Josh_2 this probably does help, but i will need to stare at it for a while
Well if you play with #'apply you will understand that little snippet
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trev: say you have lists = ((1 2) (3 4)). then (apply #'mapcar #'list lists) = (mapcar #'list '(1 2) '(3 4))
dammit i'm dumb. i get it now. thanks Josh_2 and Bike
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easye`: ?
trev: It does a matrix transposition. It converts rows to columns and columns to rows.
mfiano i knew that part :D
Oh ok.
i wasn't realizing that mapcar takes &rest
Yes, now try playing with it using lists of different lengths and see if you can understand what is happening.
i ended up reading the docs after asking (wrong of me) and that also helped me create a mental image of how the iteration goes
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Hmm, How do I use cl-csv to write a `struct` ? `cl-csv:write-csv-value` seems to have coerced the entire struct into a string, which was not what I expected
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if you have your own format in mind, looks like you might need to specialize write-csv-value
given that structs are readable, i guess you can just provide a :formatter that uses cl:write? and then figure out how to read it back
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Bike Hmm, if I have a `struct`, is there some easy way to convert it to a list of its slot values?
Not really, no
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bollu: in my experience, stuff like that involves generating your defstruct and support functions like that together
eg, you have your list of slots that you want, and codegen the actual defstruct call and the defuns for all the per-slot handling routines
classes can do much more dynamic stuff with this than structs
if you use (:type list) in the defstruct, it's pretty easy ;)
White_Flame thanks!
Bike: The author said the class circularity problem is very easy to fix.
however, for CSV data you might also just want to stick with alists/plists
_death lol, that's an interesting method, to just change the representation?
mfiano: i actually just finished rewriting half the decoder to fix it. oops.
I now wonder if given a reference to a function, if I can find the name of the defun that defined it?
He said `notice-recursively` just probably needs to notice the object in place
[I understand that this is a tall ask, since a function reference could have come from a closure or some such]
if you just print the function object, your implementation might display it for you
mfiano: among other things, i don't think it is possible with decode-object working like it does. if you have two objects that contain each other, there is no way to decode one without already having the other
Bike: They hang out in our lisp dev team's channel #bufferswap if you want to ask anything.
SBCL is fairly good at having named/printed representation for defuns, passed-around LABELS functions, anonymous closures, etc
White_Flame that it does, but I was wondering how to get the name as a sting
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I want to use the functions in csv-fields-to-write as the first row of my CSV
so it would be great if I can access the name of the function
in order to get the field names?
I wonder if it's possible to somehow, given a common lisp object, find the classes the object implements
mfiano: thank you, but i think i'm doing ok right now. i still haven't had to alter the wire format at all, so i think it's going fine
White_Flame I already have the fields I want to write
Nice to hear.
I simply want to name the first row of the CSV based on the slots I wish to write
yeah, you need to have a list of fields somewhere; generate your defstruct from it, and use the list to print your csv title line and other iterators
Bike: I think it's fairly well-designed from my memory of the code. My only complaint, is a complaint with all of his projects: WITH-SLOTS being used everywhere.
code is data; use the code as data when you need that data
White_Flame I think if you see the gist, you will find the list of slots as csv-fields-to-write
White_Flame I wish to know how to access the name of the slot from the slot
instead of divining from opaque runtime objects
Oh, wait, are you suggesting I store the *label* of the slot and use the CLOS generic slot accessor functions?
I love CLOS more every day
that's not a list of slots, that's a list of accessor functions
mfiano: yeah, it's pretty good. i haven't e.g. had to touch the encoder at all. it just seems like circular references are a little underexercised
make and use a literal list of slot names
specify it just once, and have everything reference it
White_Flame and how do I access slots given the slot name?
another thing i found was that conses (rather than lists) don't support circularity at all
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you currently have two separate usages of per-slot named things, which will get out of sync if you change teh struct
if it's all driven from one slot specification list, then evertyhing will stay aligned
Bike: Great. I'm sure he will accept a PR when you're done. He is just hesitant of added complexity.
having implemented compile-file before, i already know all kinds of weird trickery that comes up with circular lisp bullshit
to access slots by name, you need to have your own mapping
classes will give you that for free, though
contrapunctus: Just a friendly wave earlier. Thanks again for the resolving link to Rhodes' _Extensible Sequences_ paper for ABCL.
Oh, yeah looks like it needs a bit more work then. I'm glad you're hacking that to make it better. I use that project from time to time.
this is why a more dynamic structure even if just alists might be a better option if you're doing stuff liek this
Bike: Please let me know when you're done hacking on it so I can update my sources (if you don't get a PR merged).
Need to make sure it actually works for what I want it to do first. Also maybe add some tests
White_Flame, how do you access a structure's slot by name?
Always a good idea
Alfr: <White_Flame> to access slots by name, you need to have your own mapping
White_Flame, saving the accessors? Hm ... interesting idea.
White_Flame that's disappointing :(
bollu: structs are strongly size/space optimized datastructures, not flexible abstract things
Hmm, is there also no way to get the name of a function from a function?
use defclass or associative datastructures for dynamic cases
bollu: don't do that
you already hae that information in your source code
don't go poking into implementation internals for something you already have
White_Flame yes, but I wish to know how. I promise I won't use it in production ;)
realign your source code to make your list of slots a first-class data item that the other things use
well, I don't know either. It's certaily possible as the implementation printer does it
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(mapcar #'c2mop:slot-definition-name (c2mop:class-direct-slots (find-class 'a))) ; while not explicitly portable, I think that it should work on all implementations
but that's only if it finds that it's a named defun, and not any other type of function object
where (defstruct a x y z)
jackdaniel: Why direct and not just c2mop:class-slots?
a braino
White_Flame so I should also switch to classes, instead of structs, I take it
bollu: Structs are a hinderance in most cases. They do not complement the interactive development nature of Common Lisp, and there is only single inheritance.
bollu, assuming you have a function foo. After (setf (fdefinition 'bar) (fdefinition 'foo)), what should the function-name of #'bar be?
You should always start out with classes, and optimize later if need be. Class slots having generic accessors makes it very easy to perform additive programming practices.
bollu: I have used alists for csv, as well as plain lists and column-name->index lookups
mfiano Yes, beach told me about this a while back.
I'll switch to classes
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I wish storing slots as symbols gave me good tab-complete :(
White_Flame because I don't want to pull out *all* slots into a CSV, only *most* of them
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so it's nice that when I store the functions that access the struct slots, I know that they're typed in right, because auto-complete and SBCL complains if you refer to an non-existing function via #'non-existent-function
ok, I've done that, too. generated a function which filtered the columnby index, based on the column names to include in order
while I won't have this if I just store a list of slot names like (def fields-to-write (list :a :b :c :d))
I would also say that you should even think carefully before optimizing from standard-objects to structure-objects. Additive programming is very important for modularity and overall good software architecture.
I value additive programming much more than the wee bit of performance and refactoring trouble I will get by switching to a struct.
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is Practical Common Lisp the best book if I wanted to learn commonlisp?
it's the most oft-recommended book here
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it is still the best, but could do with a new revision. I think seibel talked about something like that last year (?)
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He did, and then said it doesn't seem likely.
Ah. Oh well.
I might be mistaken but I might recall phoe wanting to take on that responsibility after he does CLR.
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virgil i am doing the lisp-koans first and then decided to read PCL
i like to have some context before i dive into a book like that
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trev, I'd say that PCL is exactly the book to do before doing lisp-koans
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you could even do the koans based on section of book you finished
yeah perhaps you are right dbotton
i guess i didn't want to take such a deep dive into the language without seeing what it has to offer
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mfiano: unfortunately i realized that not only have i not actually been running the tests, i can't actually figure out how to, so i might need to ask about that at some point
hmm checkl, never heard of it
it's also something rpav wrote
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or is that a 1? can't read my own font
i also got it working with my actual program, and now the serialization is a fifth of the space as my non-conspack solution, so that's cool
Well he hangs out in #bufferswap as I mentioned. Usually around earlier than now though. Might have left for the day
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i may pop in some other time, for the moment i want to stop thinking about conspack
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most of the changes relate to objects. i might try (later) putting in some mop magic so you don't need a defencoding form for each class you want to serialize
since there's already a c2mop dependency
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or at least so you can skip all the slot names. i already put something in so defencoding forms kind of work with inheritance
I did find that kind of ugly
the defencoding form
THough I didn't serialize objects much.
I mostly used it for serializing a bunch of octet vectors with a lisp dsl index at the head to find things. game assets and such
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