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<msk[m]> did something happen to
<Guest47> Yup
<msk[m]> oh, I guess it's now
<Guest47> Yeah it was deemed that xyz is too unprofessional
<msk[m]> alright I guess I gotta update sfeedrc
<acheam> bruh what is this, the 5th domain for the project?
<Guest47> --->
<dilyn> urls are so volatile wow
ChanServ changed the topic of #kisslinux to: KISS Linux | | logs: | please read:
<acheam> Guest47: no its -> -> -> ->
<Guest47> wc -l is off by one when using printf but not echo :|
<Guest47> why...
<dilyn> \n ?
<Guest47> i don't know what you mean
<Guest47> Should be printing 4 but it's print 3
<dilyn> is there a newline at the end of the printf output that isn't there for echo?
<dilyn> i gues i'm not sure what you're doing
<Guest47> Nah it's printing less lines than actually are
<Guest47> One less
<dilyn> oic
<dilyn> hmhmhm
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<Guest47> okay i solved it
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<micro_O> anyone wanna bash-golf this? rep="/a/" sed -e "s|^|$rep|" -e "s|:|:$rep|"
<acheam> just loops for me
<acheam> i'd call that a hole in one
<micro_O> i thought there would be some slick way to split and join, i.e. node -e 'process.env.KISS_PATH.split(':').map(p => `${process.env.rep}/${p}`)'
<acheam> n..n..n..node?
<acheam> what does that do? I dont have node
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<Guest47> Is that java script
<acheam> yes
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<msk[m]> kiss packages in node?
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<micro_O> acheam msk[m] that line does a more fleshed out version of the `sed` command i put up earlier
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<acheam> i dont know what the sed command does either :)
<acheam> because it goes into a loop
<Guest47> wait wut
<Guest47> are you talking about the colon?
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<micro_O> jeez this is annoying
<micro_O> echo "warning: something dumb" | sed -E 's|(warning:error) |::\1|'
<testuser[m]> sed 's/^warning/error/' ?
<testuser[m]> What the ::1 do
<micro_O> im so dumb, neverming
<micro_O> :: doesnt do anything, \1 does first capture group
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<GalaxyNova> website's down
<micro_O> okay, that was like way too much work. still needs a little update to the logic (warnings will 'fail' the pr check), but its almost there
<GalaxyNova> also kiss seems to not want to install programs under root
<micro_O> GalaxyNova was changed to .org again
<GalaxyNova> oh nice
<micro_O> done for the night, see yall tomorrow
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<claudia> o/
<claudia> toybox grep seems to fail building python.
<claudia> clear speaking, it fails to detect the endianess.
<soliwilos> o/
<soliwilos> I didn't really look into it, but I had some trouble with otools grep while building gtk+3.
<soliwilos> Seemingly a grep process was infinite, never finishing, at lest took so long that my system started using swap. I eventually just killed the build and changed grep.
<soliwilos> s/lest/least/
<claudia> soliwilos: I build gtk+3 with otools grep without problem.
<soliwilos> Hm, thanks. I'll try again.
<soliwilos> It's apparently pausing at the same spot again.. "CCLD gtk-encode-symbolic-svg".
<soliwilos> Eating more and more memory.
<testuser[m]> check arguments for grep in top
<soliwilos> Found this "/usr/bin/grep -o \bg[td]k_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*_get_type\b"
<testuser[m]> Try it manually on some data, could be a bug in otools itself
<ang> could it be the \b?
<ang> try `printf '\008' | grep -q '\b' && echo match`
<soliwilos> "match"
<ang> hmm okey
<soliwilos> Seems fine.
<ang> the rest of the regex looks absolutely normal
<soliwilos> Simply changing grep to ugrep, it builds fine.
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<soliwilos> Here's how it's being used in the build
<soliwilos> I tried to change oksh to busybox, for /usr/bin/sh, but didn't help.
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<claudia> dilyn: Yeah I found your fix. thanks. When I grep the configure file for the 'ax_cv_c_float_words_bigendian', there is just a simple grep without any special flags.
<dilyn> i believe I saw an explanation for what python is doing in a stack overflow post a while back; i'll see if i can dig it up
<dilyn> but basically some greps can grep binaries and others can't, python is just assuming gnugrep (ggrep, I should probably clarify that) is grep for this test
<dilyn> the problem you notice when you do dumb things is that people make big assumptions about the roots of their problems. for instance, these fine folx just assume it's a solaris problem, not a grep problem
<dilyn> i also don't know why they would use grep here lol
<claudia> Appreciate the detailed explanation :p
<dilyn> ;)
<claudia> I guess the solaris fraction also has the interpretation of the operating system as a whole, so theri grep is tightly bound to it.
<dilyn> yay how kind of them
<necromansy> yeah suprisingly kind :>
<testuser[m]> nice
<testuser[m]> it was going for like $1000 right
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<sad_plan> finally, firefox built. I had to disable webrtc, and there I fixed it. no patch needed :D
<testuser[m]> That's just hiding the problem :p
<sad_plan> perhaps, but I have webrtc disabled in about:config anyway, so its really no need for me to build firefox with webrtc to begin with :p
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<cem> openbsd grep seems to be much stricter in terms of POSIX BRE
<cem> like "what even sbase grep supports this" type of strict
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<cem> for instance I've always thought grep 'something\|otherthing' to be POSIX
<cem> turns out it's not in BRE
<cem> yet it's the first grep implementation that I saw to not support this expression
<testuser[m]> We wouldn't have these issues if nonstandard versions of utils didn't exist in the first place :v
<cem> yeah, and if only people tried to make their build systems portable
<cem> ahem landley
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<Guest5669> So, would anybody here happen to know why sed isn't working with variable numbers above ten? The file is this
<Guest5669> The command is for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16; do sed -i "s/#define file${i}.*/#define file${i} something_else/" "test.txt"; done
<Guest5669> Output should replace something with something_else
<testuser[m]> Do $(seq 16)
<testuser[m]> Instead of i
<Guest5669> It works for the most part except the file10 - file16 all are called "file1"
<testuser[m]> Not that this fixes your iszue
<Guest5669> This is the output
<Guest5669> See how file10 - file16 are called "file1"
<Guest5669> Sorry the loop is supposed to be 0 - 15 but that doesn't really matter
<Guest5669> Issue still remains
<dilyn> interestingly, if you change the sed to /#define file$i.*/#define file$i something_else/ it puts the leftover ones digit at the end of something_else
<dilyn> i imagine . might mean something special to sed...
<dilyn> considering it's all regex you probably want to do \.* instead?
<testuser[m]> ang:
<Guest5669> Yeah idk this is so baffling
<dbrooke> when i is 1 it will also match the file10 to file15 lines
<dilyn> lmfao
<Guest5669> oh ok.
<Guest5669> Is there any way to get an exact match with sed?
<Guest5669> I thought sed was exact match, no?
<dilyn> without g, the s option will replace the first match in every line
<dilyn> you can alter the command to only replace once in the file iirc
<dbrooke> for that file maybe add a space before .*
<Guest5669> thanks dilyn
<ang> why not simply do 's/\(#define file[0-9]\{1,\}\).*/\1 something else/' ?
<ang> no need for the for-loop shenanigans
<Guest5669> Literal wizard, I didn't know sed could do that
<dilyn> the power of regex
<dilyn> I think i may have potentially identified a resolution to that whole 'commit is not signed' error that plagues kiss u when forcing verification on commits...
<dilyn> should've taken better notes on when this error appears with the repo tbh -- it's probably unrelated
<Guest5669> Also, since POSIX doesn't define the array like in bash, how would one work with large amount of variables with a similar name? E.g. file_1, file_2, ... file_n
<Guest5669> Ok something like this may work
<Guest5669> set -- this is "a list" of "several strings"
<Guest5669> Then looping over them for string in "$@"; do ...
<Guest5669> Ha, it works >:D
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<Guest2> Hi. Can you tell me please where to start a deep learning of Linux to understand the meaning of compiler flags, etc?
<GalaxyNova> kiss linux is a good place to start
<sad_plan> here is a good place to start. some info on what the flags do in any case
<GalaxyNova> meaning of compiler flags is as easy as "man gcc"
<Guest2> I want to make my own fork of kiss linux. Should I start now to learn as I go, or should I wait?
<GalaxyNova> gcc man pages are top quality
<Guest2> Thanks
<GalaxyNova> kiss packages are so simple they are almost self documenting
<GalaxyNova> start by installing kiss
<Guest2> Ok, thanks
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<dilyn> there's a fun hidden cmake option that makes it link against libncurses if it exists, but this breaks if libncurses is static...
<dilyn> why do they do this
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<acheam> why does it even need curses?
<dilyn> it's for some cureses dialog for... ccmake??
<dilyn> ah, ccmake is literally just a curses interface for cmake
<ang> searching for acme stuff I'm finding pure gold
<ang> the part of ross cox's post about list is funny
<ang> s/list/lisp/
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<riteo> hiiiiii!