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<kyxor> alright boys, my personal forks of repo-main and repo-community are set up, now I've gotta track back all the useful commits that happened since the infidelity happened
<kyxor> this will be a fun night
<kyxor> I am not a big fan of how dylan spams commits, it's a lot of work to go through
<kyxor> I probably also should set up that gpg block thingy so commits are signed, ehhh
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<msk[m]> yours is libressl instead of openssl, right?
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<kyxor> yep
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<dilyn> kyxor: it's pretty easy; add your public key to your github account and use -S when you make commits to sign them
<dilyn> you can also set gitconfig to automatically sign all commits
<dilyn> and then adding your key to the readme or w/e so people can easily import it is a fine plan
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<noocsharp> i'm sort of disappointed that kiss community isn't on repology anymore
<noocsharp> was nice to have an rss feed for everything
<msk[m]> doesn't discord provide RSS of commits for repos?
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<msk[m]> s/discord/github/
<noocsharp> it's not the same: repology tells you if any package you're maintaining is outdated
<testuser[m]> I think it can be added back since no package uses version but not sure about their stance on unofficial repos
<testuser[m]> s/version/new format
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<msk[m]> no package uses version? was it banned from community?
<testuser[m]> no, just that nobody has used it yet
<testuser[m]> i think konimex used it for 1 but reverted it later in an update
<testuser[m]> Oh 3 packages use it
<msk[m]> anyone here use sbase coreutils? I'm getting "ERROR manifest contains 1 non-existent files" when using it and trying to build anything
<msk[m]> s/ERROR /ERROR <package>/
<testuser[m]> sh -x /usr/bin/kiss
<testuser[m]> Probably a non portable command slipped in by mistake
<rio6> wait we don't have repology anymore?
<msk[m]> or do you mean sh -x /usr/bin/kiss b mypackage
<testuser[m]> I meant run the actual command
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> lol
<rio6> I kinda relies on it for package updates :|
<testuser[m]> Same
<testuser[m]> dilyn is still keeping the outdated packages issue active though :p
<testuser[m]> Oh you need to make kiss launch kiss with the -x flag too at the end
<testuser[m]> Add -x to the sh -e or whatever at the top of /usr/bin/kiss
<testuser[m]> so it would be sh -ex assuming original was sh -e
<msk[m]> the original is just #!/bin/sh
<msk[m]> so just #!/bin/sh -x?
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> I forgot it uses `set`
<testuser[m]> You sure it doesn't happen with busybox ? Doesn't seem like a coreutils issue
<msk[m]> if I run kiss a | grep busybox | kiss a - and then kiss b ubase, it works fine
<msk[m]> (gnugrep)
<msk[m]> then, if I do kiss a | grep sbase | kiss a -, it breaks
<msk[m]> at first it also says "tar: remove .: Invalid argument" so I switched it to busybox tar
<msk[m]> then that error leaves, but the one about manifest files doesn't
<msk[m]> I suppose I could try binary searching which precise alternative broke it
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<msk[m]> testuser: I did some tests and figured it out
<msk[m]> the only alternative that breaks it is find
<msk[m]> that is, kiss a | grep busybox | kiss a - && kiss a sbase /usr/bin/find && kiss b ubase fails
<msk[m]> any advice?
<testuser[m]> Run the find command manually somewhere and see if sbase complains about invalid args
<testuser[m]> Else report bug to mcf
<msk[m]> running /usr/bin/kiss's find commands manually with dummy arguments doesn't raise any errors
<msk[m]> it's an sbase bug, then?
<msk[m]> I thought sbase was quite popular, this seems like a hard bug to miss
<msk[m]> well alright, thank you for your help testuser
<necromansy> sbase's biggest issue is a few progs arent posix compliant
<necromansy> and they happen to be some essential ones in KISS' toolchain
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<testuser[m]> anybody know a gtk environment variable to change the cursor theme ? i use GTK_THEME= for themes
<testuser[m]> (the gtk config doesnt have any effect on ayyland for some reason)
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<GalaxyNova> Has anyone packaged the tor browser?
<testuser[m]> no and it shouldnt be packaged cuz making it kiss would require patches to remove dbus and stuff, which can break the purpose of tor
<testuser[m]> its based on esr
<GalaxyNova> oh
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<testuser[m]> > all functionality formerly implemented in the libraries libpthread, libdl, libutil, libanl has been integrated into libc
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<testuser[m]> So programs needing only libc will now be even fatter ? :/
<testuser[m]> static programs*
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<cem> Not much, because static linking only links the objects necessary, not the entire library
<testuser[m]> Ah yeah i forgot about that
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<testuser[m]> does anyone use busybox vi ?
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<riteo> hiiiii!
<testuser[m]> hi
<riteo> sorry for my sudden timeouts, the power grid's kinda messed up
<riteo> if I suddenly disappear that's the reason
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<dilyn> why would you...
<dilyn> why would you slam all of those symbols directly into libc?
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<riteo> wew it feels like the grid's stabilizing
<riteo> gtg, cya later!
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<cem> dilyn: gnu
<testuser[m]> Any progress on LLVM libc
<cem> LLVM libc: written in C++
<cem> Takes another year to compile
<cem> by the way, musl does the same thing
<cem> musl libpthread, libm, etc. are empty too
<cem> they are all built into the C library
<dilyn> well yes but it's just confusing
<cem> backwards compat
<dilyn> qq
<cem> It's not that big of a deal
<cem> Nothing changes in terms of development
<cem> well if gnu does it, it's crap
<cem> If musl already did it
<cem> It's good
<dilyn> lol
<dilyn> i just don't understand what the rationale is to change it
<cem> keeping symbol numbers together? idk
<cem> *justifying more so number changes*
<cem> *hatred towards lfs users*
<testuser[m]> I can now unfork 1 package
<cem> s/lfs/source-based glibc users/
<cotangent> <cem> *hatred towards source-based glibc users users*
<cem> aw
<cem> bad regex
<alex_> Hellou. I'm currently installing glibc kiss and when I run kiss u, C compiler cannot create executables. 🤔
<testuser[m]> it can
<testuser[m]> `env` ?
<alex_> Hmm?
<testuser[m]> you probably made a typo in cflags
<testuser[m]> `env` command
<alex_> Lemme check it.
<alex_> Oh, I typed -march=znver3. Heh, was installing Gentoo.
<testuser[m]> znver3 should work
<testuser[m]> better to use march=native
<testuser[m]> well its the same
<testuser[m]> easier to remember :p
<alex_> Ye.
<alex_> Perhaps I typed O instead of 0. xD
<testuser[m]> it should be O
<alex_> Wait, yeah..
<testuser[m]> do `KISS_DEBUG=1 kiss b packagename`, then find the 'config.log' file
<testuser[m]> inside the build directory
<alex_> Kk, it's going smooth now.
<testuser[m]> oh so which flag was the issue
<alex_> Haven't checked, I'll see when update finishes.
<alex_> KISS is pretty new project, right, since 2019?
<testuser[m]> yeah
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<alex_> Installed KISS, it won't boot, just reboots. Yay.
<testuser[m]> kernel issue ?
<alex_> Dunno, I've made a defconfig, nothing else.
<testuser[m]> just reboots probably means your efi entry didnt get created
<testuser[m]> are you using grub ?
<alex_> Ye, grub. Tho, I've installed Manjaro now. 😂
<alex_> Tho, I've chosen Legacy not UEFI.
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<soliwilos> alex_: You could try syslinux instead of grub.
<soliwilos> It's configuration is simpler.
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<kyxor> Ok boys, this is finally now uptodate now I gotta sort out all the repo-main mess
<kyxor> testuser[m]: about webkit, you disabled webgl, was there a reason besides it not working on wayland? I've yet to test my build on xorg
<testuser[m]> No it probably works on wayland, I just disabled webgl cuz webkit didn't build without it on X, but it built fine without it on wayland
<kyxor> ok! thanks
<testuser[m]> You still can't build without WEBGL2 i think
<testuser[m]> Only webgl=off works on wayland, 2 is needed everywhere
<testuser[m]> Not really cuz of wayland in specific, we can disable it since we build without WPE
<testuser[m]> Opengl is off
<GalaxyNova> holy shit imgur has so much spyware it's crazy
<GalaxyNova> it even connects to facebook for some reason
<dilyn> any website that has one of those 'share to facebook' buttons or integrations connects to facebook
<dilyn> those little buttons are actually part of how facebook tracks you even when you don't navigate to facebook itself :)
<kyxor> why all normies use imgur, there are way better free services out there
<kyxor> some don't even have restrictions and adds
<acheam> kyxor: nop
<acheam> is your clock set right?
<acheam> just block facebook in your hosts file
<kyxor> yeah probably my clock, though it's weird
<kyxor> because other sites with https work
<acheam> output of `date`?
<acheam> the cert expires in sept though, so unless its really off, its probably not that
<GalaxyNova> i just block it in ublock origin
<kyxor> yeah my clock was off by 1 minute
<kyxor> I usually sync it manually when it gets off, no time server on my system
<GalaxyNova> the default busybox package on KISS included a time server i think
<kyxor> gotta not use it for muhsecuraty ntp bad
<acheam> systemd with just the init:
<kyxor> did you run sloc on it?
<acheam> nop
<kyxor> well, ugh anyway I think this might get traction only if major distro adopts it
<acheam> its meant for *BSD
<GalaxyNova> but why
<GalaxyNova> isn't the goal of systemd to be well integrated
<acheam> but I didn't link systemd
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<dilyn> isn't the only reason *BSD doesn't have a systemd is because nobody has yet to bother with making one?
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<sad_plan> hey
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<sad_plan> this is exclusivly ytdl though, it seems. it cant load,, and __ssl is no found
<sad_plan> firefox only nagged about _ssl module
<dilyn> seems like you have some bigger problems :V
<dilyn> you'd have to post the whole (python?) backtrace
<sad_plan> theyre gone if I rebuild libressl without the static stuff though, and rebuild python again so it properly links to
<sad_plan> and how does one find this backtrace?
<kyxor> micro_O: Hi, there is a problem with kiss-find, the using last commit, any command using busybox date errors with "date: unrecognized option: v" I've also sent you a PR to fix make install please review. Thanks
<dilyn> it should just be part of the output when your build fails
<dilyn> python will post a whole bunch of traceback related garbage, a lot of which is basically useless
<sad_plan> but the build doesnt fail. thats the strange thing. I could probably disable all the libs for libressl, and python would still build. it seems python just silently ignores the error about missing libs for some reason.
<sad_plan> in any case, the buildlog then.
<dilyn> ? no i mean when building or running youtubedl
<dilyn> python will just silently select the modules to build, so you have to carefully read the output when building to spot the modules it says it won't make
<dilyn> the big issue is that there's no "official" way to build python statically; they technically have instructions posted for doing so, but they're... old. and presumably many things have changed in the intervening years
<dilyn> for instance, if you don't actually provide a file to tell python what modules to build, a static build just wont' make any (see
<sad_plan> Ill rebuild ytdl. in the mean time, I did build with one of your earlier buildscripts. where you made python statically. which failed for me.
<sad_plan> log anyway
<sad_plan> aand youtube-dl also failed to build
<sad_plan> ytdl
<sad_plan> but yes, I dont have a files dir in mine. that could possibly be it. but how on earth would I know which to include?
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<noocsharp> i failed to build firefox as well, but was too lazy to look into it further
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<dilyn> my Setup.local is probably good enough for most anything you'd want to build
<dilyn> firefox-beta appears to have built just fine
<sad_plan> hm, yeah. Ill steal that, and try again
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<sad_plan> great. it failed :')
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<sad_plan> would math be important? it says its not found
<sad_plan> log if its of any interest
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<soliwilos> dilyn: firefox-beta built here as well.
<dilyn> nice nice nice. it's probably just something in the firefox build system that wasn't caught with the insane release schedule rust has...
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