jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/> | News: ELS'22 this Monday (2022-03-21), see https://european-lisp-symposium.org
<mfiano> No, that would be alexandria
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<mfiano> Can someone help me with a standard method combination problem?
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<mfiano> Been thinking about how to solve this without duplicated code or any more complicated control flow than there already is. Off to do non computer stuff for a bit in the hopes I'll come back to a surprise or an idea of my own.
<Bike> So you want the method on IMAGE to do a side effect before the :around method on SYMBOL happens?
<mfiano> Oh perfect timing.
<Bike> will that not already be the case? the around method is not applicable to an image
<mfiano> What I want to happen is to:
<mfiano> Call this function: (make-sprite-texture context (name source) source) somewhere in an image-specialized method, but after the around method does the error check, and before it dispatches to create an instance.
<Bike> wait. i don't understand this at all. the call-next-method in the first method will never happen.
<Bike> or maybe i don't know how if-let works
<mfiano> if-let will error if the binding is non-nil, and call-next-method otherwise.
<Bike> yeah i was confusing it with when-let, doy
<mfiano> Which is actually wrong come to think of it
<Bike> so the error check can't be done until you have a symbol, right
<mfiano> a non-nil atlas needs to be passed to the primary method
<mfiano> Oh dear. I need to rethink this through. This is not what I wanted at all.
<mfiano> source is effectively a sprite-designator. The base case is a symbol. I don't want it to be allowed to create a sprite if a symbol denoting that sprite already exists.
<mfiano> But for the image case, I need to create a texture after this check, but before creating the instance.
<mfiano> But ignore the error in the code that atlas is always going to be passed as nil. I will fix that after I figure this out.
<Bike> seems like you have to move the check out, then. could have %make-sprite do the check and then call %%make-spritie, or something like that
<mfiano> Yeah that's what I was anticipating. It's etting a bit messy. Maybe I can clean it up some more to alleviate the pain of soon to be 2 levels of indirection.
<Bike> no amount of method combination method is going to let you have one method run in the middle of an otherwise unprepared method
<Bike> combination magic*
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<mfiano> I agree, and I wasn't in a good state of mind when I wrote this it seems. No amount of getting an atlas to error and expecting an atlas to continue execution is ever going to work.
<mfiano> I really have to come back to this later I think.
<mfiano> I want to prevent sprites from being created that are already referenced by a symbol, but I need an atlas to initialize said sprite, which requires a texture that an image doesn't yet have. It's giving me a headache to think about right now.
<mfiano> THe around method is there to prevent clobbering existing sprites in a hash table.
<mfiano> But everything about this code is just wrong. Sigh
<mfiano> Thinking about it more, the only clobbering that can happen is when I create said texture for the image case. So this shouldn't be an around method on symbol, but on image.
<mfiano> This is for dynamic runtime creation of sprites. Textures/sprite name symbols in a table already exist for static sprites loaded at start time.
<mfiano> So the symbol and sprite case will never clobber anything.
<mfiano> It's the texture creation yet to be added to the image case that mutates the table
<mfiano> Today I learned yet again, don't program when tired, and problems with STANDARD method combination are usually the result of impossible logic situations due to that fact.
<mfiano> Thanks for the brain jumpstart
<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<beach> flip214: Are you around?
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<lisp123> is there a way to run arbitrary lisp code in a 'safe' manner (as if it were in a container, but not actually)
<lisp123> basically the idea I had was to create a webpage where people enter lisp get the results, like a pastebin with evaluation
<beach> It would be very hard to prevent the system from crashing.
<lisp123> yes
<lisp123> I was thinking then on a social contract - "please dont abuse this system"
<beach> Then just an ordinary system will do.
<lisp123> it is a good case for first-class global environments!
<lisp123> i will try and do it soon as part of a broader project
<imjim> Armed bear Common Lisp running in a java applet?
<imjim> Is that still a thing?
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<lisp123> According to google: Many modern browsers do not support Java applets. Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox have all dropped support for applets written in the programming language.
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<imjim> Web assembly
<lisp123> +1 good idea
<imjim> Might have to write a translator tool to prepare the CLISP source code to be compiled by web assembly
<imjim> The book "Let Over Lambda" can help you with that.
<lisp123> I wonder if ECL could be useful here
<imjim> Yeah maybe
<imjim> ECL would probably be a better place to start for a web assembly demo
<imjim> Really it just depends on "how much" you want to offer your clients.
<lisp123> jackdaniel: whats the size of ECL?
<lisp123> imjim: giving a full CL implementation sounds pretty enticing now!
<imjim> Somebody else probably has some sort of javascript based SSH client
<imjim> So you could just host an SSH server and have it login that way
<lisp123> That I can do, but benefit of client side is it will reduce server costs dramatically
<imjim> Look into freebsd jails
<imjim> Oh absolutely lol
<imjim> Plus you said you wanted to mitigate server-side risks
<lisp123> yup
<lisp123> thanks for the chat, some very useful ideas to ponder over
<imjim> So if you have the entire implementation running client side that sounds perfect for you
<imjim> Yup I'll be here
<imjim> If you want help let me know
<imjim> I'm kinda bored
<imjim> I'd be down to prepare ECL for web assembly lol
<lisp123> Sure. I'm working on the editor part first, might hit you up afterwards
<lisp123> Or if you want to do it anyway and we can link up later
<imjim> Yeah I'll keep that in the back of my mind
<imjim> Preparing ECL for web assembly that is
<imjim> Maybe full-blown CLISP in the future
<imjim> For all we know somebody already got ECL running on web assembly lol
<lisp123> Very good browser editor, and with client size CL and some polish, could become something!
<beach> imjim: Why CLISP?
<beach> Oh, maybe you meant Common Lisp? CLISP is an implementation of Common Lisp.
<imjim> We were talking about specific implementations, yes
<imjim> I use CLISP a lot still for messing around lol
<imjim> CLISP is dead right?
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<beach> Not quite.
<imjim> It's still a valid Debian package
<beach> But the maintainers work very slowly.
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<imjim> Available in netbsd pkgsrc
<jackdaniel> lisp123: ecl on emscripten is wip, I'm experimenting with some options to minimize its size
<jackdaniel> currently ecl w/o numerous contribs is less than 1MB (static build)
<jackdaniel> for js-based implementation check out jscl - albeit incomplete it is very cool tech
<jackdaniel> s/ it/, it/
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<lisp123> jackdaniel: thanks
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<q3cpma> Hello, I want to write a portable with-struct-slots, but I wonder what's the most efficient way of creating the accessor function symbol and calling it; basically, how would I make a slot-value for structs? Do I have to do the whole symbol -> string -> concat -> symbol -> funcall at runtime?
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<lisp123> why do you want this function
<q3cpma> For the same reason people use with-slots; to reduce verbosity
<lisp123> I might be wrong, but many avoid to use with-slots
<jackdaniel> q3cpma: albeit not portable, with-slots will usually work with structures
<lisp123> better to access the slots with their accessor functions
<q3cpma> jackdaniel: that's what I understood, but I'd like a portability report before using it, I guess
<jackdaniel> lisp123: with-slots et al are useful when you are the implementor (but not when you are the library consumer)
<q3cpma> lisp123: let's say it's also to have a bit of fun with symbol-macrolet
<beach> q3cpma: I suggest you write a version of with-accessors instead.
<lisp123> q3cpma: now, that sounds fun :)
<q3cpma> beach: not a lot of verbosity improvements over a normal let, though
<q3cpma> (btw, am I the only one using a let1 macro?)
<beach> q3cpma: Using it is very similar to using WITH-SLOTS.
<lisp123> q3cpma: what does that do (let1) (I may have done something similar)
<q3cpma> beach: yeah, but you have to type struct-name-slot instead of just slot =)
<q3cpma> lisp123: (defmacro let1 (binding &rest forms) `(let (,binding) ,@forms))
<lisp123> oh
<q3cpma> The more general question is: how would I do symbol "concatenation" completely at macro time
<q3cpma> In order to for the macro call to get do (macro a b) and return (ab)
<lisp123> easy
<lisp123> something like that
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<q3cpma> What I guess, but sadly, you have to get the slow funcall/apply
<lisp123> you just have to create the symbols before entering the `(...) part
<q3cpma> Hmmm? But I can't, the symbol search must be at runtime, no?
<lisp123> So (macro a b) is in your code and you want to use the symbol AB in your macro?
<q3cpma> A more practical example would be: (defun my-fun (a b) (+ a b)) (macro my fun 1 2) -> (my-fun 1 2)
<lisp123> yeah easy
<q3cpma> And I don't want to eval-when my defun, of course
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<lisp123> you may/will have to eval-when some function helpers to help you (refer what I sent earlier)
<random-nick> does WITH-ACCESSORS work for for structs?
<lisp123> those function helpers will intern the symbol my-fun during macroexpansion
<q3cpma> random-nick: from what I understand, in most impls, but not in the ANSI standard
<q3cpma> lisp123: but then the defun will be considered a redefinition, no?
<lisp123> why?
<q3cpma> Because it is run after the first intern
<lisp123> (i'll give you the answer in 5 minutes if you don't figure it out :) )
<lisp123> you might want to jump over to #clschool for more discussions
<q3cpma> I suppose
<q3cpma> It's okay since it's only the symbol and neither its variable/function cell that got changed, but it somehow feels dirty
<lisp123> symbols are interned during read-time IIRC
<random-nick> q3cpma: I looked at the clhs entry and the only suspicious wording is that the accessor is required to be an accessor for that instance
<random-nick> and I'm unsure if "instance" is ever used for structs
<random-nick> but "accessor" might be?
<q3cpma> random-nick: The "Affected By" section only having defclass is suspicious too
<q3cpma> random-nick: If the "Notes" section is accurate, it should work, since the symbol-macrolet expansion does
<random-nick> "Notes" is not a part of the standard http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/01_ddo.htm
<q3cpma> The more you learn
<q3cpma> By the way, there's a big mistake in CLHS's description of prog2, but the maintainer never answered to my mail
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<q3cpma> Is there another contact for it?
<random-nick> I don't think CLHS is actively maintained anymore
<random-nick> but it is a well known mistake, and it's present in the source material used to make CLHS
<lisp123> q3cpma: did you email Mr Kent Pittman?
<q3cpma> lisp123: Yes
<lisp123> He's quite the legend :)
<q3cpma> Too young to be in the know, sadly
<lisp123> And with your with-slots macro, you can become a CL wizard too!
<q3cpma> I'm aiming more the Smug Lisp Weenie status, but wizard is okay too (I'm 27, so soon, anyway)
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<jackdaniel> don't be smug, be kind ;)
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<q3cpma> A few days ago, I made a PR (https://github.com/mariomka/regex-benchmark/pull/43) to add CL-PPCRE to the regex benchmark, but the speed is awfully low, anyone might know why?
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<random-nick> q3cpma: maybe the script isn't getting compiled?
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<Bike> q3cpma: there is a list of errata for the clhs at https://www.cliki.net/ANSI%20Clarifications%20and%20Errata. because the clhs is based on the ansi standard, it's not getting any revisions without serious doings.
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<q3cpma> random-nick: Is this possible? I though SBCL didn't even have an interpreter
<Bike> it does, but that's probably not the issue. as the one-more-re-nightmare readme says, ppcre works with chains of closures
<random-nick> well, compiling forms one by one is different from file compilation
<random-nick> and sbcl has an interpreter, but it's off by default I think
<q3cpma> contrapunctus: I'll try, but I choose cl-ppcre first because it's kind of standard and supports the benchmarked regex syntax verbatim
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<flip214> beach: right now, yes
<flip214> How may I assist you?
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<flip214> q3cpma: you could try to get your update into clus, the -ultra-spec -- https://github.com/phoe/clus-data
<q3cpma> flip214: Interesting, didn't know about it
<beach> flip214: Can you confirm that you are the maintainer of Alexandria?
<beach> I'll send an email.
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<flip214> beach: yes, I am (one)
<beach> OK, I'll send you an email about some issues in the documentation.
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<White_Flame> q3cpma: interning a symbol is referentially transparent, so I don't consider it very dirty, even if there's a singular allocation somewhere
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<q3cpma> White_Flame: Yes, lisp123 reminded me symbols were interned at read-time
<White_Flame> if you're manually concatenating & interning constructed symbols in macros, then that happens at macroexpand time, not read time
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<White_Flame> but since the read-time interning and the macroexpansion interning will both return the same symbol, it doesn't matter who actually creates it first
<q3cpma> Yeah, that
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<flip214> beach: ack, thanks!
<flip214> there's also the issue tracker in gitlab, or just a pull request, etc.
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