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<acheam> so ive been writing a lot of python
<acheam> recently
<acheam> and ive started to remember why its very nice
<acheam> obvs i'm very glad that i'm learning C, and will still continue to write programs in it
<acheam> but there are good use-cases for python that ultra-minimalists like many of ourselves forget
<riteo> oh I agree
<riteo> python is amazing for making quick and dirty scripts for more complex behaviour
<riteo> like binary file manipulation
<riteo> I literally was able to implement the minecraft region format in like, 3 hours
<riteo> with conversions and whatnot for my needs
<riteo> in total it might've taken half a day for converting to and from text (along with the help of nbted, a nbt converter)
<riteo> woooooooo clang compiled
<riteo> oh right dilyn I'll send you that log
<riteo> fuck there's no wifi
<acheam> nice
<acheam> what did you have to change?
<riteo> I removed -march=native
<acheam> oh
<acheam> whats your march?
<acheam> could be worthy of a bug report
<acheam> somehwere
<riteo> I have no idea, amd64?
<acheam> idk whose to blame
<riteo> is that a march?
<acheam> gcc -march=native -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1 | grep cc1
<acheam> no it isnt
<acheam> idk if march is the right term
<acheam> but march=native will optimize for your specific cpu type, like intel skylake, or ryzen 2nd gen, or whatever
<riteo> epic I set up an android hotspot to send the log
<riteo> dilyn:
<riteo> I'll run that command
<riteo> acheam: the march's znver1
<riteo> I have absolutely no idea what that means
<acheam> AMD Family 17h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set support. (This supersets BMI, BMI2, F16C, FMA, FSGSBASE, AVX, AVX2, ADCX, RDSEED, MWAITX, SHA, CLZERO, AES, PCLMUL, CX16, MOVBE, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM, XSAVEC, XSAVES, CLFLUSHOPT, POPCNT, and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
<acheam> according to the gcc docs
<riteo> that matches my machine
<dilyn> it just defines the instruction sets that the CPU the program will run on can support
<dilyn> so like, setting arch to x86-64 will build a binary that runs on all amd64 CPUs
<dilyn> setting march=haswell will enable the optimizations available on haswell CPUs and could result in a binary that can't run on other architectures that don't include those features
<dilyn> all the features your CPU supports can be found via /proc/cpuinfo
<dilyn> riteo: c++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus
<dilyn> you ran out of ram
<riteo> oh, that's it?
<dilyn> mmhmm
<riteo> nice to know it isn't my computer exploding or something
<riteo> I'll setup a permanent swapfile then
<riteo> thanks for solving the mistery!
<dilyn> i'm a master at mystery solving :)
<riteo> epic
<riteo> it's all been great and firefox (it's dependencies really, for now) is finally continuing to compile, but it's gotten really really late and I gotta go
<riteo> thanks a lot everybody and cya next time!
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<dilyn> alright acheam, an example of how i find sourcehut confusing
<dilyn> what's the easiest way to get to the git side of this project?
<dilyn> there doesn't seem to be a way on the website itself, I have to change the url
<acheam> i never said that sourcehut wasnt confusing
<acheam> it is, especially that aspect of it that you mention (fixing it is prioritized to the beta)
<dilyn> lol
<acheam> what i said the other day is that cgit is less confusing than both gitea and srht
<dilyn> i just remember you asking for examples and I always forget to look for them
<dilyn> no i'm referring to a conversation from like, a month ago or something lol
<acheam> oh
<dilyn> glad to hear they're going to fix it
<acheam> ye
<dilyn> or at least, aim to xD
<acheam> the quality of implementation is yet to be seen :)
<duplex46> I got gummiboot built on kiss!
<GalaxyNova> why
<acheam> nice
<GalaxyNova> isn't gummiboot systemd
<duplex46> gummiboot is pre systemd
<duplex46> it's systemd-boot now
<duplex46> gummiboot is the old version
<noocsharp> systemd is basically a brand at this point
<duplex46> I can see some of the stuff they absorbed
<duplex46> but a bootloader??
<duplex46> but gummiboot is really nice
<duplex46> much lighter weight than grub but that's not the highest bar lol
<dilyn> systemd is reaching for pid 0
<acheam> systemd-systemd
<noocsharp> systemd-busybox-init
<GalaxyNova> systemd-kerneld
<GalaxyNova> systemd-packagemanagerd
<GalaxyNova> kek
<duplex46> GNU/SystemD/Linux
<GalaxyNova> They should update the GNU/Linux copypasta
<duplex46> btw I use Arch GNU/SystemD/Linux
<duplex46> lmao
<duplex46> can somone help me figure out what's wrong here: it's failing to compile musl
<acheam> is that the full log?
<duplex46> yes
<acheam> it looks cut off?
<acheam> might just be my phone
<duplex46> it does
<duplex46> but I uploaded where it said the log was stored
<dilyn> well it doesn't show an error in that log
<dilyn> sometimes pastebins won't take the whole file
<duplex46> there isn't an error for me either
<duplex46> like on the screen
<duplex46> it just says terminated
<dilyn> huh
<duplex46> I tried disabling make parallelism but that didn't fix it
<acheam> sounds like kiss terminated then
<acheam> not the build
<acheam> `kiss version`
<GalaxyNova> aww ffs
<GalaxyNova> luajit needs gcc
<acheam> yes
<GalaxyNova> isn't clang compatible with gcc
<acheam> yes and no
<acheam> clang's command line syntax emulates gcc
<acheam> but libclang doesnt emulate libgcc
<acheam> and luajit uses a libgcc
<GalaxyNova> clang implement's gcc's extentions no?
<acheam> yes but the library interfaces are different
<duplex46> wait it also says musl Build Failed but it's half way up the screen and there's build log after that
<GalaxyNova> acheam: Well, is there anything I can do about it to allow it to build and link to clang?
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<dilyn> what do you mean luajit requires gcc?
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<GalaxyNova> It's not building without gcc
<GalaxyNova> their makefile seems like it's calling gcc directly instead of using cc
<GalaxyNova> dilyn: ^
<dilyn> did you try setting CC=cc in the build file?
<dilyn> like make it `gmake CC=cc ...`
<dilyn> it requires a little work but it builds
<GalaxyNova> still get a lot of undefined symbol errors in the build
<dilyn> what symbols
<GalaxyNova> _Unwind_GetCFA
<dilyn> you're going to get very good at figuring this things out if you keep on this track :P
<dilyn> so _Unwind symbols are provided by a different library than what a lot of build systems would 'expect'
<dilyn> unwind symbols with llvm live in libunwind
<GalaxyNova> ohhh
<dilyn> you can look at wyverkiss' ccache build to see how to resolve it
<dilyn> here's a build for luajit that builds
<GalaxyNova> thank you :D
<dilyn> ofc
<dilyn> those are roughly all of the tricks you'll need for most cases on wyverkiss
<dilyn> make -> gmake, CC=cc, -lunwind -lc++ -lc++abi
<dilyn> for instance if you want to build chromium, gn requires you to specify -lunwind -lc++ -lc++abi. otherwise you'll get linker errors
<dilyn> a lot of things in community need gmake
<acheam> does luajit not use libgcc-jit?
<acheam> what was I trying to package that uses it then.......
<dilyn> it might, idk
<dilyn> i don't think i've ever used lua on this box
<acheam> real men need lua for MPV + YouTube-dl
<dilyn> nah
<noocsharp> real men download their videos and then play them in mpv
<acheam> youtube-dl --stdout | mpv -
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<GalaxyNova> wow kakoune is tiny
<GalaxyNova> 4 mb vs vim's 30 and neovim's 27
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<acheam> 4mb isnt tiny, vim is just massive
<GalaxyNova> lol good point
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<duplex46> how do I check what proprietary firmware I need?
<duplex46> need/would be useful to have
<duplex46> basically how do I tell what firmware is applicable
<dilyn> investigate what hardware you have
<dilyn> i'd search the gentoo wiki for your hardware and see what they say about it
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<dilyn> you can also checkout what is in the linux-firmware tarball and see if you have any matching devices, though that is less obvious
<dilyn> usually you need a firmware for GPU and wireless card, anything beyond that will require a bit more investigation
<duplex46> i'll at the gentoo wiki
<GalaxyNova> I just installed all the firmware :P
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<duplex46> this is kiss linux
<duplex46> I'm trying to save disk space and stuff where I can
<duplex46> even tho I have a 1tb nvme ssd lol
<duplex46> I just find it fun
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<acheam> Hi
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<GalaxyNova> Is it possible to build the linux kernel with clang? Or is gcc needed?
<noocsharp> clang works, i've never done it personally tho
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<acheam> clang is fine
<acheam> make LLVM=1 LLVM_IAS=1
<duplex46> there are some features of the kernel that only work with clang so I would hope it does
<dilyn> lol
<testuser[m]> You can do lto and fancy stuff with clang and lolvm
<testuser[m]> I don't think gcc can do it on the kernel
<testuser[m]> there's some patchset but its old
<dilyn> yeah not yet
<dilyn> if gcc had google on their side, maybe then it would finally get merged XD
<testuser[m]> They would refuse to be associated with poogle anyway
<noocsharp> i like these names
<noocsharp> do you have one for clang yet?
<testuser[m]> clung ?
<noocsharp> clank
<dilyn> cringe
<duplex46> if I use UEFI does the kernel need efivars builtin to boot?
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<duplex93> sorry I timedout
<dilyn> i'm very certain you need support for efivars builtin to *boot* from efi
<duplex93> time to recompile the kernel
<testuser[m]> `# CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS is not set`
<testuser[m]> it works fine for me
<testuser[m]> i think it just means you wont be able to use efibootmgr to modify entries
<m3g> rip emacs
<m3g> I'm surprised it hasn't even segfaulted yet
<m3g> well ain't I the brightest star, removed pigz
<testuser[m]> bruh
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<m3g> crisis averted wee
<m3g> problem is stuff is still trying to install libxkbcommon
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<dilyn> makes sense testuser :v
<dilyn> libxkbcommon is a dep for wayland
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<GalaxyNova> What is a good bootloader that is not grub
<testuser[m]> efistub
<testuser[m]> no bootloader
<GalaxyNova> hm
<GalaxyNova> does LILO support efi?
<dilyn> gotta use elilo
<dilyn> gummiboot is also v good
<dilyn> refind is good if you plan on dual booting
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<phoebos[m]> re kiss-find, it only indexes 100 repo's with #kiss-repo on shithub
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<riteo-laptop> hiii!
<riteo-laptop> is set -E a bashism?
<riteo-laptop> one sec
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<riteo-laptop> so basically I was trying to resize an LVM partition and it, like, just failed
<riteo-laptop> didn't say anything at all
<riteo-laptop> so apparently it used a wrapper script (called fsadm) which selected the appropriate filesystem resizing tool
<testuser[m]> shellcheck
<riteo-laptop> I ran sh -x on it and it failed right away at line 32 with 'illegal option -e'
<riteo-laptop> oh good idea
<testuser[m]> might be interesting for those looking for bsd userland
<testuser[m]> Has some repos with utils
<riteo-laptop> wait what's shellcheck's package
<testuser[m]> shellcheck-bin
<riteo-laptop> it... Doesn't work?
<riteo-laptop> one sec
<testuser[m]> Wat
<testuser[m]> it's shellcheck-bin in community
<riteo-laptop> right, so KISS_PATH isn't set with su for whatever reason
<riteo-laptop> /etc/profile isn't ran apparently
<testuser[m]> Why are you building as root
<riteo-laptop> I had it open since I was looking at stuff
<riteo-laptop> should I stop doing that
<riteo-laptop> thinking about it that doesn't sound like a good idea
<riteo-laptop> omg shellcheck exploded
<riteo-laptop> I'm reading about arrays so this is definitely a bash script
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<riteo-laptop> well, I'll have to go on the more destructive route although someone gotta reimplement it in posix shell
<riteo-laptop> extra point if clean room and MIT licensed
<testuser[m]> set -- asdf
<riteo-laptop> s/point/points/
<cotangent> <riteo-laptop> extra points if clean room and MIT licensed
<testuser[m]> For array
<riteo-laptop> what
<testuser[m]> check usage of `set`
<testuser[m]> In kiss
<testuser[m]> It can be used as an array
<riteo-laptop> oh
<riteo-laptop> does asdf really do what I need?
<riteo-laptop> lol
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> No
<riteo-laptop> oh I'm dumb then
<riteo-laptop> I don't get what you mean
<testuser[m]> Btw send the script link
<testuser[m]> `set -- some some2` adds `some some2` to `$@`
<riteo-laptop> oh
<testuser[m]> do echo "$@"
<testuser[m]> after using set
<riteo-laptop> yeah I got what you mean now
<riteo-laptop> someone used that approach for making a function cleaner in minekiss
<testuser[m]> Indexing is via loop though
<riteo-laptop> should I send the script from my machine or from the source tree
<riteo-laptop> be warned that it's GPL code though
<testuser[m]> shithub link
<riteo-laptop> epic, gimme a sec
<riteo-laptop> well I think I'll go resize home the scary way, I've still got basically nothing there so this shouldn't be an issue
<riteo-laptop> cya soon!
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<testuser[m]> In POSIX sh, string replacement is undefined.
<testuser[m]> set flag -E is undefined.
<testuser[m]> set option pipefail is undefined.
<testuser[m]> That's it
<testuser[m]> No other issues
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<riteo-laptop> the swap partition has been created
<testuser[m]> You could've juse used a swapfile
<riteo-laptop> I didn't want to put it in home
<riteo-laptop> it felt cleaner
<testuser[m]> put it in /
<riteo-laptop> it would've almost filled it in
<testuser[m]> make it's name empty
<riteo-laptop> my root partition is smallish, 30 GB or so
<riteo-laptop> that's more than enough for root by itself
<riteo-laptop> putting swap would just make it smaller for no discernible reason
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<riteo-laptop> I wonder how long it would take to implement fsadm from the manual page. I might do it myself
<riteo-laptop> but now I gtg, cya!
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<duplex56> how do I shutdown kiss?
<duplex56> oh wait
<duplex56> nvm
<duplex56> bigger issue
<duplex56> nothing works
<testuser[m]> wat
<duplex56> kiss has booted and I can log in but no commands work
<testuser[m]> define work
<testuser[m]> what does it say
<duplex56> they do not exist
<acheam> are you in a recovery shell?
<duplex56> uhh good question
<duplex56> how do I tell
<acheam> it would say
<duplex56> where
<testuser[m]> if you can "login" then atleast "getty" works
<duplex56> no it does not
<testuser[m]> then how did you login
<testuser[m]> you mean an automatic login ?
<duplex56> no
<duplex56> it let me log in
<testuser[m]> then what
<testuser[m]> echo $PATH
<duplex56> however no commands resolve
<testuser[m]> echo is a shell builtin (assuming ash)
<testuser[m]> so it should be found
<duplex56> found the issue
<testuser[m]> /usr/bin/command works ?
<duplex56> my path is fucked
<testuser[m]> yeah
<duplex56> fixed
<duplex56> ty for the help
<duplex56> what do I need to do to get ehternet connected?
<acheam> plug it in, load the corecy firmware/kernel options if necessary
<acheam> then assign a static IP or use dhcp
<duplex56> how do I do the firmware thing
<acheam> depends on your hardware
<duplex56> nvm
<duplex56> I just needed to start the dhcp daemon
<duplex56> all my firmware is failing to load but I have it in /usr/lib/firmware
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<acheam> have you listed them in the kernel config?
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<duplex82> Hi I'm back, i have bad internt rn. Did anyone respond to my firmware question?
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<testuser[m]> acheam: have you listed them in the kernel config?
<duplex70> I'm back again
<acheam> have you listed them in the kernel config?
<duplex70> I have not
<acheam> do that
<duplex70> How do I do that?
<acheam> in a space delimited list of firmware paths relative to /usr/lib
<acheam> the option is somewhere in make nconfig
<acheam> just search for it
<duplex70> I use make menuconfig
<acheam> use that then
<duplex70> Does build needed firmware blobs into the kernel binary sound right?
<soliwilos> "config_extra_firmware_dir" and "config_extra_firmware".
<duplex70> What do I put there?
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<acheam> a space delimited list of firmware paths relative to /usr/lib
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<acheam> a space delimited list of firmware paths relative to /usr/lib
<duplex72> Alright
<acheam> wish that I found this earlier:
<acheam> noocsharp: ^ might be of interest to you
<noocsharp> looks very similar to what i'm trying to do
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<duplex76> Ok so I've got the iwlwifi module loaded and it doesn't complain about firmware but no interface shows up
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<acheam> dmesg
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<duplex64> What about dmesg?
<noocsharp> run it an see if anything about iwlwifi failing shows up
<duplex64> Nope
<noocsharp> dmesg | grep iwlwifi
<duplex64> Nothing
<testuser[m]> show the fulldmesg
<duplex64> At the bottom it does say Intel(s) wireless WiFi driver for linux
<duplex64> How do I upload it
<claudia02> duplex64: have a read about the firmware at our old wiki
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<duplex64> Also I can't
<duplex64> No internet
<testuser[m]> take jpg from phone
<claudia02> I am not on a kiss machine right now, but maybe these files are also at /usr/share/doc/kiss/
<claudia02> This is very valuable documentation and should answer _most_ of your questions regarding the kernel +firmware.
<dilyn> this is fun
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> wtf
<acheam> are you just going through and recreating all the packages with gmake in your build file
<dilyn> not all!
<GalaxyNova> I just symlinked /usr/bin/make to /usr/bin/gmake and called it a day
<dilyn> i should just write a makefile :v
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<dilyn> that's heresy galaxynoav
<GalaxyNova> lol
<kqz> yeah any makefiles with gnuisms will cause an explosion :D
<dilyn> there's only seven packages left that I have which require gmake, we're so close
<kqz> do linux next! :p
<dilyn> impossible
<noocsharp> do gcc next
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<noocsharp> then we can finally be free from gnu
<dilyn> i mean what I'm going to end up doing for the kernel is just having a version of gmake live in the source tree lol
<dilyn> >gcc
<dilyn> >free from gnu
<dilyn> bruh
<testuser[m]> just port everything to be compatible with cproc
<noocsharp> ^
<noocsharp> this is the way
<dilyn> hng
<GalaxyNova> tcc is the way
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<testuser[m]> time to rewrite chromium in c11
<acheam> tcc is big bloat compared to cproc
<acheam> the only good thing about it is #!/usr/bin/tcc -run
<rio6> "c is a scripting language"
<GalaxyNova> lol
<duplex5> I still got nothing on my wifi
<kqz> firmware installed?
<duplex5> All the kernel modules are enabled and no errors
<duplex5> Yep
<kqz> and/or built into kernel?
<noocsharp> the right firmware installed?
<duplex5> I copied all the Intel firmware
<noocsharp> and you added all of them to your kernel config?
<duplex5> Including the iwlw ones in ./
<kqz> does "dmesg | grep ucode" show any results?
<duplex5> I didn't add Evey single one I chose one
<acheam> it doesnt matter if they're there if the kernel doesnt know about them
<acheam> did you choose the right one?
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<acheam> hi michalsieron
<duplex5> I chose what I was loading in my live USB
<GalaxyNova> mfw installing wyverkiss and then installing grub
<kqz> if the device isn't showing up at all then 99% it's the firmware not loading
<acheam> sorry michalsieron, meant to mention micro_O
<acheam> bad hexchat
<kqz> if you have a motherboard with uefi support than efistub is definitely the way
<micro_O> kyxor phoebos i just checked and there are only 91 repos that match topic:kiss-repo in github, so the limit is okay for now
<micro_O> o/ acheam
<duplex5> I use gummiboot
<duplex5> It works great
<GalaxyNova> gummiboot having a relation with systemd is scaring me
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<duplex38> It's pretty systemd
<duplex38> *pre
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<kqz> anyone try muon yet?
<acheam> nop
<acheam> i dont think its good enough for use yet
<testuser[m]> itis
<dilyn> muon's in a better state than bison :c
<testuser[m]> the original project isnt
<dilyn> s/bison/boson/
<cotangent> <dilyn> muon's in a better state than boson :c
<kqz> yeah i check on it every couple weeks months, lots of activity, haven't tried it myself yet
<kqz> will probably play around with it in depth this weekend and see how far i can get
<testuser[m]> > cli compatibility with meson. muon has different flags, subcommands, etc., and should not be renamed/symlinked to meson.
<testuser[m]> hmm
<kqz> yeah that's also why i haven't tried it yet lol
<kqz> but could create a script wrapper maybe
<testuser[m]> yeah
<dilyn> i was going to work on it to try and get rid of my python deps but lost interest relatively quickly when i saw it was gpl :'(
<kqz> rip
<dilyn> but getting it to build all of repo/ would be pretty cool
<kqz> yeah would be nice tho in my case i'll still have python on my system regardless lol
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<micro_O> kyxor phoebos i added some output to print out the number of found github repositories
<testuser[m]> looks like you just need to replace meson calls with `muon setup`, but it doesnt accept --prefix
<testuser[m]> and other -- stuff
<micro_O> kyxor when I run kiss-find kyx it shows your repository with 5 packages
<micro_O> oh, its repo-vulcan
<GalaxyNova> How do i add my repository to kiss-find
<msk[m]> add the "kiss-repo" topic on github
<micro_O> GalaxyNova ping me when you add it and I will rebuild the database so you dont have to wait ~3 hours to get it in
<micro_O> if you are not on github, just make a PR that adds it to the include file
<acheam> when you value python more than gpl
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<dilyn> python's probably done more for FOSS than GPL #badtakes
<noocsharp> i looked at the muon source a few days ago and it can't even install things yet
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<GalaxyNova> is rEFInd "bloated"
<testuser[m]> All bootloaders are
<testuser[m]> If you're on UEFI
<GalaxyNova> why?
<testuser[m]> Cuz you can use efistub directly
<GalaxyNova> but then you can't select operating systems no?
<testuser[m]> mobo can just boot the efi file
<testuser[m]> i think you can
<testuser[m]> Just add multiple entries
<testuser[m]> And open boot menu
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<GalaxyNova> welp
<GalaxyNova> turns out refind needs bash
<testuser[m]> Eww
<GalaxyNova> indeed
<GalaxyNova> idk why a bootloader needs to depend on a specific shell
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<micr0_mobile> So it seems the connect message points to any ops can update ?
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<acheam> cot:
<cot> oh
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<cot> fixed
<acheam> nice
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<GalaxyNova> acheam: The link for the logs is not working since redirects to Dylan's website
ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: KISS Linux | | | post logs or else
<acheam> thanks GalaxyNova
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<duplex> I tried compiling the wifi driver as a module with my firmware in /usr/lib/firmware and nothing changed
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<acheam> ifconfig?
<acheam> dmesg?
<acheam> modprobe iwlwifi?
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<acheam> oh
<acheam> ifconfig? dmesg? modprobe iwlwifi? are you sure you chose the right firmware file?
<acheam> kernel .config?
<duplex> I can't upload any of that because I do not have internet
<duplex> Because WiFi doesn't work
<acheam> can you load them on a thumb drive or something
<acheam> or take pictures of them
<acheam> do you have ethernet you could use?
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<GalaxyNova> duplex: Did you enable the dhcpcd service
<GalaxyNova> oh they left
<acheam> bruh
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<GalaxyNova> duplex: Did you enable the dhcpcd service
<GalaxyNova> also you can keep the IRC client open on one tty and do whatever on the other tty
<duplex> The interface doesn't even show up
<duplex> I don't have internet on my computer
<duplex> I'm using irc on my phone
<GalaxyNova> oh wow
<acheam> could you send or photograph or retype cat .config | grep FIRMWARE
<acheam> from the kernel source tree
<duplex> K
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<GalaxyNova> uh
<GalaxyNova> can't you also just drop the firmware in /usr/lib/firmware and the kernel will pick it up automagically?
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<duplex> I fixed it
<duplex> The Intel iwlwifi driver doesn't like being loaded as a module
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<rio6> apparently firmware can only be loaded from /lib/firmware if the driver is built as module
<duplex> It was built as a module
<duplex> And no errord
<duplex> It just didn't work
<noocsharp> you sure your card is iwlwifi?
<duplex> Yes
<duplex> It works now
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<noocsharp> would you mind posting your whole kernel config?
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<duplex> I don't have internet yet but sure
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<msk[m]> can't you get internet by booting with a live usb? the Arch iso has iwctl
<msk[m]> just temporarily, to 0x0 the kernel config
<acheam> well obvs they needed internet from a live iso to install kiss
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<duplex56> I am back with ehternet
<duplex56> I can upload kernel config in a sec
<duplex56> I didn't have a live usb on me
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<micro_O> kyxor: thanks for asking what the deal was with the search
<micro_O> i fixed it, and in the process cleaned up the repo a bit
<micro_O> I also added a package count to the site. currently it indexes 3701 packages
<acheam> wow
<acheam> maybe it should count duplicates
<acheam> and disaply that as a second number
<acheam> like: 3701 packages (1750 unique)
<micro_O> acheam i am already working on that
<micro_O> testing locally, will be up shortly
<acheam> noice
<acheam> whats the link again?
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<micro_O> rebuilding now
<acheam> nice
<acheam> should that go on
<acheam> wow much pink
<acheam> gullik's repos are duped
<acheam> because they're on srht and on gh
<acheam> should there be a url in the table that leads directly to the package?
<micro_O> acheam maybe it should go con ...
<micro_O> the name of the package goes to the package
<micro_O> like it does that already
<acheam> oh
<acheam> a few more suggestions:
<acheam> a maintainer column
<acheam> https before the URL
<acheam> or http
<acheam> dont show the relver
<acheam> make the colums sortable
<acheam> maybe seperate the repo name from the url
<acheam> so instead of just having url you have: maintainer, repo owner, repo name, and a link to the repo
<acheam> just spitballing here
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<acheam> micro_O: how is berty?
<acheam> im partly put off by the fact that they use discord
<acheam> and their javascripty website
<GalaxyNova> just use matrix
<micro_O> GalaxyNova those are not equivalent at all
<micro_O> berty doesn't require an internet connection to sync, from what I understand, matrix does
<micro_O> right tools for different goals - not sure why using discord or having javascript on your site makes your software worse
<micro_O> generally, means they can spend more time focusing on the software, in my experience
<micro_O> acheam I have not spent much time with Berty. like i havent been on it in over a year
<micro_O> same re: scuttlebutt
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<micro_O> really i just tried it out when I was looking for messengers that worked without any shared router
<rio6> just looked at their website, I know what you mean lol
<rio6> fancy js
<kyxor> phoebos[m]: Thanks for that tip! Though 100 is a bit low, I suspect most users would want all shithub repos to find packages
<micro_O> also their website works with js disabled
<micro_O> and looks generally pretty decent
<micro_O> kyxor there are only 91 repositories with the kiss-repo topic on github.
<micro_O> if we break 100, i'd be happy to start using their pagination to build the database
<micro_O> pull requests welcome
<rio6> btw, does firefox let you disable javascript without using a plugin
<micro_O> yes
<kyxor> micro_O: hi, hmm why my repos were not being found though?
<micro_O> open the debugger, click on the cog in the top right of the dev tools, check 'disable javascript'
<micro_O> kyxor your repos were being found, just my search function was overly strict
<micro_O> like you were in the kiss-repo db.csv, and the commandline tool and ctrl+f would find kyx
<rio6> heh cool
<micro_O> acheam would you mind making issues for all your ideas?
<rio6> the site still manage to animate floating phones with js disabled
<micro_O> maintainer i am iffy on. i am happy to add it to the database, but unsure about adding it to the site
<acheam> micro_O: it doesn't worsen software but it does show a difference in morals and values between the project and myself
<micro_O> http/https prefix also means people on low resolution displays will have the site cutoff
<kyxor> micro_O: ok, I know some repos were there but some weren't
<acheam> I guess marketing-heavy would have been a better term than javascript-heavy
<kyxor> like this one wasn't
<acheam> rio6: umatrix is very good for that
<micro_O> kyxor i see three repos - repo-main, repo-vulkan, repo-community
<acheam> micro_O: yes I would mind making issues for those
<kyxor> ok let me check...
<micro_O> ya its just hard to keep track of everything
<acheam> feel free to make them for me
<acheam> why iffy on adding them?
<micro_O> acheam they dont have to be github issues
<acheam> i think it would be meaningful especially given the maintainer-oriented nature of the community repo
<micro_O> if you are opposed to github issues there are many alternatives than ephemereal irc
<acheam> i'll email you a list later
<micro_O> acheam for the database, adding maintainers is fine. for the website, i have to think about the UX before just adding them
<acheam> ye
<acheam> perhaps collapsible/hideable columns would allow for that
<micro_O> yeah, if there is a non-js way to do that, that doesn't break tables i'd be for it
<acheam> just so you dont have to worry so much about width
<acheam> there is
<micro_O> datalists?
<micro_O> acheam have you used git-bug before?
<acheam> no
<acheam> written in golang is offputting for me
<micro_O> i use it on some of my distributed projects
<kyxor> micro_O: something is wrong, I am using the last git commit on kiss-find, when I do kiss-find -u and then look into .cache/kiss-find/ all it has is 404: Not Found
<micro_O> acheam you only use shell & c to write software?
<acheam> nah man, x86 assembler only
<acheam> on this install it isnt a big deal, but i dont like carrying around the go runtime
<micro_O> yeah sorry, i like seeing diversity in the world. x86 only is too fragile
<micro_O> i thought you dont need the go runtime? these are static builds
<acheam> oh i need to figure out how to do that
<micro_O> arm, risc-v, x86, pic, whatever attiny is, mips, is 8502 x86?
<acheam> but still, the go compiler is heavy
<acheam> also leaves garbage all over the place unless you set environment variables
<kyxor> acheam: compiler? more like interpreter
<acheam> idek anymore
<micro_O> i have ~ read-only and have not seen it do that, but agreed if you are going to develop in go, they 'vendor everything' mentality sucks
<acheam> wait ~ read only?
<acheam> how do you.... use your computer
<micro_O> chmod 600 $HOME
<acheam> oh
<micro_O> its just home directory
<acheam> i though you meant like, mounted read only
<micro_O> subdirectories are fine
<acheam> oh no -R
<acheam> got it
<acheam> still it always created ~/go until I set some variable
<micro_O> i used to mount read-only, and the union mount r/w so reboot wipes to known state :)
<kyxor> micro_O: I think kiss-find last commit is bugged did you see my message, db isn't updating properly anymore it gives "404: Not Found"
<micro_O> kyxor checking now
<acheam> for hiding/showing elements with css alone
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<micro_O> kyxor i am having trouble recreating the issue
<kyxor> look into db.csv file itself
<kyxor> like the error is printed in the file
<noocsharp> go binaries are easy to build statically, but the runtime inside the binary is still massive
<micro_O> ohhh im dumb, thanks kyxor
<micro_O> will fix shortly
<kyxor> thanks :)
<acheam> wow rcs is actually really nice
<acheam> i think im going to switch most of my projects to it
<acheam> and just publish tarballs periodically
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<kyxor> honestly I don't know how much google paid to get all the big names Unix world people to get working on this go language, but by design a garbage collected language is bloat, there are prenty of them out there, why make another
<micro_O> kyxor have you tried writing anything in go? i think the tradeoffs are quite clear.
<micro_O> google hires a shit ton of people straight out of college, and needs as little 'sharp edges' for those folks to start building new shit
<micro_O> and most of the other GC languages have hellish compile times
<kyxor> not really, but python is already on my system, if I ever feel like taking an easy route
<micro_O> alternative history - look at Rob Pike's research languages. He found someont to turn his research language into something being used by people.
<kyxor> or posix shell, even better
<micro_O> lol python, talk about taking over a system
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<micro_O> acheam could you make a proof-of-concept that hides an entire column with 1 checkbox? looking at that, unless i am misreading, would add #columns^2 * #packages divs to the page
<acheam> yes, later
<kyxor> like in my opinion fragmentation is not worth creating a new language, it's like how many dialets of math is out there? Exactly only 1, everyone on this planet can understand math or at least basic numbers. We don't need to reinvent a freaking number system
<micro_O> so like, lets say we have 7 columns (adding maintainers), it would add 49 chars * 3 (2chars+space) * 3000 so like...441kb?
<noocsharp> math is extremely mature, programming languages aren't
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<kyxor> noocsharp: Yes, I hope for programming to become mature
<micro_O> kyxor there are many types of math, not just one
<micro_O> math is full of domain specific languages
<micro_O> and often the symbols clash
<noocsharp> there have been so many different number systems in use throughout history, but now we just use one
<kyxor> Well also same argument, like English is becoming a global language of this planet
<noocsharp> except it's not, and never will be universal
<micro_O> same re: math
<micro_O> anyway, the 441kb would be the decompressed size, going from 1.3mb to 1.7mb. Over the wire would likely just go from 77.5kb to ~100kb
<micro_O> so maybe its fine
<micro_O> "I hope for programming to become mature" "also i dont want any new languages"
<noocsharp> wait what are you serving that's 1.3mb?
<micro_O> kiss find. its a static website, no javascript
<micro_O> thats the tradeoff
<kyxor> Everything eventually becomes mature, and I think C is pretty close to achiving that. Something that stops changing and is still widely used eventually becomes that defacto standard.
<noocsharp> ah
<micro_O> it was a much much smaller and faster website when it was javascript
<micro_O> but i decided to make the tradeoff because many people in the kiss community prefer having a usable website without javascript
<noocsharp> is the static version up? do you have a link?
<micro_O> the regular website *is* the static version
<micro_O> It has like, 20 lines of optional javascript
<micro_O> which powers the search
<noocsharp> think of it like this: it's smaller than the google homepage but actually has the content to justify it
<micro_O> its way bigger than the google homepage
<micro_O> with javascript disabled transfers 42kb, with 112kb total size of assets. kiss-find is 77kb transfer for 1.3mb of asset size.
<micro_O> but you are right that kiss-find has content, whereas does not
<noocsharp> huh, i thought google was bigger
<micro_O> nah, they optimize the SHIT out of that homepage
<noocsharp> now do it for youtube :V
<kyxor> micro_O: kiss-find works now! thanks for fix
<micro_O> thanks for the heads up
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