyo!
<testuser[m]> Nice phoebos
<phoebos> testuser[m]: recognise the design?
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> I stole it too
<testuser[m]> had stolen
<phoebos> oh really lol
<phoebos> from where
<testuser[m]> acheam and icyphox
<testuser[m]> The only thing i didn't steal was the site generator
<phoebos> aha
<testuser[m]> did the new mdev rules break anyone else's headphones ?
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<kyxor> my homepage as usual will be my very original hexdump, (i wrote my own generator for it in C) so anyways I will have a place there called "NIFTY-GENTLEMEN" where I will link to other people's personal sites, I've already got some of you guys on there. Rn I need to figure out how I am going to setup the https tunnel with hitch, get the certificate stuff right, etc
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<acheam> "ifconfig ens33 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1 | head -n 1" is not beutiful because it can all be written in a single awk command not because its long lol
<testuser[m]> Yeah i thought that too
<testuser[m]> But json output would be easier
<acheam> i also don't know what its doing with the cut command
<acheam> on my system, "ifconfig iwm0 | awk '/inet/ {print $2}'" works fine
<acheam> json is overly complex IMO, but yeah its a good idea
<acheam> it would be nice if commands had a programmatic output flag, and an interactive output flag
<testuser[m]> Why do you say it's complex ?
<testuser[m]> Isn't it supposed to be the simplest format to parse ?
<acheam> nvm
<acheam> i was confusing yaml with json for a second
<acheam> and thought that some functionality of jsonnet was a part of core json
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<zola> Do we have a way to mount SMB shares in KISS?
<acheam> the same way you'd do it on any other distro?
<testuser[m]> Yea just package whatever utility it needs
<zola> Thanks, i couldn't find what is the actual utility needed
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<acheam> you are most welcome
<testuser[m]> Hmm my server somehow reached 800gb of the 1tb bandwidth limit
<phoebos> that was probably me stealing your css :p
<testuser[m]> lol
<acheam> testuser[m]: thats odd
<acheam> do you keep access logs?
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> I have 0 logging except for ssh into syslog
<testuser[m]> I probably should figure out a way though
<testuser[m]> I suspect it's libreddit but 800gb is unthinkable
<testuser[m]> Or maybe the matrix server going crazy
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<GalaxyNova> Anyone have an rsync patch for kiss?
<acheam> what kind of patch?
<GalaxyNova> one that can make kiss work with rsync
<GalaxyNova> instead of git
<acheam> ah
<acheam> not that I know of
<acheam> but shouldn't be very hard
<GalaxyNova> yeah looking at it it seems like git isn't called a lot in the package manager
<GalaxyNova> also btw, do you think kiss (the package manager) is getting more complicated?
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<kyxor> GalaxyNova: yes it is getting more complicated for sure. But we will also get better performance, like adding various git clone caching optimizations, switching to blake3 checksums, but at some point it's going to stale; maybe when dylan gets tired of it and just decides to rewrite everything in C, from ground up how it should be.
gaypine is now known as vulpine
<GalaxyNova> rewriting it in C will just increase binary size and not give any meaninful benefit imo
<kyxor> The binary size of all the programs kiss calls from it's script is bigger, so if done right, you can decrease binary size by vendoring only essential functionality and droping packages it depends on. Also FYI binary to C usually follows 1:1.5 size ratio. So if the package manager is written in 1500LOC of C, then the binary of it will take same size on disk as the current kiss shell script.
<kyxor> Obviously it's a hella of work if you wanna put yourself in these constraints, but nonetheless something dylan said on kiss news, maybe it will happen some day
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<akira01> Hi guys
<akira01> anyone use webtorrent?
<acheam> yes
<acheam> just ask the question
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<akira01> you use wayland?
<akira01> because now my webtorrent dont work well with mpv
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