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jeosol, do you care for empty line at the start of a record?
jeosol, and what about those within?
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Suppose I'll ask here since it's quiet in #clpm: does clpm have a way of installing dependency sources in the project source tree, kind of like quicklisp bundles? (so you could distribute a project without clpm itself as a dependency)
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Alfr: I think empty lines are fine. I assume you mean in the *part* files
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Every now and then emacs/slime decides to stop displaying function lambda lists. Anybody know how to fix this besides restarting?
jeosol: Sorry I took a nap. Did you figure it out?
mfiano: no worries. I also went to do some exercise and just got back. I did some back-and-forth with Alfr
dieggsy: I don't believe so. etimmons has been very busy lately. I saw your message but when etimmons sees it he will answer. In the meantime, I would suggest filing an issue on the repository, so it doesn't get lost, and it is quite likely if it is not possible etimmons will provide a way.
Alfr: thanks for the snippet. It looks very nice and much better. I see what you meant by empty lines. Basically I did that check to keep the *part* files smaller
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mfiano: thanks for the reply! filing a ticket is a good idea
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jeosol, just considered it prudent tell you about the difference, I don't know whether you have something allergic to empty lines in consumers of the output.
Alfr: I am integrating the code now. I don't think that should be a problem
Just added the check for end-of-file to readline
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jeosol, not sure that'd be right, assuming a complete run terminates with a line with that magic string, then hitting eof there would indicate that there's incomplete data.
really? I was only able to get it to work when I add the :eof piece
jeosol, I wouldn't know why it would error, unless the last non-empty line of your input file does not contain the magic string.
still debugging it, it appears the first file only has the sentinel string
the magic string only appears to indicate we have a new page coming. It will not be at the end, only at the beginning of what could be a new page
jeosol, ah, okay. You'll need that eof check. ;D
more like: MAGIC-STRING stufff MAGIC-STRING stuff MAGIC-STRING stuff
The above should then result in 3 pages
jeosol, guess you'll have to tinker with it a bit more, I assumed: stuff MAGIC stuff MAGIC ...
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Alfr: yeah I am
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I have almost gotten the logic, it's just where place the MAGIC string check
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as your attorney I advise you to arm yourself, with holidays, ... to the teeth
ck_: do not arm the bears
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sorry, technical difficulties. the message was not meant for this channel
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Thanks for the pro bono legal advice, ck_ 😏
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I tried dynamically binding various values of the various printer variables, to no avail. I'm not sure if this is a REPL issue or not
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It seems I have to manually adjust *print-right-margin* depending on the output...too little and it wraps long lines. Too much and it all prints on a single line.
did you tinker with *print-right-margin* ?
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and I also must manually call #'print. The REPL doesn't seem to obey these for print-object values returned at the REPL
Both are unfortunate, especially the former, but at least I can get work done now
perhaps pprint-dispatch could help with the repl
(and calculating the margin)
jackdaniel: Thanks, but this is just for quick testing my algorithm in the REPL. It's a one-off thing so I'll deal
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Anyone recalls a CL COM interface for one of the open source implementations?
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pl: you mean that lisp functions would be exposed via COM, or?
Both ways, but for starters I would like to access COM objects
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hm, how do I `mapcar` on a list with access to an index?
in haskell, i'd zip with an infinite stream of 0, 1... In C, I'd keep a counter. I'd like to know what the idiom is in Common Lisp
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bollu: `(loop for elt in '(a b c) for i from 0 ...)`
(loop for i from 0 for elt in list do something)
if you insist on mapcar, then this is not a problem too: (mapcar (let ((i 0)) (lambda (elt) ... (incf i))) elements)
jackdaniel: wow, TIL!
jackdaniel that's neat! I should have thought of that =)
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The few times I tried to use mapcar that way, I had probably wrapped the `let` around the `mapcar` - never realized I could wrap it around the `lambda` too.
another question: if I have some code in C, like { x = 10; a = f(x); g(x); b = h(a); k(b); } , my natural instinct is to translate it to (let* ((x 10) (a (f x)) (g x) (let ((b (h a)) (k b))
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but this is annoying, since I feel like my "flow" is interrupted by having to decide what the statements in the `let` are, and what the bindings in the `let` are
is there a more idiomatic way to write the above?
Never saw C code like "a = f(x)" but I think I know what you mean. :)
bollu: For lexical defined functions you use FLET or LABELS.
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Or is "f(x)" a value?
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rotateq f(x) was a function call, yes. I was asking how to get around having to bother about the extra bracketing around the let bindings versus the let evaluations
Hmm, another question: | (declare (type (pathname) file-path))| gives me the error ; bad thing to be a type specifier: (PATHNAME)
Hm in C the g(x) and k(b) might be statements.
rotateq yeah, it's the interleaving of statements and bindings which I find annoying to translate to common lisp
I'm wondering if this is because I don't know a nice way to write them
Yes you just write (declare (type pathname file-path)).
I remember coming across a macro which basically let you define local functions, macros, and variables, all in the same `let` -like construct...
That would be new to me.
rotateq thanks! So does `(pathname)` mean anything legal in a type specifier?
Also, can I declare the return type of a function? :)
Hm, can I declare a type such as "list of pathnames"?
are you by any chance a c programmer?
'List of Foo' sounds more like algebraic data types and not just primitive. :)
bollu: No, not in CL. And also doing (declare (type (simple-array pathname (*)))) would result in (declare (type (simple-array t (*)))) afaik.
bollu: But what you *could* do is define a predicate that states every element in a list is of type PATHNAME and then a DEFTYPE form with this like: (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun pathname-list-p (list) (when (listp list) (every #'pathnamep list))) (deftype pathname-list () '(and list (satisfies pathname-list-p)))) and then use CHECK-TYPE at some points to look if it fits.
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bollu: (let (x a b) (setf x 10 a (f x) b (progn (g x) (h a))) (k b)) or: (let* ((x 10) (a (f x)) (b (progn (g x) (h a)))) (k b))
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bollu, on cheap append: push and reverse at the end
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bollu, or if you need the ordering to be correct in between: Start with (list nil), then keep a reference to this list's head and last cons, let's just call those s and tail. To append X, you'd (setf (cdr tail) (setf tail (list X))), and the list you've accumulated always is (rest s).
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does cl-prevalence store lisp objects with all its references intact? Like hashes, slot values etc
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what's the difference between the PREDICATEP and PREDICATE-P idiom?
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The latter isn't an idiom because it isn't multiple words.
Even though I still use it for single words. Only I can blame myself though. I don't think anyone reads my code :)
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mfiano: oh yeah i forgot about that. so it's all dependent on how many words the predicate is
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