How does one debug why ASDF can't find a system? I use `(asdf:load-asd "/home/meister/Development/cando-llvm14/extensions/cando/src/lisp/cando/cando.asd")` and then `(asdf:load-system :cando)` and I get:
Debugger received error of type: MISSING-COMPONENT Component :CANDO not found
Many other systems in the directories around that asd file are found just fine.
It's like ASDF has a blind spot for that one :cando system.
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Can usocket handle half open connections?
ebrasca: I don't know the answer to that.
ebrasca: what do you mean by half-open? IIRC, CONNECT won't return until either connection fails or gets established
pl: Start tcp connection , close it(close sending data) , read the data over the half open connection!
ebrasca: that's not half-open, that's a socket in process of shutdown. If there's extant data being sent by the other side, you should be able to read it, iirc
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The tcp ip allow you to close and still get data from the other side!
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Both sides need to close for the connection to terminate orderly!
yes, that's what happens when you use shutdown(2) call
it is, however, not "half-open"
What do you mean?
it's in FIN-WAIT-1 or FIN-WAIT-2
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Why can't you call it half open?
and on most (all?) systems that triggers a cleanup timer
ebrasca: because the TCP state machine is rather officially documented including state names :)
and half-open is misleading
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I see , in the pdf it is half-close connection!
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pl: I have read part of Richard Stevens TCP IP Illustrated en
the names FIN-WAIT-1/2 and CLOSE-WAIT come from RFC that finalized IPv4 into usable form
Thanks , I am making progres fixing Mezzano TCP ip!
It is hard for me to test some of the states
Like Simultaneous open/close
ebrasca: ohhh, tried to make connect without listening sockets? :)
that's one of those hairy parts of TCP that most people, even with decades of experience, tend to not acknowledge
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pl: I have not!
tl;dr if you get the same tuple on both sides of connection, you can do simultaneous (well, with some margin of time difference) connect() and get an established TCP connection. Without setting up listen()/accept()
this is used sometimes in breaking through NAT
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It is going to take forever to fix most of the problems in the tcp ip implementation
drmeister: Is the system name defined in "cando.asd" really "cando"?
It's helpful to know where ASDF searches for systems. Read "Chapter 8: Controlling where ASDF searches for systems".
To debug by path, you can compare paths to those searchable systems to "cando" with (ASDF:COMPONENT-PATHNAME (ASDF:FIND-SYSTEM :FOO))
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zacque: Yes, the system name defined in "cando.asd" is "cando". I just discovered the source of the problem.
I had three clones of the "cando" extension in a directory and asdf was registering a "cando.asd" file in one of them that shouldn't have been there.
(ql:where-is-system "cando") next time
I did this because I had a particularly painful git merge going on and I had two clones of branches that I was merging from and merging into. One of them messed it up.
mfiano: That is very helpful - I did not know that existed. Thank you.
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is there a offtopic channel. i have a question abt stumpwm
#lispcafe I think
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I used (setf *message-window-gravity* : centre) for some reason stumpwm is crashing
maybe remove the space after :?
I'm using mobile client. only in mobile I gave space. no space in actual code.
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maybe because you've mispelled :center ?
it would be good if you had explained what do you mean by crashing. crashing into the debugger? crashing with a segfault? crashing the Xserver?
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mom said: don't speak with full mouth :-)
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Website I wrote in CL handled almost 200k requests last month :sunglasses:
well last 30 days
Josh_2: What is your native language?
I'm an anglo
Got it.
Why do you ask?
You left out an article on a singular noun, which is characteristic of some languages, but not English.
So I was curious.
I am what you might call an "amateur linguist" in that I am fascinated by languages, dialects, and accents.
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Any languages in particular?
Not really. But it helps if I have some notion of a language.
I speak the queens English but type like I'm handicapped :sunglasses: zoomer problems
I see.
beach: Seems to me that native English speakers (myself included) vary widely in their usage patterns. Obviously, by country and region most significantly.
Josh_2: a missed opportunity to claim, that your native language is Common Lisp ,)
jackdaniel: My native language is binary. I have to convert to analogue to converse with biological entities. ;-)
yitzi: Yes, English is fascinating that way.
jackdaniel: :(
beach: There are coastal islands in the US state that I live in which there are a couple of hundred native speakers of various English Creole languages. Very small isolated communities.
yitzi: If I had the time, I might decide to study such things.
I agree. Very interesting.
I stick with more mundane stuff, like the use of "different than" and "different to" in different parts of the world.
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beach: you've see My Fair Lady?
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Great play and film.
* jackdaniel
gently nudges the discussion to move to #lispcafe
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There are probably dialects and accents in programming languages as well, but the dialects are probably not so much related to geography.
Accents are related to other languages that the programmer knows, of course.
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Beach: I don't know much about other programming languages but I'd argue CL probably has the capacity to allow the most 'dialects'. Though in practice I haven't seen too many groups.
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Guest74: That makes sense. The more a language is multi-paradigm, the more dialects it would allow.
There's definitely some code out there where I recognize all the words and what they're being used for, but I have no clue why they're using them in this case, or for what.
I can see that.
Even behaves like other languages in that it evolves as youngsters 'misuse' it despite corrections from elders.
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What is the best way to get a file path relative to the current file?
What is meant by "the current file"?
beach: You've illustrated why I'm confused haha. I mean every project has a directory tree and let's say some images are in $PROJECT_ROOT/images/ then you have $PROJECT_ROOT/code.lisp which wants to do something with an image
Oh, that one is easy.
Let me check to make sure...
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Note that this will not work in a deployed setting, since ASDF has already been loaded when you dumped an executable image, and so will refer to the path of the deploying system, not the user's system...if that matters to you.
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beach, Guest74, mfiano: thanks, I think it should work for my case. Someone I know mentioned UIOP but I couldn't see if there was something in that package to help me
uiop:dump-image along with uiop:raw-command-line-arguments, most likely.
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Great, I'll look into those, thanks!
Over in #clasp we have been working on the eventual goal of getting Clasp into the package repositories of various Linux distrubutions, Homebrew, etc. We are not quite there yet, but we do have nightly packaged binary repositories for Ubuntu 22.04, Debian Bookworm (now testing) and Arch. For those that are interested please see here
With raw-command-line-arguments, should your implementation be supported by UIOP, you can get POSIX argv0
Which is a way to get the path to the invoked binary at runtime in a deployed setting. You can couple this with the asdf solution, if you check whether running "interactively" or not.
It is a pain to combine it all into a working solution if you want to deploy an application, but not undoable. (I've done it several times in a few different ways)
Alternatively, you could load your assets into your image, so they are part of the dumped image itself, and refer with, for example, a dynamic variable, instead of a path.
Depending on how large, and the minimum memory requirement of your application on user machines.
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jmes: there is uiop:current-lis-file-pathname, but that might foil some C-c C-c style usage
it also looks like I never use the tool that I tried to build with it, so :shrug:
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