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<msk> did any of you use xcape before switching to wayland? I can't find a good replacement
<dilyn> you can usually just use the compositor's config itself
<msk> dwl only has single key --> command configuration options
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<msk> I don't like how compositors have so many roles to fill
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<micr0> hey, anyone remember that hooks package that makes it easy to add and remove individual hooks?
<micr0> I am looking to package individual kiss hooks, like kiss-hooks-remove-man-pages and kiss-hooks-build-time so people can just install or uninstall them
<micr0> but making a "proxy" script seems kinda weird
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<illiliti> you mean system hooks?
<illiliti> this feature isn't implemented in kiss
<GalaxyNova> issue with ccls is that it doesn't support gotodefinition
<GalaxyNova> which is unfortunate
<GalaxyNova> but clangd is impossible to package :/
<dilyn> just modify the llvm package
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<dilyn> add -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang-tools-extra"
<dilyn> it'll build llvm with clangd. though it might also force you to build clang... hmmm
<GalaxyNova> but then if i uninstall clangd it will also uninstall llvm?
<GalaxyNova> and clang
<GalaxyNova> right?
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<humaid_02> gtk+3 fails to build
<humaid_02> Package 'gl', required by epoxy, not found.
<micr0> ok, well I just made some packages to easily install hooks for people
<micr0> `kiss build kiss-hooks-build-duration` for example
<micr0> does two things: installs kiss-hooks, which sets KISS_HOOK in /etc/profile.d/, and a wrapper script in /etc/kiss/hooks/kiss-hooks
<micr0> the wrapper script just looks for everything in /etc/kiss/hooks/*.sh and sources them in order, with the appropriate environment variables
<micr0> this makes it easy to add or remove hooks
<micr0> fair warning, this is in my personal repo as hooks *could* be dangerous. if enough people are into it, i'll make a PR to kiss-community/community or maybe make a new hooks repo under kiss-community
<micr0> also happy for people to contribute hooks
<humaid_02> Nice. This should be upstream..maybe.
<micr0> I basically just copy-pasted section 6.0 of `kiss help package-manager`, as I anticipate some people might want `kiss install kiss-hooks-remove-man-pages` once #263 or whatever the issue number is closed
<micr0> humaid_02 which upstream? I think dylan has enough on his plate, and its probably worth having a couple of weeks of people trying it out, coming up with competing versions, etc
<micr0> thanks illiliti
<micr0> for example, I was thinking of creating a KISS_HOOKS or KISS_HOOKS_PATH variable, that works like KISS_PATH, though not sure if thats simpler or more complex
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<illiliti> KISS_HOOK is really messy thing
<illiliti> i dislike it
<humaid_02> micr0: I think you are right.
<micr0> illiliti its a *little* messy but to be fair, I was able to package up independent hooks using only 5 lines of supporting shell script
<micr0> in like <30 minutes, porting 3 hooks to it
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<micr0> illiliti humaid_02 dilyn added some ideas to
<humaid_02> Just wanted to report, did kiss-rest. and kiss removed baseinit... resulted in read-only file system.
<micr0> hmm does anyone have a resource for converting bytes into grams?
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<dilyn> baseinit is not included with the base system :V
<akira01> hey guys
<humaid_02> dylin: really? Why not?
<akira01> anyone have problem with kiss logs?
<humaid_02> Hi akira.
<humaid_02> by the way dylin.. what is this gl package required by epoxy?
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<claudia02> humaid_02: you are transitioning from xorg to wayland rn?
<micr0> i made a dumb function that tells you the weight of your kiss install in picograms
<claudia02> this is prob because existing packages still link to mesa with libgl or something.
<claudia02> The kiss-rest you have just done is the right thing.
<claudia02> Make sure to delete your $HOME/.cache/kiss/bin
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<dilyn> baseinit is not included because... idk why. It just hasn't been a part of the tarballs since version 1 and it's stayed that way
<claudia02> This error results from detecting stuff and setting automatically the wriong configure args
<dilyn> even though it's the only init in repo/ ... so...
<dilyn> as for GL, it's like what claudia said. you probably have something off with a package. we'd have to know what you've done
<GalaxyNova> guess it makes the tarball smaller?
<GalaxyNova> by a few kilobytes
<dilyn> make sure you have the right remote, remove any cached packages, etc. because you've already done a reset, you just have to do kiss b sway and you're basically done
<micr0> illiliti what do you mean by packages cannot use KISS_HOOKS_PATH reliably? if you want an example of how i currently have independent packages appending to KISS_PATH, I can share that
<illiliti> KISS_HOOKS_PATH can be anything
<illiliti> it's user controled variable
<claudia02> I see kiss-reset resets towards a working chroot. There is no baseinit needed.
<micr0> sure, which is why a well-behaving package really only has one safe option - to append
<micr0> i manage my package repositories with `kiss`
<micr0> in addition to cloning the correct repo, each package adds a file in /etc/profile.d/ with a single line: export KISS_PATH="/path/to/my/repo:$KISS_PATH"
<micr0> so the user is free to add, remove, overwrite the variable
<noocsharp> how meta
<micr0> i mean honestly its a testament to the simplicity of the package management of kiss, that its so easy to add features like this without them needing to be hacked or forked or whatever
<illiliti> micr0: how do you maintain order of KISS_PATH?
<illiliti> just curious
<micr0> illiliti thats a very good question
<micr0> the same way i maintain order with when I managed it manually
<micr0> that is, i just appended stuff
<micr0> and when things conflicted or broke, i tried to not have overlapping packages
<micr0> so i would either fork or stop using said repository
<micr0> if i really needed two repositories to have a different order than the paths came out to be, I would just prepend that locally (i.e. in .profile)
<micr0> I do think its a limitation that i cannot specify kiss/extra/firefox vs jedahan/firefox, but ... surprisingly that limitation hasnt been too painful
<noocsharp> couldn't you also do the typical thing where you start your file in profile.d with a number?
<noocsharp> that way ordering could be in your repo repo
<micr0> noocsharp sure, but then you'd have one of two issues: centralized ordering that may conflict with what a user wants
<micr0> dynamic ordering that would depend on install time O_O
<micr0> though honestly, kiss is full of dynamic ordering, so maybe thats not an issue
<noocsharp> true, i was assuming the user controls the repo repo anyway so they have control anyway
<micr0> (or rather, dynamic install-time stuff)
<noocsharp> wow, i should read when i type
<micr0> oh, i mean yeah if each person had their own repo-repo then yeah that works fine
<micr0> my repo-repo is meant to be used by other folks, if helpful
<noocsharp> oh
<micr0> if we wanted to get REAL meta about it...i had an experiment where i added repositories to the dependencies of packages
<micr0> so like, if a package in my repo, depended on a package in your repo, it would have repo-noocsharp in the depends file
<micr0> that way I could just `kiss build mycoolpackage` and it would also clone and add your repo, etc.
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<noocsharp> i mean at some point we'll need a repo of repo repos
<micr0> it felt a little too experimental to share
<micr0> noocsharp i think thats whats called an "awesome list" which i kinda abhor
<noocsharp> cool idea nonetheless
<micr0> thanks. it works for me. i mostly dont think about it
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<akira01> man wtf firefox wayland had?
<akira01> i did the same test as i did in firefox xorg
<akira01> i only get criticals in
<GalaxyNova> akira01: What is browseraudit?
<akira01> website to test your browser security
<kiedtl> micr0: there was this thing called "fileweight" (search for it in or HN's submissions, I don't have the link rn), I think it's similar to what you're tyring to do
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<micr0> btw illiliti I can add /usr/share/kiss/hooks to the kiss-hook wrapper
<micr0> i mean what you are describing is just setting a default for KISS_HOOKS_PATH="/etc/kiss/hooks:/usr/share/kiss/hooks"
<micr0> I'll spend an hour seeing if i can make it work that way
<micr0> kiedtl perfect thanks
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<akira01> anyone uses firefox?
<humaid_02> Claudia dylin, thank you.. I'll do it.
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<konimex> akira01: currently building 90
<akira01> so when you build
<akira01> can confirm if you about:config had this option "media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled" ?
<konimex> in my current ff89, no media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled, but I have media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.disabled (currently false)
<GalaxyNova> building 90 too
<GalaxyNova> akira01: 366 passed, 10 warnings, 28 skipped
<akira01> Good
<GalaxyNova> is that what you got also?
<akira01> maybe
<akira01> Still waiting
<akira01> i solved the criticals
<akira01> is cookies option that break sites
<akira01> how can i truly know if firefox is using hardware acceleration?
<GalaxyNova> > open htop
<GalaxyNova> > resize firefox window like crazy
<GalaxyNova> watch the cpu output
<micr0> illiliti I updated my kiss-hooks experiment to look by default in /etc/kiss/hooks and /usr/share/kiss/hooks. these can be changed to any paths you want by updating KISS_HOOKS_PATH, much like KISS_PATH.
<illiliti> nice
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<akira01> GalaxyNova: when i resize firefox like a crazy
<akira01> The cpu is getting to 20%
<akira01> This is good or not?
<GalaxyNova> not a good sign xD
<akira01> Gosh lol
<akira01> what can i do? i follow the steps in wiki
<micr0> ok, last improvement: kiss-hooks will now source hooks named after their type, git-style. so you dont need to match against the type if you dont want to. this is in addition to running anything with a .sh extension, like current KISS_HOOK style
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* necromansy waves
* micr0 o/
<necromansy> whats up
<micr0> illiliti the kiss-hook package has turned into a truly bloated 17 lines of shell
<micr0> how will i live with the added 1.043448e-11 grams
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<micr0> necromansy hacking on hooks so people can just `kiss install kiss-hooks-remove-man-pages` or `kiss remove kiss-hooks-build-duration`, etc.
<necromansy> im guessing the man pages hook is for internal consistency? but noice, i really should make more use of hooks
<akira01> anyone can use volume keys and amixer?
<micr0> necromansy both hooks are just ones I copied from `kiss help package-manager` section 6
<akira01> amixer not work with volume keys in sway-tiny and i dont know why
<micr0> as for motivation to getting it into a hook, its due to man-pages changes outlined
<necromansy> micr0 ah fair nuff, and yeah that that issue was what i was referring to
<acheam> dilyn: your no atomic patch doesnt apply with busybox or openbsd patch btw
<micr0> as for motivation behind the changes, my interpretation of the general direction of kiss dylan is converging on i could provide but might be a bit far removed from what you were asking
<micr0> necromansy I'd say try out my kiss-hooks packages, but I wrote them this evening over about an hour so itll probably light your computer on fire
<necromansy> yeah i'll geeze at them *carefully*
<dilyn> my patch for what now?
<acheam> removing libatomic from chromium
<dilyn> well I'm sorry your terrible patch implementations don't respect my hard work >=|
<dilyn> I would wager that this patch is just a sed anyways...
<acheam> well its on two files
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<acheam> which makes it less convinient for sed
<acheam> but yeah its literally just removing 1 word
<dilyn> i was just too lazy to check at the time if that single word appeared multiple times
<dilyn> pax does an interesting thing when extracting chromium...
<illiliti> xd
<necromansy> riiiight..
<micr0> dilyn pretty
<dilyn> it took forever too
<noocsharp> dilyn: you'd know that that's spec conformant if you read the man page
<dilyn> but I DID read the manpage
<dilyn> and some of the source!
<dilyn> and it said absolutely nothing of paritioning archives into files that spell it out like wheel of fortune
<noocsharp> damn, you got me
<micr0> oh, i found something that weighs files, packaged. its called fileweight
<micr0> anyway, off to bed. later yall
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<acheam> hallo
<necromansy> heyo
<kyxor> hello
<akira01> anyone had this problem with sway?
<kyxor> isn't that old news?
<akira01> i change from sway-tiny to sway to see difference
<akira01> and got this
<kyxor> for sway you need to run seatd
<kyxor> sway-tiny you dont
<akira01> yeah i did
<akira01> is in my var/service
<kyxor> look though irc logs yesterday, there were similar problems
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<akira01> tested
<akira01> nothing solve
<GalaxyNova> akira01: Try setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to /tmp
<akira01> Is already
<GalaxyNova> hm
<akira01> and seatd is in /var/service
<akira01> Also my .profile had export LIBSEAT_BACKEND=seatd
<GalaxyNova> try running seatd manually and see if it has any arror messages
<akira01> you mean exec seatd?
<necromansy> i had to run 'seatd -u necro' to get mine to work
<necromansy> fwiw
<necromansy> s/necro/$USER
<akira01> thats what i got
<kyxor> killall seatd and try again
<akira01> Same error
<akira01> just change that now is permission denied
<necromansy> try a priv esc
<akira01> how i gonna do this?
<necromansy> ive got a half-baked solution, i used tty2 to run doas seatd -u $USER
<necromansy> and tty1 to run my WM
<necromansy> id imagine you can fix that so seatd runs on boot
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<GalaxyNova> welp
<GalaxyNova> akira01: guess my hardware acceleration isn't working either lol
<akira01> lol
<GalaxyNova> i found a way you can test for sure
<akira01> how?
<GalaxyNova> try the 3d section
<GalaxyNova> if you get an error for webgl then it's not working
<testuser[m]> use webrender
<akira01> gosh
<akira01> i need to know now
<akira01> but im too tired
<GalaxyNova> I'm very confused now
<akira01> and need rebuild sway-tiny because the seatd fucks sway
<GalaxyNova> try sweay-no-seat
<GalaxyNova> sway-no-seat*
<akira01> why wlroots is needed to sway and not to tiny?
<GalaxyNova> because tiny uses embeded wlroots
<GalaxyNova> kiss-no-seat works without wlroots too
<GalaxyNova> weird
<GalaxyNova> i wonder if installing it would fix the hardware acceleration issues
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<akira01> is because it i thinking in try sway commom
<akira01> but wont work
<GalaxyNova> ok... I think i get it now
<GalaxyNova> sway-no-seat and sway-tiny both come with a statically linked wlroots
<GalaxyNova> from what i understand
<testuser[m]> wat issue does that cause
<GalaxyNova> my hardware aceleration is not working :(
<GalaxyNova> don't know what the problem is
<testuser[m]> export POZ_WEBRENDER=1
<testuser[m]> MOZ
<testuser[m]> about:support
<GalaxyNova> WARNING: Failed to create file monitor for /home/andrei/.config/glib-2.0/settings/keyfile: Unable to find default local file monitor type
<GalaxyNova> that's when trying to load
<GalaxyNova> another warning: Failed to create WebGL context: WebGL is currently disabled.
<testuser[m]> the page doesnt work either
<testuser[m]> ?
<akira01> put in my profile
<akira01> and run it
<testuser[m]> check webgl flags in about:config
<akira01> not work
<akira01> multiple of them is in false
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: They're all default
<akira01> yeah
<GalaxyNova> also i don't think the problem is just in firefox
<akira01> i only modify what the wiki said and not just one
<GalaxyNova> resizing foot also causes CPU spikes
<akira01> because firefox not has
<GalaxyNova> O
<GalaxyNova> VAAPI stands for video acceleration api...
<GalaxyNova> lol
<GalaxyNova> though it was some kind of video card
<GalaxyNova> now firefox segfaults... nice
<akira01> also GalaxyNova you know a way to remove the top bar in foot and firefox?
<GalaxyNova> the blue bar?
<GalaxyNova> that's part of sway
<GalaxyNova> default_border pixel 1 in sway config
<akira01> okay
<GalaxyNova> also it only affects new windows
<GalaxyNova> old windows will still have the top bar
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: Firefox segfaults now...
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> wtf
<GalaxyNova> this is wayland ig...
<testuser[m]> I didnt have such issues even on nvidia gpu lol
<testuser[m]> gdb /usr/bin/firefox
<testuser[m]> run
<testuser[m]> backtrace
<GalaxyNova> firefox reset itself
<GalaxyNova> aaaannd nope
<GalaxyNova> keeps segfaulting
<GalaxyNova> I'm going to just rebuilt it
<testuser[m]> That won't do much
<testuser[m]> Check where the segfault is
<GalaxyNova> maybe firefox 90 fixes something
<GalaxyNova> ok
<GalaxyNova> built firefox 90
<GalaxyNova> maybe i have to rebuild ffmpeg?
<testuser[m]> You need to rebuild the packages that depend on a library in case of ABI breakage, not the library itself
<testuser[m]> ffmpeg hasnt been updated after ff update anyways
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: How did you get video accelaration working in firefox?
<testuser[m]> i didnt
<testuser[m]> Did you check the post install ? I think dylan put sone instructions there
<testuser[m]> My gpu will use vdpau anyway, i don't think that works kn wayland
<GalaxyNova> following the instructions lead to the segfault
<GalaxyNova> > the about:config changes
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<GalaxyNova> hi schillingklaus
<GalaxyNova> switch to wayland so you can suffer like me
<testuser[m]> Mind doing the gdb thing i said
<GalaxyNova> sure
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<consolers> i'm still getting the same firefox build error that i saw reported here 2 months ago
<consolers> firefox/build.amd64/dist/include/nsTHashtable.h:317:27: error: no matching function for call to 'nsTHashtable<detail::VoidPtrHashKey>::WithEntryHandle(const void*&, const fallible_t&, nsTHashtable<detail::VoidPtrHashKey>::PutEntry(nsTHashtable<detail::VoidPtrHashKey>::KeyType, const fallible_t&)::<lambda(auto:9)>)'
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: Though I doubt i'll get meaningful info because I don't think firefox was built with debug symbols
<testuser[m]> You'll get some function names
<testuser[m]> consolers force clang or apply the gcc patch in kisslinux/repo/core/gcc/patches/firefox.patch
<consolers> yeah they fixed gcc instead!
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: here's what gdb outputed
<GalaxyNova> something to do with XCB
<GalaxyNova> which is weird because i don't think it's needed in wayland??
<testuser[m]> What pulled in libxcb ?
<GalaxyNova> cairo, libX11, and mesa
<testuser[m]> Also send output of `backtrace
<testuser[m]> Why, are you using libglvnd ]
<GalaxyNova> backtrace:
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: What is libglvnd?
<GalaxyNova> i don't have it installed
<testuser[m]> Wayland setup pulls in libx11 only if using libglvnd
<testuser[m]> Its for opengl and stuff
<testuser[m]> kiss r libx11 and remove all x packages, then rebuild mesa
<testuser[m]> And cairo
<GalaxyNova> hm yes, it seems like a bunch of packages linked to libX11
<GalaxyNova> rebuilding a bunch of things
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<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: yooo!!!
<GalaxyNova> it doesn't crash anymore
<GalaxyNova> yay
<testuser[m]> nice
<testuser[m]> What about foot resize cpu usage
<GalaxyNova> but webgl still isn't working
* GalaxyNova sighs
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<schillingklaus> so there is still a life sign of x11 for kiss?
<GalaxyNova> nope
<GalaxyNova> kiss-community has decided to drop X packages too
<consolers> wtf
<testuser[m]> You can run it if tou want bruh kiss is just a package manager
<GalaxyNova> so it's pretty much downhill from here
<GalaxyNova> as long as you maintain all your X packages then no problem
<consolers> i'm using gentoo without libglvnd - already a headache
<consolers> but i dont understand the gl shennanigans
<consolers> glvnd is an extra sharedlib layer - i thought it was completely gratuitious depenency
<consolers> so i decided not to use it even if everyone was shoving it down my throat
<consolers> i guess i have to rebuild gcc after all eh
<consolers> how expensive
<GalaxyNova> what even is libglvnd
<consolers> sounds like a conspiracy
<testuser[m]> Lol
<schillingklaus> is building x11 with musl particularly difficult?
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: welp... I have no idea why webgl still isn't working in firefox
<testuser[m]> Search for webgl in about:support
<testuser[m]> It might tell a reason
<testuser[m]> Why do you need that shit anyway
<schillingklaus> x11 or webgl?
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: Because I don't like my fans going full speed because I'm loading a website
<GalaxyNova> schillingklaus: x11 is bloated
<testuser[m]> Check what i said for about:support
<GalaxyNova> wait wtf
<GalaxyNova> it says window protocol is x11
<GalaxyNova> wtf
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<GalaxyNova> oh
<GalaxyNova> does it matter that i built it on Xorg?
<schillingklaus> wayland lacks important features by design
<testuser[m]> Nobody cares bruh use whatever tf you want
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<testuser[m]> Galaxynova no
<testuser[m]> It only depends on the libs it linked to
<testuser[m]> And the config
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<GalaxyNo1> whoops my internet went out
<GalaxyNo1> my internet went out
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<schillingklaus> testuser denied that anything matters but the libs linked to, so it is irrelevant whether gal built it on xorg
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: here's the about:support
<testuser[m]> about:config webgl.disabled if true ? If yes try disabling it. Else set webgl.force_enabled to true
<testuser[m]> force-enabled not _
<testuser[m]> Idk if webgl in ff needs dmabuf, according to the txt it failed to setup dmabuf
<GalaxyNova> neither worked :(
<GalaxyNova> I might be fucked
<testuser[m]> Maybe pozilla problem, you could try chromium to rule it out :p
<GalaxyNova> I'm still confused why about:support said it was running under x11
<GalaxyNova> chromium depends on xorg
<testuser[m]> X11 is just user agent
<testuser[m]> You're talking about that right ?
<GalaxyNova> I'm talking about Window Protocol under Graphics
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<testuser[m]> oh
<testuser[m]> didnt notice it
<GalaxyNova> that's what's confusing me
<GalaxyNova> because it's running in sway
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<testuser[m]> Bruh why does pango segfault if you got no font installed
<testuser[m]> GalaxyNova
<testuser[m]> webgl works for me
<testuser[m]> but it shows windowing protocol as X11 , like you. lol
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<claudia> re FIREFOX hardware acceleration: You can see in 'about:support' which options firefox picks up and if it e.g refuses stuff
<claudia> ah this was obviously already found out.. (:
<claudia> testuser[m]: When my mesa is not build against libglvnd, and I just do 'kiss i libglvnd' firefox segfaults and has problems.
<claudia> Rebuilding mesa against libglvnd fixes the issue. Or when I remove libglvnd again.
<testuser[m]> Yeah
kiedtl is now known as cot
<claudia> Uff, this is a change.
<claudia> Hm, but this does not catch when a makefile does not support DESTDIR and you have to work with PREFIX="$1/usr". Very rarely^^
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<acheam> niiiice
<acheam> claudia: yeah thats annoying AF
<acheam> also when manpath doesnt use prefix
<acheam> i still want package version variable in sources file
<phoebos[m]> I don't like it either but the same args are supplied
<dilyn> package version is just $2 dog
<acheam> not in the sources file though, right?
<testuser[m]> why do you want it in sources file, version cant always be directly substituted into url
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<acheam> most of the time it can
<testuser[m]> use sed
<travankor> acheam: re lobase, i installed it to /usr/local
<acheam> travankor: any good?
<acheam> testuser[m]: i might write a kiss bump script
<travankor> hm?
<acheam> did you replace busybox with it? How was it?
<acheam> yay chromium built
<travankor> no, i kept busybox (didn't test it)
<travankor> might be interesting if you want a better maintained set of bsd style utils
<acheam> bsdutils has a wacky build system, and annoying dependencies
* travankor didn't use it
<acheam> (I packaged most of them already though)
<travankor> are you using that as a busybox replacement?
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<akira01> hi guys
<akira01> any progress with vaapi in firefox?
<acheam> travankor: no
<acheam> but im looking at my options
<acheam> most likely right now is obsd baseutils + procps-ng + util-linux
<soliwilos> I've noticed some other musl distro's changing stack-size with ldflags for lld and clang, and kiss packages are not, what is the difference?
<travankor> acheam: wc output is formatted a bit differently, and grep -P being missing might break some things
<travankor> that's off the top of my head, there might be other issues too
<testuser[m]> soliwilos example ? Most packages don't need it
<testuser[m]> Stack size issues will be runtime problems so its possible that the maintainers just didnt encounter them
<testuser[m]> And it's only an issue on threaded programs
<travankor> soliwilos: testuser[m]: this is a good article on the topic:
<testuser[m]> Yeah I've seen that one
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<schillingklaus> alpine is different in that it distributes binaries rather than sources
<akira01> can anyone confirm if this option has in firefox about:config media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled
<soliwilos> testuser[m], travankor: Thank you. Seems it's mostly a fix for code that expects a certain sized stack.
<acheam> travankor: wc without a flag is rarely used in scripts, and I use a different grep anyways
<acheam> im not too worried about compatibility
<acheam> dilyn: can I get a file picker in firefox without gtk?
<acheam> thats just a little bit important
<acheam> especially because I have no file manager to drag+drop from
<testuser[m]> why would ff even build without gtk
<dilyn> probably not
<dilyn> considering^... yeah
<akira01> testuser[m]: can you see in about:config if it has media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled
<akira01> my firefox has disable in final and not enable
<akira01> but wiki says that option is with enable in final
<testuser[m]> what final
<akira01> man
<akira01> media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled
<akira01> see in final say "enable"
<akira01> final of the phrase
<dilyn> "end"
<akira01> Pardon
<testuser[m]> firefox isn't feeling too good right now in the chroot
<testuser[m]> segfault
<testuser[m]> it worked earlier
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> oh
<testuser[m]> i forgot to mount my wayland display
<testuser[m]> it would help if gtk was more informative lol
<testuser[m]> its false akira01
<testuser[m]> by default
<testuser[m]> media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.disabled : false
<akira01> not tha i mean
<akira01> o yeah
<akira01> i mean
<akira01> wiki says that option is "media.ffmpeg.dmabuf-textures.enabled"
<akira01> had little difference
<testuser[m]> theres no .enabled option
<testuser[m]> setting disable to false would be equivalent
<testuser[m]> to enable
<akira01> yeah
<acheam> testuser[m], dilyn: oopsies, i meant to say chromium
<akira01> i think the same
<akira01> man
<acheam> all this firefox talk got to my head
<akira01> my webgl in firefox is disable
<dilyn> file pickers don't exist, that's why I've been using github-cli
<testuser[m]> no thats the sole reason it even uses gui toolkits acheam
<testuser[m]> for file pickers and context menu
<acheam> oh
<dilyn> and emailing myself stuff to upload to more picky places from my phone
<acheam> it has a context menu
<testuser[m]> oh
<acheam> man I missed you, ublock origin
<testuser[m]> ublock + force dark kills everything other than chromium for me
<acheam> force dark?
<acheam> ublock actually works better in firefox
<acheam> oh I see it now
<testuser[m]> chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark enable it
<acheam> ye
<testuser[m]> and consume
<acheam> which filter do you use?
<acheam> holy shit this is incredible
<testuser[m]> just "Default", didn't bother with all the options. Works good for black bg
<acheam> byebye darkreader
<testuser[m]> for ublock i meant in comparison to webkit browsers since there's not really a proper equivalent there
<acheam> i mean, all its doing is changing like 2 rules in the default stylesheet
<acheam> but still
<acheam> amazing
<acheam> testuser[m]: i mean, its available for safari
<acheam> /s
<testuser[m]> /s kills the joke
<acheam> yeah I regretted it
<acheam> i hit send
<acheam> then was like
<acheam> maybe I should put /s
<acheam> so then did
<akira01> dilyn: you use hikari right?
<acheam> and now ive dug myself deep into an ironic hole
<testuser[m]> acheam you're still on xorg right
<acheam> yes
<dilyn> I used hikari, yes
<dilyn> Currently I use wayfire
<testuser[m]> did rust 1.53.0 feel faster to build to anyone else ?
<testuser[m]> (maybe)
<noocsharp> kiss has changed so much in the past week
<noocsharp> maybe it's time to finally switch my repos
<kqz> exciting times
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<dilyn> gross
<dilyn> I hate it
<noocsharp> the version variables in the build file?
<konimex> will the version variable thing even be possible in the C version of the package manager?
<testuser[m]> yeah it seems unnecessary
<ang> just runnin a hook, instead of sourcing it, is much better
<ang> I can finally write my kiss hooks in nodejs
<dilyn> #define thisCommit SuxBalls
<acheam> idk I like it
<kqz> will have to play around with it but that seems like a nice change, seems like a nice qol addition for updating packages
<acheam> its safer, and better matches the behavior of the build file
<kqz> less maintenance burden ayaya
<ang> dylan mentioned making queue numbers available to hooks but I don't see it
<dilyn> it feels like basically the same amount of burden
<testuser[m]> what should be the norm of community repos with regard to kiss features ? can they be adopted as soon as a new release is out ?
<dilyn> yes
<kqz> i mean you just save a step, i'll take it
<dilyn> what step is being saved though...
<kqz> updating a sources file isn't a mundane task at all, but when doin things in bulk i'll take those savings
<dilyn> idgi
<noocsharp> konimex: i think the c program can just add variables to the environment of the build script
<dilyn> I'm not understanding what anyone is going to do with this that will reduce hassle. it only seems like more of a hassle
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<kqz> what im seeing here is that now i can just set a sources file once with the necessary variables, then whenever i have to update a package, all i have to do is update the version file and kiss c and im off to the races, as opposed to updating version + sources
<testuser[m]> not for everything tho, like libexif pkg version 0.6.22 but source libexif-0_6_22-release/libexif-0.6.22.tar.xz
<kqz> ah yeah it'll fall through for stuff like that
<acheam> this is how APKBUILDs and PKGBUILDs work
<dilyn> I'm still very confused
<konimex> dilyn: I believe the proper term is "outsourcing the hassle", instead of making the user responsible, the package manager will take some of the burden instead
<acheam> it seems to work well for those MUCH bigger distributions
<dilyn> the problem with what PKGBUILDs do with versions and sources is that they're cludgy and useless
<acheam> bruh
<dilyn> ?!
<dilyn> it's just not good
<testuser[m]> tbh if this scheme can work for packages, then a simple sed 's/0.1.1/0.1.2/g' version source -i will work just as well
<dilyn> precisely
<dilyn> and for packages where a sed doesn't work, neither does this
<dilyn> this doesn't help rust packages if they're packaged according to guidestones
<kqz> was curious how alpine was handling that libexif example, looks like they just use the sf mirror lol
<dilyn> this doesn't help vendoring dependencies
<acheam> its still just one less thing to worry about
<dilyn> this doesn't respect using git hashes instead of version tags
<dilyn> it doesn't respect sqlite style naming schemes
<dilyn> it's precisely one MORE thing to worry about lmao
<dilyn> i mean, I don't ~care~ if it's implemented; I just don't see why anyone would want this
<cem> I have a program named crm for updating packages
<kqz> doesn't seem like it gets rid of those, it just gives the option
<kqz> *gives the extra option for packages where it makes sense
<cem> I have overrides for shit like sqlite where it uses m4 for weird sources like that
<testuser[m]> what's crm supposed to expand to
<dilyn> 'crappy repository manager'
<dilyn> kekw
<dilyn> <3
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<cem> dilyn: that is literally true
<dilyn> lmfaoooo noooo
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<claudia> dilyn: is on fire :D
<kqz> looks like arch has sed like substitution built in testuser
<cem> I'll publish when I clean it up
<kqz> for the libexif problem
<dilyn> it's just...
<dilyn> it's NOT good
<dilyn> ${MAJ##._} is far less clear than "4"
<msk[m]> yeah, a script could just take the new version as an argument and sed -i sources+version
<claudia> I might remember a much earlier discussion the an advantage of the kiss pkg format is, thats is clean and easy readable. Not like apk/pkgbuilds.
<kqz> yeah it's not the most readible for sure
<cem> This is an example m4 file for sqlite
<dilyn> why is m4 so strange
<kqz> is there an example sources file with this change?
<cem> I just type `crm-update 3.36.0` for this
<cem> on the sqlite directory
<acheam> yeah m4 is weird
<acheam> luckily I only have one package that needs it
<testuser[m]> where's crm
<cem> I didn't publish it yet
<acheam> crm?
<cem> It's pretty hacky and uses cpt-lib atm
<testuser[m]> acheam scroll up by 15 lines
<akira01> Anyone have used bemenu?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<acheam> briefly
<acheam> testuser[m]: oh thanks
<testuser[m]> set $menu exec bemenu-run --tb "#282A36" --tf "#BFBFBF" --fb "#282A36" --ff "#F8F8F2" --nf "#F8F8F2" --nb "#282A36" --hb "#44475A" --hf "#F8F8F2" --sb "#6272A4" --sf "#F8F8F2" --fn "monospace 11"
<testuser[m]> i have this in sway config
<akira01> so whats the main difference of bemenu and bemenu-run?
<dilyn> imagine dmenu
<dilyn> that's bemenu
<testuser[m]> bemenu is for choices
<testuser[m]> bemenu-run for executables
<akira01> ah okay
<akira01> think in port it to community
<msk[m]> isn't it the same relationship that dmenu and dmenu0run have?
<acheam> yes
<testuser[m]> its in community
<msk[m]> * s/dmenu0run/dmenu-run/
<akira01> shit
<akira01> i too slow
<akira01> it will be my first port lol
<dilyn> i really want people to start writing their build files in something that isn't sh
<acheam> like what?
<acheam> c?
<msk[m]> I thought bmenu-run was included in bmenu already?
<acheam> maybe even perl?
<konimex> lua, like oasis?
<msk[m]> bemenu*
<msk[m]> isn't sh the most convenient?
<acheam> ^
<dilyn> C would be cute
<testuser[m]> in langs you'd do os.system anyway so
<dilyn> of course sh is more convenient
<testuser[m]> feels wrong
<testuser[m]> to not use sh
<dilyn> but the NOVELTY
<dilyn> if the package manager LET'S YOU DO IT
<dilyn> DO IT
<konimex> yeah but dylan specifically said that the build file is not strictly sh
<msk[m]> nodejs packages then
<dilyn> write a build file in lua that shows a unique clip it randomly pulls from the internet based on how long the build takes
<konimex> though I guess that doesn't apply to forks
<testuser[m]> write it in brainfuck
<dilyn> write it in LSP
<dilyn> mid is saved
<acheam> I could imagine python packages being built using a python script
<dilyn> python would I think be one of the easier ones
<dilyn> make the build file the program. it builds itself
<acheam> when I think about it the two things I use gpg for are for signing commits, and pash
<acheam> I can just stop doing the first thing
<acheam> and reimplement the second thing using another tool
<acheam> no gnu here we come
<testuser[m]> You can sign with another tool i think
<testuser[m]> I forgot the name
<acheam> signify maybe?
<dilyn> replacing gpg in pash is v ez
<acheam> oh so just using some other pgp implementation
<acheam> unfortunately all the good ones out there right now are rust
<akira01> guys the is missing bemenu
<acheam> dilyn: have you done it?
<dilyn> akira01: not anymore it isn't
<testuser[m]> Most rust stuff has bins so you don't need rust
<acheam> testuser[m]: I like to avoid precompiled bins
<acheam> especially for something security related
<acheam> haskell (pandoc, shellcheck) is my exception to this
<akira01> dilyn: we will use only github?
<dilyn> acheam: i've done a little (just enough to copy a password)
<acheam> using what gpg altenative?
<acheam> thats all I need it for
<dilyn> akira01: sorry that was a confusing thing to say. bemenu should be on now
<dilyn> BUT! I don't know how long I will keep up for
<acheam> 4eva
<dilyn> i'll let y'all know when it's going away tho
<dilyn> lolno
<dilyn> it would migrate tho :P
<dilyn> I'm mostly playing with rnp, though something that doesn't require cmake+botan+json-c would be nice. so signify, maybe
<testuser[m]> rnp?
<testuser[m]> oh
<acheam> I thoughtwas only for signing, not for encryption dilyn
<dilyn> you mean for passwords?
<acheam> yes
<acheam> for pash
<dilyn> I don't find myself making new passwords all that often lol
<dilyn> I think I've made six in the last two years or something...
<acheam> yeah but for decrypting it
<dilyn> and that's a lot
<dilyn> oh well
<dilyn> idk mang
<dilyn> i haven't decided on what my use case will look like :P maybe I'll go back to sane passwords
<kqz> this has always piqued my interest but i've never implemented anything with it, will probably be my next project though while waiting to start new job
<acheam> looks cool
<acheam> hmm opmsg looks interesting
<dilyn> acheam can't use opmsg!
<dilyn> it's c++
<dilyn> f
<kqz> !!
<acheam> :(
<testuser[m]> Why'd you install chromium
<acheam> can someone just write a clean room drop in replacement of gnupg just so that it doesnt have gnu in the name
<testuser[m]> Goolag + millions of lines of C++
<testuser[m]> Use links
<acheam> links doesn't support http
<acheam> s
<acheam> using libressl
<schillingklaus> does chromium even compile with musl?
<testuser[m]> No acheam did some dark magic
<acheam> or maybe it does, and the configure script is just a dumbass
<dilyn> seems accurate
<acheam> I just smashed together dilyn's clang patches, and the package from community and ended up with a browser that only segfaults sometimes
<dilyn> in other words, a one for one bug compatible version of my chromium build
<dilyn> gz
<acheam> ayyland though
<dilyn> ayyland 8D
<acheam> it segfaults when hitting ctrl+s
<dilyn> LMFAO
<dilyn> you know, I've never experienced that. because I've never hit ctrl+s
<dilyn> let's see....
<dilyn> nope works fine
<dilyn> rip acheam
<acheam> ive done it like 10 times by accident because i am still used to the wack keybindings I set up for chorizo lol
<acheam> maybe creating my own keybindings was a poor idea
<acheam> :(
<dilyn> wait what is ctrl+s supposed to do in chorizo...
<dilyn> if you say something that isn't save i s2g
<acheam> search
<dilyn> how DARE YOU
<testuser[m]> Wtf
<ang> jfc
<testuser[m]> Thats for F
<ang> :DD
<acheam> its the emacs binding!
<dilyn> it's the INCORRECT BINDING
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<acheam> C-f is for page down bruh
<dilyn> WHAT
<dilyn> j
<dilyn> it's J DAWG
<dilyn> JUST. J.
<dilyn> ctrl j if you're spicy
<acheam> noo a full page down
<acheam> not a line
<dilyn> anyways. search is super+space
<acheam> ew
<acheam> thats the macos binding
<dilyn> what is a line if not a whole page of a very small book
<dilyn> that's the superior binding, acheam
<acheam> thanks philosiphy major
<ang> I just recently learned the default firefox shortcuts
<ang> and I must say, they are not terrible
<acheam> lol I cant change the default download location because it segfaults
<dilyn> lmao
<dilyn> shortcuts are boring anyways. what more do i need besides C-t, C-v, C-c
<testuser[m]> btw why did you rip out gtk from your system ?
<acheam> its better than the 1000 bugs i filed for chorizo that I was too lazy to ever fix
<schillingklaus> could emacs be turned into a wayland compositor?
<acheam> testuser[m]: because I can
<ang> can chrome(ium) search for text in links?
<testuser[m]> nice
<dilyn> gotim
<acheam> I only used two gtk programs: zathura, and chorizo
<acheam> chromium replaces both of those
<testuser[m]> my only gtk program is chromium too
<testuser[m]> but i like changing colors to gtk theme
<acheam> i need to live for a little while longer with it to figure out whether I need the file picker
<kqz> does chromium use gtk? i thought it had it's own toolkit
<acheam> yes and no
<testuser[m]> its optional
<testuser[m]> ish
<acheam> gtk provides the file picker and stuff
<schillingklaus> too bad the jumanji browser is disconyinued, it went hand in hand with zathura
<acheam> but it can build and run without it
<acheam> which is what dilyn and i do
<testuser[m]> jumanji browser /
<testuser[m]> wat
<kqz> ah, so if you don't use gtk you don't get the file picker?
<acheam> ye
<testuser[m]> oh its some webkit thing
<ang> I demand an answer to my question you chromium guys
<ang> in ff you can press ' to search within links text
<schillingklaus> jumanji, like girara, uses the girara framework
<acheam> i dont understand what you asked
<acheam> links text?
<dilyn> i've never tried ang
<testuser[m]> wdym links text
<dilyn> I don't need to search for things
<ang> the text/name of a link
<acheam> oh
<acheam> no
<acheam> not to my knowlege
<acheam> the chromium search is less powerfull than firefox
<ang> it's pretty cool, no real need for hints to open links
<acheam> its just a search box, not options
<acheam> what vi plugins do you guys use for firefox/chromium?
<testuser[m]> so it searches in hyperlinks ?
<acheam> im using cVim right now, its working well
<ang> yeah
<schillingklaus> girara is a gtk framework for gui apps with a vi-like commandline
<acheam> ah thats what it is for?
<acheam> makes sense that zathura depended on it hten
<schillingklaus> the names are taken from some anime from the nineties or so
<acheam> ok im rebuilding chromium with gtk3
<ang> testuser[m], you can search hyperlinks with '. Ctrl-g to go to the next match and enter to open the current link
<ang> it's pretty neat and makes ff surprisingly usable wih keyboard only
<ang> ootb
<msk[m]> qutebrowser has something similar
<acheam> nvm gtk has more dependencies than I thought
<msk[m]> but usually there isn't that much matching text that it's fine to just use /
<ang> well in qtbrowser you can just use the hints system ;)
<msk[m]> I thought you said there was no need for hints with that system
<msk[m]> as in, it's better, which I would agree with
<ang> hints are still better, I'm just saying that vanilla firefox is surprisingly usable with keyboard only
<testuser[m]> in chromium ' seems to be a shortcut to open the highlighted link in new tab
<ang> and I was wondering if chromium has something similar
<ang> ic
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<acheam> lol anything that tries to open the file picker breaks chromium
<acheam> s/breaks/segfault/g
<testuser[m]> where's the segfault
<micro_O> dilyn: heres a PR i have for my hooks to migrate to the new format. untested but will test after work today
<testuser[m]> is there some other formal name for that links search ang ?
<acheam> testuser[m]: what do you mean where?
<ang> lemme see how firefox calls it in their shortcut docs
<testuser[m]> gdb, in chromium or some library ?
<testuser[m]> s/gdb/lldb
<ang> testuser[m]: "Quick Find within link-text only"
<testuser[m]> bruh is your chromium using software rendering
<acheam> idk
<dilyn> o: Error loading shared library /usr/lib/chromium/ No such file or directory
<dilyn> lel
<micro_O> acheam: age by fillipo is an excellent project and it would be cool to see a wiki entry on how to use it to sign and verify commits
<acheam> micro_O: ye
<acheam> not for me though
<acheam> golang
<acheam> testuser[m], dilyn: how can I fix that?
<acheam> is it to do with vaapi?
<acheam> beacuse I disabled it
<acheam> idk how any of this stuff wokr
<acheam> works
<dilyn> micro_O: age doesn't have the same flags gpg does (bsau) that git expects
<testuser[m]> acheam you forgot to install a file
<dilyn> acheam: check the community build script
<testuser[m]> you must go through 50k build steps again to get it
<acheam> I didnt change any of that
<acheam> :(
<dilyn> chromium bundles it's own gles* libs
<acheam> this is my build script
<ang> it seems all st ports/clones for wayland are unmaintained
<testuser[m]> cuz u stole an ayyland build
<testuser[m]> acheam
<acheam> oh :(
<acheam> will copy the install steps from community
<micro_O> dilyn well yeah I think since its not drop-in it would need a bit more work to get working; but I assume its possible with simple git hooks
<dilyn> afaik you can't alter gpg with git hooks, just git config (gpg.command)
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<acheam> okay rebuilding with fixed installation steps and vaapi
<acheam> its in the ccache so hopefullt should go quick
<testuser[m]> its gonna be updated soon
<testuser[m]> oh
<acheam> eh
<testuser[m]> yeah it'll be done in 10 min
<acheam> oh
<acheam> ill wait then lol
<testuser[m]> i mean the ccache build
<dilyn> lol
<acheam> oh
<acheam> extracting sources takes looong time
<testuser[m]> maybe we should release a Kromium tarball with all useless 3rd party stuff removed
<acheam> like what?
<acheam> also it pains me that yalls chromium builds have the properitary stuff enabled
<dilyn> i want to watch twitch chess streams acheam
<dilyn> fight me
<testuser[m]> videos dont work without it
<acheam> idc
<acheam> mpv exists
<testuser[m]> <acheam "like what?"> pretty much everything in third_party (6gb) is useless
<acheam> i can play video just fine
<testuser[m]> also it has chromeos
<dilyn> mpv is gpl...
<dilyn> also why would I ever want to do that
<cem> mpv is really good
<acheam> oh wait
<dilyn> well it isn't good for my meme machine cem
<acheam> i had proprietary codecs enabled
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<dilyn> it was only a matter of time until acheam realized
<dilyn> he fucked up
<acheam> lol
<testuser[m]> dilyn qt5 build fails with ERROR: The OpenGL functionality tests failed!, it needs libglvnd ?
<acheam> i redid the build script like 3 times it must have gotten lost in the shuffle
<dilyn> definitely doesn't
<cem> use ffmpeg's player, I guess?
<dilyn> ffmpeg is also gpl if you enable anything useful
<cem> well, you need to enable useful things in order to stream
<dilyn> lol
<dilyn> chromium bundles ffmpeg et al anyways so there's honestly no reason I shouldn't have that whole stack
<dilyn> except to say that i only have 80 packages installed neener neener neener
<acheam> I use system ffmpeg
<acheam> do you never need ffmpeg outside of your browser?
<cem> One day dilyn will break and use GPL software
<acheam> nobody tell him about Linux
<dilyn> i use GPL software on every install except *this one*
<cem> nobody tell him about GNU make
<dilyn> :(
<acheam> every install but this one is 50%?
<dilyn> ten gpl packages, 4 of which are make-time only, one of which is the kernel, another is util-linux, two for sound, one for git, one for signing commits, libelf because amdgpu fucking SUCKS
<dilyn> technically i could say perl is licensed differently I suppose
<ang> guys, never mention bsd infront of dilyn
<dilyn> :P
<akira01> how can i change border in sway?
<dilyn> BSD uses GCC and is FINE WITH THAT ANG
<akira01> just put in config file?
<acheam> dilyn: no?
<acheam> I thought fbsd was gcc free?
<ang> just uninstall gcc then, no need to compile from source :p
<acheam> and anyways none of them use gcc 4+, beacuse gpl3
<kqz> yes akira01, you use the config file to configure sway things ;p
<dilyn> one of some such bsds has gcc somewhere
<dilyn> if I wanted to use BSD I'd be using bsd
<acheam> meanwhile im over here stealing as many obsd programs as i can
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<dilyn> cem stop fekkin stalking me
<cem> dilyn: nö
<dilyn> |_|
<cem> dilyn: I'm right outside open the door
<dilyn> now THAT would be incredible
<cem> lmao
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<cem> I'm porting some more openbsd tools to possibly replace busybox
<schillingklaus> does landley's toybox not do the job?
<cem> I'm more so aiming for sbase + obsd tools
<acheam> cem: thank you for your noble work
<acheam> have you seen baseutils?
<acheam> github/ibara
<acheam> he has good stuff
<schillingklaus> do obsd tools include the openbsd korn shell?
<cem> I haven't ported ksh yet, but I will
<acheam> there is ibara/oksh
<acheam> its what im using at the moment
<schillingklaus> the fork mksh is more easily portable
<acheam> but its less close to upstream ksh
<schillingklaus> from the makers of pax mirabilis
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<acheam> mirbsd does good stuff
<cem> acheam: yeah, I know ibara's ports, though they are quite outdated
<cem> I initially created the repository ~a year ago to port to bearssl
<cem> then I found out about michael's patches lol
<schillingklaus> would that divorce openbsd userland from libressl?
<cem> Nah, it still works for both
<acheam> cem: they're not that bad
<acheam> oksh is kept up to date
<acheam> baseutils is two years old
<acheam> as long as they're like 6.6 or newer thats good enough for me
<cem> yeah, that's true
<schillingklaus> there was recently aalbus, which ported netbsd userland to musl linux; but there has been no life sign from them since half a year
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<acheam> last updated april 24
<acheam> thank you schillingklaus!
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<mrlix> I saw dylan is back
<acheam> he is indeed
<acheam> nbasse looks awesome
<mrlix> fucking lit
<acheam> ubase + nbase looks like it would work great!
<acheam> aweeeeesome
<mrlix> do you guys know any cool window managers for x?
<mrlix> i want to try something fresh
<acheam> tiling or floating?
<acheam> keyboard or mouse controlled?
<omanom> shod seems to be a newer one
<mrlix> tiling
<acheam> i just use dwm
<acheam> but yeah shod seems cool
<noocsharp> we do not speak of that cursed display manager here
<schillingklaus> mrlix wants to port some wm to wayland?
<mrlix> no i just want to try some fresh stuff
<schillingklaus> mutiny is another attempt of netbsdish userland with musl, and there is little movement either
<acheam> mutiny linux is cool
<acheam> ive talked with the maintainer a bit
<acheam> but I thought it used toybox?
<cem> there is also chimera linux which is a freebsd userland / llvm distro
<acheam> yeah but the build system and dependencies for chimera's baseutils is wack
<acheam> also chimera is built around python
<acheam> which is just... no
<cem> yeah, that sounds bad
<acheam> it also doesnt have a boot/init system yet
<acheam> so its not a real distro yet
<cem> they should use shinit + sysmgr :^)
<akira01> anyone with dwl?
<akira01> tested it for little
<msk[m]> This error while building nodejs happens because I have both openssl and libressl installed, right?
<msk[m]> oh sorry
<akira01> resize windows is wierd
<msk[m]> it doesn't have a proper statusbar like dwm does
<schillingklaus> how does dwl differ from forney's velox?
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<akira01> dont knos lol
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<msk[m]> more patches available
<akira01> yeah
<msk[m]> and it has uses config.h as their configuration
<msk[m]> instead of a built-in language
<akira01> velox is not only werks with swc?
<msk[m]> s/has //
<acheam> also swc vs wlroots
<schillingklaus> ahhh ... probably velox is the only swc thing around
<akira01> thinking in try swc
<akira01> swc works with radeon stuff?
<noocsharp> nope, no radeon support
<noocsharp> will use software rendering in that case
<schillingklaus> what is wrong with software rendering except performance?
<noocsharp> nothing
<noocsharp> that's literally what distinguished software from hardware rendering
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<noocsharp> i wholeheartedly agree
<akira01> btw any sane solution to seatd permissions?
<testuser[m]> what sane
<testuser[m]> ln -s /etc/sv/seatd /var/service
<testuser[m]> This doesn't seem insane to me
<akira01> seem for me
<akira01> because dont fuck work
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<akira01> permission issues
<akira01> i need to run it in su mode in another ttt
<akira01> tty
<msk[m]> what about `ssu seatd &`
<msk[m]> so that it can be in the same tty
<akira01> good
<akira01> but still dont work the seatd in /var/service
<akira01> will see the problem with it
<testuser[m]> WTF
<dilyn> "All cloud features are opt-in. Data is encrypted at rest." I'm sold
<dilyn> finally, a terminal that respects my privacy
<testuser[m]> > Fully native, GPU-accelerated, Rust-based terminal. No Electron or web-tech.
<testuser[m]> Bruh as if everyonenis using electron terminals
<testuser[m]> So many Buzzwords
<testuser[m]> > After a very brief experiment with Electron, we quickly pivoted to building in Rust and rendering directly on the GPU using Metal
<msk[m]> experiment with an electron terminal? lmao
<acheam> lol
<cem> lmao that site crashes my webkit
<cem> also the entire website is js
<msk[m]> the design of a site can tell you a lot about the software
<cem> it really does
<dilyn> fatality
<cem> what the actual fuck is that terminal
<cem> and what is that site
<cem> even the blog crashes my renderer
<acheam> tbf webkit would crash at everything
<cem> yes I love to real time collaboration in my terminal how did you know
<cem> I never experienced a webkit crash before
<cem> even before musl support landed, only js parts had problems
<cem> I also don't understand all those "GPU accelerated terminals"
<cem> who actually cares for fps in a fucking terminal
<acheam> it can speed up really print heavy commands
<acheam> people with fast CPUs have reported faster compilation times
<acheam> because printing the CC command to the screen is a bit faster
<acheam> but you need a fast computer to see the benegit
<acheam> and even then, its a small emount
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<cem> eh, I feel like it's a non issue
<cem> Sure C compilation could be faster
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<cem> but you can also write to a file and read it later
<cem> or just >/dev/null
<cem> stderr is where you are looking for failures anyway, and it's usually quieter
<omanom> especially when the terminal buffer probably won't catch whatever it is you're trying to watch for anyways
<cem> yeah
<testuser[m]> dilyn looks like someone moved a bunch of ifdefs again
<testuser[m]> Dylin
<dilyn> :|
<dilyn> wdym?
<dilyn> it should just be a simple #include <stdarg.h>, and it IS
<dilyn> but for some reason...
<noocsharp> what's with the last 2 kernel releases and screwing up includes?
<dilyn> the last one wasn't fixed as of 5.13.1 either lmao
<noocsharp> im still on 5.11
<dilyn> yeah i'm still on 5.12 i'm just trying to reproduce someone else's problem with 5.13
<cem> im still on 5.11 too
<noocsharp> i'm very glad i didn't jump on the 5.12 release candidates because i use a swap file
<dilyn> lmao
<dilyn> would've been tragic
<dilyn> swap is for RAM plebians
<dilyn> get on that 32gig gang squad
<ang> swap is for suspending
<ang> at least that's the main reason I use swap
<noocsharp> i don't even know why i use swap
<dilyn> > suspending
<ang> not oom'ing is nice too but that only happens when buildin browsers
<dilyn> this isn't middle school kids
<noocsharp> consider this: laptops exist
<dilyn> ew what
<ang> do you just leave your pc on at all times, dilyn?
<dilyn> constantly
<cem> I mean
<ang> so wasteful, smh
<cem> you can save what you do
<cem> and poweroff
<noocsharp> he mines chia using that huge 32GB of ram
<dilyn> all my utility bills combined is about equal to the amount of money my apartment charges me for the PRIVILEGE of having AC (:
<ang> do you not care about the environment my dude?
<dilyn> the pareto principle applies to all things my guy
<noocsharp> perhaps you are in the 20%
<ang> don't parento principle me
<cem> isn't suspending bad for your network card something something I read back in high school 8 years ago?
<cem> ah no that's stupid
<testuser[m]> dilyn i meant the guards to include stuff
<ang> (I actually had to google pareto principle)
<dilyn> afaik there isn't a guard in any of these files to stop <stdarg.h>
<dilyn> ang: it's pretty cool. and once you see it, you can't unsee it
<testuser[m]> Implicit probably
<dilyn> mayhaps
<ang> will read about it some more later
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<noocsharp> 20% of linux users eat 80% of the meat
<noocsharp> thanks purism for pushing the world forward
<testuser[m]> Does no kernel dev use musl ? How does it go through
<cem> 0.3%
<testuser[m]> How's alpine building it's kernels?
<cem> "top contributor"
<dilyn> what a misleading headline
<dilyn> mfw <1%
<dilyn> I am a top gtk+4 contributor
<cem> I compiled a gtk4 program yesterday
<cem> I must be on that list too
<cem> I contributed my 5 minutes writing that program
<noocsharp> i posted the link here, so i am too
<cem> That's true
<cem> man i really dislike purism
<testuser[m]> Am i a contributor for reading that post
<noocsharp> of course
<cem> you sure are
<cem> just not a top contributor like noocsharp
<omanom> we are all contributors on this glorious day
<cem> you see, noocsharp shared the link and made us all contributors
<dilyn> contributOURs
<noocsharp> their screenshot shows blender on the librem 5
<cem> le contribouteur
<noocsharp> imagine
<akira01> sway cant change background itself?
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<omanom> there's swaybg
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<riteo> hiiiii!
<omanom> hi riteo
<akira01> will use wbg
<acheam> kyxor: that issue that your reported of the shell exiting before the terminal or something seems to happen with oksh as well
<acheam> so not a busybox problem
<kyxor> doesn't happen with bash for some reason though
<kyxor> I have a feeling that kernel is bugged
<kyxor> cause on other pc the only difference I find is its running kernel 5.10, and the bugged runs 5.13, all xorg libs are same version, same busybox version, etc
<kyxor> or its a complier bug
<kyxor> because cpus are different so different optimizations are in the software
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<kyxor> or some other undefined behavior code that is optimized differently. I haven't actually debug it yet, but these are the options
<kyxor> Thing is I don't remeber getting this bug before I updated to 5.12+, but maybe I just wasn't lucky to get it
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lolololol is now known as sad_plan
<sad_plan> hi
<sad_plan> rust seems to fail for me. EOFError: compressed file ended before the end-of-stream marker was reached.
<acheam> hmm im torn between the obsd baseutils and sbase
<acheam> also need a good sed implementation
<sad_plan> sbase is nothing new, why not give obsd a try instead?
<acheam> thats fair
<acheam> and obsd is... well, obsd
<acheam> beutiful
<sad_plan> another reason to choose obsd baseutils
<acheam> the only problem is that its sed doesnt work with kiss
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<kyxor> or this is that prominent fork() race condition bug
<sad_plan> fork it? or avoid it, and just use a separate sed
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<kyxor> cause its likely to reproduce if closing and opening terminals fast
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<acheam> sad_plan: yeah I just need to find a good sed to use
<mrlix> zsh is the best i have used
<acheam> ?
<acheam> sed not shed
<acheam> s/shed/shell/g
<acheam> my brain is bad lol
<mrlix> oh i was replying to some old stuff
<acheam> ah
<mrlix> but zsh doesn't have that bug where text glitches once it wraps around
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<mrlix> it just wraps around nicely
<sad_plan> there is this sed/sed-i in community though. atleast there was. if it hasnt been dropped aswell
<acheam> sed-i is just a wrapper around another sed
<sad_plan> ah
<acheam> and -i isnt the problem
<sad_plan> I see
<acheam> it just hangs on certain expressions
<acheam> idk why
<sad_plan> hm
<akira01> anyone knows a way to automate the use of wbg?
<acheam> wbg?
<akira01> waybackground
<akira01> to set wallpaper
<akira01> i cant set this in the init of sway
<acheam> ok im just using sbase sed
<akira01> just like feh in xorg
<kyxor> archeam: wait, st launches shell as a sub process. that's right. there was a similar bug some time ago with st launching child processes using -e flag, I reported that to suckless and they thought I was crazy, but then that bug went away with some kernel update or whatever
<kyxor> so I think this bug has the same nature, as the other one, but only for terminating of child processes
<kqz> akira01: wym u can't set it in sway just add "exec wbg path/to/file.png" to your sway config
<acheam> ack ubase sed doesnt have -i
<acheam> that leaves me with either fixing 75 sed -i usages, or finding a new sed
<kyxor> hiltjo, didn't recognize it as a bug, I can't find that email but it may be in the mailing list archives, I wonder if I can still reproduce it though
<noocsharp> there's that sed wrapper, right?
<acheam> yes
<acheam> but id rather not overcomplicate things by using it
<acheam> so instead i'll just use a more bloated, non posix conforming sed
<acheam> kyxor: interesting
<acheam> theres no r in the nick btw
<noocsharp> whatever you say racheam
<acheam> i guess i'll just use busybox sed for now
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<sad_plan> did anyone ask about the DRMSetMaster for sway-tiny?
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<riteo> gtg for now, cya later!
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<acheam> oh crud I also need a device manager
<sad_plan> smdev!
<sad_plan> or just use busybox's mdev for now
<acheam> well i'll have to replace it at some point
<acheam> might as well be now
<acheam> but I think those are the last two busybox things
<kyxor> archeam: oh yeaha that race condition bug is still present. The reason I can't experience it anymore is because hardware gotten faster, so no race condition, but calling usleep(99999) triggers it
<acheam> sed and mdev
<acheam> still no r
<acheam> lol
<acheam> hmm thats annoying
<sad_plan> thats my thought aswell. if busybox goes anyway, theres no reason to not switch out parts of it now anyway. one step closer
<acheam> its pretty rare for me
<kyxor> see this is what happens when running st -e lynx
<kyxor> it's messed up, and there is no way to fix the size
<akira01> kqz: i mean if i login in sway the wallpaper will just be set and no need to do a command or somenthing
<kqz> yes, that is what that command will do
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<kqz> are you trying to set the wallpaper via telekinesis? what other way would you run it?
<akira01> first
<akira01> that you mentioned
<akira01> is to put in my sway/config?
<akira01> because if is
<kqz> yes, typically this is ~/.confg/sway/config
<akira01> congrats dont work
<acheam> actually I think I will go for the full suckless setup
<kqz> did you restart sway after putting it in? exec will only run upon sway starting, not reloading
<acheam> because baseutils isnt very complete
<acheam> (to be fair, dylan did warn me of that)
<akira01> yeah i restart
<acheam> nbase is more complete but also has a wacky build system
<kqz> does it work if you run the same command from a terminal in sway?
<akira01> yeah
<akira01> and if i kill
<akira01> the bg disapear
<akira01> if i put in .profile
<akira01> dont work too
<kqz> yeah it's a daemon so it has to stay running, try creating a script that has "wpg path/to/file.png" and then exec in ~/.config/sway/config and see if that works
<kqz> though arguments should work fine in the sway config file
<akira01> i will try
<akira01> already create the script
<akira01> i used with bemenu but i dont run lol
<akira01> just in term
<kqz> also could be the environment, if $PATH isn't set before sway starts it may not find it
<akira01> other stranger thing
<akira01> amixer not work with sway
<akira01> Xf86Volume works with other things but cant work with amixer
<omanom> can you run amixer in terminal?
<acheam> the wallpaper setting utility is a daemon???
<sad_plan> yes
<sad_plan> just type amixer, and have at it
<omanom> @acheam yes, leading to fun issues like
<acheam> lol
<acheam> xsetroot never let me down
<kyxor> ha yes
<kqz> sway does not have any bearing on anything audio
<kyxor> though I currently use feh as image viewer so I set bg though it
<akira01> omanom: yeah i can run
<akira01> Use the same command to sway config and put in XF86volume
<kqz> akira01: here's a very convoluted with pamixer and wob
<omanom> and does changing the volume within amixer work?
<akira01> Not work
<akira01> tested
<omanom> alsamixer not amixer d'oh sorry
<akira01> A okay
<akira01> yeah alsamixer works great
<mrlix87> I actually dislike x11 a lot
<sad_plan> yes, it does work. I do it all the time
<ang> acheam, can you send me the exact sed script which hangs?
<akira01> kqz: sorry i dont use pulse
<mrlix87> I use pipewire and it sounds really clean
<kqz> i know, i was just giving an example of the X86 hotkey config
<omanom> @akira01 what handles your keybinds?
<kqz> you'll have to plug your own amixer cli commands in
<kyxor> acheam: what's your cpu?
<acheam> ang: sed s|>| /|; s|>|/|g; /\*/d
<acheam> steps to reproduce:
<acheam> install baseutils, and swap busybox sed to baseutils sed
<akira01> kqz: i did it
<acheam> run kiss a
<acheam> kyxor: i7 8550u
<kqz> mrlix87: pipewire is great yeah, just wish they didn't shove so much dbus into it
<akira01> omanom: u mean the evdev?
<kqz> tho it can be built and ran without dbus using dylan's libdbus-stub
<sad_plan> acheam: may hbase also be of interest to you?
<acheam> lol of course 2f30 has something of interest
<mrlix87> i went from windows to a linux system with pipewire and the audio difference is very very noticeable
<acheam> thanks
<sad_plan> its supposed to compliment s/ubase afaik
<dilyn> so many *base
<ang> cheers, acheam
<sad_plan> youre welcome C: alot of niche software from those guys
<sad_plan> all your base belong to us
<omanom> akira01 let's start with your sway configuration bindsyms
<omanom> can you post your sway configuration somewhere?
<kyxor> acheam: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G here, so I guess not cpu dependant, probs just race condition.
<akira01> yeah just sec
<ang> that looks totally standard, must be the invocation then
<acheam> whats that mean?
<akira01> omanom:
<ang> acheam, if were talking to me: just how and with what flags sed is invoked os what I meant
<acheam> ah okay
<acheam> yes I was
<ang> typing on pho.e, kill me :I
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<ang> I will have a look at the kiss a code
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<akira01> dilyn: what i need to get a dropped package?
<dilyn> revert the commit that dropped it
<sad_plan> check git log, and resurect it yourself. or just package it yourself. also, check kiss-graveyard if its a community package
<akira01> thinking in put back spotifyd since we are in openssl now
<sad_plan> dilyn, will you be maintaining the xorg repo for now, or whats your thought on that? I noticed you changed the readme and stuff
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<sad_plan> nvrmind. I say your postinstall for kiss
<dilyn> someone else is more than welcome to be added to the org to maintain it :)
<sad_plan> I figured.
<dilyn> acheam could if they wanted, but they are probably busy focusing on asd
<dilyn> testuser and i both use wayland so I doubt they're interested
<sad_plan> indeed
<dilyn> kiedtl doesn't use KISS, i don't think?
<dilyn> so if someone else wants to play whack-a-mole...
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<ang> acheam, you discovered a bug in baseutils' sed, not a portability problem
<ang> try `echo foo | sed 's/o/u/g'`
<ang> the global flag for the substitute command results in an endless loop
<acheam> oh
<acheam> :(
<acheam> maybe dylan will fix it in his fork if he sees this
<acheam> but I've decided to stick to busybox
<acheam> or maybe toybox
<acheam> but some box
<ang> someone better report that bug
<acheam> I don't use github
<acheam> dilyn: once ASD is more ready, I'll announce it here
<ang> then send ibara an email :p
<kyxor> dylan uses baseutils? why would he fix it?
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<kyxor> where is it hosted at anyway, I see old repo by ibara on github, but that did not see any development in 2 years
<ang> I would expect the github be the main one?!
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<kyxor> well yeah, I can't find any other sources besides the github, so
<acheam> kyxor: yes
<acheam> ang: ive been meaning to send him one anyways
<acheam> so yeah i'll throw this in there
<acheam> kyxor: yes that ibara one
<acheam> dylan's fork is dcviii/baseutils
<acheam> idk if he's still using it
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<ang> ok nice
<kyxor> ok I see
<acheam> man, procps top is pretty nice
<acheam> like, its a good htop replacement
<kyxor> nice, I'll check it out
<acheam> its in mid's repo
<kyxor> send link
<kyxor> ty
<acheam> dilyn: how possible is it to not use perl in the chromium build
<acheam> I assume that you'd have tried already
<dilyn> uh iirc it's...
<dilyn> very not possible
<acheam> whats it used for?
<acheam> I might just create a chromium megapackage
<acheam> with chromium, python2, nss, etc all in one package
<acheam> ok, after a day of using it, I understand why dilyn likes chromium so much
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<acheam> and thats coming from someone who wrote his own browser (sort-of)
<dilyn> yeah, it's a *good* browser
<dilyn> I assume perl is used pretty extensively
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<acheam> can someone help me understand linux-libre?
<acheam> like if I build my very slimmed down linux kernel
<acheam> with none of the device specific stuff enabled
<acheam> will I still have binary blobs?
<acheam> like, I don't get the difference between binary blobs, and linux-firmware
<noocsharp> linux-firmware contains binary blobs
<acheam> okay I understand that much
<acheam> but if I don't use linux-firmware, amd I still using binary blobs?
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<noocsharp> not that i'm aware
<noocsharp> i suppose it depends on hardware
<acheam> then what does linux-libre do?
<noocsharp> i guess gets rid of things that require binary blobs in linux-firmware
<noocsharp> maybe reimplements them as free software
<noocsharp> according to gnu, there are things in the kernel source code that are not free, but i don't know what they are
<acheam> hmmm
<acheam> I would bet that they're not in my kernel
<acheam> just because I dont enable any of the device specific sutff
<micr0> konimex kudos on making gnu-less kiss easier
<micr0> (or at the very least, gcc-less)
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<dilyn> what the hell is happening to my computer <
<micr0> > too many errors emitted, stopping now :bead_of_sweat:
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<micr0> does anyone have busybox acpid working? if I ssu sv restart acpid, it times out, and goes down, but if i manually `ssu acpid -f` and `tail -f /var/log/acpid.log`, everything works fine
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<micr0> also, with latest sway, the post-install says seatd is needed, but i dont see seatd in kisslinux/wayland or kisslinux/extra
<noocsharp> kisslinux/wayland/libseat
<micr0> thanks noocsharp
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<acheam> micr0: i'd reccomend using acpid2 from the repo
<acheam> much nicer config language, works better
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<micr0> acheam which repo? didn't show up with kiss-find
<acheam> uhh check git log?
<acheam> might have been removed
<acheam> but it was in the main repo i think
<micr0> I just migrated my suspend-on-close script to busybox acpid xD
<acheam> from what?
<micr0> acpid2
<acheam> haha
<micr0> since `kiss update` showed that acpid2 was orphaned
<acheam> busybox acpid is painful
<acheam> oh i see
<acheam> so dylan must have dropped it
<acheam> not much I can do to help you then
<micr0> busybox acpid was just a 1 line file to get suspend working, it actually was simpler than acpid2, but way less readable
<acheam> yeah acpid2 is easier to understand, albeit more compex
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