hashfunc65d: Did you study the error message?
dbotton: https://emacsformacosx.com has many, many versions. Type Escape Colon emacs-version return
did that it says 28.1
dbotton: Where did you get slime?
beach: yes, "Derived type of REST is (VALUES LIST &OPTIONAL), conflicting with its asserted type NUMBER." and i'm not sure how that helps me solve the problem
hashfunc65d: REST is a list. + accepts only numeric arguments.
dbotton: installing slime with git sloved the issue for me. commit 48bfe6cccfdf879cd7137b00eb2ca160665a92f8
dbotton: You did M-x load-file Ret ~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el Ret?
trying now
(+ 4) is valid, for example, and gets you 4. (+ '(1 2 3)) is not, and will get you a similar error.
hashfunc65d: What Devon and Bike said.
hashfunc65d: Did you not know that the value of the &REST variable is a list?
ah i could have sworn that i tried (DEFUN SHA256-+-MOD2^32 (&REST REST) `(MOD (+ ,@REST) (EXPT 2 32))) and it didn't work
but i just tried it again, and it compiles perfectly
hashfunc65d: But now you are not returning a number.
beach: ah yup you're right. the problem still isn't solved
hashfunc65d: you're not passing a list to the + function there. you are taknig a list, like (1 2 3), and splicing it into a form, giving you (+ 1 2 3) or something. and that is subsequently evaluated and obviously works fine
hashfunc65d: Do you understand why (+ <some-form-evaluating-to-a-list>) is not working?
... is not semantically valid, I mean.
ahh! it just clicked for me. when dealing with lists and problems of this type. here's what i got: (DEFUN SHA256-+-MOD2^32 (&REST REST) (MOD (APPLY #'+ REST) (EXPT 2 32)))
beach: Bike: thanks all
Devon: thanks as well. just saw your message
devon was able to get working by installing slime from github + change dists/quicklisp/installed/systems/swank.txt
hashfunc65d: if REST is likely to be long, REDUCE will work where APPLY won't.
<slowButPresent> had to do both steps
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dbotton: Which reminds me, I should (ql:update-client)
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dbotton: If (ql:update-client) says your QuickLisp is up to date, you might send in a bug report.
The most up-to-date client, version 2021-02-13, is already installed.
is the msg I get
dbotton: ... suggest that QuickLisp should use the fixed slime.
i don't use slime much, but slime 2.27 and emacs 28.1 seem to work in my test environment, with ql:client-version 2021-02-13
but of course emacs 28.1 made me have to re-write some elisp
quicklisp installed 2.26.1
that does not work
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so likely is fixed, I didn't update the dist in a long time as haven't used this mac for awhile
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dbotton: I imagine (ql:update-dist "quicklisp") would get you slime 2.27
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What tool would read source code and find all probe-file calls other than testing for true/false?
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Do we have a maintainer for Alexandria?
I am asking because the documentation is in need of some significant amount of work.
yes, I think that flip214 holds the bat now
Ah, good to know. I'll discuss it with him then.
Currently, SICL does not depend directly on Alexandria, but it depends on several other independent libraries that do depend on it. So if SICL depends on it indirectly, we might as well depend on it directly to simplify some code. But in that case, the documentation should be accurate and complete.
And I would like to hear from the maintainer what the plans are for the future of Alexandria.
I personally don't much like the way Alexandria is organized. I would like to see several "modules", each with an ASDF system definition and a package definition.
But perhaps it is then best to create a new library with the code from Alexandria (since it is likely well tested) but with a different organization, and with explicit instructions not to :USE the packages.
One thing to note, is alexandria is meant for convenience over quality. And by quality, I mean both in terms of readable, well organized code, as well as algorithmic complexity.
I don't understand. Are you saying that it is acceptable if the quality is low, as long as it is convenient to use?
"convenience over quality"?
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I am not saying that is a good trade-off to make, no. It is just one the developers have chosen. Not long ago, I submitted a patch to ALEXANDRIA:LERP that changes the algorithm to use a numerical stable interpolation method. For a long time it was subject to numerical error. That is one example that happened to get fixed, but I also recall seeing some algorithms that were quadratic when they
could be linear in time.
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I see. So then, a new library that is more concerned with quality, and so perhaps more conservative about what it contains, is perhaps the right way.
I would have to comb the code to remember what is not up to (my) quality standards again, as it has been quite a while since I looked at it.
I would also like to see some functions either explicitly state asymptotic complexity, or explicitly state that the complexity is not specified.
That would be ideal, yes.
I think it'd be fairly easy to create a well organized modular version of alexandria. I think it'd be far more difficult for those changes to be accepted, given the almost thoughtless dependence on that library by most projects. There is also the problem of adoption due to this fact.
Since I do not much like how Alexandria is organized, I have not considered using it as it is probably intended, i.e., as the automatic ("almost thoughtless") dependence for just about any project that needs some of the additional functionality. But if we do want a library that can be used like that, I think we have some work to do.
There are 3 camps: Those that use alexandria (or serapeum and the many other utility libraries) without much thought, those that copy the functions they need into their project, perhaps with some modifications, and those that just write their own utilities from scratch. I employ all three, admittedly.
I see. Well, wouldn't give it much thought if it weren't for this indirect dependence I mentioned. I just wouldn't use it. But now it looks like we do need a library that can be used without much thought.
What are your concerns with the direct dependencies of SICL using alexandria?
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Some of the things I mentioned, i.e., lack of complexity and inaccurate and incomplete documentation.
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One of the goals of SICL is high-quality code and documentation (we aren't there yet of course), so if we depend on something that is not up to standards, that's kind of strange.
Is it a question of understanding the direct dependencies because of this level of indirection towards unacceptable code? What is the extent of alexandria usage of these libraries? Can they be done without alexandria, or can they add extensive unit tests to give some peace of mind?
Let's see...
For the direct dependencies, it is mostly a general feeling of unease. I am not sure there is a real problem.
What is wrong with fixing the documentation? Or correcting the implementation?
pillton: Nothing is wrong with that.
mfiano: Other libraries could certainly avoid Alexandria, but I don't necessarily control them, and I have no desire to.
beach: Ok.
mfiano: A few hours ago, my thoughts were to do what everybody does and use Alexandria directly. So I started reading the documentation, and I was very disappointed.
pillton: That is in fact what I first suggested, which is why I asked about the maintainer.
This is a problem with most Lisp software unfortunately. If we had more alexandria collaborators this would be a non-issue.
Everyone off doing their own thing, often reinventing wheels, doesn't help the staples mature.
mfiano: I think I am signing up to be one, at least when it comes to indicating problems in the documentation.
But it could also be that most people don't realize that Alexandria needs work.
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mfiano: I think everyone is just swamped.
phoe might be interested in this work at some point. I know he did extensive cleanup work for many other projects such as split-sequence. Sadly though, he has been pursuing other non-Lisp hobbies for a while.
I wouldn't be surprised if most people were using alexandria for its most basic utilities like mappend, with-gensyms or random-elt; from this perspective the library doesn't need much work (if any)
of course if these are the utilities that are demanded, then using alexandria is an overkill, but oh well
jackdaniel: But then it needs to be split into modules so that it's clear that the dependency is just for those things.
well, it is split into files; I personally wouldn't appreciate if I had to learn that alexandria advertises 8 systems with 16 packages
If we do this in a backwards-compatible manner (with a monolithic system that depends on the modules), it probably has a good chance of being accepted.
mfiano: That would work with several ASDF system definitions, but not with several packages.
stylewarning made years ago a library that whisked utilities from other libraries called quickutil
beach: It would if the monolithic systemn's package re-exported them into its own (the existing) package.
but I don't think the library is maintained anymore
mfiano: That could work.
jackdaniel: that's right, code is there, but I don't maintain it
mfiano: Then, client code could choose whether to use one single package and one single system, the way jackdaniel prefers, or whether to use selected systems and packages.
mfiano: Again, that might work. Client would be explicitly advised not to :USE those finer-grain packages.
beach: Right. I have seen this pattern employed in some other projects for backwards-compatibility. I just tried remembering/searching for them but I had no such luck.
* mfiano
needs new RAM
I see. No problem. I understand the basic idea.
I wish Alexandria had a BDFL
(that had good taste, of course)
I really like the quickutil idea, but sometimes I think maybe lispers should just admit they can't cooperate, and try something else instead : https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3109#3109
Lispers can cooperate, but not just because they use Lisp, which is maybe a confusing thing :)
Common Lisp is like the open-world RPG of programming languages.
the very fact that many systems depend on alexandria (mindlessly, for good or bad), proves that some sort of cooperation is happening
also I don't think that it is any different (if we scale it to number people who contribute to foss) from other languages
I know lispers can cooperate, as shown by many projects, but it doesn't seem to scale up to an ecosystem level
we simply have less people, so there are less contributions
is that due to the parentheses do you think?
jackdaniel: I haven't really settled on my mind if it has to do with # of people or not. I tend to think not, since other niche languages with even fewer users tend to rally around things a little better.
of course it might be the case that people in cl ecosystem are more often smug and that would inhibit 'cooperation'
stylewarning: right; but I don't buy reasoning behind the "lisp curse" (or whatever it is called)
oh yeah me neither
i feel like it's a statistical programming personality of not compromising for whatever quality
minion: What does BDFL stand for?
Babacoote Deprival Firry Lepocyte
z4kz: That's a bogus argument of people that see Lisp for the first time. There have been studies that have shown Blub has more brackets that an equivalent Lisp program. This is due to the fact that Lisp is a much higher level (not to be confused with less efficient) language, and so requires less code.
beach: benelovent dictator for life
mfiano: =)
(i.e what beach to sicl is)
minion is so smart
or linus to linux
jackdaniel: Ah, right, thanks!
Nilby: looking at the quality of a lot of software written in cl, that doesn't seem to be true;p
perhaps "personality of not compromising <perdiod>." :)
jackdaniel: yes, but it's an attitude not an actuallity
I see
I think one has to realize Lisp was a research language used behind closed doors historically. It caters to exploratory programming, and is suited to single or small team researchers. I think this is both a blessing and a curse. It is often much easier to bend the language to your own thought processes than to try to understand someone else's (possibly heavy macrological (hey, I made a new
word)) implementation.
mfiano: I think there are far simpler explanations
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Very likely. There have been as many explanations as users over the years. This is just my take.
if a person was ammenable to compromising language quality, they would probably be using something other than CL
I train around 1 (?) person to use Lisp per month, maybe. None of this brain / thought / whatever mumbo jumbo has been supported empirically in practice. I think it really is all about barrier to entry, which has many tendrils that run deep: people, websites, documentation, unclear de facto standard libraries, etc
the reason the people i train bar none end up being good lisp programmers is not because i'm a good teacher, but because i tell them what to do and what not to do, where to look and where not to look, and i read their code and tell them what's right and what's wrong
I would like to apologize for starting another version of this discussion. I just wanted to improve Alexandria and its documentation.
random thought - it's all because of the fun factor. lispers pursue happines, and all projects get ugly when the complexity reaches a certain threshold (take that with a grain of salt, mkay? ;)
beach: i'm procrastinating on something else which is why i'm partaking
I'm feeling entertained by this discussion (more so than discussing eval-when the other day ,)
I think we should just start focusing on the problems other languages have which don't exist in common lisp.
stylewarning: you probably are a good teacher, but i mostly agree that the lisp personality stuff is mumbo jumbo, with elisp being a good example
stylewarning: I have a suggestion. Improve the documentation of alexandria SWITCH. That would qualify as procrastinating.
pillton: lisp doesn't have enough interpersonal drama that other language communities have (:
what is alexandria?
I really would need some mentor again who can and wants to meet on a weekly basis in person, lack that for years. :/
I'd be up for a lisp mentor
z4kz: One of the heavily used utility libs.
beach: haha, i just read the doc for it, i agree, it's pretty bad
ah ok
... No explanation of the shape of a clause. Clauses are evaluated. T is evaluated. So is OTHERWISE (hint, it has no value). No explanation what TEST and KEY do.
z4kz: Named after the nice library of Alexandria. :)
I need to get through practical common lisp first though.
... Parameter named OBJECT?
z4kz: I would be happy to help.
mfiano: cool
Me too.
You can PM me anytime.
I prefer discussions in public.
rotateq / z4kz: I don't have infinite time but I've made time to talk to random internet people about their lisp projects for around an hour a week on Zoom/whatever--- screenshare, pair program, co-review code
z4kz: With some questions I can help by now from time to time too. Or I see where I have to go on myself digging deeper.
i've made time (consistently)**
ah nice, thanks
stylewarning: Heh, it was not meant soo directly, now it's cool to read you again here. :)
Your talk from 2013 about maths with Lisp is still very nice. ^^ and others of course, I know I never could work at Rigetti or another such company but try my best :)
idk why people think that
i've hired a high school drop out before with no experience
the hardest thing with working with rigetti was the paperwork, and it wasn't above "standard" when dealing with companies as a vendor ,)
yeah, Rig could have been a little better w that stuff
alexandria comes in around 19-20 % exported symbols without docstrings
what do you mean by 'utilities' re alexandria?
stylewarning: I have some physics/math background and interest too but all would need much effort. :)
Nilby: Oh.
rotateq: at my current employer, my biggest hiring issue isn't skill level, it's that i'm limited to citizens and residents of the USA, which unfortunately casts a shadow on so much of the talented world
Yes there are many smart people out there not yet discovered.
I'm far away, from Germany. :)
since things slided to the topic of work, I'll better get going to get some of it done. see you later \o
We're just about to have a little mock exam on networks. The next two modules will be more interesting again.
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z4kz: In which chapter are you now?
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rotateq: I'm actually going to read this book LISP a gentle introduction to symbolic computation by touretzky tonight
I want to get an overview of key ideas first
then I'll dive into PCL
Okay I hope things will work out then, you will benefit from a good basis forever and also for many other things.
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So when the Alexandria documentation says "<mumble> must be a proper sequence", what does it mean if <mumble> is *not* a proper sequence? Is it undefined behavior? Is an error signaled? Should an error be signaled? Something else?
I don't see the Common Lisp HyperSpec define the phrase "x must be y".
But maybe I just didn't look in the right place.
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I wouldn't expect every library's documentation to use formal standard vocabulary, and assume the user can M-. to see how it behaves. No amount of natural language can fully describe the behavior of code, after all, and code doesn't lie.
Your expectations are way lower than mine then.
I'm just a realist, but that is a fine opinion as well.
they should have said that "x is y", then when someone invokes the function with x that is not y, a condition dont-defy-the-reality could be signaled ,)
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i think the issue with CL is that its not backed by a major platform
Swift / Objc --> Apple | Python, Java --> Google | JS --> Browsers | C/C++ --> General Powerhouses
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lisp123: What's the context? Some might find its independence from any single powerful interest group appealing.
pranavats: A long discussion almost 12 hours ago.
pranavats: You had better check the logs.
... if you are interested. It is not that interesting actually.
Okay. Thanks.
lisp123: And that's a good thing.
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Issue? CL has an issue?
No, I think the conclusion was that there are no issues.
issue is a wrong word
but i see nothing in lisp that prevents it from being as popular as other languages, but in any case I'm more than happy as it is :) to rotateq 's point
Do we need being overhyped? :) And as big as some company can be, it can be nothing from one day to another.
the _only_ potential benefit is more jobs in lisp
lisp123: I think you assuming learning lisp is the same level of difficulty as all other languages. In my opinion CL is a very advanced, powerful and expressive language. Which basically precludes it from being popular. Most of the popular languages are the exact opposite: basic, weak and restrictive. Just my opinion.
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yitzi: I agree to a degree with that viewpoint, but I wonder if thats partly with how programming has been taught (a lot of potentially bad habits / unclear concepts in other languages)
Also I find the difficulty with lisp _may_ be in how simple its semantics are --> instead of churning out boilerplate, it forces one to think more deeply at an earlier stage
Which comes back to your point to a large degree, if you numb people down with boilerplate, they don't have time to come up with cleaner, abstract code and just pump in basic pseudocode
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Since I am self taught, I cannot comment on the relation of any education system to the quality of programmers. In my own disciplines (Math/Physics) the quality of the education system is not purely responsible for a relative dearth of students. The main reason is that they are just intellectually difficult disciplines.
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We (me and my favorite coauthor mainly) taught Common Lisp for around 15 years to third-year undergraduates, with some success.
The ones who wanted to get it did. The others hated it because it did not resemble anything they had learned before, and because they didn't think it would be useful to them I guess.
And I don't think the success rate was any lower than that of most courses we taught, i.e., around 20% or so.
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So yes, a large part of the problem is that we crank out masters-level graduates with knowledge only in fairly traditional programming languages and programming techniques.
My favorite coauthor is considering teaching it again, but then the problem is that there are almost no colleagues qualified to do the lab classes.
And there are just too many students for one person to do it alone.
Well I guess
lisp123 has a point that there's not much financial motivation for students to learn CL
I mean most of them want to be working for a company
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I don't think that's the problem. Most students here have no idea what to expect when they get a job. It was a problem when we taught it at the engineering school because they are highly career oriented. But at the university, they really don't know.
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Talking about engineers, what about all those CAD users, they have a need for lisp
The university students really just want a degree with as little effort as possible, and Common Lisp seemed like a lot of effort when they thought they already know everything they would ever need.
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amusingly CL is alive and well in psychology labs
I rather like that most CL programmers I encounter have internal motivation to do it. External motivations often last only as long as the stimulus motivating them.
wait what? What are they doing with CL in psychology?
early work was done in CL (due to its AI reputation probably), so you have to learn CL in order to read the papers
and they're not programmers, and they'll be damned if they have to learn another language
so they write really, really terrible CL
I learned CL as part of a skills acquisition lab. They had a cognitive model (that was a Hopkins NN but they didn't know that)
seok-: See ACT-R, a theory in Cognitive Science. It is still being actively developed in CL.
Would you have any links to these works in psychology using CL dlowe?
Ah thank you
It's implementation, I mean.
they needed their thing that took two hours to run to run in less than a second
and it was such terrible code that it wasn't even that hard
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If you ask me, CL is kind of a gold mine for those who want a job also
Nobody knows how to write CL
As in, job seurity once you have a job..?
I can help with the job problem if people give me more money to spend on Lisp programmers :)
I don't know, maybe approach some companies that are using CL codebase
I assume a lot of them don't even look because they're sure they are not going to get applicants
Speaking of that, there'll be a Kickstarter for Kandria launching in June, so pretty soon! If you want to pitch in, check it out: https://kandria.com/kickstarter
Shinmera: I've been following on Fedi :)
Ah, I should post more on masto
maybe have an official company account?
I've already no energy to manage the socials I do have :(
it's billable marketing hours
Note I said energy, not time.
Anyway, don't want things to veer too far off topic.
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the more median programmers come to CL, the more bad frameworks / libraries and the higher signal to noise
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ah man who cares. We already have an overflow of libraries. It doesn't matter. What matters is that the more people we get in, the more likely we'll get people that improve existing solutions, too.
The kinda elitism about "oh *those* people aren't good enough" is not helping anyone.
Did someone mention a CL job?
* contrapunctus
will join in a heartbeat
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ravenpack is hiring still, afaiu.
Shinmera: True
I would like to be hiring, but do not have the funds to do so except to offer bounties for very select things I need (which I am doing already).
Someone should pay you for all the libraries you've written shinmera
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also building really ergonomic tools to do the things that make existing shops be able to do a little thing with CL (e.g. more support/connections to databases, stream processing tools, and gRPC stuff) will mean that CL can do the land-and-expand thing and not depend on companies making their entire play "use CL"
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Shinmera: One thought is to open up 'volunteer' positions
and maybe with backpay if the project is a success
I vehemently object to hired work that does not pay.
^ this
there's so much code that needs to be written and people with money who would be willing to pay for it.
The games industry is already bad enough at exploiting peopel's passion for profit. I don't want to add to that.
That said, if someone wants to do stuff because they feel like it, Trial and all supporting libraries are open source.
Fair enough. I think you may find a few people (maybe 1 or 2) who would be keen to work on a project as a volunteer, and if you set a condition to agree to pay them X if the project is successful, I wouldn't feel too bad
I don't think game industry pays much attention to how their game is coded
Esp if they are allowed to take their code and use it as part of the resume for future jobs
I don't see big game titles using sophisticated architectures well thought out
Biger problem ofc is without paid work, people tend to disappear after the initial excitement
Which is why we have so many grand ideas to improve lisp, but things move alot more slowly than our imaginations ;)
lisp123: I would only agree to such a thing if the person in question was a co-founder of the company. But I deem it very unlikely that I would find someone willing to go that far.
Shinmera: Agree
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On another one, is anyone currently working on blockchain with CL?
sort of
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(not actually writing CL, but doing stuff.)
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what are you working on?
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all of the stuff that people do is accessible via gRPC and a lot of stuff is WASM-able so like, it wouldn't be too hard (in theory, of course) to write/ship CL code to do things (including some easy tooling things,) but
the mention of blockchain struck me as metaphorical flatulence
I mean, I come from a database background, and like statemachines are cool, a lot of what people are doing with them are... marginally grounded in practical use cases, but there is some stuff that I think has some merit, and I think building things that are more useful is definitely a thing that would help.
anyway, feel free to chat with me out of band, I don't want to take up space here, as it's somewhat orthogonal, but I think the higher level of my point is "the thing that stops CL (or anything) from getting adoption in areas like this is support for interrop around the edges (e.g. in our case gRPC and wasam)"
pretty sure there's gRPC support in CL
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there is, there isn't TLS support (which is a big caveat) and limited async support (which is a very small caveat.)
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Async is pretty awesome though :)
yeah, that's a pretty severe limitation
async is tough without deep runtime support
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async is great, and I can't see why we wouldn't be able to have _some_ kind of async operation, I think it's just less off an issue than the other, because you can fake it on the client (or server) with threads if you need to, and you often don't need to?
whereas not having TLS is often a hard barrier to adoption before you really get started
does TLS mean thread local storage here, or transport layer security, or something else?
transport layer security
ah k
sorry, I meant TLS is a severe limitation
TLS --> nginx reverse proxy ;)
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"the more median programmers come to CL, the more bad frameworks / libraries and the higher signal to noise" list123 - The vast majority of what a master writes in is life is "subpar" in fact the only way to be sure to get one good library is to have written hundreds of bad ones
I think it's more an issue of ecosystem expectations osmosing into CL
the vast majority of any huge library of code is garbage, what is worthwhile floats to the top, the rest gets to make the numbers look better for everyone
the ecosystems out there rely on cobbled together hacks, and that becomes familiar to many programmers
people just want to see big numbers
most won't use any of it
so bring on the garbage
and there's very little pushback to bad infrastructure from those other languages, and just accept them
and highlight the good
so just make a point of emphasizing what is worth using all the time
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dbotton: there's a big problem with that, though, in that experienced people or those who work with more complex problems have different definitions of what's "worth using"
for people whose majority of coding is instantiating and connecting framework-provided tools, there's little notion of need of anything well-engineered
and their perspective of what is acceptible design vastly differs from others
dbotton: I would recall my earlier comment, I was just thinking out loud and don't have a strong leaning towards that anymore. A better way to rephrase is - everything I need in CL already exists, so I don't care about its popularity
correct worth using is often missing the "rest of the story"
worth using for what project
may things are over specified for the need
for example, metaprogramming is hugely important to me, and most other languages/ecosystems leave programmers with no notion of it at all (or appropriate the term poorly)
lisp123 I agree
mfiano: I agree with you. I think lisp is a language that you can bend to your will, and not bend to its. You can see people's personalities and thoughts in their code. It's even more apparent in things like AoC. So it's less about finding someone that programs lisp, but who thinks the same too.
CL fits my needs (and most peoples needs)
(they just don't know it yet ;) )
dbotton: exactly
Of course, this doesn't disqualify cogs in a machine programming, which is probably what we need more of. Bring on the grunts.
I am going to do my best to get people to"know it"
in order for people to know that, they need to have a need for its strengths
'cause I CL can help people reach another level in programming
if what they're coding never needs more than what they already have, it's moot
unless I give them an excuse
so CLOG ;)
lisp123: grpc really wants to terminate ssl at it's endpoints (and use it for client auth, for example,) using nginx to terminate SSL/TLS for grpc often doesn't work in practice.
If I wanted fame and fortune I could have done in Python years ago
I want to help people become better programmers
dbotton: do you work on a mac?
I still feel that knowing Ada and Lisp are the key
I work on many platforms
I'm looking for an easy environment for a mac person.
Lately I have been using straight Win64, but feeling mac'is
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for me, I think asm, forth, and lisp are proper coverage of getting computers to do things. then add prolog to the mix to get out of imperative thinking
then add a symbolic link or alias to the executable
run it from the command line
yeah emacs on mac is very smooth
I've definitely done most of my programming in professional situations, and think that (in general) people really like writing software that other people are going to use (which is why I sort of skew towards potentially (quasi?) industrial applications, and being able to sort of increase relevance based on that.)
tychoish - that is why we need more mediocre programmers using CL
I'm 100% into it :D
and help then teach them to be great programmers
also the thing I really like about making software, in addition to shipping things that people actually use, is being able to work with other people on said software (and making them better programmers, and becoming a better programmer)
CL so far is not real good at that
so while like "oh we need more plumbing" is kind of uninspiring as a goal, I think it's important.
there is like zero tutorials on how to do team programming with CL
Ada is designed from start for teams
tychoish: yeah, that's similar to a basic mantra of coding: "Always have a running version". It keeps satisfaction high
it is on my list of things to do
well, ada is designed for like missile defense systems
medical, business etc
hmmm i think the quality of lisp materials is exemplary - and one can learn to be a very good programmer from them, BUT it requires self study
lisp123 yes - but what we need are things to teach people to work as a group
I think learning to be a very good programmer is orthogonal to what you learn from those books
lisp is not inherently good at planning and executing anyhting
I think you gotta work on things with other people and learn to write good tests and stuff.
no "specs"
I'd say the ability to see the need for abstractions, and to be able to create them well, are the most important facilities to grow, and that's rarely touched upon
fair enough (i don't even test lol, if it compiles without warning its good to go)
that's terrifying
or in the lang here - protocols are poorly defined and there is poor means to do it
in Ada if something compiles it will work
anyway, I think it's less about libraries in general and more "libraries around the edges," lisp is kidna great once everything's in lisp, and a kind of a nightmare if you want to get data into our out of it (and into some other kind of system)
white_fame - bingo
dbotton: CL has poor protocols?
poor means to produce interfaces between modules
CLOS (and CLIM for an example of how its done)
and that is half baked
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the fact that a function symbol name is all that one can specify, can't compile the specs separate etc
but that is not a show stopper
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the rapid dev cycles lisp uses are a win if everyone is an expert
and communication is in a single room
I think this idea that the compiler should save you from everything or that you can have a compiler should be able to enforce all the constraints, always feels incomplete. like software without side effects doens't do anything, and compilers which try to do too much, are just slow and difficult to work with. so there's always a trade off there, and writing tests makes you have to actually think about how your APIs are used, and that's
dbotton: I'm not talking abotu interfacing between modules, I'm talking about creating new abstractions
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whether it's just creating better function protocols, or creating new DSLs and build tools, an abstracting mind shouldn't ever be constrained to a single perspective of tooling
but the idea is documenting wat is needed for those abstractions
yes, documentatin is part of actual software engineering
and the current way of protocols doesn't capture enough
programming languages are just one layer of tools, built by someone, and building better tools in both the small and large is how we advance overall
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either way, my point is that team programming in CL is not a built in
the ability to see the need for a new tool, however, seems to be limited. once one learns a tool, the easy route is to see how it's applicable to everythign
and there needs to be documentation and tools for it
how is team programming built into other languages?
look at the way Ada does it
Specs that are compiled
tools for design
it is not in the culture of CL either
and not sure that it should be
while I'm not very familiar with Ada, haskell has similar claims re its type-first development perspective and compiler support
the question is how to make it happen and keep the fast paced system of chage
and similar "if it compiles, it will work" claims that do not cover a whole host of bugs
what you are getting at is not a technical problem
it's one of necessary community scale
there were far more tools back in lisp's commercial heyday, too
all wrapped up in proprietary lisp OSes
of course, the conglomeration of language branches into Common Lisp was the core language itself, as everyone had their own tooling
it's a large and non-CL-standard effort to get that sort of things back into the CL community
and people worship emacs, which isn't even an IDE in the commonly thought of sense, locking people in a "good enough" state of tooling :-P
(come at me, bro)
SLIME is great for interactivity, but it doesn't reach much into actual project management at all
anyways, all communities go through stages. We haven't finished the library wars yet.
White_Flame agreed
you think you could put what is needed in a doc we could all work from?
a place where something we can target
I don't think it's useful because there's too diversified opinions of what should be worked on
I am not saying that this creates one tool
commercial efforts do focus people, but then also pull stuff away from community use
I am saying that it creates a focused goal and the tools win
best tutorials wen
and it was only durring the commercial lisp days that this sort of stuff really advanced
but at least a doc giving direction
well I am willing to add my part and others will
yep, at some point I will coalesce a well-edited rant :-P
and post it somewher
I think part of the answer lies in making a generic infrastructure of 'missing' components. A set of reserved namespaces(packages) that can contain all the necessary stuff to deal with those namespaces.
na, just a list of stuff cool to exist
for helping people program together
who want to
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It would help everybody to program together if we had a common language for all the missing bits.
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maybe but I am looking to target an unruly crowd of highly opiniated people us
yes, but in the generic interface you only stick the bits everybody agrees are needed. Sort of how common lisp came about.
If you want a full CL system, you can just use hu.dwim
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I will take a look later
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but I am looking for an exchange of ideas for things that would help teams work as a team with CL
multi-user repl?
if a particular tool works for that process great
oh god
multi-user repl? how would that even work
seems easy enough a few remotes to one lisp image
but that may or may not be the way
you each share some space on a 'whiteboard'
so just routing expressions to one system?
all the above
see the idea is all of these ideas recorded some place
and also how do you develop abstractions in CL in an organic way in a group
individually CL is exactly how I always developed software
even though I never used CL before a year or so a go
probably because I started years ago with basic on a trs-80 :)
It's not just lisp specific but I think a flowchart/node graph generator for visually representing function, symbol and import dependencies would be beneficial for individuals or groups looking at a codebase
that 2k limit was a bummer.
lol it may be learn assembly at 9
main me
you develop abastractions in a group by constant communication, and holding off implementing new ideas until they've percolated through thoughtful people for a period of time to the point where it's bonked against raised issues, solutions arose, and it settled into established confidence
maid be (sorry fingers not working so well today)
(had a stroke really that way for me :( )
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white_flame - true but are there other ways
more rapid fire like lisp with one person
sure, other less optimal ways ;)
I envision a system that is less about text files stored in a repository and more a collection of interchangeable annotated functions/packages.
that is what needs exploring and what tools would support it
the time cost of prototyping & refactoring need to be taken into account. If it's a familiarized problem with uncertain solutions, the time needs to be spent in consideration
for many parts of a system that are critical, maybe multiple attempts to implement and then compare
compare what? the point of abstraction is to make things more easily manageabble in the large
yes, I'm thinking even ability to benchmark and compare aspects of a system
I often do that on my own even
so the only real world measurement is to use it in the large, which is a heavyweight investment
see how each approach works
A collection of SORTs that you can peruse and choose from for your situation.
that is low level but in a sense yes
well brainstorming is always with out constraints
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I've wondered how much space would be wasted/gained by storing a system where each individual function is versioned.
not much
COM/DCOM is like that
at least the interfaces are versioned
My take away for myself from this - list the things that would make CL teams productive, in person and remotely, and tools needed. This is at each stage: 1. finding the problems to solve 2. abstractions that conform to the problems 3. implementations 4. testing 5. error corrections
there is some existing literature mostly from Paul Graham's discussions about his success
anyways, since it's cl and nobody usually agrees 100% on a direction, I just slowly write generic systems as I use them. usually in a manner that would anger most people. So all my generic stuff about a font lives in the package font:
that is just syntax
it's a protocol.
for example Graham's approach is that each group owns their piece
i think protocols should be easy to find/discern and intuitive.
what you put it your bag is your problem
in todays world COM was a very good idea - a binary interface
just is too heavy
and was hampered by money and M$
but the idea that any part - any language - any platform
is not a body thing
sorry I know I am rambling a bit
I just think generic interfaces for things, populated with a bunch of interchangeable documented algorithms would be good for learning and as scaffolding for building ideas, instead of worrying about building tools.
that is how most everyone develops
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I make a point to never develop algorithms until absolutely needed for optimization
only a fool develops a sort algorithm before knowing if what exist is not fast enough
(which today it almost always is fast enough)
"components" are always first choice
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I have not published yet full docs on wrapping existing components yet for CLOG or did any major examples, but is the key to it
for example the lisp IDE example
that uses the ACE Editor
I have to finish this side track (web sites...) which I am on
almost done with db based content and blogs
and then will work on wrapping a library for charting
best lisp shell? best lisp for scripting? an alternative to bash , sh etc?
What's a common or "best practice" way to write a parser (for a blub language) in CL? In Haskell you'd perhaps write a parser combinator, what's the lispy way?
ehammarstrom: maybe some parser generator library like esrap
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random-nick: looks neat, thanks
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ehammarstrom: for an existing blub language with all their weird edge cases, or for some new basic language?
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there's parser combinator libaries for CL
someone explained the difference between parallel and concurrent when talking about let, but I don't remember. because let is parallel, but not concurrent. can someone explain it again?
but most compilers I'm aware of use recursive descent instead of tables or frameworks
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yottabyte: parallel binding, not execution
yottabyte: it's an unfortunate coincidence of terms
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yottabyte: the values are evaluated in an environment in which none of the variables are bound, so we sometimes say the variables are all bound "in parallel". but the evaluations take place sequentially, so it's not "concurrent". the meaning of "parallel" in the context of LET is totally unrelated to concurrency in the sense of multithreading etc.
and it is kind of confusing indeed
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I see
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yottabyte: (let ((a expr1) (b expr2)) ...) is directly analogous to ((lambda (a b) ....) expr1 expr2) in terms of when the exprs are evaluated, and when A & B come into existence
(let* ((a expr1) (b expr2)) ...) is analogous to (let ((a expr1)) (let ((b expr2)) ...)) in the same way
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thanks all
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I just learned codemirror is written by a Lisp Hacker
and its documentation / code seems top notch...not suprised ;) Definitely the option to go for for anyone looking to implement editors in the browser