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<claudia> When you are in the need to provide desktop environments, your portstree prob. has to adress their needs.
<claudia> One can do like this person and modify the obsd portstree with patches and configure flags to trim the packages down.
<claudia> I cant imagine problems with other packages coming up(rabbit hole)
<acheam> nice I was planning on doing that at some point
<acheam> but I do really like having binary packages
<claudia> maybe a chroot can help you :p
<acheam> how?
<claudia> maybe the binary packages inside the chroot then.
<acheam> phoebos[m]: catgirl 1.9 is out
<acheam> it neeeds #include <sys/file.h> to be added to ui.c to build though
<claudia> This is so much work for trimming down "1 2" dependencies and on the other hand loosing compatability to the main system and being complete on your own.
<acheam> yes.
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<GalaxyNova> someone should make a fork of kiss that uses only binary packages
<acheam> dont need a fork of kiss for that
<acheam> or did you mean a fork of the kiss repo
<acheam> pretty much just need someone willing to build the packages
<acheam> but IMO binary packages are no good
<acheam> they prevent all the flexibility that kiss gives
<acheam> like switching library providers at the drop of a hat
<noocsharp> i mean you can do that as long as you have the build servers
<noocsharp> i think binary for packages that you don't need to customize, source for all else
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<acheam> the problem is the binary packages that I don't customize are the small ones that dont benefit much from havnig a binary package
<acheam> lol
<acheam> noocsharp: did you see my question about julia yesterday?
<noocsharp> yeah, and i responded, although i think i forgot to put your name
<noocsharp> i have no experience with julia, but it seems cool is basically what i said
<acheam> oh let me check my logs
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<dilyn> honestly there isn't a major advantage to using binary packages for a great majority of the ones in the main repo
<dilyn> and bins of the most intensive ones are already provided
<dilyn> if someone really wanted, they could also perhaps make use of KISS-static's gcc and binutils even
<duplex> does anyone know of a sway compatible notification program that doesn't have any dependencies like dbus and works with firefox
<acheam> firefox only supports interprocess communication via dbus
<acheam> just use the built in Firefox notifications
<acheam> interprocess communication with regards to notifications that is
<GalaxyNova> perhaps for very weak systems
<GalaxyNova> or for package install speeds
<GalaxyNova> or maybe just for the novelty
<duplex> sad
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<acheam> Hi
<rio6> I wonder if a daemonless dbus implementation is possible
<acheam> it would need to be implemented on the client side
<acheam> most programs try to connect to the daemon on launch IIUC
<acheam> would kind of ruin the point of dbus if for each communication you had to reconnect the bridge
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<testuser[m]> Is the idea of dbus trash or the implementation
<acheam> there are many dbus implementations
<acheam> dbus is just the protocol
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<dilyn> dbus is just an IPC implementation
<dilyn> there's nothing inherently wrong with allowing programs to interact in this way; in a manner it's how wayland works
<dilyn> the primary issue is presumably 'security concerns' and afaik this is just inherited from fears surroudning systemd et al
<dilyn> i suppose investigating libnih-dbus would be worthwhile for KISS-related pursuits
<dilyn> if libdbus is required only for like, loose verification of dbus support and not an actual requirement for function, dylan's libdbus stud might suffice
<dilyn> (it does not suffice for things as complicated as KDE, for instance)
<acheam> often times you can just chmod -x /usr/bin/dbus*
<rio6> risc-v soldering iron what?
<rio6> I thought soldering irons are literally irons connected to electricity
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<illiliti> dbus is slow and insecure wrapper over unix socket
<illiliti> google: dbus/polkit lpe
<testuser[m]> Why is dbus and other bloat used in every mainstream distro tho
<testuser[m]> Like
<testuser[m]> Won't they understand how bad the stuff is
<necromansy> tradeoff for convenience of system togetherness
<illiliti> because corpos doesn't care about bloat
<illiliti> they pays money to make program that just does the work
<illiliti> they don't care how it's implemented
<illiliti> just look at chromium/firefox/systemd source code
<illiliti> it's totally unmaintainable mess
<rio6> I feel this kind of thing would happen more often the more money there is
<illiliti> indeed
<rio6> since people paying can ask for more features to be crammed in a short time in even if they don't well with existing code
<rio6> s/don't well/don't fit well/
<cotangent> <rio6> since people paying can ask for more features to be crammed in a short time in even if they don't fit well with existing code
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<dilyn> i mean everything you would want to do with dbus you can likewise accomplish by other means
<dilyn> the problem is nobody is providing any such layer that makes it as easy as dbus does
<dilyn> of course that ease of use brings about security problems
<dilyn> the large problem is that nobody has bothered to implement anything better in a way that maintains compatibility with even a fraction of the things dbus provides
<dilyn> by the 80-20 rule, we could probably usurp dbus by just providing 20% of the features of it
<dilyn> nobody has done that though
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riteo has joined #kisslinux
<riteo> hiiii!
<testuser[m]> hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<necromansy> man these satire repos are getting a little too saturated
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<riteo> what is that repo
<riteo> it's not funny anymore
<schillingklaus> which repo? dilyn's kiss-me ?
<riteo> no lol, I was talking about an older message
<riteo> testuser[m] linked a satirical repo about bloated projects
<schillingklaus> I boycott rust
<testuser[m]> cool
<riteo> bruh ccache requires zstd
<schillingklaus> zstd is the work of facebook
<riteo> I know
<riteo> that's the issue
<testuser[m]> it doesnt
<testuser[m]> kiss fork
<riteo> I would have to patch it
<testuser[m]> sed '/ZSTD/d' build
<testuser[m]> zstd is usually preferred in gcc too for their LTO stuff
<riteo> wasn't it a mandatory dependency
<testuser[m]> no it just makes stuff faster
<testuser[m]> ohh
<testuser[m]> sorry i thought it was optional cuz only a single file was specified in the build file
<riteo> no worries, that's a weird thing to do in general
<riteo> like, why not have an interface for multiple compression algorithms?
<testuser[m]> what's the issue tho, zucc isnt gonna break into your puter
<testuser[m]> yeah
<riteo> yeah I know, I don't really care about it that much
<riteo> it's just weird that I have to install a depdendency that I will never use actually
<testuser[m]> its make dep
<testuser[m]> static
<riteo> the fact that's facebook developed doesn't matter that much, otherwise I should get rid of linux because red hat worked on it lol
<riteo> oh good idea
<riteo> anyways it's just weird that ccache depends on it so thightly, that's the bruh moment
<riteo> why the fuck does firefox have a source folder named "netwerk"
<riteo> "netwerk/protocol/http" lmao
<testuser[m]> chromium has one named WTF i thought it was named that cuz the devs couldnt make sense of what they've done
<riteo> lmao
<riteo> android's API had a wtf method
<riteo> but this time it meant wtf for real
<riteo> oh sorry it means "What a Terrible Failure" obviously
<riteo> lmao
<testuser[m]> bruh
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<schillingklaus> redhat worked on some useless crapo additions to the kernel, but the true kernel is older than redhat
<riteo> oh yeah for sure, it was just a silly example
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<micro_O> o/
<micro_O> kiss-find website now supports sorting by column if you click on a column header (js-only)
<testuser[m]> Nice
<riteo> epic
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<micro_O> and now there is a static count of # of maintainers and urls (currently 114 maintainers of 92 repositories)
<riteo> cool
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<duplex> how do you get kiss (package manager) to extract a file into a specific folder
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<soliwilos> duplex: If it's a file from the source tarball you want to extract somewhere, you can just use cp in the build file; "cp file $1/usr/bin/file".
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<duplex> no I want the whole tar bar extracted somewehre
<noocsharp> just use tar?
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<phoebos> ugh shellcheck
<micro_O> looks like someone made a PR to kisscommunity website, neat
<micro_O> organized the sections better
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<GalaxyNova> Any alternatives for youtube?
<msk[m]> the client? I have a script for scraping results and picking with fzf, then streaming with mpv
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<riteo> gtg, cya!
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