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<jasom> char[m]: what about just copy-list?
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<char[m]> copy-list guarantees they are not eq. If I have a bunch of instances and two are eq, I want to know about it (like the exampleedgar-rft gave.
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<jackdaniel> (copy-list nil), eqness guaranteed :p
<ixelp> CLHS: Section 3.2.1
<neominimum> char[m]: So no guarantees they will be not eq
<neominimum> You'll have to check specifically if any macro forms are eq
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<mfiano> The input to a macro is source code before compilation. Externalization may be an issue if you are trying to do what I think you are.
<mfiano> The actual problem wasn't clearly specified, so I am just guessing that he wants to dump said custom object instances into FASLs.
<mfiano> s/he/they/
<mfiano> Morning, and Happy New Year everyone.
* mfiano sips tea and thinks about hard stuff
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<gendl> Happy New Year back at ya!
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<NotThatRPG> Happy New Lispy Year everyone.
<masinter> do SBCL threads work?
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<NotThatRPG> I was wondering -- does anyone have any suggestions for developing load forms for very large data structures? Just set one up, and my naive approach leads to enormous file sizes. code that runs fine to generate the s-expressions corresponding to the load form takes just forever to emit that code to file.
<NotThatRPG> masinter: What do you mean?
<NotThatRPG> I figure it's not a good sign that one of my load-form files is 721M, but compresses to 21M!
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<jackdaniel> NotThatRPG: say that your form is (define-not-that-rpg-fancy-something :a 4 "foo"), and you have 1000000000 of them
<jackdaniel> you'd save up space if you did (mapc (lambda (val) (define-not-that-rpg-fncy-something (first val) (second val) (third-val))) '((:a 4 "foo") (:d 8 "bar") ...)))
<NotThatRPG> jackdaniel: I have something that is pretty large and has to be rebuilt in two phases: the first phase involves populating an array with entities, and the second phase involves connecting those entities by dereferencing through the array.
<NotThatRPG> This involves a lot of ugly structure slot setting and array entry setting that gets very large.
<NotThatRPG> Also, it's somewhat mysterious if I can make effective use of the ENVIRONMENT argument to MAKE-LOAD-FORM.
<NotThatRPG> For example, I don't see how to use the environment to hold on to that array data structure, without which it's hard to take advantage of M-L-F's ability to provide both a creator and an initializer.
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<Bike> the environment argument is most probably an empty lexenv. not really useful except for completeness. if i remember correctly, the XJ issue says they put it in just on the general principle that forms are technjically meaningless without environments.
<Bike> you are supposed to use the literal in the form in order to get a hold of it. like, you make your initializer with `(install-thingie ,array). the compiler will then resolve the literal reference so it's not duplicated.
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<Bike> so you shouldn't need to put anything in the environment to reference elsewhere; the compiler sort of does that for you, in this weird way.
<Bike> If you're only using the array for connecting the entities together, it shouldn't be necessary, because that is what the loader does for you. Say you have a doubly linked list with node objects with "prev" and "next" fields. Then given a node, your make-load-form method could just return an initializer of `(setf (next ,node) ,(next node) (prev ,node) ,(prev node)), node being the object passed to m-l-f.
<Bike> this is more or less what make-load-form-saving-slots does for you.
<Bike> wow, that message split pretty nicely
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<Bike> hopefully this makes any sense. i have all this loaded up in my brain right now since i'm in the middle of reimplementing it for clasp
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<dbotton> masinter - sbcl threads work very. CLOG heavily relies on it for example
<dbotton> I assume you saw some reference to issues on Windows that was years ago and 32 bit
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<NotThatRPG> Bike: I'm not sure why the array is not necessary -- the load-form will ensure that the NEXT slot of the new node gets a the corresponding value for the next slot of the original node? How would it know to do that in general?
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<NotThatRPG> So I have a tree-structured object that also has parent links. You are saying that the compiler will automagically align the elements of the CHILDREN vector of a parent with the corresponding children in the original tree?
<Bike> NotThatRPG: the loader basically does the array for you. it knows because it looks through the creation and initializer forms looking for literals, and makes sure that at load time those forms are executed with the literals it's reconstructing.
<NotThatRPG> No kidding! That's awesome!
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<Bike> yeah, it's a really involved part of the language and also very obscure.
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<Bike> the m-l-f page has a basic example showing this, though without circularity, and describes it in the uh, 6th and 7th paras of the description, though a little vaguely (like what is a "reference")
<Bike> the basic rule to keep in mind is that if the source code being compile-file'd contains objects that are eql to each other, the corresponding objects at load time must also be eql to each other, and the implementation has to jump any hurdles to doing this. and the creation/initialization forms returned by make-load-form are part of the source being compile-file'd.
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<mfiano> Also worth noting is SBCL is much more forgiving when it comes to UB in this area. Something with a more strict default compiler policy, like CCL, will yell loudly if a load form needs to be available for an object. SBCL lets it slide.
<mfiano> I am fairly sure, even without a style warning
<phoe> how?
<mfiano> how what?
<phoe> how does it let it slide?
<mfiano> Sorry, I wasn't clear.
<mfiano> I have a project where I define a class whose only purpose is for a single instance to be bound to a 'constant variable'. With CCL, said constant cannot be bound following the definition of the class in the same file, unless the class is eval-when'd. CCL will error. SBCL does nothing and just works.
<phoe> so something like (progn (defclass foo ...) (defconstant ... (make-instance 'foo))) ?
<mfiano> Si
<mfiano> Well no
<mfiano> Hold on
<Bike> I get an error if i try that on sbcl (but about foo being undefined, not a make-load-form thing)
<mfiano> Sorry, not class, struct.
<ixelp> cricket/open-simplex2s-2d.lisp at master · mfiano/cricket · GitHub
<mfiano> With the eval-always (eval-when with everything), this will error on CCL but not on SBCL.
<mfiano> (or the make-load-form
<Bike> still an error for me.
<Bike> with (defstruct foo) (defconstant +foo+ (make-foo)). says make-foo is undefined.
<Bike> i am pretty sure sbcl tries to evaluate constants at compile time
<mfiano> Interesting. Might have improved then and it was at the time pointed out to me that it was UB, and I foolishly didn't look too deep into it
<mfiano> Ah that must be it
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<mfiano> Well please ignore me then. I have only used m-l-f a handful of times, and I remember needing it to please CCL but not SBCL a year or so ago when that code was written.
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