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<nij-> When I load cl-git, cffi-grovel calls `cc..` and complains https://bpa.st/GHXDG . Turns out that it needs to add another include dir "-I/opt/homebrew/include" (I tried that in a shell and that's fine https://bpa.st/CMNV2). How do I customize cffi to include such thing?
<ixelp> View paste GHXDG
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<gnoo> hello, how can i find the documentation for common lisp functions such as rev ? in emacs lisp, i'd do C-h f rev or check the elisp manual
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<gnoo> oh, i'm stupid
<gnoo> rev is the name of label i'm using
<beach> You would look it up in the Common Lisp HyperSpec.
<beach> There is a hyperspec.el that you can use.
<gnoo> oh, thanks!
<beach> But, yeah, REV is not a Common Lisp function.
<beach> clhs rev
<specbot> Couldn't find anything for rev.
<gnoo> yeah it's the name of label, (labels ((rev (lst acc) xD
<gnoo> i'm doing the ``onlisp'' book
<beach> Oh, that naming doesn't look great. REV? LST? ACC?
<gnoo> rev is for reverse, lst is list and acc is accumulator
<beach> It also looks like you are doing artificial tail recursion which is also not great.
<gnoo> yeah it's for tail recursion, what should i do instead?
<beach> gnoo: It is better to use complete names for variables.
<beach> Use iteration.
<gnoo> ahh, thanks, i'll do that
<beach> The Common Lisp language does not guarantee that tail calls are optimized, so if you use tail recursion on a linear structure like a list, you might very quickly run out of stack.
<beach> gnoo: Also, if you are a newbie, there is #clschool for newbie questions. #commonlisp is not really for newbie questions, but they are tolerated to some extent.
<gnoo> oh, thanks!
<beach> Sure.
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<nij-> Trying my luck again.. :-)
<nij-> When I load cl-git, cffi-grovel calls `cc..` and complains https://bpa.st/GHXDG . Turns out that it needs to add another include dir "-I/opt/homebrew/include" (I tried that in a shell and that's fine https://bpa.st/CMNV2). How do I customize cffi to include such thing?
<ixelp> View paste GHXDG
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<Bike> nij-: this is more about your system configuration than cffi. you should configure your system so that you can compile C code you have.
<Bike> if you really want to, you can add cflags or include files in the grovel syntax, but presumably you don't want to mess with cl-git's code
<nij-> I believe that C code is generated by the "grovel file".
<ixelp> cl-git/libgit2-types-grovel0.lisp at master · russell/cl-git · GitHub
<nij-> There is an process-.. function in cl-grovel that would process these kinds of files, (should) generate C codes, and run cc on it.
<nij-> It's really cffi-grovel that runs CC. So I suppose there's a way to tell cffi-grovel to include (cc -I..) certain paths.
<nij-> However, that doesn't seem to be in the documentation of CFFI.
<pjb> nij-: there's a #<CFFI-GROVEL:GROVEL-FILE "cl-git" "libgit2-types-grovel0"> this object has a cc-flags slot that you can initialize with :cc-flags
<pjb> I wonder if the asd file can be modified to something like: (cffi-grovel:grovel-file "libgit2-types-grovel" :cc-flags "-I/…/ -L/…/")
<Bike> nij-: there's a cc-flags documented as part of the grovel file specification. that is what i was referring to.
<Bike> nij-: but since you don't want to have to edit every grovel file you want to load, you should probably configure your cc to look at includes you have installed, instead.
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<nij-> Oh! The term is called cc-flags! Lemme try.
<nij-> Bike, do you mean that I have to configure cc to use certain flags globally?
<nij-> Or should I just alias cc to `cc -Iwhatever`..?
* beach waits for the discussions to be about Common Lisp again.
<nij-> beach, CL impl and ecosystem aren't allowed here?
<nij-> discussions about*
<beach> Maybe, but I am not interested in C, so I am waiting.
<nij-> Yeah C has been a pita.. if I can't resolve this I may have to go for python.. and which makes me sad..
<beach> How about using Common Lisp?
<nij-> But I want to write a script that makes use of cl-git.
<nij-> which calls cffi.. :(
<nij-> and cffi-grovel.
<beach> I am sorry to hear that.
<phoe> legit does not use cffi, it calls the git binary
<phoe> maybe that could be a workaround
<ixelp> GitHub - Shinmera/legit: CL interface to the GIT binary.
<nij-> There were times that I gave up on projects because of cffi-grovel. I hope not again.. otherwise I can't use CL for most part.
<beach> Oh, legit could be a great base for a CLIM-based GIT interface.
<nij-> phoe thanks for sharing! I'm looking into that now. Does legit work by parsing the textual output of git!?
<phoe> seems so
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<Bike> nij-: yes. this is not a problem you will have with cffi alone. it means even if you are doing C programming you will not be able to use libraries you get from homebrew.
<nij-> Bike What do C programmers do usually?
<phoe> they have a working C compiler and their headers
<phoe> and cffi-grovel kinda requires the same
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<nij-> Hmm.. legit allows init, add, commit. Good. But it doesn't seem to parse result of git-status into structures..
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<nij-> On the other hand, cl-git uses the underlying c lib, which I think is easier in terms of obtaining structures. E.g. https://russell.github.io/cl-git/usage/repositories.html#status it tells us if the files are WORKTREE-MODIFIED IGNORED or WORKTREE-NEW
<ixelp> Repositories — cl-git 1.3.0 documentation
<phoe> yes, there's tradeoffs
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<beach> nij-: That would be an excellent little project then to add the functionality to legit.
<beach> Much easier than to battle with FFI.
<beach> Plus, it would potentially benefit many Common Lisp users.
<Shinmera> I am told that I am exceptionally fast at merging patches.
<beach> Excellent!
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<nij-> Shinmera How would you do that? By parsing such outputs into structures? https://bpa.st/QAPNG
<ixelp> View paste QAPNG
<Shinmera> yea. probably also want a --porcelain or whatever it's called in there
<nij-> Shinmera Oh! Nice trick. Thanks :)
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<scymtym> there is also the other cl-git: https://github.com/fiddlerwoaroof/cl-git
<ixelp> GitHub - fiddlerwoaroof/cl-git: A Common Lisp implementation of parsers for the git object file formats
<nij-> scymtym Another lib with the same name :)
<scymtym> yes, different approach, though
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<nij-> Yep, it seems to use git procelean directly. Lemme try it out. Thank you :)
<nij-> It can't seem to show status..
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* splittist wrests his computer back from junior splittist who has been Kandrianing
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<Shinmera> splittist: rude
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<Fare> my juniors didn't like Kandria. :-/
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<Inline> may the beholder get blind
<Inline> lol
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<Shinmera> Fare: that's alright.
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<jeosol> Shinmera Fare: Perhaps Fare can provide some specific feedback later "didn't like", what aspect of it, etc
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<Shinmera> In my experience many adults, let alone kids, aren't great at formulating why they didn't like something :)
<jeosol> Could be useful input to Shinmera
<jeosol> Shinmera: I see, "didn't like" seem very general, there is probably some input that Fare may be able to share later with you
<jackdaniel> "I've said - play Kandria, they've answered - it's 3am dad, go sleep"
<jeosol> jackdaniel: haha, very nice
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<Fare> jeosol, I don't know what my kids didn't like, but my limited play with the Kandria demo had too much going in a vast universe without knowing what I was supposed to do. Maybe missing a tutorial bit explaining the things to do in smaller environments, and/or more storytelling.
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<Fare> maybe the full game has solved these issues since. Or not.
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<jeosol> Fare: Thank you for sharing additional details. This should be a feedack that Shinmera could consider, or add to some list
<Shinmera> Not really.
* jackdaniel hears a chanting in the distnace "CONSider it! CONSider it!"
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<jeosol> Shinmera: What I meant was, not that you'd go change it for one user, but perhaps there is a list of feedback, if you see similar concerns or related points, it could be something to consider. Of course, you are the boss here.
<jackdaniel> like, I think the game should prohibit playing after midnight (up to 6am), to avoid dads forcing their children to play
<jackdaniel> sleep is important at this age you know
<Shinmera> jeosol: Not in this case.
<jeosol> Shinmera: Thanks for clearing that up. I meant no harm or criticism by my comment.
<Shinmera> jackdaniel: You can submit a mod :v
<jackdaniel> also, the world should fit on 64 tiles, 8x8 like chess
<Shinmera> jeosol: No problem.
<kenran> Hey everyone, got another question regarding "changing running lisp programs". If I want to ship an executable that can still be "changed" at runtime, am I correct in assuming that I have to also ship some "server" facility built-in, like slynk, or is there another way?
<jackdaniel> kenran: you may offer a dialog that accepts user input in the application
<jackdaniel> then there is no need for a server/client
<jackdaniel> but having a swank server is the most conventional method I suppose
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<jackdaniel> there are some security concerns afair; I don't know whether they apply when you are listening only to localhost connections on a "safe" machine
<edgar-rft> I think changing a running lisp program is usually done via a REPL, where everything you need is already builtin
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<kenran> jackdaniel: yeah I'd offer something like that (it's just an idea ofc)
<kenran> I forgot that my actual question was the follow-up, sorry, a little disorganized today :) I'd like to use this while developing the program as well, so have it running while interactively changing it from my emacs. I could do that via sly directly, but I don't yet know whether that also works with long-running stuff and something like an ncurses interface. That's why I thought having a REPL be part of the program might be the/a
<kenran> solution. Does that sound about right?
<jeosol> When I was testing deployment options for my web app, I had swank on a port and hunchentoot on a different port. Normally, I want to reload a particular system after updating some code on server (git pull). After connecting to remote swank, I can then send reload command. It worked but sort of cumbersome
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<jackdaniel> kenran: you may also include an option in the interface "enable swank"
<jackdaniel> so you may start it on demand
<kenran> jackdaniel: sure, it shouldn't always have to run, right. Should it be started in a separate thread, so interacting with it works smoothly?
<kenran> oh, maybe it even has to
<jackdaniel> I'd experiment a little and see what works best for you
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<kenran> Thank you
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<Josh_2> Playing Kandria :sunglasses:
<Shinmera> enjoy
<Shinmera> Don't forget to leave a review if you can
<Josh_2> I will
<Josh_2> I have noticed some spelling mistakes
<Shinmera> Have you?
<Josh_2> like duct-rigged or something instead of jerry-rigged
<Josh_2> idk if thats intentional or not
<Shinmera> That's not a spelling mistake
<Josh_2> I also got stuck in the first area
<Josh_2> I went down to fix the pipes and when returning I did a little exploring, jumped down a hole to explore a tunnel and couldn't get back :joy:
<Shinmera> you can get back up
<Shinmera> just use wall jumps.
<Shinmera> there's often also elevators
<Josh_2> Hmm well I couldn't reach the only hole out
<Shinmera> then use the dash
<Josh_2> couldn't jump high enough and no walls around
<Josh_2> I will show
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<Shinmera> just dash up.
<Josh_2> oh
<Josh_2> Okay problem solved, I didn't realize that was possible
<mfiano> there's 2 votes for a tutorial
<Shinmera> everyone I watched discovered it on their own after a bit, often in exactly that spot.
<Josh_2> I had to change the default wall grab to toggle
<Josh_2> PITA otherwise
<Shinmera> I stand by my decision, because there are other mechanics as well that aren't tutorialised, either.
<Josh_2> The gameplay is fun
<Josh_2> Was putting duct-rigged instead of jerry-rigged intentional? Seems very strange as a native english speaker
<Shinmera> the author is british if that helps.
<Josh_2> hmm
<Josh_2> My initial impressions are pretty good. the game doesn't lag at all :sunglasses:
<Shinmera> It doesn't? That can't be true, Lisp is interpreted and has a GC.
<Shinmera> Also multiple dispatch
<Josh_2> I know imagine that :joy:
<Shinmera> you must be mistaken
<Josh_2> :joy: :joy: :joy:
<Josh_2> The sound track is fantastic
<Josh_2> The ambiance :ok_hand:
<Shinmera> yeah, Mikel did an amazing job
<Josh_2> left/right mouse buttons are much more intuitive for combat than the displayed z and x keys
<Shinmera> you might also want to try binding dash and climb to mouse 4/5 if you have those
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