jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/> | News: ELS'22 this Monday (2022-03-21), see https://european-lisp-symposium.org
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<drmeister> How should I read the argument type in this: (cffi:defcfun ("libusb_init" %usb::init) :int (%usb::ctx (:pointer (:pointer %usb::context))))?
<drmeister> The `%usb::ctx` is the name of the argument - correct?
<drmeister> Together it means `context** ctx;`
<semz> Yeah. It's pointer to pointer to whatever %usb::context is. Although afaik cffi doesn't actually use pointer types for anything.
<drmeister> I'm writing some code to control a USB printer that writes RFID labels. I'm using claw-usb in clasp Common Lisp.
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<drmeister> My software stack is a little untested.
<semz> Erm, I mean that in (:pointer x), CFFI doesn't really care about the x. Obviously it uses pointer types themselves.
<drmeister> If I go (let ((ctx (cffi:null-pointer))) (%usb:init ctx) ...) then it should write an address into the ctx object foreign-data object?
<drmeister> That's how it's used in an example and it works - but when I inspect the object in ctx I don't see anything written.
<drmeister> The code works - I get a list of [vid:pid] values for my attached usb devices. I don't understand why when I don't see anything written into ctx.
<drmeister> I'll go in with gdb and check it.
<semz> Does libusb handle NULL with a special meaning?
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<semz> "Sessions are created by libusb_init() and destroyed through libusb_exit(). If your application is guaranteed to only ever include a single libusb user (i.e. you), you do not have to worry about contexts: pass NULL in every function call where a context is required, and the default context will be used."
<drmeister> Maybe it does - that's would start making some sense.
<drmeister> Gah - sorry - I should have caught that. Thank you.
<semz> nbd
<drmeister> I see - it doesn't say anything about that in the lib_init docs.
<lisp123> anybody know how to retrieve the store object ID for a bknr object?
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<lisp123> autocomplete is not working for me in lisp buffers, but works in slime repl
<lisp123> has anyone had this problem before?
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<lisp123> (bknr.datstore:store-object-id *) is what I was looking for
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<jmes> I have a scenario where I need to return a function like so: (case (attribute thing) (a #'fn-1) (b #'fn-2)) I'm using sly stickers to determine that (attribute thing) is evaluating to A, yet the case statement is returning nil instead of #'fn-1
<jmes> Any ideas as to how this can happen?
<jmes> Oddly, when I put the same code into a REPL it correctly matches the case and returns the function
<White_Flame> package issue?
<White_Flame> eg, is the A in your source code the same A as is returned?
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<jmes> White_Flame: Hm, I'm trying to use literal symbols to match (attribute thing) to 'a. I thought that meant 'a is always 'a
<White_Flame> cl-user::a is not my-other-package::a
<jmes> I see, then that could be it
<White_Flame> this is where keywords are intended to be used
<White_Flame> or at least, can be useful
<jmes> Ah, that's what I'll try now then, thanks for the tip
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<jmes> White_Flame: It worked, thank goodness. I struggled for too long on that... I appreciate the help
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<lisp123> whats a nice way to sum across a list of objects (e.g. they have a slot POINTS and I want to sum all POINTS in a LIST of the object)
<beach> clhs reduce
<lisp123> thanks
<beach> Sure.
<lisp123> if * = list of objects with a points slot that can be accessed via TRX-POINTS, would this be an elegant way:
<lisp123> (reduce '+ (mapcar 'trx-points *))
<beach> No
<lisp123> Put the accessor into a lambda function replacing the +?
<beach> Use the :KEY keyword argument to REDUCE.
<lisp123> thanks!
<lisp123> I just scrolled to the examples in clhs which didn't have it
<lisp123> but its in the text
<lisp123> Was it an accident that CL is so well thought through?
<lisp123> Nearly everything works naturally - from very rare name clashing to functionality for all sorts of things
<beach> It's the result of decades of experience with other Lisp dialects by a group of very smart and very knowledgeable people.
<lisp123> Do you think there were any accidents that ended up becoming very useful?
<lisp123> For example I'm not sure if they fully realised the value of macros when it was first introduced in Lisp in 1963
<beach> Oh, you mean prior to Common Lisp? I don't know.
<lisp123> Generic Functions on the other hand seem to have been very carefully thought through (as evidenced by the papers)
<Gnuxie> It wasn't an accident
<Gnuxie> It's thought through with hard work, experiments and mistakes
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<jackdaniel> but why, oh why, did they reserve the symbol T in CL package?
<jackdaniel> (I know I know, compatibility constraints)
<pjb> (defpackage "T" (:export "T")) (defcontant 't:t 't:t)
<pjb> (defpackage "MYCL" (:export …) (:use "CL") (:shadow-import-from "T" "T"))
<pjb> The problem is not the symbol - package relationship. It's that it's defined as a constant variable!
<jackdaniel> oh, I had no idea that I could shadow-import a symbol and not use the CL package /s
<lisp123> pjb: you can't shadow-import a constant into a variable?
<mfiano> That question doesn't make sense
<lisp123> mfiano: I'm trying to understand It's that it's defined as a constant variable!
<mfiano> shadowing-import is for symbols
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<pjb> The problem with cl:t is that you cannot use it as a local variable for time: (let ((t 0)) (incf t delta-t)) #| ERROR: While compiling an anonymous function : Can't bind or assign to constant t. |#
<pjb> This doesn't come from the fact that T is interned in CL, but from it's definition: (defconstant t 't)
<lisp123> got it
<lisp123> thanks
<lisp123> do you know which part of the clhs covers that?
<lisp123> A constant defined by defconstant can be redefined with defconstant. However, the consequences are undefined if an attempt is made to assign a value to the symbol using another operator, or to assign it to a different value using a subsequent defconstant.
<beach> clhs
<specbot> Some Exceptions to Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package for Conforming Programs: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/11_ababa.htm
<beach> lisp123: There ^
<mfiano> Also just see the glossary definition for a constant variable
<Nilby> it's not that you can't use t as whatever given the packages pjb shows, but that you can't make other
<Nilby> people use it
<mfiano> It's defined as a variable whose value can never change
<lisp123> beach: thx
<beach> lisp123: ywlcm
<pjb> You can just shadow it. Or use unicode. Eg. 𝚝
<mfiano> or use |t| since "time" is not usually upcased
<lisp123> hmmmmm
<mfiano> Unicode predates the standard. I would go with a portable solution.
<mfiano> Err
<mfiano> TThe other way around :)
<lisp123> i guess cl:t is fine :)
<Nilby> or make a reader macro #t -> cl:t in your package that doesn't have cl:t
<rotateq> pjb: I like ⊤ :)
<mfiano> if you want to go with Unicode, you can prepend or append a zero-width space character to the T symbol for extra confusion :)
<mfiano> (eq 't 't)​ ;=> NIL
<Nilby> or 🍵
<rotateq> mfiano: That's unexpected. ^^
<rotateq> and for NIL the ⊥
<mfiano> rotateq: Exactly, but I hope you see why
<lisp123> this discussion has convinced me to start adding emoji to my code as symbols
<rotateq> I hope that too for me ^^ due to as it's defined as a constant?
<rotateq> lisp123: please no :D
<mfiano> (list (length (symbol-name 't)) (length (symbol-name 't​))) ;=> (1 2)
<lisp123> (let ((🕦 0)) (incf 🕦 1))
<edgar-rft> now that we live in the age of ICU unicode regexps it's time for emoji-CL
<lisp123> pjb: oh damn...emacs doesn't support all emoji
<rotateq> mfiano: and why do i get (1 1) with this? the same expressions
<mfiano> With what?
<rotateq> mfiano: the expression you gave?
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<lisp123> I got (1 2)
<mfiano> You don't. You didn't copy and paste mine
<mfiano> Copy and paste mine and then inspect the second variable's symbol-name
<mfiano> Using SLIME's inspector
<mfiano> (or Sly)
<rotateq> ah, you did the invisible space thingy :D
<mfiano> ZWS yes
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<rotateq> time for eclector then to reject such :)
<mfiano> For the ultimate code obfuscating, you could add package local nicknames using increasing numbers of ZWS nicknames.
<mfiano> and do the same for lexical variables so everything looks like keyword symbols.
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<mfiano> Or change the dispatch #\( and #\) characters to 1 and 2 ZWS's
<mfiano> Lisp is easy to obfuscate in strange ways
<Nilby> i suppose it's nice to read things in your 1st language, but unicode really seems to have opened a ₱ØⱤ₮₳Ⱡ ₮Ø ⱧɆ₵₭⛧👿 for programming
<mfiano> If you wanted to, you could do this easily without losing your mind, by using something like prettify-symbols-mode to show the parens locally correctly, along with a couple keybindings to insert what look like parens
<mfiano> But yes, evil.
<lisp123> mfiano: if I read that correctly, that will get rid of the parens in your code?
<mfiano> Yes
<lisp123> food for thought
<mfiano> But only for others reading your code with the above hack
<lisp123> with proper indentation...it might be ok
<lisp123> nah it wont :)
<lisp123> need those paren :)
<lisp123> for a split second I considered doing it
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<Guest7447> can you dispatch on an argument being nil?
<semz> Guest7447: Yes, either by specializing on the class NULL or using (EQL NIL)
<Guest7447> ah, null is the class, thanks.
<Shinmera> somewhat confusingly, NIL is of type NULL, even though NIL is also a type (designating the empty type set).
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<jackdaniel> nil is a subtype of all types and in this sense it is unique
<jackdaniel> that enables among other things wildcard translators in clim
<Bike> nil being a type is fine, the name is just a lil confusing
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<jackdaniel> if T is a supersupertype, then it is only natural that nil is on the other end of the graph
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<Josh_2> Good morninmg
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<Josh_2> All the lisp benchmarks are gone from https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/ :sob:
<Josh_2> Wayback machine to the rescue
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<Guest7447> I wonder why they removed it.
<Josh_2> I dont think they are working on latest SBCL, the fella who has been writing the submissions has a few issues on the submissions repo
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<beach> I haven't seen the code, but such benchmarks are a bad idea usually.
<Guest7447> I'd try and argue you need to get people into the store before they buy, but then there'd be more questions of 'how do I make this work like x'
<Josh_2> beach: agreed
<Josh_2> but I think they are using it as an example of the sb-simd and Loopus
<beach> Guest7447: I don't understand. Can you elaborate?
<beach> Josh_2: Yeah, OK, those would be good I guess.
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<semz> Guest7447: Microbenchmarks like these would be false advertising under this analogy because they get gamed immediately. The Computer Language Benchmark Game is a great example: The top scoring submissions are usually written in inline assembly rather than the language in question.
<Guest7447> it's marketing, good or bad.  it just seems whenever a person has 'heard lisp can be fast' they ask questions about how optimize things rather than how to write Lisp.
<semz> The most egregious example is probably the Python regex benchmark (which gets place #2 or so by using the foreign function interface to use a completely different regex library instead)
<Guest7447> though things like that still show a) what's possible b) how it's done.  I think it could be good marketing to show off simd use in lisp.
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<Josh_2> An excessive concern with "performance" is normally an indicator that this person has been consuming large quantities of soy
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<Bike> i remember seeing some of those microbenchmarks' lisp editions using sbcl vops
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<trev> is CL soy-free, Josh_2?
<trev> i am new
<Josh_2> CL is a very powerful tool for removing soy
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<shka> uh-oh
<rotateq> trev: How did you find about it? :)
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<shka> one of problems with benchmark game was that java and C++ were putting out multi-thread programs
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<shka> and the only thing that you can get out of those is that there is a distinct performance tier for static typed compiled languages with a light to moderate optimizations employed
<shka> and SBCL shares it with Java and Golang
<shka> i shouldn't say "languages", implementations
<shka> i guess haskell, technically belongs in there
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<shka> anyway, rule of thumb, if you think that something can be done efficient enough in java, it can be done with SBCL as well
<trev> rotateq i was trying to teach my wife some programming using SICP
<rotateq> trev: Ah okay, so you're experienced yet I guess. But I hope you don't think SICP is good for pure beginners.
<trev> and looked for a LISP to use...started reading and comparing, then decided that CL is The One
<Guest7447> I've been thinking of a text adventure that teaches lisp.
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<rotateq> If you want to really use the code from newer version of SICP, this is good with Racket. But yeah, CL is the way.
<Guest7447> or i guess a interactive guided tutorial
<trev> rotateq yeah, SICP is definitely not, but i am providing assistance. I think it does a decent job with foundational knowledge, moreso than the Python book she is reading
<trev> rotateq, yeah exactly! i had her use Racket for the examples from the book. CL is my own interest
<rotateq> Cool that she is interested in that.
<rotateq> Then welcome, CL is different from Scheme in the end. :)
<trev> Racket seemed interesting with the "language oriented programming", but i am not really sold on that paradigm
<rotateq> Well we have that too, you have a programmable programming language and can fit it to the needs of a problem.
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<White_Flame> when outside of macroexpansion and in normal runtime code, what's the preferred way to refer to the package that the source code is written in? Does (intern str #.*package*) make sense for all cases?
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<Bike> i can't think of any reason #.*package* wouldn't work
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<White_Flame> as long as SLIME is smart enough to know the above in-package, which is should
<White_Flame> *it
<White_Flame> when doing C-c C-c etc
<pjb> Bike: do packages have load forms?
<White_Flame> seems to compile to .fasl fine, at least here
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