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<dilyn> anybody else having a problem installing binaries as setuid with kiss? just had an issue reinstalling opendoas
<dilyn> oh, curious...??
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<noocsharp> i recently packaged a setuid program and it was fine
<dilyn> the opendoas package doesn't seem to make itself setuid
<noocsharp> -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 112072 Sep 9 20:13 /usr/bin/doas
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<dilyn> orly...
<dilyn> then this is a me problem. hmhmhm
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<konimex> dilyn: unfortunately that tic part of yours don't work in my build
<konimex> ...and now my rebuilt netbsd-curses is broken
<noocsharp> this looks awfully familiar...
<acheam> just some casual MIT license violations, nothing to see here
<acheam> oof and phoebos found an issue in it
<noocsharp> lol, my repo doesn't even have a license
<acheam> then its just some causal IP violations
<noocsharp> maybe i should add one to screw with people
<acheam> $ cat LICENSE
<noocsharp> nah, i meant that the packaging was pulled straight from my personal repo
<acheam> > by using this software, the user forfeits the right to their PC to nihal jere
<acheam> noocsharp: ik, you interupted my really bad joke
<noocsharp> i wonder if a court would enforce that
<acheam> probably not
<acheam> its unlikely, but at least somewhat possible that they could have written that themselves, and it just happened to be the same as yours
<acheam> given that its a fairly straightforward build file
<acheam> or the court might just not see it as property after explaining for 20 minutes what a build file actually is
<acheam> but I Am Not A Lawyer(tm)
<noocsharp> but only i'm stupid enough to pull raw source files straight from cgit
<noocsharp> instead of downloading the tarball or using git
<noocsharp> i would have added it to community, but i thought it was a stupid hack to package it
<acheam> yeah why did you do that?
<acheam> oh because its in a big repo?
<noocsharp> yeah, and it hasn't been updated in several years
<noocsharp> actually, i could have just copied the files into a files subdirectory... thats what i did with bsdfmt
<noocsharp> TIL you can control monitor settings from your computer
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<noocsharp> hello
<rio6> i2c over hdmi? vga?
<noocsharp> indeed
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<dilyn> noocsharp: wdym?
<dilyn> konimex: interesante. how doesn't it work?
<dilyn> I know it was finicky but I've forgotten
<dilyn> a lot of my builds are seemingly broken; for instance, freetype's pkgconfig file reports the wrong version! lmao
<testuser[m]> Can someone on a regular kiss system build automake
<konimex> dilyn: netbsd-curses still fails to find foot terminfo from my end
<konimex> and when I rebuilt netbsd-curses suddenly TERM=linux no longer works so there's that
<dilyn> hhhmmmmm
<dilyn> I *think* i had this same problem, at some point when I was doing stuff a couple weeks ago...
<dilyn> i haven't checked in any of my env stuff in a long while so if I WERE using a TERM variable I don't recall it :X
<dilyn> testuser: nop; help2man complaint?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> it works fine for me but no one else
<dilyn> :thinking:
<dilyn> this is just some vanilla kiss chroot i keep around so you must've done something special?
<testuser[m]> no i tried on my default chroot too
<testuser[m]> i guess its sorta out of date but all related packages to automake should be up to date
<testuser[m]> ill try with a new one
<dilyn> lmfao
<dilyn> open up the ChangeLog for automake and peep that update from 2012-04-12
<dilyn> might be a regression of some kind
<testuser[m]> 2012 ?
<dilyn> yeah
<dilyn> just checked with -j1/2/3/4, it doesn't seem to be
<testuser[m]> but it's been building fine since 1 year
<dilyn> that would be suitable probably considering the problematic file is doc/help2man
<dilyn> tried it, then it complains about 'cannot get --help' from aclocal
<dilyn> hmhm
<testuser[m]> i forgor 💀
<testuser[m]> the issue is that
<testuser[m]> automake doesnt work
<testuser[m]> complains about some signal stuff
<testuser[m]> 1 sec
<dilyn> mfw
<dilyn> guess i'll check on wyverkiss as well just for sanity
<dilyn> love having to build three packages just to build a single package that allows me to *checks notes* insanely build packages
<dilyn> uuuhhh
<dilyn> automake builds fine for me
<dilyn> on wyverkiss
<dilyn> kekw :V :V :V
<testuser[m]> rebuild perl
<testuser[m]> then it wont
<testuser[m]> so perl broke somehow due to external factors
<testuser[m]> my working binary was built on july 11
<dilyn> oh god if this perl reinstall breaks this chromium build smh
<dilyn> i'll install it in a safe place :V
<testuser[m]> maybe its gcc 11 ? it was updated on july 28
<testuser[m]> i guess we could just patch automake to not register handlers for SIGHUP but idk what that would break
<dilyn> yeah rebuilt perl and it's fine
<dilyn> so...
<testuser[m]> but galaxynova on wyverkiss couldnt build it so it cant be a gcc issue either
<dilyn> i have no idea what the common denominator might be here
<dilyn> maybe automake is trying super hard to get gpl software on my machine so it's bending the rules of reality to function properly
<testuser[m]> ok so all signal handling is broken
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<x4n> Hello there!
<x4n> I'm having a problem which may or may not have to do something with KISS Linux but with the wayland adoption.
<testuser[m]> What is it
<x4n> When running command "wal -i wall/wall0.jpg", I get error "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory"
<x4n> When running command "wal -i wall/wall0.jpg", I get error "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'swaymsg'"
<x4n> So would I have to build swaymsg?
<testuser[m]> swaymsg is provided by sway, and this "wal" program seems to talk to swaymsg to set the backgroun
<testuser[m]> oh wal is pywal ?
<x4n> yes, pywal
<x4n> I have the sway-tiny package currently installed, is that a problem?
<testuser[m]> so /usr/bin/swaymsg doesnt exist ?
<x4n> "find: /usr/bin/swaymsg: No such file or directory" :(
<testuser[m]> build regular sway i guess, dylan might've removed swaymsg from the tiny fork
<x4n> Building regular sway package will break my current installation
<testuser[m]> why
<x4n> Because I don't have any cron daemon or something
<x4n> And configuring all that the tty only is a pain
<testuser[m]> i guess you could tell pywal to use another wallpaper setter
<x4n> Instead, is it possible to disable the wallpaper setting thing?
<x4n> Wait.. I found it!
<x4n> Yep. It worked!
<x4n> Thanks!
<testuser[m]> nice
<x4n> Time for playing with pywal
<x4n> BTW, have you tested waybar on KISS Linux?
<testuser[m]> no
<x4n> ok
<x4n> Dang gtkmm is not in KISS Linux repo
<testuser[m]> gtk2 isnt there so how would gtkmm be there
<testuser[m]> those are gtk2 bindings right
<x4n> Its not good for a package like Waybar to use gtk2
<x4n> Testing bemenu..
<x4n> bemenu also doesn't work
<x4n> is there a status bar that actually works?
<testuser[m]> bemenu works
<testuser[m]> `bemenu-run`
<testuser[m]> its not a status bar its a launcher
<x4n> How?
<x4n> I tried doing "bemenu" and it shows.. nothing.
<x4n> oooooooh
<x4n> Yes! It works
<x4n> Great
<x4n> Now its time for a status bar
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<x4n> Waybar doesn't compile due to gtkmm, nwg-panel also doesn't compile too
<x4n> Is mercurial present in the KISS repository
<x4n> or the community one?
<x4n> Or how can I clone a package from
<testuser[m]> pip install mercurial
<x4n> OK
<x4n> Lets see
<x4n> naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
<x4n> no outdated packges allowed
<x4n> P.S.i hope libwayland-dev, libgtk-3-dev pkg-config and meson are also present
<konimex> isn't meson already in kiss main?
<x4n> yep it is
<x4n> but what about the libraries
<testuser[m]> if the libraries didnt exist then your sway wouldnt have built
<x4n> OOOH
<x4n> "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/share/man/man1'" when building wofi
<x4n> oops
<x4n> I'm building the wrong thing sorry
<x4n> there's no yaml
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<x4n> Hello again!
<x4n> I want to have information about how to change the border thickness and color in sway?
<x4n> I'm asking this question because the man pages in sway-tiny are missing
<x4n> Also when using mold as the system linker, grim fails the compile
<soliwilos> I haven't used sway-tiny, but I reckon it's the same as sway.
<x4n> It says "clang-12: error: argument unused during compilation: '--ld-path=/usr/bin/mold'
<soliwilos> x4n: man page online
<x4n> soliwilos I don't know how to do it
<x4n> no information about how to change color :(
<soliwilos> Look at the client.background <color> section.
<soliwilos> client.focused for focused windows and others for other states.
<soliwilos> border color is done with those.
<x4n> oh
<x4n> nice
<x4n> wait
<x4n> in which format is the color supposed to provided?
<x4n> hex? rgb?
<soliwilos> hex, prefixed with #.
<soliwilos> #000000 and the like.
<x4n> alright
<soliwilos> The defaults are given in the manpage there.
<x4n> So will I have to do like "client.focused #000000"?
<x4n> plz help
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<soliwilos> Sorry, was busy.
<soliwilos> As far as I rerember you need to specify all the colors.
<soliwilos> s/rerember/remember/
<cotangent> <soliwilos> As far as I remember you need to specify all the colors.
<soliwilos> So "client.focused#4c7899#285577#ffffff#2e9ef4#285577"
<soliwilos> Where the first color given is for the border.
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<x4n> Konimex mentioned to set the $TERM value
<x4n> put even when having the variable in the /etc/profile.d/
<x4n> I still don't have the value set to xterm-256color
<x4n> I tried sourcing it but it only becomes valid for the current terminal session
<testuser[m]> x4n: relogin
<testuser[m]> Also the mold failure can be fixed by removing adding `-Wno-error` to build flags
<testuser[m]> Devs like to enforce Werror for some reason, it's not good since compilers are free to warn for anything
<testuser[m]> `-Werror=somecriticalwarning` should be used
<x4n> by removing adding?
<testuser[m]> Add -Wno-error to cflags
<x4n> oh
<x4n> ok
<konimex> how did you add --ld-path=/usr/bin/mold there?
<x4n> I have it in my CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS environment variable
<konimex> just use the alternatives system
<x4n> I have used the alternatives system
<testuser[m]> It just warns since there's no linking involved in just compiling c files
<testuser[m]> You sure the guide didnt mentiond LDFLAGS ?
<konimex> if the alternative system is used then don't even bother with --ld-path
<x4n> it didn't mentioned LDFLAGS
<x4n> it had the alternative system AND the export CFLAGS in the steps
<konimex> since /bin/ld will be searched first anyway
<x4n> so I did both
<konimex> what steps?
<konimex> time to open an issue to dylan then
<x4n> a'ight
<x4n> I'll close mine then
<konimex> no no, don't close it
<x4n> and what may I do for $TERM variable?
<x4n> Alright.
<konimex> just set it in your .profile
<konimex> and restart your computer
<konimex> or logout and log back in
<x4n> Alright
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<x4n> well, I have "export TERM=xterm-256color" and "TERM=xterm-256color" in my ~/.profile but the environment variable is not exported
<konimex> what sh are you using?
<x4n> sh
<konimex> yeah, what sh?
<konimex> bash? dash? zsh?
<x4n> sh
<x4n> pure sh
<x4n> aka busybox sh aka POSIX shell aka ash
<konimex> ah yes, it seems foot overrides $TERM
<konimex> and ash doesn't have .ashrc it seems
<x4n> yee
<konimex> I'd recommend bash (since I personally do use it) but it'd be ironic to have a gnu-free distro using bash
<konimex> but I'll come up with something
<x4n> oke
<bountyht> There is always OpenBSD's KSH :-)
<bountyht> SOrry if I sound like a fanboi everytime I open my mouth :-(
<konimex> bountyht: open an issue on dylan's kiss, maybe he'll include it in his repos (and in turn, wyverkiss will follow)
<x4n> oksh is in the community repo
<x4n> but not in the kiss main repo
<bountyht> konimex: I am still playing with kiss in a chroot and deciding which computer I place it in for testing
<x4n> and its from ibara
<x4n> who also made portable m4 that KISS uses
<konimex> x4n: yeah, and the solution I'm trying to make should be in line with kiss main repo, so no oksh at all
<x4n> yep
<x4n> also oksh depends on ncurses so..
<x4n> i guess it won't work out of the box in wyverkiss
<konimex> a temporary solution, of course, is invoking `TERM=linux vim`
<konimex> or `TERM=linux alsamixer`
<x4n> And so will "alias vim="TERM=linux vim" and "alias alsamixer=TERM=linux alsamixer"!
<bountyht> wtf, does it depend on ncurses?
<konimex> that should also work
* bountyht ldds ksh
<x4n> yep
<x4n> it depends on ncurses, mentioned in the depends file
<x4n> yee the alias works!
<x4n> P.S. why the git clone of vim is so big??
<x4n> it exceeds 50Mb+
<konimex> dylan uses git clones instead of tarballs since they bump the version every commit
<konimex> as for why is it big, perhaps because of the git commit itself
<x4n> I've done the clone manually with --depth 1 and the size is 15.10Mb
<x4n> Is is possible for this --depth parameter to be inserted in the kiss git clone command?
<konimex> you may want to open an issue in kisslinux/kiss since the current command is invoked from the package manager itself
<x4n> Alright, i'm doing it.
<x4n> Done.
<x4n> Also, why vim compiles with an unrecognized option "--disable-gmp"?
<konimex> gmp? are you sure? since there's no --disable-gmp in the kiss vim buildfile
<x4n> Hold up
<x4n> Maybe because of this symlink "../../kiss-repo/extra/vim/build"
<x4n> I've compiled vim manually and created an issue in the kiss linux repo
<x4n> sorry the kiss package manager repo
<x4n> Alright, the optimizations made will be 1) shallow clones 2) Tag management
<x4n> according to dylan
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<x4n> Does kiss-community/bin packages work in Wyverkiss?
<x4n> Asking because of Firefox
<x4n> and Rust
<testuser[m]> They would if they were built with static libgcc and stdc but i don't think they are
<x4n> And they also require libepoxy that is not present in Wyverkiss, nice..
<x4n> And I can't use ccache because it instead slows down the building process of Wyverkiss..
<x4n> Anyways, I'm trying it.
<testuser[m]> ccache will do literally nothing for firefox or rust
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<x4n> Yes, you are right.
<x4n> It takes hours for me to compile it.
<x4n> Even now I have rust update pending.
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<konimex> what? I don't think firefox or rust require any libepoxy
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<x4n> can tmux byobu or screen be built in wyverkiss?
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<micro_O> < full text manpage search, neat
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<x4n> sorry for not noticing konimex
<x4n> I got disconnected
<x4n> But I was talking about the binary packages in kiss-community/bin
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<davidgarland> made progress since yesterday but now I'm up to a kernel panic-- it says "VFS: Cannot open root device "PARTUUID=..." or unknown-block(0, 0): error -6"; "Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:" then goes on to list UUIDs I don't recognize from blkid
<davidgarland> I suspected it might be a missing SATA or AHCI driver based on googling the issue but it seems like I've enabled the relevant settings for an Intel controller (what lspci says I have) so I'm unsure what i could be missing
<soliwilos> Have you enabled the filesystem you're using in the kernel?
<davidgarland> let me check
<davidgarland> ext4 seems to be enabled yeah
<soliwilos> Did you also try using root=/dev/sdXY instead of uuid?
<davidgarland> worth a try, ill give that a spin
<pehaef> one of the UUID things only works if you have an initramfs that handles it with userland stuff, I forget which
<pehaef> the other I believe the kernel can do on it's own?
<davidgarland> I am under the impression efistub with no initramfs should be possible-- I've avoided allowing any kernel modules and baked in the microcode and graphics drivers
<pehaef> ah efistub, that's fun stuff; I am doing the same at work alas I never could get it to do the right thing without an initramfs; which I bake into the kernel for now but have plans to not to once efibootmgr works like it should; sorry I should say that what I am doing is not actually kisslinux related, it's a custom embedded-ish thing
<davidgarland> I see
<davidgarland> I've never tried any custom stuff, always got stuck when trying to do LFS lol
<davidgarland> figures given it's taken me a full day already to get back to this point with KISS
<pehaef> figuring out how the darn kernel wants to continue booting can be quite confusing, especially when you try EFI; but I figured "hey, no bootloader needed, one less moving part" so I went there as well
<davidgarland> for me it's more just frustration with the fact that GRUB seems to manage to always erase my windows 10 install that's on a *separate disk* somehow
<davidgarland> hoping this doesn't have the same issue (though last install also got wiped since i only started trying efistub after another failed grub attempt x_x)
<davidgarland> boots now :)
<micro_O> js "I want range(99)" jv "we have range(99) at home" range(99) at home "[...Array(99).keys()]"
<davidgarland> lmao
<davidgarland> amazing how everything runs on a language that can't figure out what lexical scope is
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<davidgarland> o/
<illiliti> hi
<testuser[m]> Hi
<pehaef> davidgarland: congrats!
<davidgarland> thanks for the help
<pehaef> davidgarland: so did PARTUUID work or did the "classic" path for the partition work?
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<davidgarland> I ended up getting PARTUUID working, but I'm not entirely sure which kernel option specifically was responosible for getting it working
<noocsharp> that's how it goes
<noocsharp> one day, go through and randomly delete kernel options until it breaks
<davidgarland> lol
<noocsharp> then you will know
<davidgarland> yeah
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<testuser[m]> Do this instead
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<davidgarland> probably a dumb question but how do I get dhcpcd to stop printing things over the console
<davidgarland> am using the default busybox init
<davidgarland> ..just edited the run file manually, guess that works
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<akira01> hi guys
<akira01> have any openjdk repo that works?
<davidgarland> if you're merely concerned with getting one onto your machine, you could use to grab prebuilt ones-- if that's not what you want, then disregard
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<akira01> will test
<akira01> why the problem in build?
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<noocsharp> i think landlock could be a lighter weight way to verify that dependencies are correct than chroot
<noocsharp> by allowing access only to files owned by particular dependencies, and if a file outside of that is accessed, then you know that it's missing something
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<aws> Hello
<aws> I'm trying out hexchat
<acheam> hi
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<dilyn> decided i wanted to play around with dylan's new take on baseinit and also get smdev sorted
<dilyn> forgot that baseinit by default is fscked with toybox, so had to handle constant exits
<dilyn> been troubleshooting a 'cannot fork - try again' for a couple hours now
<dilyn> realized it's because my chromium script is self-referring, not because something during init indefinitely blocks >.<
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<acheam> uhhh
<acheam> you launch chromium on boot?
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<dilyn> no, it's just one of the first things i launch after wayfire
<acheam> then why did you think it was an init issue?
<dilyn> which is why it was so confusing (yet should have been obvious) -- wayfire launched fine
<dilyn> because I'm a mooran
<acheam> ah but wayfire launches chromium?
<dilyn> no it's just muscle memory to hit meta+w at this point
<dilyn> meta+enter; meta+w, twerktwerktwerk
<dilyn> interestingly, with toybox mount, baseinit nonfatally errors saying that /dev is not in /proc/mounts when trying to mount devtmpfs...
<dilyn> but toybox mount is complete, and sufficient in this case. so that's weird