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<riteo> hiiiiiii!
<GalaxyNova> hi
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<GalaxyNova> acheam: Is it feasable to "daily drive" chorizo
<GalaxyNova> as a browser
<riteo> ig it depends on what you want to do with it
<GalaxyNova> browse the web
<GalaxyNova> watch youtube
<riteo> with or without a proxy like invidious?
<GalaxyNova> idc about proxies
<riteo> then I guess that depends on whether JS is implemented in chorizo or not
<GalaxyNova> it's webkitgtk soooo
<GalaxyNova> I'm asking acheam because it's his program
<riteo> right
<GalaxyNova> I would really love to get rid of firefox
<riteo> well if you'd want to do that, chorizo or not you should avoid completely (and not plan to use) any js-rich website (or, even better, use only js-free sites)
<riteo> this way you could use way simpler browsers, if not even lynx
<GalaxyNova> yeah... That's not a real option unfortunately
<riteo> sadly that's the case most times
<GalaxyNova> I need to use discord, microsoft teams, and youtube
<riteo> actually I think that for discord and youtube you could use dedicated clients
<riteo> but I have no idea if teams has one
<riteo> and I'm not talking about official ones
<riteo> (also because discord's is literally a chromium wrapper)
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<testuser[m]> Download from invidious for ewwtube
<testuser[m]> ms teams idk
<riteo> cordless is discontinued though
<testuser[m]> Doesn't make it non functional
<testuser[m]> There's a fork by some random person who added support for fancy stuff like replies
<riteo> yes but it makes the chance of getting banned higher over time
<testuser[m]> Who cares just make a new acc
<riteo> thinking about it you're right
<testuser[m]> Discord doesn't care that much, but lately they have been hitting my accounts with their phone verification ransom
<testuser[m]> So you're locked out until you give those soydevs your phone number
<riteo> bruh
<noocsharp> alternatively stop using discard
<testuser[m]> I don't use it
<riteo> noocsharp: I wish I could
<testuser[m]> But i need it occasionally to manage my bot account for bridges
<noocsharp> i know, i'm refering to GalaxyNova
<noocsharp> and riteo apparently
<testuser[m]> Thankfully they don't suspend your bots if your account is frozen
<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: That can get you banned from using discord
<GalaxyNova> it's against their terms of service
<GalaxyNova> they're such a shitty company
<testuser[m]> big deal
<riteo> not everybody has friends on IRC/Mumble/[insert libre comunication program]
<GalaxyNova> ^^^
<testuser[m]> It's easy to make a new acc if you're only in a few servers
<GalaxyNova> everyone I know is on discord
<riteo> that's actually quite a good point
<GalaxyNova> when i bring it up to use matrix i get weird looks
<testuser[m]> You don't need to care about a ban unless you're dumb enough to pay for their nitro shit
<riteo> if you hate a company just keep going for what you can reach
<acheam> GalaxyNova: yes
<kqz> you try one of the matrix <> discord bridges?
<GalaxyNova> oh hi acheam
<GalaxyNova> is there a way to get chorizo / webkitgtk to work on gtk+2
<GalaxyNova> instead of gtk+3
<testuser[m]> > not using libreddit
<acheam> > not using teddit
<testuser[m]> Revert to a 5 yr old webkit i guess , they only support gtk 3 and 4
<acheam> GalaxyNova: no
<noocsharp> > using reddit
<GalaxyNova> that's unfortunate :(
<riteo> > imposing their own reddit proxy
<riteo> just keep it as reddit and let every different setup handle it in their favourite way
<GalaxyNova> i use old reddit anyway
<testuser[m]> lol
<riteo> I've still got to set up that, but it's way easier to redirect a single known domain than looking up a list somewhere
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<testuser[m]> privacy redirect
<acheam> ^
<riteo> thanks!
<testuser[m]> It even converts embedded stuff like an ewwtube video in an article to invidious links
<testuser[m]> not links, the actual player from invidious
<riteo> that's great
<riteo> lmao I found the best nitter instance ever
<dilyn> does gitea use js?
<testuser[m]> Yea but works fine without it
<testuser[m]> (Mostly)
<dilyn> what doesn't work?
<testuser[m]> Menus
<riteo> what menus
<testuser[m]> Top right hamburger icon
<testuser[m]> Commits, issues, PRs, releases work fine
<GalaxyNova> acheam: chorizo -C option is broken
<dilyn> menus are dumb anyways
<riteo> ooooh that hamburger icon
<riteo> but that's a cellphone issue
<acheam> uhh what does -C do?
<dilyn> does a fossil server require js??
<GalaxyNova> "Disables cooperative instances."
<dilyn> visit and let me know. this is gravely important
<acheam> oh
<acheam> yeah its pretty broken lol
<acheam> I'd use lariza tbh
<GalaxyNova> lariza fails to build :(
<riteo> I don't think has any js in the first place
<dilyn> it certainly shouldn't, i just want to be srue
<dilyn> sure*
<dilyn> i'm just a mere few inches away from dumping git :V
<riteo> oh I think it actually depends somehow on js
<riteo> in branches the color checkbox doesn't work without js
<dilyn> and somehow i am unaffected by this
<riteo> that's weird
<riteo> maybe it's just noscript that messes stuff up
<testuser[m]> Hamburger menu doesn't work, but you can just open the desktop site
<riteo> dilyn: what browser are you using?
<testuser[m]> And you can't change the commits view
<testuser[m]> Changing "Modern View" does nothing
<testuser[m]> And the commits arent colored for some reason, without js
<riteo> actually I think js is used only to change the url
<dilyn> unaffected as in it doesn't bother me that this is the case
<testuser[m]> Yeah
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<dilyn> i use chromium obvi
<riteo> oh
<riteo> isn't there any other way of using fossil without a web browser?
<riteo> maybe some sort of api?
<testuser[m]> Cli?
<dilyn> ^
<dilyn> wdym?
<testuser[m]> this is must a frontend for fossil
<testuser[m]> Just
<testuser[m]> Not a git host
<dilyn> like you can fossil clone; fossil timeline; etc etc
<riteo> but can you do everything with fossil from the cli?
<dilyn> is literally JUST a fossil --server instance, there's nothing special about it
<riteo> oh so you can use the cli with it
<dilyn> fossil is just as, if not more, feature rich than git
<riteo> that's weird
<riteo> why embed the web server into the main server?
<riteo> why not make it a separate entity?
<dilyn> i mean...
<dilyn> fossil is basically just a sql database
<dilyn> there isn't a whole lot to fossil outside of manipulating sql entries
<dilyn> indeed, you can manually edit fossil repos
<dilyn> a static fossil binary is less than ten megs lmao
<riteo> how does it compare to git?
<dilyn> static git is 30mb
<riteo> bruh
<riteo> how?
<dilyn> curl
<riteo> now you got my attention
<dilyn> lol
<riteo> I won't lie, fossil tempted me too, but the fact that everything's a monolithic package really turns me off
<riteo> but if it's lighter than git...
<dilyn> 'lighter'
<dilyn> i mean, it's more comprehensive but smaller
<dilyn> it's just a different thing
<riteo> yeah maybe smaller is the right term
<dilyn> i think it's primarily due to the fact that fossil heavily leverages sql databases and git uses a literal file hierarchy
<dilyn> like git will sha every.single.change
<dilyn> but a database let's you carry the same information with less overhead
<riteo> oh I didn't know that
<dilyn> i have no idea how fossil manages to make a smaller static program in *general* compared to git, but that's probably part of it
<dilyn> the entire repository is actually just literally a sql database file you can manually modify without interacting with `fossil` entirely
<dilyn> it's just *very dangerous* because... well.. obviously
<riteo> that's interesting
<GalaxyNova> what are the advantages of fossil over git
<GalaxyNova> is it more lightweight
<GalaxyNova> ?
<dilyn> a built-in webserver is probably a big advantage
<dilyn> you don't have to setup gitea or stagit or w/e if you use fossil
<GalaxyNova> I don't mind fo be rude but that doesn't sound "KISS" at all xD
<dilyn> it takes a radically different approach to what a "commit" meanas
<riteo> I mean, the fact that's built-in might be quite the opposite of an advantage
<dilyn> means*
<riteo> an official fronted might've been better
<riteo> that's not quite UNIX
<dilyn> from what i've seen, a lot of things that fossil does are far more straightfoward and obvious than what git does
<dilyn> yeah i don't think fossil is very 'unix'
<dilyn> but i don't think you can say that 'git' is very unix either tbh
<dilyn> git does one thing, but I don't think it does it very well
<riteo> I mean, if we want to look at git and fossil as SCMs git wins on the UNIXy part
<riteo> but if we want to look at fossil more like a project management solution it might be slightly better
<dilyn> i like to think of `git` as being the singular command that wraps around dozens of smaller, more unixy commands
<dilyn> fossil is more... a thing that shortcuts database operations, and (for some reason) includes an http server
<riteo> fossil brings some interesting ideas to the table but it's architecture in general confuses me
<GalaxyNova> What's next? A version control system that has a desktop environment kek
<dilyn> that's probably just because you're too used to git tho?
<riteo> not really
<dilyn> i'm still getting used to how fossil works and i've been working with it for a few weeks
<riteo> I mean, the biggest most blatant issue is the fact that the frontend and backend are joined in one single package
<dilyn> though it did take me a few months to get used to git, and I've been using git for quite some time. adjustment time is necessary
<dilyn> sure but if the joint package is smaller than one single program... what's the issue?
<riteo> what if I didn't want the web server?
<riteo> or I wanted a different one?
<dilyn> i mean, you would still be saving space over git lol
<riteo> yeah, but I could be saving more
<GalaxyNova> what if i just want to clone repositories
<GalaxyNova> do i still need the web server
<dilyn> i actually have no idea if you can manually host a fossil server, though i imagine any service capable of hosting a database can host it
<riteo> what if I didn't want the community stuff
<riteo> yeah, but I'd have two web servers
<dilyn> well the server is only running if you actually run the server
<riteo> there's still a web server in my SCM
<dilyn> and a single fossil server can host arbitrarily many fossil repos
<dilyn> idk lads there's a lot i don't have the answers to :v
<riteo> I mean, you're surely making everybody question git and that's nice for sure
<dilyn> yes but there's a web server bundled with your vcs that is one third the size of a comparably built alternative vcs lol
<riteo> yes but there's a web server bundled with your vcs that doesn't exclusively depend on it
<riteo> and the vcs does way more than managing your versions
<riteo> brb
<dilyn> so i mean...
<dilyn> what else is git including that requires it take up 3x more space than fossil then?
<dilyn> that's the real question
<GalaxyNova> one of the things that repulsed me from the fish shell was that it included a web server
<testuser[m]> WTF
<dilyn> yeah but that's arguably different
<dilyn> what's even the point of that?
<dilyn> lol
<dilyn> that just sounds like ssh with more steps?
<GalaxyNova> it's like a customization GUI thing
<zuckerschlecken> Hello, i am trying to install kiss but on the step kiss install gnupg1 i am always getting the ERROR 'gnupg1' not found
<dilyn> > guil
<GalaxyNova> when you can change your PS1 with a interface lmao
<dilyn> > shell
<dilyn> mfw
<testuser[m]> zuckerschlecken: add repos to your kiss path ?
<testuser[m]> KISS_PATH
<GalaxyNova> zuckerschlecken: echo $KISS_PATH
<zuckerschlecken> KISS_PATH is good; kiss update runs without error
<GalaxyNova> did you add the extra subfolder from the main repository to the kiss path?
<testuser[m]> kiss update runs without error cuz it's got no repos to update lol
<riteo> I'm back
<testuser[m]> Hi back
<zuckerschlecken> kiss search kiss = /var/db/kiss/installed/kiss ; kiss search gnupg1 = ERROR 'gnupg1' not found
<riteo> what does `echo $KISS_PATH` say?
<riteo> maybe you just set it wrong
<zuckerschlecken> echo $KISS PATH = /root/repos/personal/games:/root/repos/personal/web:/root/repos/repo/core:/root/repos/repo/extra:/root/repos/repo/wayland:/root/repos/community/community
<testuser[m]> does /root/repos/repo exist
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<riteo> did you clone the repos?
<riteo> just setting the path does nothing
<riteo> dilyn: I just found out that curl is used only for https. I wonder how much disabling it or building in a custom build with only HTTPS would trim it down
<testuser[m]> why wonder when you can `kiss b`
<zuckerschlecken> Yes i have cloned the repos ; kiss update = -> Everything is up to date ; the directories (baselayout ... zlib) are all there
<testuser[m]> send full kiss update log
<zuckerschlecken> baselayout
<zuckerschlecken> bzip2
<zuckerschlecken> binutils
<zuckerschlecken> bison
<zuckerschlecken> busybox
<zuckerschlecken> curl
<zuckerschlecken> flex
<zuckerschlecken> gcc
<zuckerschlecken> git
<zuckerschlecken> kiss
<zuckerschlecken> linux-headers
<riteo> does /root/repos/repo/extra have gnupg1?
<zuckerschlecken> m4
<zuckerschlecken> make
<riteo> bruh
<zuckerschlecken> musl
<riteo> you're spamming
<zuckerschlecken> openssl
<testuser[m]> that means you havent got any repos in your kiss path
<zuckerschlecken> pigz
<zuckerschlecken> xz
<zuckerschlecken> zlib
<zuckerschlecken> -> Everything is up to date
<testuser[m]> they just pasted the newlines
<testuser[m]> they're orphaned packages since nothing is found by kiss in repos other tan /var/db/kiss
<testuser[m]> thats why kiss lists them
<riteo> oooh good catch
<riteo> zuckerschlecken, again: do those folders have anything inside them?
<riteo> the ones you specified in path?
<zuckerschlecken> in /mnt/repos/repo/extra are many folders from adwaita to zstd
<testuser[m]> then why do you have /ROOT/repos
<zuckerschlecken> Dont know - was the place were i where following the instuctions?
<zuckerschlecken> i think ~ was root at this time
<testuser[m]> KISS_PATH="$(echo "$KISS_PATH" | sed 's|root/|mnt/|g')"
<testuser[m]> Replace root pathw ith /mnt path
<testuser[m]> Where you actually have the repos
<zuckerschlecken> Oh - i am such an idiot - i am very sorry. I stoped installing yesterday and have forgetten a step today. kiss update is heavy working at the moment
<zuckerschlecken> Thank you all for your time and your efforts
<riteo> no worries, everyone makes mistakes
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<GalaxyNova> what do you guys think about rust
<testuser[m]> other than super slow build times its fine i guess
<testuser[m]> and needing llvm
<msk[m]> it's supposed to be like C++, right
<testuser[m]> safe c++
<GalaxyNova> msk[m]: It feels like a mixture of C++ and javascript / typescript to me
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<GalaxyNova> also does anyone know a browser that DOESN'T suck?
<GalaxyNova> and that doesn't take 999 hours to compile
<necromansy> no, all browsers suck by way of the net sucking
<necromansy> depends on your use case
<msk[m]> maybe uzbl? it looks interesting
<msk[m]> and yeah the web sucks too much
<msk[m]> today I tried w3l, hoping it would be a great terminal browser, but no
<testuser[m]> Links2
<GalaxyNova> one that can display github, microsoft teams and discord
<necromansy> links2 out of the question then
<testuser[m]> it can display shithub
<GalaxyNova> just not well
<testuser[m]> is good but it needs pozilla ff
<GalaxyNova> There has to be a decent webkitgtk browser
<testuser[m]> it can display shitcord too probably
<msk[m]> I've heard good things about w3m but it needs glibc, right
<testuser[m]> check badwolf
<necromansy> i dont get browsh
<msk[m]> what's wrong with surf GalaxyNova
<GalaxyNova> is just a filter over a firefox backend
<necromansy> ^
<GalaxyNova> does surf support wayland?
<necromansy> no
<necromansy> it needs xlib headers
<GalaxyNova> I need one that supports wayland
<msk[m]> what about qutebrowser
<GalaxyNova> chromium
<testuser[m]> surf does work on wayland
<testuser[m]> 1 line patch
<necromansy> oh i thought it didnt?
<necromansy> nvm
<necromansy> neat
<msk[m]> qutebrowser uses a fork of chromium
<necromansy> qutebrowser needs to have dbus patched out too
<necromansy> tho im sure someone's done that already
<testuser[m]> it uses webshit as backend so if webshit supports it, it will work :p
<msk[m]> I patched dbus out when installing it, it was easy
<msk[m]> in my build script just added some sed calls
<testuser[m]> qutebrowser is far from not sucking lol
<necromansy> noice
<msk[m]> yeah but it's keyboard-driven, so easier to navigate than e.g. firefox
<msk[m]> might as well have a browser that sucks in terms of minimalism but good for usabilty
<GalaxyNova> does netsurf support wayland?
<msk[m]> s/usabilty/usability
<testuser[m]> galaxynova if you want to browse sites that suck then you gotta get a browser that sucks too
<necromansy> ^
<testuser[m]> :p
<necromansy> the position im in
* GalaxyNova cries
<msk[m]> but even for sites that don't suck, are there any good terminal browsers?
<msk[m]> most of them don't support https, do they?
<GalaxyNova> links2
<GalaxyNova> elynks is nice
<GalaxyNova> elinks*
<msk[m]> I remmeber trying links2 and something being off about it, I'll quickly compile it now
<msk[m]> s/remmeber/remember
<testuser[m]> its bland color wise but otherwise it works good
<msk[m]> has anyone made an elinks package? for that one I thought there was a compiling problem
<testuser[m]> i did and sent a package
<testuser[m]> let me find it
<GalaxyNova> palemoon seems like a nice compromise
<GalaxyNova> but i don't know if it supports wayland
<testuser[m]> here;s the packag
<GalaxyNova> for palemoon?
<testuser[m]> elinks
<testuser[m]> midfavila has one for palememe but it uses gtk2 and similar ancient stuff
<GalaxyNova> :(
<GalaxyNova> I'm ok with gtk2 as long as it works on wayland
<msk[m]> do I just `kiss i file.xz`? I can't seem to tar xf it
<GalaxyNova> does it?
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> msk its supposed to be tar xf'd
<testuser[m]> do xz -d
<testuser[m]> and then tar xf
<msk[m]> alright got it, thanks, never knew about the xz command
<msk[m]> I see on the Arch Wiki elinks has a variable for setting the config location, do you know if links2 also has something like that?
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<testuser[m]> export CONFIG_DIR=".config"
<msk[m]> thanks, that works, how did you find that? I didn't see anything in the man page
<testuser[m]> i dont remember
<testuser[m]> Lol
<msk[m]> lol I'll need to add an entry for that then
<riteo> gtg, bye everyone!
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<msk[m]> oh wait you have to use arch to contribute to the arch wiki, nvm
<testuser[m]> wdym use arch
<testuser[m]> dont you just need to make an acc
<msk[m]> on their account page it asks for pacman output
<msk[m]> maybe someone leaked it and I can use that, idk, or maybe the links2 website talks about CONFIG_DIR
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<claudia> The surf-wayland repo on github needs gtk+3 compiled with X backend(gdkx.h). Apart from that surf uses xprop to open a dmenu in the same window which very prob does not work either.
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<alex_> Hello.
<testuser[m]> hi
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<alex_> How's it going?
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<testuser[m]> Nice
<claudia> Trying to buld the firefox-beta now. Lets see if this gets webrtc going again.
<claudia> I had tried with qtwebengine -> no sucess and even webkit. But for webkit I dont know if its even possible.
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<dante123> has anyone else noticed a weird bug with qemu on sway
<dante123> where the window changes size after it loses focus
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<alex_> Dunno. I am planning on installing glibc kiss. Kek, joined the irc chat, doesn't use that distro.
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<micro_O> o/
<testuser[m]> hi
<micro_O> seeing if the kiss-find db can be used to revive kiss on repology
<micro_O> i guess i should add maintainers to the db
<micro_O> wonder what else I should add
<msk[m]> I would suggest some changes to the web client
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<msk[m]> the search bar is at the very bottom which is less convenient than being at the top
<micro_O> oh, thats a mistake
<micro_O> should be up top thanks msk[m]
<msk[m]> also this might be harder to implement but maybe have a instead of a search bar
<msk[m]> so that javascript isn't required
<msk[m]> s/have a /have a <form>/
<micro_O> non-javascript search bar would just be ctrl+f
<micro_O> like use browser built-in search
<msk[m]> but then every entry has to be listed which makes the browser laggy
<micro_O> this is just a static webserver, so you can save the page, use it locally, etc
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<micro_O> msk[m] if its laggy on a particular browser, lmk. I'll make sure to test on a raspberry-pi-ish level hardware
<micro_O> if a 3000 entry table lags a browser, that is worrisome
<micro_O> I am also considering making a fully static version - i.e. with the csv backed in as plain html
<micro_O> it becomes harder to hack on but would work without js
<msk[m]> yeah, the results don't load without javascript
<msk[m]> so I'd have to use javascript anyway
<micro_O> search box is up top, autofocuses, and has a placeholder
<micro_O> I'd be happy to review and maybe merge in a static generator for the site
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<alex_> Is it possible to set a file in KISS like make.conf in Gentoo? Cuz, KISS is using cflags and makeopts too, right?
<msk[m]> testuser: is it okay if I add your elinks package to my repo? I will credit you as the creator, I just want to make sure I don't lose the package
<msk[m]> sorry alex I didn't mean to type right after you on purpose
<alex_> msk[m]: Dw.
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<cot> !cfg c sed on
<cotangent> [config] no such setting 'sed'.
<cot> !cfg c sed-patterns on
<cotangent> [config] no such setting 'sed-patterns'.
<cot> !cfg c sed-pattern on
<cotangent> [config] set 'sed-pattern' for '#kisslinux' to 'on'
<cot> !cfg c http-titles on
<cotangent> [config] set 'http-titles' for '#kisslinux' to 'on'
<cot> !cfg c gemini-titles on
<cotangent> [config] set 'gemini-titles' for '#kisslinux' to 'on'
<cot> The bot is back. Sorry for the delay.
<soliwilos> alex_: The equivalent is you using your chosen method of setting those variables either on boot or login.
<alex_> soliwilos: So, I can export them in .profile?
<soliwilos> alex_: Yes.
<alex_> Got it thanks.
<soliwilos> As long as your shell uses that file.
<alex_> Understand.
<alex_> Tho, I'll have to use glibc kiss, cuz, nvidia. :))
<soliwilos> Ah, yes.
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