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Hi everyone, I have an issue with running clog on sbcl. After running (ql:quickload :clog) I get the error: Symbol "MAKE-SEMAPHORE" not found in the BORDEAUX-THREADS package. I'm not sure how to proceed, can anyone give me any pointers on what I should be checking?
Bike, how do I check the version? I'm pretty sure it's newer than that but it wouldn't hurt to double check
well, first off you can check the file to see if it has this line
your local bt, i mean
It's version 0.8.5
alright, well that predates make semaphore and is like five years old
so probably upgrade? maybe (ql:update-all-dists)?
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I see, I tried that already but it keeps saying "1 dist to check. You already have the latest version of "quicklisp": 2022-04-01." Is that the right command to update packages?
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hm, i think so
was your bordeaux-threads installed by quicklisp?
Yes, it's inside the quicklisp directory
maybe nuke it and try again?
Probably I'll end up doing that...
Anybody aware of recent changes in Alexandria or SBCL which could result in compile-file "don't know how to dump" errors?
mrcom: Is that the full message?
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MCSH, does (asdf:system-source-directory :bordeaux-threads) show you the expected bt?
No... some details--I've got a FOO structure, and one compilation unit creates a constant of that type with (alexandria:define-constant FOO-CONST (make-foo blah blah)).
That file compiles to fasl and loads OK.
A second file has a form (make-array howmany :elment-type 'FOO :initial-element FOO-CONST).
compile-file on it results in "error: don't know how to dump #<FOO :MYID 0> (default MAKE-LOAD-FORM method called)."
Honest officer, I didn't change a thing. I think...
might have been sbcl. you should probably define a make-load-form method there regardless.
Also, the :ELEMENT-TYPE 'FOO is not going to have any effect I think.
Yeah, it'll get promoted to T.
there's "optimization: fasls containing standard object literals are now smaller and load more efficiently." in the news
But I tend to specify types for everything; it's often let SBCL complain about something dumb I did.
Hmm. Maybe it's now pulling the literal into the second fasl at compile time and used to use the symbol?
I've asked on #sbcl too...
Bike, Nuking did not work
you quickloaded it again and still got this ancient version?
I reinstalled quickload and still got the ancient version
Alfr, Ah! It seems like no, it's loading another version from /usr/share, I have no idea which package installed it though, but that should give me a good lead
That seems to have solved it, thank you both.
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it seems when people get weird old versions it's mostly installed by debian
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you just replace {}[]()begin,end with uniform pair (), and pull the operator inside the list (instead of leaving it in front of the expression)
parent thesis demistified
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Let's make it simple. dbotton: Did you figure my use of the term "the jew in charge" was hostile?
it is enough that I consider it hostile, hang on, let me log in
jackdaniel: You really don't get to choose for jews; that's the real hostility.
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if you ever wondered, password managers do wonders with recalling, ehm, passwords
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Thank you jackdaniel, as I've seen it similar. But maybe more operator effort is now needed.
I don't think that I have permission to set operators
(except for ephereral rights that vanish after reconnect)
or to be exact, after rejoin to the channel
either way, in my expierience, trolls after a few bans got bored; the thing that feeds them is attention
so we should be good ,)
What often works too is talking about mathematics.
I don't understand this remark
For scaring people away without intention. :)
I don't think that there is such strong negative correllation between knowing math and behaving unacceptable, but that's offtopic either way
Am I allowed to get us back to ontopic with a CLOS question I had in mind?
go for it!
When I use the :type option to specify another type than T for a slot and then again in a DEFCLASS form that inherits this slot, the two types are connected by AND.
How would it be done that it does it with OR or replaces it completely?
you can't - consider that you define an animal as a being with a brain
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and then you define the foobarzaur, that is an animal but without a brain
Good, that's an answer that fulfills me equally. :)
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great; I have a thing to say about auxiliary methods and code maintainability - having them greatly increases a risk of non-obviosu bugs ,p
(since we are at clos topic)
And how a slot can be defined and behaves is defined via standard-effective-slot-definition and generic functions like slot-value-using-class, right?
Oh okay.
but sure, they are handy to /write/ code
auxiliary methods are some that are needed in some other that are visible to the outside? just that i get it right
I think that the slot protocol has more functions
you have primary methods and auxiliary methods. the latter are :after, :before and :around
ah okay then I know of course what you mean ^^
probably there could be more if you are really interested in more esoteric method combinations
:before-before, :after-after :D
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possible to implement?
jackdaniel: i bet you know
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wasn't uiop advertised as a stand alone library that you may pull from quicklisp? ,p
just clone uiop to ~/quicklisp/local-projects and it will upgrade itself
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I'm not planning to update asdf since 3.2 release (and forward) broke too many things - afaik these are still not fixed
s/since/, since/
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(as in - important things for ecl, not some user-facing features)
monotlithic builds is one
jackdaniel: well, i feel like i miss something, you mean that uiop/launch-program is actually implemented for ECL?
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afaik yes, in upstream uiop
got it
that said I'd advise using run-program directly
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last time I've checked launch-program and run-program in uiop had some horrible indirection ingrained
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jackdaniel, what's a monolithic build? A statically-linked binary?
would be nice to have a good portability layer for just run/launch program
contrapunctus: yes, there were some problems with gather-op on recompilation too
(because it tried to pack .so files in a single archive), but I think that this one is ifxed
Oh, ya, the test should be done at runtime
fourt and fourthmost, cursory glance at this code is enough for me to feel compelled to give you an advice - don't bother with macros until you get a good grasp of programming without macros
(programming in common lisp that is)
otherwise all you'll manage to do is getting confused
jackdaniel: but confusion is the best way to realize how much there's still to learn!
I have my doubts about that
Got me a good one when I wrote a macro that declares a class and a WITH-macro for that class
jackdaniel: well, how would you see that you don't understand something - unless you feel confused?
I don't feel confused about rust, but I'm aware that I don't know anything about it ,)
also, there is a difference between being confused by something new and confusing oneself with going too deep into the water
> "what makes you think that an atom doesn't need evaluation" <= Oh, makes sense! I'm being naive here. I thought simply comparing the symbol to NIL will do...
Thanks, I thought I'm ready for it. Ha!
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if you want to check whether something has a known value at compilation time, you may do (when (constantp <foo>) (eval foo))
No, I want to define the semantics of IF with Common Lisp
For learning purpose
zacque: But did you learn the basics by now? Or that the lambda list of CL:IF is (test then &optional else).
Or ok not 'the' but 'some'.
What would make a bit more sense can be to think about how to write IF with COND or COND with IF if this level is yet achieved. Or how WHEN and UNLESS are written.
Thanks! My confusion comes from me thinking that special operators in Lisp have to be defined as macros...
I'm not even sure where does that thinking come from!
pjb: Looks like in the Baker paper. :)
special operators may be defined by a wizard inside the implementation, they don't have to follow rules
zacque: its usually the other way around. macros rely on special operators.
zacque: No, you can view them as elementary, we have 25 special operators. Macros are programs that generate other programs.
With that realisation, I think I can define it easily as a function wrapper around CL:IF, see:
Since NIL is not yet defined to evaluated to itself, I'll simply check (EQ <FOO> 'NIL)
what makes you think that nil does not evaluate to nil?
perhaps you are in a situation, when the value of <foo> is not known to be nil at compilation time?
It does! But just that I haven't define that in the environment
Oh, maybe the first thing I should do is define NIL to evaluate to NIL and T => T...
IF as a function does not work. with your if, (if t (print "a") (print "b")) prints both.
Bike: Ah, you're right!
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I'll digest the solutions provided by jackdaniel and pjb
one could define a FIF function.. it would receive test, consequent, and alternative functions, and pick which of the latter two to call based on the result of calling the first
zacque: my solution is wrong
because and/or are basically IF :)
Thanks! I'll check it later, gtg
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but it has plenty of parens and lambdas, so it is very lispy
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jackdaniel: +10000 points for lispiness. :)
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jackdaniel: thanks, I saw the msg on phone this morning but ignored it.
no need to thank me, harassing trolls gives me a kick
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Does common lisp allow one to wrap advice around any function?
For anyone who so my msg about "can't dump..." (and cares), it appears that SBCL started treating a DEFCONST struct object as a literal in (more) places.
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bollu: Common Lisp does not have "advice".
bollu: there is no standard defadvice
bollu: not in the emacs sense, in Common Lisp you can use :before, :after, and :around methods instead
afaik ccl, lw and acl have such extension exported
I see
and sbcl has it in its internals
edgar-rft Can I use the `:before method on any `defun`?
no, :before is for generic functions with a standard method combination
bollu: no, only on defgeneric and defmethod
okay, thank you!
if you declaim your function notinline, then you may replace it with a trampiline
there you could put your advices at the expense of performance penatly for a trampoline
(and for not inlining the code)
What I was depending upon was it being treated as a singleton, so I had a latent bug in my code.
maybe this is an XY problem. I want to add some logging around my calls to `uiop:run-program`. I can just search and replace `uiop:run-program` with `run-program-wrapper`. I was hoping I could use some CL facility to make this nicer
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You could wrap uiop in a my-uiop package.
and then use my-uiop:run-program, which would then call uiop:run-program
you could also abuse sbcl's TRACE extensions which allow you to invoke a function
probably a good idea to wrap it in your own function
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How does slime actually talk to common LISP? Where is the API documented?
the api is not really documented, but slime has two components
slime (emacs lisp library) and swank (common lisp library)
it is a socket connection, swank usually listens to a localhost-only port
and they communicate via a socket (there are other models of communication)
jackdaniel What protocol do they speak over the socket?
something else? :)
SWANK protocol
I see
where can I read some documentation about the SWANK protocol?
Didn't Xof create an implementation for R as well?
if you have the repl and *slime-events* visible, and you enter (+ 1 1) in the repl, you'll see messages for the parameter documentation for #'+, as well as the presentation rendering for the results
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max 16MB message length
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after that it starts swapping :)
eight megawords and constantly swapping
(or I guess megashorts in this architecture)
Naive question: why is there no """21st century""" Common LISP IDE if it seems somewhat easy to talk to a LISP Repl via SWANK?
there have been slime connectors in eclipse and such
I see
just 21st century? and when it comes to 01.01.2100?
you may use (I've heard) vscode to work with cl
there is also lsp-server being developed, but I don't know about its state
but it's also more of an editor than an IDE, eg no project management, no connection between files, etc
there are atom, sublime and vim packages working with swank
bollu: I guess it's because nobody wrote such a thing.
I'm reasonably happy with emacs; I was more wondering about the state of the ecosystem
beach mm, understood
bollu: sorry, how is emacs not a "21st century" editor?
bollu: I've mentioned numerous well regarded IDE programs that have support for common lisp
I, for one, am a reluctant emacs user because it's simply the common case for lisp dev
it's the ultimate nanotech swiss army chainsaw from the future
bollu: We are (very slowly) working on such a thing, but it won't use a wire protocol to talk to a Common Lisp implementation. It will run in one.
What's with climacs?
rotateq: Second Climacs would perhaps be one component of such a thing.
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beach by "it will run in one", do you mean the IDE will run within a common lisp implementation?
that only makes sense.
Well, at least one participant in this channels has said something to the effect of "I will NEVER use an IDE that runs in the same Common Lisp image as the code being developed."
Sounds like a statement from Dijkstra.
like his statements with APL
beach: Did this participant give a reason?
that's not unreasonable given that lisp images happen to get corrupted. I know that SICL plans to make a "safe" system that may always recover itself from user program errors, but people act on things they know
I think the reasoning is that the Common Lisp system might crash, and then you would also lose your editing session. But then, I think the Common Lisp system should be fixed so that it doesn't crash.
perhaps this person will change their attitude when they will learn that sicl is indeed that sturdy
It is true that many (all?) current implementations allow the programmer to do unsafe things, and then it could indeed crash.
an operating system can enforce process quotas and limit their effect on the rest of the system.. if you want everything to be in a single Lisp image, you probably need to implement such mechanisms
16GB and swapping
_death: I think there are several possible levels of safety. At the very least, the system should not crash as a result of a silly mistake such as blowing the call stack or allocating too much live data.
jackdaniel: clearly you've met my windoze vm.
_death: But if the programmer really wants to do things like FFI, then it is hard to prevent I guess.
bollu: When you're comparing development environments you're really comparing, for example, Java+Jetbeans vs. Lisp+Emacs.
beach: right, but a crash is not the only scenario.. consider (loop) for example
Yeah, that's another silly mistake that must be allowed without a disastrous result.
"Wouldn't it be nice if you could do a one-click refactor and rename a function." Yep, it would.
However, that's a relatively simple thing for Java. You basically just replace one set of text with another. All of the code needs to be parsed, but it's just static text in the end.
Lisp development, on the other hand, is a living, breathing thing. Typically you're right in the middle of an actively running program.
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Just replacing the text is theoretically more complicated. Technically, you need to handle reader macros, compiler macros, normal macros. All of which can arbitrarily modify not only the text but the state of the program.
also when renaming a defun, there might be symbol-only references to it, etc
In addition, your live image already has references to the thing in question.
however, these are complexities that the IDE should assist with, not just leave you to text buffer editing as it does now :-P
or no references at all.. (funcall (read))
Emacs basically throws up its hands as being too intractable a problem and just lets you change text characters.
(loop (print (eval (read))))
It also lets you include tooks (like Slime) to modify things on the fly.
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White_Flame: Yep, but a very daunting problem. I think it's been addressed piecemeal with... Emacs code.
Slime mainly.
what part?
I've not seen any feature that would do this
meta-. for example.
that doesn't help
Oh but it does. It just doesn't *fix*.
it is true that lisp implementations maintain various pieces of image information
I would see something like walking you through all locations of a symbol, and giving you quick access to change them to the new name vs leave it as is, if it's not a function call or #' reference to the symbol
i.e who-calls-function and source location could be used to identify pieces of text that would need to be changed and recompiled
of course, direct function calls and #' references should change automatically
plus, it should also auto-undefine the current fdefinition
as leaving the old function around is a big source of bugs, too
White_Flame: What about calls to alexandria:symbolicate?
right, those are less tractable
however, those often don't hit static function names
Yep. Piecemeal.
or I should say literal function names
BTW, I'm agreeing with everyting you're saying. It's just daunting.
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I'd love to live in a world where a perfect programmable common lisp editor existed that could be run in your main process.
bring back Lisp machines!
meanwhile, I'm constantly reminded of the negative consequences of running my window manager in my main process.
Well, there's MCCLIM.
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i'm on stumpwm. rock solid.
and i'm flattered they accepted my spatial navigation module into their contrib repo
i'm worried about trying mu4e in emacs for email, because mutt is always up. i can't imagine also using an emacs WM.
I should probably look at how stump manages errors because of nonconforming apps. asynchronous clx errors are a nuisance. I'm not sure what the experience of emacs wm users is, i think there's one of them around here somewhere.
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in fact you could try and do general Lisp development in the stumpwm process, to find out about possible issues :)
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I think I've done that, and boy have I found possible issues
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it's mainly when i'm doing window manager dev that stuff goes sideways.
yeah, I've a binding to start swank there, that's sometimes useful
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however I need to remember to disconnect from it and connect to a new lisp process..
That's the part that bites me too
,sa oops
i know the logically thing is to start a new process, but
Hope you didn't have any important windows open
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that's one of a few things that lisp-based environment could help - you could adopt disconnected frames again without forsaking their state
my main problem is if something crashes and emacs doesnt save changes to some buffers and i have no clue which of those buffers it is.
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Neither does emacs, or it would have saved the changes :^)
I don't think you'll get the result you want, which is certainty, without developing in a new process or VM, Guest74.
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but i like everything living in the same image. what I dislike is the tooling.
probably smalltalkers faced the same issues
damn, I'm getting faster with bans by minute, it is true that practice makes a champion
apply for k-line privileges
where's the fun in that ;)
well, if it becomes a bother I will probably contact someone, but next step would be banning by ip I suppose (if they didn't get that they are not welcome here)
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If I have a list of symbols, say '(a b c) where they refer to 1 2 & 3, how do I get at those numerical values? I know I could use (list a b c) but I must access the symbols themselves and their values
SYMBOL-VALUE would get you the global binding
Catie: Ah, that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks! I knew there was a function but my memory (and searching) failed me
Yeah, no worries!
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jmes: (loop for name in '(a b c) collect (position name #(nil a b c))) #| --> (1 2 3) |#
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Can I get a list of all symbols in slime, for a quick "go to this symbol"
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(apropos-list "") is an interesting way to get stuck ;)
seems due to list-delete-duplicates*
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anyway it consists of around 404K elements
with my image
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bollu: slime is emacs lisp code. There's no package in emacs lisp, so it's hard to filter out symbols "in slime"…
bollu: you could do (let (l) (do-symbols (s) (when (and (<= 5 (length (symbol-name s))) (string= "slime" (subseq (symbol-name s) 0 5))) (push s l))) l)
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bollu: now, if you think about it, you could perhaps refine your question. For example, often what one would want is a list of command in the current mode. C-h m would give you that. It may be more useful than asking silly questions.
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what's interesting is that had sbcl's apropos-list had used remove-duplicates rather than delete-duplicates, it wouldn't have lost so bad.. the latter seems optimized for space efficiency (don't cons) at the price of time complexity
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another weird thing about its definition is that it uses pushnew if a package designator is provided, again giving bad time complexity
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