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<GalaxyNova> hi
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<dilyn> testuser: I did a wicked dumb thing to your chromium patch and I'm just gonna see what happens to a chromium built with it XD
<testuser[m]> Nice
<testuser[m]> Hi
<acheam> hi
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<zola> Should we add dependencies found by readelf to the depends file, or should we just let kiss find them and add them at install?
<testuser[m]> depends what type of dependencies they are
<testuser[m]> if it's something that can be optionally disabled based on if it's installed or not, then don't add it
<testuser[m]> else if it's not musl/gcc, then add it
<zola> mesa libudev-zero libpng... really key things
<testuser[m]> in most cases its a dependency of a dependency of a dependency already
<zola> I belive it is
<testuser[m]> then no need to add it
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<soliwilos> New hikari release with a fix for firefox menu's.
<necromansy> oo neat
<soliwilos> Also a fix for a type of startup crash, but I've never experienced that one.
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<soliwilos> Anyone using mako, fnott or other notification softwware on wayland?
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<dilyn> but now you can theoretically store meta info (description, license, w/e) in the version file :o
<claudia> I am just wondering. Didnt we have unzip available in base?
<dilyn> used to, dylan dropped it
<claudia> Or maybe bundled in any of the packages? I cant find it anymore
<dilyn> the package manager doesn't support zip as of de248330383034a7cde6b634e0c7743acbab2eb5
<claudia> Yes, I am transition some packages which have zip sources...
<claudia> I cant find any commit droping 'unzip' from the repo
<claudia> Or modifiying the zip pkg
<claudia> O_O blind
<dilyn> unzip is provided by busybox
<dilyn> zip itself is still in extra iirc
<claudia> geeez. thx^^
<dilyn> ;)
<claudia> busybox just so powerful.
<dilyn> too powerful. it must be destroyed
<claudia> Burn down the house. Just make a new one.
<testuser[m]> can you change argv of program without symlinking it ? like i want to use pigz as zcat without symlink
<dilyn> interested if anyone can reproduce this
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<claudia> dilyn: Reproduced with the same packages.
<dilyn> nice
<dilyn> can you reproduce a checksum error with kiss?
<dilyn> errrmmm
<dilyn> with vim
<dilyn> `kiss b vim` should abort because there's no checksum; kiss isn't checking the sources file for a git+ prefix
<claudia> also with another pkg.
<dilyn> yeah my main bug happens with many, many packages. every single one, basically. :V
<claudia> 'kiss b vim' does not abort
<dilyn> interesting...
<dilyn> 5.5.18?
<claudia> yes.
<dilyn> interesting. because I ran into this in a freshly made chroot
<dilyn> oh damn lmfao what happens if you uninstall ncurses and then try to build vim?
<claudia> let me reclone the repo, maybe I made checksum accidently.
<dilyn> no it's another dependency bug i think
<dilyn> kiss b vim without ncurses installed fails, kiss b ncurses && kiss b vim succeeds
<claudia> allo good with a fresh repo.
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<dilyn> my biggest issue is kiss has been semi-rewritten so many fuckin times in the last two weeks that I don't know where anything is anymore :|
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<msk[m]> anyone know what "error adding symbols: malformed archive" means? qt5-webengine is failing to build again (
<msk[m]> I can also compile vim with kiss 5.5.18
<testuser[m]> ulimit
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<msk[m]> ulimit says "unlimited"
<testuser[m]> ulimit -n in build should be 4096
<testuser[m]> outside itll be 1024 or someth
<msk[m]> yeah 1024
<testuser[m]> You could build as root after setting ulimit -n unlimited
<testuser[m]> In build *
<micro_O> i wonder why you would even specify that arbitrary information could be allowed in a file, that should be ignored, unless its specifically for some transition in an unstable format
<msk[m]> could I edit the build file to say "ulimit -n unlimited" instead of "ulimit -n 4096"?
<micro_O> like, arbitrary information that should be ignored can live in any non-specified file
<testuser[m]> Yeah thats what i said
<testuser[m]> But you need root
<micro_O> (like the meta files ive seen, and /description, etc)
<testuser[m]> (Running ulimit itself as root wont work since it needs to modify the current shell)
<msk[m]> "bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted" oh
<msk[m]> could I put a "ssu" in the build file instead of running the whole compilation as root?
<msk[m]> * could I put a "ssu ulimit -n unlimited" in the build file instead of running the whole compilation as root?
<testuser[m]> I just said why you cant :p
<msk[m]> damn I'm blind
<testuser[m]> its a shell builtin not a binary
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<msk[m]> alright thanks, maybe I need to switch matrix clients if that's messing me up
<testuser[m]> Wtf is this
<testuser[m]> So hacky
<testuser[m]> It's the only way though, i guess. Not much more hacky than the original glibc one
<micro_O> testuser[m] maybe we can petition baselayout to configure a higher ulimit just for the kiss build process?
<micro_O> or maybe there is some unshare shenanegains that can be used
<testuser[m]> There's like 3 packages needing ulimit and 2 are chromium, other is nodejs
<testuser[m]> so i dont think its an iszue
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<dilyn> I didn't have a ulimit problem
<dilyn> there isn't a whole lot we can really do about this change, because musl just implements dummies for __close anyways
<dilyn> and from what I've been able to dig up, nothing has been said about __close since 2013
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<msk[m]> I forked the package, changed the line to "ulimit -n unlimited", and ran su -c "kiss b" inside the forked directory
<msk[m]> but, it failed with "sh: error setting limit: Operation not permitted"
<testuser[m]> ssu -sp
<testuser[m]> kiss b
<dilyn> afaik ulimit will only help with the max number of file descriptors being open at a time; this problem sounds more like the symbol table itself being broken
<msk[m]> same error testuser
<testuser[m]> Weird
<testuser[m]> Can you do ulimit -n unlimited manually
<msk[m]> no, that also fails
<msk[m]> no matter how I run it as root
<testuser[m]> do ulimit -n 999999 or something i guess lol
<testuser[m]> Dilyn: what would break the tablsm
<testuser[m]> Table
<msk[m]> doing ulimit -n (9s) also fails manually
<msk[m]> I'll see how far I can get it before it errors
<msk[m]> ulimit -n 1000000 works which I suppose will be fine
<dilyn> the archive being too large, perhaps...
<dilyn> are you guys building in tmpfs?
<msk[m]> nope
<dilyn> hmhmhm
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<msk[m]> I think it's working with ulimit -n 1000000
<msk[m]> thanks
<kqz> trying to build a git package, but kiss keeps spititng "checksums: no such file", are you guys able to build git packages on latest master?
<kqz> oh looks like dilyn is having the same issue :D
<kqz> just checked the issues on the repo lol
<dilyn> ;)
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<testuser[m]> Dilyn did your chromium build finish
<dilyn> mmhmm
<testuser[m]> And you didnt have the archive issue ?
<dilyn> nope
<testuser[m]> weird
<dilyn> i did have an issue building in tmpfs and ran out of room on the disk when kiss was taring up the package XD
<dilyn> i was a bit miffed
<dilyn> but otherwise, no issues
<testuser[m]> I guess it could be related to gnu vs lolvm toolchain
<dilyn> the superior toolchain proves itself yet again!
<testuser[m]> Do you test everything else on wyverkiss too ?
<dilyn> though I don't recall running into any issues building in a vanilla chroot either...
<kqz> wow dylan just pushed a fix, this man is a machine
<dilyn> he's a professional bug squisher
<testuser[m]> Ill build again anyway, looks like alpine updated some stacksize patches too
<dilyn> that should only effect runtime tho
<testuser[m]> Yeah
<testuser[m]> I meant to say that it'll rule out manually patching and interrupted builds being the issue
<dilyn> ah
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<dilyn> I'm on the warpath :V
<dilyn> testuser you got mighty unlucky this time around with the outdated list :P
<GalaxyNova> Wait what?? I'm so confused... Cloning the neovim git repository manually and running the build commands works fine but not when it's done through a kiss package???
<GalaxyNova> wtf
<GalaxyNova> Was there a recent change of how kiss clones git repositories?
<cot> Has Dylan showed up here yet?
<cot> Like, you know, to say helo like he mentioned he would?
<sad_plan> not afaik. I do belive he has been on here after his reappearance though. I think Ive seen his name in the log a couple of times or so. iirc
<dilyn> he showed up a while back but hasn't reappeared in > a week I think
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<GalaxyNova> dilyn
<dilyn> interesting
<dilyn> hmmmm
<dilyn> doesn't super explain why the releases are broken tho
<dilyn> hmhmhm
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<GalaxyNova> It's so weird
<sad_plan> dilyn, were you able to build zlib statically? I havent dared to mess too much with it yet, seeing as aloot of my system depends on it appearantly. I did built it statically though, but it messed alot of stuff up rather quickly tbh :p so I had to revert it :p
<dilyn> zlib is tricky lmao
<sad_plan> I figured :p
<dilyn> the best method mostly depends on what's linked to it currently tbh
<dilyn> if it's nothing critical (binutils, gcc, etc. are free of it) you can just build the static library ONLY and then rebuild the programs which require it
<sad_plan> I belive I got like 34 packages that depend on it appearantly :o
<dilyn> in my case, llvm was linked to zlib so I had to build both libs, rebuild llvm explicitly telling it to link against libz.a (-l:libz.a) and then i was good
<dilyn> yeah things love zlib
<dilyn> lmfao neovim wants gunzip
<GalaxyNova> confirmed neovim fails because of a bug in kiss itself
<GalaxyNova> tried building the package with a 2020 version of kiss and it builds fine
<dilyn> yeah
<dilyn> one sec
<dilyn> add unset DESTDIR to the build script
<dilyn> how old is that issue...
<GalaxyNova> works! wow
<sad_plan> ah ok, that gives me something to start with :D
<GalaxyNova> probably should push that fix upstream
<dilyn> sad_plan: switching to a static system from a currently working shared libs environment is mostly a lot of rebuilding and checking lmao
<dilyn> ldd is your friend, kiss-revdepends is your friend, -l:libfoo.a is your friend... XD
<dilyn> galaxynova: 1d756260b9f5e650067584128094f88a97fdf94b should work for everyone now
<dilyn> though neovim is STILL up for adoption :>
<dilyn> cem:
<sad_plan> I actually havent had too much issues now. llvm plays nice, although I havent built it statically yet, but core is mostly static now. zlib, musl and llvm left, iirc. im actually pleasently suppriced of how well its going. cmake, expat is also static aswell. probably other stuff aswell, I dont remember
<cem> dilyn: I personally don't like it that much
<cem> My position is similar to the `update` files that were removed back a few months ago
<dilyn> musl has to be last :V :V :V
<dilyn> seems fair cem
<cem> I don't think repositories themselves should be executing code
<dilyn> it's a reasonable concern to have
<dilyn> in my perfect world everyone is maintaining their own repository anyways hehe
<dilyn> aw wtf neovim. it doesn't respect LIBDIR :|
<sad_plan> I actually tried to built musl statically, but I couldnt get it to respect the LDFLAGS/CFLAGS. not that ive checked the makefile, I just checked if it would build, and it did, but didnt build statically for some reason.
<cem> yeah, but at that point there is no point of remote repositories lol
<sad_plan> I also got libressl to work statically, after dumping curl as my downloader. curl kept bitching about missing libs, but stopped once I switched to axel instead, which built statically right away, no issues :D
<dilyn> to build musl statically you just --disable-shared
<dilyn> curl is just picky. there's a way
<dilyn> i forced it to play nice and just manually merged the symbols into libcurl.a myself
<dilyn> cem: remotes are bloat
<cem> dilyn: tru
<sad_plan> im sure there is, but I kinda like axel better, seems faster imo.
<dilyn> axel does parallel downloads doesn't it?
<sad_plan> yep
<sad_plan> I get to download stuff like 4x the speed or so
<sad_plan> its amazing
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<dilyn> hope you didn't bork your interpreter there sad_plan...
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<sad_plan> not to my knowledge. i shut down the laptop, cause I just left work :p
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<kqz> yay finally got encryption via bcachefs and tinyramfs working, ty illiliti for this awesome tool
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<riteo> hiiiii!
<riteo> bruh why is public domain so hard
<riteo> why do both 0BSD and Unlicense exist
<riteo> oh wait I'm dumb
<riteo> Unlicense is international, 0BSD is not
<riteo> epic, now minekiss is under the Unlicense
<riteo> now google can't contribute anymore to my shell script, I won
<acheam> to make them really quake in their boots license it AGPL
<riteo> lmao
<acheam> does google really not use anything public domain?
<acheam> not even sqlite?
<riteo> they do use sqlite
<riteo> AFAIK they only use 0BSD software at most though, so it's probably an exception
<riteo> lmao they have a special policy esclusively for AGPL
<riteo> based stallman actually did it
<cem> well google needs you to sign away your soul if you want to contribute to their software
<acheam> ever tried submitting a patch to chromium?
<cem> nope
<riteo> doesn't any big corporation do that?
<riteo> microsoft does it too
<cem> I already kind of expect "microshit <3 open shit" to do that
<riteo> uhhh so sign this CLA because obviously you might want to sue us and you might win on your *enormous* patch
<riteo> and that's very bad cause we might even lose some money if you had any to begin with
<cem> every dollar counts
<riteo> like they might even care/follow every license
<riteo> I wouldn't be surprised if every big corpo has some gpl'd code they didn't declare on their backs
<riteo> "Forbidden patches" lmfao
<riteo> also, it's even more hilarious to see the WTFPL listed on a big corpo's documentation page
<riteo> it feels almost like reading "you can't say big chungus"
<cem> I mean, sure there is no reason to trust big corporations, but I don't think it's common for big corporations to leverage GPL without declaring it
<acheam> lol they have a github dotfiles guide to prevent people from leaking classified info
<cem> It's usually small-medium companies that do it
<acheam> in case your vimrc has the top secret google master password
<riteo> lmao
<riteo> this stuff is hilarious
<cem> any big-corp formality is cringe and hilarious
<cem> > You can publish small snippets, and answer questions on Stack Overflow, but please include the following license header.
<cem> > Copyright 2021 Google LLC. Apache-2.0
<acheam> bruh
<riteo> actually I read about something similar not too long ago
<riteo> somehow someone might care about the fact that you might have taken some code from SO
<riteo> I mean, you shouldn't copy-paste, but technically even then it should be copyright infringment?
<riteo> on something that someone said to help you?
<cem> Because SO is CC BY-SA
<riteo> "uh yes, so you used this basic bubble sort algorithm from my SO answer, I will now sue you"
<cem> Which is basically GPL
<riteo> I'm pretty sure 99% of people there don't even know there's a license of sort there
<cem> Yeah, that's true
<cem> They should have read the ToS
<cem> lol
<riteo> I'm pretty sure that if people actually read the ToS social networks would cease to exist
<cem> social network ToS and other formal letters are just garbled up crap that don't make sense and are super open to interpretation
<cem> I mean, most people still wouldn't read it if they were clearer
<riteo> true
<riteo> the issue is that people won't change. It takes a small group of people to bring in all their friends and so on
<riteo> it's literally the only reason I use Discord
<cem> yeah, it's really annoying
<cem> I've tried for a long time to convince my friends to switch to alternatives
<cem> but eh, I gave up
<riteo> actually a friend of mine got converted to the based mumble, expecially for its cool af directional audio feature
<riteo> but he's waiting for other people to switch too, so we're back to square one
<dilyn> I had to sign a cla for the patch I submitted to the go build system
<dilyn> but they haven't even added it to their releases yet :|
<riteo> "But Discord's so complete! There obviously isn't any other software capable of sharing both audio and video with multiple people!"
<cem> I converted my girlfriend to use matrix a few years ago, but she was really annoyed with Riot and switched back
<riteo> matrix is pretty bad AFAIK
<acheam> mumble was based until I started running kiss and realized the whole thing is qt
<riteo> noble idea, pretty bad execution
<acheam> even the server
<cem> yeah, I don't blame her tbh
<riteo> >mumble is only qt
<riteo> there are CLI client AFAIK
<riteo> mumble is very based
<acheam> Barnard is the only one that comes to mind
<acheam> and thats golang, which isnt much better
<acheam> and the server is still qt
<cem> wdym
<cem> golang is the holy language
<cem> golang stands for
<cem> God's Language
<cem> duh
<riteo> how can a server be qt
<acheam> qt provides more than gui stuff
<acheam> its also a crutch for lazy programmers
<riteo> IIRC there was something called uMurmur which implemented an extra small murmur implementation
<cem> yeah, what do you expect from a graphical toolkit that links to openssl
<riteo> bruh
<cem> qt stands for
<cem> qrap toolkit
<riteo> here it is:
<riteo> written in based C
<acheam> ooh nice
<riteo> you can use mbedTLS, OpenSSL or GnuTLS though
<riteo> so sadly none of the more redpilled options
<cem> dilyn: what was the patch
<acheam> still cmake, but I can live with cmake
<acheam> riteo: libressl is mostly openssl compatible
<riteo> oh I just found something sad
<riteo> its license is literally all right reserved, whatever that menas
<riteo> s/menas/means/
<acheam> it means its proprietary
<acheam> aka
<cem> cringe
<riteo> agree
<riteo> I had no idea it was this bad
<riteo> time to make a POSIX shell alternative then
<riteo> using files and directories for the room structure
<riteo> each user will be a fifo in their respective directory
<riteo> lmao it actually doesn't sound that bad
<cem> pipe microphone into netcat
<riteo> it unironically sounds feasible and simple
<cem> pipe telnet into speaker
<cem> there you go
<riteo> like, ffmpeg, netcat and POSIX shell
<riteo> I mean, netcat supports even UDP
<cem> we should host a bbs server next
<riteo> wouldn't that require a phone line though
<cem> telnet
<dilyn> fixing alpine's silliness :V
<cem> lol
<cem> alpine is THE musl distro dilyn
<cem> not obscurolinux
<dilyn> seeing [ -f /etc/alpine-release ] made me so mad
<riteo> bruh
<riteo> also what is that github thread
<riteo> "uhh so here, we'll have this bot that mirrors the go thread but DON'T USE GITHUB to talk"
<riteo> "we're cool, see, we're using github"
<dilyn> it was very silly
<dilyn> had to use gerrit, had to use my gmail email...
<cem> It should have been hosted on google+
<dilyn> irritating
<dilyn> lmao right
<riteo> I've decided that I'll put a micro murmur server in my "stuff that I'll do with C someday" list
<dilyn> i was half tempted to just make a void chroot so i could nuke all my work when i was done and not mess with my git config
<riteo> do you seriously have to use a gmail email to contribute to google stuff
<cem> It's the professional Google mail account riteo
<riteo> bruh
<riteo> acheam: apparently the closest thing to a decent mumble server is this, but it's written in go:
<dilyn> go is the way
<riteo> the way cringy way google behaves with open source software is really making me reconsider go
<cem> At least it's written by rob pike
<riteo> oh wait, I don't think umurmur is all rights reserved
<riteo> I mean, it's written ad the top but there are clauses underneath and the wiki says it's BSD-3 licensed
<riteo> so I guess it's just some weird version of it that github doesn't recognize, although neither do I
<riteo> if it were truly all rights reserved there wouldn't have been a license in the first place probably
<riteo> so acheam I think uMurmur might be fine
<dilyn> 'all rights reserved' isn't even a legally binding statement afaik
<dilyn> it's especially less meaningful because it's literally 3-clause bsd lmao
<riteo> epic
<riteo> so umurmur is based
* riteo crosses out "a micro murmur server" from their "stuff that I'll do with C someday" list
<cem> also the POSIX shell one
<riteo> oh no that stays
<cem> lol
<riteo> although the idea seems to *slightly* diverge from the standard
<riteo> so it might as well be a project by itself
<riteo> but unironically a file based server implementation (a la jj) sounds really cool
<cem> call it rumble pls
<riteo> sadly I can't
<riteo> it would've been great though
<cem> shit repcringe
<riteo> it's like, youtube boomer edition I guess
<riteo> omg it is
<riteo> cospiracy theories and conservative users
<riteo> >The platform forbids pornography, harassment, racism, antisemitism, copyright infringement,[6] and illegal content.
<dilyn> how can i delete someone else's website
<riteo> doubt
<riteo> dilyn: some gasoline will do the trick
<cem> what the fuck is that website
<riteo> oh my god
<riteo> >Former US president Donald Trump officially joined Rumble on June 26, 2021 in preparation of recording his Ohio rally.
<riteo> we're talking not even a month ago
<cem> riteo: don't call your software rumble ples
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<dilyn> call it jjumble
<riteo> cem: I won't
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<riteo> jjumble sounds like a weird java server
<riteo> tumble?
<cem> dilyn: echo >> /etc/hosts
<dilyn> stumble
<dilyn> i don't want to locally delete this website
<dilyn> i want to purge it
<riteo> ok wtf
<riteo> >(informal) An act of sexual intercourse.
<dilyn> not even archive.come can save this cursed place
<riteo> how is every word similar to mumble so cursed
<cem> hack major domain name servers, and do that
<msk[m]> except crumble
<riteo> stumble would be genial but for other reasons
<riteo> >Stumble is Prakash Belawadi's debut film. It won the Indian National Film Award for Best Feature Film in English in 2003.[citation needed] It depicts the new economy, the dot-com bust, stock market scams, mutual funds, and voluntary retirement.
<cem> fumble
<dilyn> wumble
<dilyn> nimble
<cem> jingle
<dilyn> tingle
<dilyn> tingo
<dilyn> ringo
<dilyn> your app is from the beatles now
<riteo> gamble
<riteo> fimble?