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<lisp123> after some lisp code is loaded into an image
<lisp123> does it make a difference if it was from a compiled file .fasl or a normal .lisp?
<lisp123> sbcl
<Bike> sbcl compiles basically everything, so it'll be about the same either way
<Bike> some other implementations do not, so the fasl will have compiled code rather than interpreted code, and will hopefully be more efficient
<lisp123> thats what I thought - thanks for confirming
<lisp123> was wondering if once code was loaded in the 'lisp' it made any difference -> but I guess interpreted code still needs to re-interpreted in other systems
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<Nilby> lisp123: but of course things like eval-when can change that. consider: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/3143#3143
<lisp123> Nilby: I see
<Nilby> lisp123: all of load, compile-file, then again load the fasl will be different
<Nilby> thankfully most code doesn't do that
<lisp123> yep
<Bike> the language defines that for the most part, compiled and interpreted code have the same semantics. eval-when is one of the exceptions.
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<lisp123> Yep
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<rotateq> I had a CLOS question in mind recently, but then I realized it was again easier than I thought. :) Just how to use FIND-METHOD correctly if a parameter in the lambda list is specialised with eql.
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<mfiano> Hello all
<mfiano> I am working with a function that calls externals OS processes and returns a string as the result. This string consists of substrings delimited by tab characters and terminated by newline characters. What would be a decent way to produce a list of lists from this string, where each inner list represents the string cells of each column for a row, and the outer list contains these lists of rows?
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<_death> fare-csv?
<mfiano> I can think of a few ways, but I'm looking for ideas anyway
<mfiano> I never thought to use a csv parser, in part because I didn't know they supported other delimiters.
<_death> this specimen seems like it's of a family of formats are usually known as tsv (tab-separated values), analogous to csv
<mfiano> Ok I will see what I can find as to not reinvent the wheel
<mfiano> (The command I am calling has a switch that removes the first line of column names and transforms arbitrary numbers of whitespace to single tabs)
<mfiano> It's meant for easier machine readability, though I do have the option of not using that switch if it makes it easier for Lisp
<mfiano> I'm reviving a few thousand line shell script I wrote about 6 months ago, but it outgrew my least favorite host language and is very hard to maintain.
<Guest74> there are some data table libraries out there, but afair they parse to their own format.
<mfiano> My plan is to parse this data (and other output) into standard-objects, because it can benefit greatly be inheritance and generic dispatch.
<mfiano> s/be/by/
<mfiano> I'm using a nice wrapper over uiop:run-program that has nice conditions to handle in the event of a failure, instead of all the garbage-in/garbage-out bugs in my original shell script.
<Guest74> after seeing what was inside of the csv libraries, I just basically use read-line and split-sequence.
<Guest74> shin seems to have a well thought out wrapper.
<mfiano> link?
<mfiano> I'll compare it to what I am using currently.
<Guest74> i wrap sbcl's run-program because I don't like its synchronous nature.
<mfiano> uiop:launch-program is uiop:run-program for asynchronous nature
<Guest74> I can't remember the name of his library.  I reading some other library that uses it, and can't remember that one either.  I really hate this covid.
<Guest74> ah simple-inferiors i believe.  but it doesn't seem to do much error handling.
<Guest74> then again, I usually leave the error handling to the specific project.
<mfiano> Yeah I asked him about it. It also doesn't handle pipelining, which the current library I'm using does.
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<Guest74> I thought of pipelining, but then I didn't quite see the benefit.
<mfiano> Anyway, to answer my original question, I'm just using read-line and uiop:split-string
<mfiano> Works good for the first parsing pass.
<Guest74> I haven't found a need for anything more to just get the data in.
<Nilby> sorry i know it doesn't help, but this is how i do it: (view-table (read-table (!! "program") :style +tsv+ :guess-types t))
<Guest74> though because of AoC I've got it set up to allow transforming the data
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<Guest74> where's your package prefixes Nilby?
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<Nilby> package prefixes portend people perchance perturbing package pieces
<Guest74> well you were certainly right about the not helping part!
* Nilby will henceforth again try to refrain from similar useless commentary
<Guest74> it is your fate to fail in your mission.
<Guest74> So, what's the package/system you use Nilby?  I'm always looking for a good table.
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<Nilby> they are a massive tangled profusion of packges of bespoke and ramshackle nature, unfortunately entrenched in their own enclave
<Nilby> that stupid line to read and view a table probably has like 100 package dependencies
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<Guest74> You got me beat.  maybe I need more abstractions?
<Nilby> it's mostly not abstractions. unfortunately one can find such weird lisp software hives like this through history. mostly they don't get the critical mass or quality, to be widely used
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<Guest74> i think they usually don't get exposed .
<Guest74> Where's your stuff live?
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<mfiano> Has anyone any reference apart from AMOP on how to add additional slot options to a class via a metaclass? I would like to add a :encoder and :decoder slot option, that decides on how slot values are serialized and deserialized when parsing/unparsing.
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<mfiano> In reading the MOP a bit, I found the way to do this is to create specialized instances of direct-slot-definition-class and effective-slot-definition-class, and define methods for them that return those classes. However, I am a bit confused in that these generic functions have a single argument to specialize, the class to add these new slot definitions to. I therefor am unsure how to add _two_
<mfiano> new slot definitions to a class.
<mfiano> Can anyone help me out here?
<Bike> i am not sure what you mean. neither of those generic functions add slots to any classes. they just indicate what the classes of slot definitions should be.
<mfiano> I would like a class to have two new additional slot options, such as the slot specification (foo :reader foo :initarg :foo :encoder #'some-encoder :decoder #'some-decoder)
<Bike> mop effective-slot-definition-class
<Bike> okay. i mean, you can put both of those in your slot definition class.
<mfiano> Ok, do I have to subclass both standard-direct-slot-definition and standard-effective-slot-definition classes with the same body?
<Bike> you can have (defclass my-slot-definition (standard-slot-definition) ((%encoder ...) (%decoder ...))) and then have your my-direct-slot-definition and my-effective-slot-definition be subclasses of that
<mfiano> Ok so multiple superclasses for my-direct-slot-definitio?
<Bike> Sure. organizing this is just like organizing any other classes
<mfiano> I am unsure where to put the supers standard-direct-slot-definition and standard-effective-slot-definition
<mfiano> Ok, I'm starting to see.
<Bike> I don't think the order of superclasses will really matter
<Bike> unless you're doing something much more exotic than you are, you should probably have your direct slot def class inherit from standard-dsd, and your effective from standard-esd, and you can have them both inherit from the class with the %encoder and %decoder slots to save some typing
<mfiano> I will admit, I never used the MOP before to extend slot definitions, just trivial metaclasses. This is new and fun to learn.
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<mfiano> Bike: Is this what you were talking about? https://gist.github.com/mfiano/b824a68c58d72501afd5fca6005e66e8
<Bike> yeah, i think that's about right
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<mfiano> I am getting an error
<Bike> iirc you'll have to specialize computer-effective-slot-definition or something
<mfiano> When I instantiate FOO
<Bike> mop compute-effective-slot-definition
<mfiano> err when I define the FOO class
<mfiano> even though I validate them as compatible. What did I do wrong?
<Bike> did you compile-file this? it might have tried to define the class before the method was loaded.
<mfiano> Yeah I loaded the whole file with slime-load-file which is about the same.
<mfiano> Restarted image and redefined FOO afterwards with the same incompatibility error
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<Bike> oh wait, sorry
<Bike> you didn't specify a metaclass for FOO, so it's standard-class
<Bike> but it's a subclass of a zfs-property-class, ergo, a problem
<mfiano> Oh I have to repeat that for every subclass of a custom metaclass class?
<Bike> You need to specify the metaclass, yes. since the metaclass can influence how inheritances work, it's necessarily prior
<mfiano> Hmm anyway to inherit the metaclass of a parent?
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<Bike> No, because of what I just said
<mfiano> I see
<mfiano> Ok I'm not seeing my new slot definitions in the class-of foo
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<Bike> (class-of (find-class 'foo)) will be zfs-property-class, which is not a zfs-property-class
<Bike> try (class-slots (find-class 'foo)), you should see zfs-property-effective-slot-definitions
<Bike> however they will not have the information you want until you define a compute-effective-slot-definition method
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<mfiano> I only see %A
<Bike> okay, but i mean what is the class of the %a slot definition?
<Bike> there shouldn't be any other slots, since foo doesn't have any other slots
<mfiano> Oh I see. Yes that is the correct class, but the meta slots are unbound. I have more to learn it seems with regard to compute-*-slot-definition
<mfiano> Wow lots of boilerplate here for a simple task. I have to learn how to do this so I can abstract it away for similar things to do for other classes.
<Bike> Yeah it's a bit involved
<Bike> I think the only missing piece you need is compute-effective-slot-definition
<mfiano> Thanks, reading about that now
<Bike> what that function does is take all the direct slot definitions from the class precedence list, and combine them together into an effective slot definition
<Bike> This is necessary because there's no obvious way to combine inherited slot information; even the standard slot options inherit in all kinds of different ways http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw70/CLHS/Body/07_ec.htm
<Bike> it's been a while, but iirc your method should do call-next-method and then set the metadata slots in the result appropriately
<mfiano> I see. So once I do all of this, what is the correct way to query the encoder/decoder functions of one of my leaf class instances?
<Bike> You get at the slot definition (e.g. through class-slots) and then use your ENCODER and DECODER accessors
<Bike> let me see if i can't get an example for you
<mfiano> Ok thanks
<Bike> https://github.com/yitzchak/common-lisp-jupyter/blob/master/src/widgets/traits.lisp#L33-L73 here's some code in cl jupyter that defines a new slot class
<mfiano> Ah nice
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<Bike> in this case, the inheritance rules are simple: the most recent wins. your encoder and decoder might work the same way
<Bike> also, iirc, you might have problems specifying them in the way you do. i don't think the slot definition initargs are evaluated, so the direct slots will just have the list (FUNCTION IDENTITY) instead of an actual function
<mfiano> Hmm interesting
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<mfiano> I'm not quite sure what they are doing there with #'some etc
<mfiano> I'm not sure what to set the value of the slot to
<Bike> i think i ran into this in my initial version of this cl jupyter code (it has since been totally rewritten by yitzi) which had observer functions, and i just had it take symbols instead. so you'd write :observer foo instead of :observer #'foo
<mfiano> I will go read the MOP on that GF some more
<Bike> well, basically, imagine you have a class foo that defines (%a :encoder #'x), and then a class bar that defines (%a :encoder #'y), and then say bar inherits from foo
<Bike> what should be the encoder of %a in bar?
<Bike> this cl jupyter code just takes the most specific (so in this case it would be #'y)
<mfiano> Well in my case there won't ever be subclasses of a zfs-property class, but I would expect the deepest subclass to win in almost all cases.
<Bike> the GF receives the direct slots in class precedence order, so using SOME like this is kosher
<Bike> given that TRAIT-TYPE will just return nil if none was specified
<mfiano> Seems it is evaluated
<Bike> ah, no
<Bike> if it was, you'd be seeing #<FUNCTION IDENTITY>
<mfiano> Ah true
<mfiano> So if I wanted it to behave like any other initarg value, how would I accomplish that?
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<mfiano> I might want to pass a form that evaluates to a function...
<Bike> well, the others have funny behavior as well. like if you have an :initarg, it's not evaluated right off, it's saved and then evaluated each time you instantiate an instance
<Bike> I don't think you can change the behavior of the defclass macro to make it be evaluated like you want, unfortunately
<Arthur> I ended up hacking together some c2mop:compute-effective-slot-definition stuff when encountering the #'fn non-evaluated slot inits over in https://github.com/arthev/spiclum/blob/master/src/prevalence-class.lisp, maybe there are better ways
<Bike> you can ofc define your own defclass macro, but that can be sort of a pain in its own way
<mfiano> Can I use the mop to get a single class slot, or do I have to use #'find or whatnot?
<Bike> What do you mean by a single class slot
<Bike> if you mean you want to get a particular slot definition from a class, you do need to use find or something yeah
<Bike> (find slot-name (class-slots whatever) :key #'slot-definition-name)
<mfiano> instead of #'c2mop:class-slots <class> -> list, something like #'foo:class-slot <class> <slot-name> -> #<esd>
<Bike> yeah, nope
<mfiano> Ok fair enough
<mfiano> Ok everything is working as I'd expect. Thanks for your help!
<Bike> happy to be of assistance
<mfiano> THe MOP always impresses me at its flexibility at the cost of boilerplate. It's to CLOS as macros are to code. Not much you can't do with CL with those two powers combined :)
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<trev> does anyone know a plugin for emacs where you can basically hover over keywords or functions and see docs for them?
<trev> like an LSP sort of thing
<rotateq> trev: Do you know slime and clhs yet?
<trev> i have sly
<rotateq> Okay and the clhs is the official documentation for the ANSI standard.
<trev> i see, i can install that with quicklisp
<trev> quickload*
<mfiano> Anyone know if alexandria or some utility library has a shorthand for (setf (slot-value instance slot-name) (call-some-func (slot-value instance slot-name))) ?
<mfiano> That is more concisely update the value of a slot in terms of its original value?
<Bike> maybe you want a modify macro?
<mfiano> I really dislike symbol macros, and WITH-SLOTS seems overkill here
<Bike> clhs define-modify-macro
<Bike> then you can do (call-some-funcf (slot-value instance slot-name))
<mfiano> Ah ok, I'll check that out
<Bike> (sort of like incf)
<rotateq> mfiano: Heh, symbol macros can be very useful and expressive. :)
<mfiano> They can, but in this case it won't work anyway as slot-name is not known at compile time.
<mfiano> THey can also be a source of serious performance issues if you are evaluating an expensive accessor effective method each read of the symbol.
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<rotateq> Sure, should be used appropriately.
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<Bike> now that i'm thinking about it, maybe it would be nice if alexandria or something had a macro like atomic-update but without the atomicity
<Bike> so (incf place) = (update place #'+ 1), etc
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<_death> that's kinda like PG's _f macro in On Lisp.. I don't think it's so nice.. instead I prefer to name the operation, like INCF
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<Alfr> Bike, not in the library, but here: (defun %update (thing fun &rest args) (apply fun thing args)) (define-modify-macro update (fun &rest args) %update)
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<mfiano> Hmm, maybe this encoder/decoder idea wasn't very well thought out.
<mfiano> Not that I think I'd need to do type-checking considering the stringified source data is coming from the correct application I am parsing into lisp objects, but it makes me wonder if I should anyway.
<mfiano> Like one slot is fed any of "none"i, "available", "unavailable", and encoded as any of :none, :available, :unavailable. But if my program logic is wrong and tries creating an instance with bad data, I have no way to type check.
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<mfiano> s/"i/"/
<mfiano> Perhaps encoder and decoder metaobject slot values should be compound forms.
<mfiano> Though not sure if it makes sense to type check decoding if it is symmetric with the input.
* mfiano thinks
<mfiano> I'm also not sure if it even makes sense to specify an :encoder _and_ :decoder slot. The decoder just puts it into the original form it was encoded from. That logic can be derived with a closure or object representing the transcoding method.
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<Guest74> with simple things I just wrap the enc/dec up with the definition in a macro.
<mfiano> My plan was to build a CST, producing an AST afterwards to do type-checking/generation phases on. I think I need to sketch out the pipeline better...it might be overly complex like all my compiler theory implementations are :/
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<Guest74> I like to make my systems as simple as possible.
<Guest74>   somehow my text adventure engine requires a sentient AI.
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<dlowe_> pay an army of humans to be on the backend
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<Guest74> did JSOWN:PARSE change the way it works? my web api stuff stopped working.
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<Guest74> ugh, I hate when you can't interrupt a slime repl.  This is why I shouldn't have my editor in the same process, let alone my window manager.
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