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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<mason> beach: o/
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<CodeBitCookie[m]> Hello Everyone!
<CodeBitCookie[m]> (and beach)
<rotateq> Hi CodeBitCookie[m].
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Well, it's that time of the year again, I try another library in common lisp
<CodeBitCookie[m]> I wanted to use IMGUI
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<rotateq> I don't know that library.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> rotateq: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
<rotateq> Thanks.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Made with OpenGL, Dear ImGUI is a wonderful GUI interface.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> My pleasure.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> rotateq: It's a bit more problematic, since it's made in C++ and not C
<CodeBitCookie[m]> rotateq: _death made https://github.com/death/imcl
<CodeBitCookie[m]> However, he seems to have abandoned that project.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> I wanted to generate bindings to it myself.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> so it's very up to date.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> however, it's made in C++
<CodeBitCookie[m]> So I was thinking, I would just directly make it in C++
<CodeBitCookie[m]> What would be a better idea? Trying to jam ImGUI into Common Lisp or just use it normally and create all the rest of the logic in Common Lisp. Oooor we could just make everything in C++
<rotateq> Sounds like another big amount of work and a pool of details.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Yeah, So I think option 2 sounds the best.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> (2. Just use ImGUI in C++ normally and create all the rest of the logic in Common Lisp)
<|3b|> https://github.com/cimgui/cimgui has a c api you could wrap from lisp (and i think metadata you could use to generate wrappers automatically)
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: Ooooh, that sounds nice. It's also very frequently updated AND it's programmatically done.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> I think we could reconsider doing everything in Common Lisp...
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Any opinions? Anyone?
<Oladon> So... I've got a bizarre situation. I've got a macro where if I evaluate it straight, it does one thing... but if I eval the output of a macroexpand-1 with the same arguments, it does something else. Any ideas?
* |3b| tried to write an im UI lib in CL, but got stuck in a loop of not wanting to just make a direct translation of dear imgui or nuklear or whatever, but every thing i tried to "improve" just pushed problems around so after fixing a few i end up back where i started :/
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<Oladon> White_Flame: Psst... ^ ;)
<|3b|> Oladon: you are EVALuating the form returned by macroexpand, not printing and reading it back before evaluating, right?
<Oladon> Correct
<|3b|> you can try wrapping the body of the macro in PRINT and see if it does something different in the 2 cases
<Oladon> It's literally the difference between (my-macro arg1 arg2) and (eval (macroexpand-1 '(my-macro arg1 arg2)))
<|3b|> other question would be whether there is any lexical environment involved
<CodeBitCookie[m]> > * <@|3b|:libera.chat> tried to write an im UI lib in CL, but got stuck in a loop of not wanting to just make a direct translation of dear imgui or nuklear or whatever, but every thing i tried to "improve" just pushed problems around so after fixing a few i end up back where i started :/
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: So what do you suggest I do?
<beach> CodeBitCookie[m]: There is no need to quote the entire utterance by the other person.
<|3b|> CodeBitCookie[m]: depends on what your goals are, whether you think spending a bunch of time on a UI lib would be fun or not, etc :)
<Oladon> |3b|: What are you envisioning with the lexical environment question?
<Oladon> There's nothing different in the two calls, if that's what you mean
<|3b|> Oladon: if READ isn't involved, and you are testing at repl (or otherwise top-level forms) so no lexical env, only other general thing i can think of is compiler macros
<Oladon> Yeah, testing in the REPL
<Oladon> I'm so bamboozled
<CodeBitCookie[m]> beach: Okay, but why?
<beach> CodeBitCookie[m]: Because then we need to read it twice before realizing that we have already read it.
<|3b|> lexical env would include things like LET, MACROLET, SYMBOL-MACROLET, etc. EVAL evaluates in an enviroment without any of those, even if called from inside them, but macros might look at them and change expansion. doesn't apply if you are testing at the repl though
<hayley> CodeBitCookie: Remember that Matrix quotes the other person when you "reply" to someone. Don't do that.
<|3b|> Oladon: see if (compiler-macro-function 'my-macro) returns anything, and check wrapping body of macro with PRINT would be my suggestions for next steps
<CodeBitCookie[m]> *no-defun-allowed*: beach Okay.
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<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: Well, I hate spending time on a UI lib.
<|3b|> and maybe look for any accidental use of * / + etc free variable (or intentional use for that matter)
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: but how would I even separate the code into C++ and Common Lisp?
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Would that even be worth it?
<|3b|> CodeBitCookie[m]: i don't like c++ much, so it wouldn't be for me :)
<Oladon> |3b|: The macro does make use of an (intentional) dynamic variable, but... the values are right there in the macroexpand, so I can see that it's "taking"... except it's not taking without the macroexpand :P
<hayley> Suppose the concepts in your program are in a set S. Ideally, you want your C++ code to have the set {} of concepts, and your CL code to have all of set S.
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<|3b|> i seem to like writing FFI generators though, so i'd probably go with wrapping cimgui if it were me :)
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<|3b|> having to recompile a bunch of C++ code (and probably stop and restart your program, etc) to change UI seems like it would lose a lot of benefits of imgui
<|3b|> if you do mix cl and c++, you end up needing to duplicate a bunch of stuff (types etc) between the 2
<|3b|> but if you already have a bunch of stuff in c++, maybe that's worth the effort, or maybe you can use something like ecl or clasp that can talk to c++ more directly
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<CodeBitCookie[m]> <|3b|> "but if you already have a..." <- Wouldn't ECL require recompilation on change though?
<|3b|> i meant if you are writing the UI code in c++ and using cl for "scripting" that
<Josh_2> Good mornin'
<|3b|> you would have to recompile the c++ side to change the ui
<Josh_2> My internet is as unstable as always :sunglasses:
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: How much work do you think it would be if I started to make FFI generators?
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Since I have to focus on my project and I can't waste too much time just making the library work in Common Lisp.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Also, I have had a bad experience with FFI generators as they just didn't work with CFFI and stuff.
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<|3b|> looks like cimgui has metadata in json, so if you are comfortable with cffi might not take too long to get something more or less working
<|3b|> making it nice to use might take a bit longer, but you could probably do most of that as needed
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<Josh_2> Should use McClim :sunglasses:
<Josh_2> beach: last night you said how you would avoid floats for money, what would you use instead?
<|3b|> Josh_2: seems common to just pick some fraction and use integer amounts of that for money
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<|3b|> 1 cent or 1/1000 cent or whatever matches your requirements
<CodeBitCookie[m]> <|3b|> "looks like cimgui has metadata..." <- You have quite a lot of experience with CFFI I could tell, I really struggle with it though, so, if you don't mind, could you point me in the right direction as I tried following the CURL tutorial, and many others, but got lost half way through. Actually writing the FFI doesn't seem bad, it's actually pretty fun. However, making it work seems impossible.
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Oops, I replied again, sorry
<Josh_2> Okay so I receive the price '99.99' from a client and have to represent that as a ratio, how do I do that?
<Josh_2> gbp
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* |3b| didn't mean actual ratios, all values would be integers, just that the units would be dollars/1000 or whatever, which would shift the . when you read/write it
<|3b|> though i think there is a CL library for using rationals like that
<Josh_2> Oh I see
<Josh_2> This seems to be very similar to how Stripe handles money
<Josh_2> 99.99 GBP in Stripe is 9999
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<|3b|> CodeBitCookie[m]: hmm, not knowing cffi makes it harder :/
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: :(
<Josh_2> There are two functions #'rational and #'rationalize for converting to a rational number :)
<CodeBitCookie[m]> |3b|: I also watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5CnYlG7sc8
<|3b|> if you are converting to a rational, you probably already lost :p
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<Josh_2> Yes I think so
<Josh_2> In a situation where I am receiving a product price from a client, I guess I have to either take two numbers and create a rational from those two numbers, or represent all monetary values in a way similar to stripe?
<|3b|> if you want to use rationals, i think the library for using them that way might have been wu-decimal
<Josh_2> Okay cool, wu-decimal parses the decimal string "99.99" straight into a rational :)
<Josh_2> There is also ratmath for creating approximations
<|3b|> if you are doing any serious math with money, you still need to be careful even with rationals though. for example if half of a transaction is external, make sure your half uses the value you sent to the external API, not a value before rounding or whatever
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<|3b|> like if you want "transfer 1/3 of this $100 account", and you calculate that as 100/3 and tell an external api to transfer "33.33", make sure you subtract 3333/100 not 100/3 from your version of the account
<|3b|> storing as integer amounts avoids that problem by making you round it immediately
<Josh_2> I understand. Thanks :)
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<utis_> how does one control which (sly) repl a buffer is connected to?
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<utis_> or maybe one just makes a connection the default
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<Guest74> Welp after countless wasted hours I finally found the 'specification' for pfb fonts, hidden in plain sight at adobe buried in a 'technical note on downloadable fonts' pdf which never mentions pfb.
<Guest74> turns out it's a ridiculously simple type length data chunks.  So that should wrap most of type-1 fonts for cl, reading/writing(basic) of pfa and pfb, and reading metrics from afm.
<mfiano> I see uiop has functions to get the XDG_*_HOME directory pathnames, but does it have a function to get the current user's home directory?
<Guest74> whats wrong with user-homedir-pathname?
<mfiano> Nothing. What I was looking for.
<mfiano> Or I guess not. Too much undefined behavior.
<mfiano> uiop:run-program it is
<Guest74>  So, the only thing that remains is an elegant way to combine the glyph outlines with the font metrics.  Do I make a mega font?  Or just have the generic font interface read from the necessary font file?  And do I automatically load the glyphs when metrics are loaded and vice-versa? Or leave it up to the user to load both?
<Guest74> mfiano: yeah I wasn't sure if it'd be one of those underspecified gray areas.
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<Guest74> I really like this idea of using only relative commands to construct paths.  You can invert y by just changing the sign of all y coordinates.
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<dbotton> how far is CLISP from usable?
<dbotton> what is missing to "bring it up to date"?
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<pjb> What? THere's a new version of the Common Lisp standard I didn't heard about???
<random-nick> what do you mean by usable?
<random-nick> GCL is the one which isn't very usable (because it's pre-ansi)
<pjb> dbotton: looks perfectly usable to me. So I'd say it's distance to being usable is absolutely 0.
<dbotton> It is constantly advertised as no longer an option, etc. for general use etc. I was curious how far from current standard or use it is since everywhere
<rotateq> pjb: Are you afraid you would have to relearn everything? :)
<random-nick> I think it's just the case that it's pretty slow and its unique features are not very popular
<random-nick> also it hasn't had a release in a very long time iirc
<random-nick> even though there are lots of changes in the repository
<pjb> rotateq: I'm not, since I would not.
<rotateq> pjb: So I guess you're as happy as me doing (and for me learning further) something that can stand the test of time for many reasons.
<dbotton> I also see doesn't work with emacs and slime at moment
<dbotton> for my purposes also need to tinker to get cffi
<dbotton> at least that is the case using homebrew defaults
<beach> dbotton: I am curious, what is your reason for asking about CLISP?
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<dbotton> For the most part I use SBCL and ECL for my projects
<dbotton> I see though that CLISP is still heavily downloaded and is in old materials for beginners
<random-nick> clisp works with swank for me if I add quicklisp to its init file
<dbotton> random-nick the one in homebrew is not on m1 macs
<_death> it's not difficult to get clisp running well.. probably the biggest hurdle is to have it use a recent asdf version
<random-nick> since quicklisp loads asdf and apparently clisp doesn't load it
<random-nick> ah, I don't know much about macos so I don't know why it wouldn't work
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<dbotton> so beach I don't have a "need" just figured if easy to "fix" something beneficial perhaps to the community to not have something with issues hanging around for beginners to stumble on
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<dbotton> If it standard compliant was curious then what could be missing about it
<_death> if you have time and will you may try offering help at https://gitlab.com/gnu-clisp/clisp/-/issues or the mailing list.. to get a new release going
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<beach> dbotton: Yes, I see.
<dbotton> random-nick by clisp is using asdf v "3.2.1"
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<dbotton> "MAKE-HASH-TABLE: illegal keyword/value pair :WEAKNESS, :VALUE in argument list." is the issue I get running slime but could be from some extensions I have running in slime
<dbotton> that was it
<beach> There is no such keyword in the standard.
<dbotton> so sorry, homebrew version ok if I take out the extensions all works well
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<dbotton> ya, I guess the extension is the issue
<_death> weak hash-tables are not part of standard CL
<mfiano> trivial-garbage is the portability library for that.
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<dbotton> turned the extension off. not needed
<dbotton> now I just have to get dynamic cffi working
<dbotton> which should just be a compile thing
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<mfiano> This is a long shot but, is anyone looking to hire for any Common Lisp work, even if it's a one-off task? My family is very poor due me being unable to work anymore due to medical reasons.
<AadVersteden[m]1> mfiano: I sent you a DM.
<mfiano> AadVersteden[m]1: I did not get it.
<Shinmera> There's several tasks I'd like to get done, but do not have the funds to adequately pay for them given the estimated time required. :/
* AadVersteden[m]1 tries through regular IRC instead
<mfiano> Shinmera: That's okay. Thanks anyway.
<AadVersteden[m]1> Anyone being stuck somewhere: if you have linked data knowledge and you're stuck, then shooting an email to anything related to redpencil.io should at least make your profile be seen. Whether something pops out of that always depends on what's in front of us.
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<utis> lquery's contains function seems always to return an empty vector . .
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<utis> nevermind
<rotateq> utis: How did you call it?
<rotateq> Ah ok I see now it takes a nodes and a string argument.
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<utis> rotateq: i assumed it would match substrings and that it would operate on subnodes
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<Oladon> I made a simple case to recreate the weirdness I'm experiencing with dynamic variables in macros... I suspect I'm doing something wrong, but would someone mind taking a look? https://pastebin.com/PQX2yFuj
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<citizenandrew> Oladon: Are you looking for the behavior that would occur if you did not have the comma before *connection-info* in your macro definition?  Otherwise it appears the let binding is not active during execution time.  It might be clearer if you defined a function with a let around the function definition what was setting *connection-info*... would
<citizenandrew> you expect the let to modify the environment the macroexpansion occurs in?
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<Oladon> Not looking for the commaless behavior, because I actually need the value to be interpolated into the call... redis:with-persistent-connection is a macro which destructures its first argument without evaluating it, which means if you give it a symbol it will object... you have to actually give it a list.
<Oladon> The let is clearly active during execution time with the first example (the macroexpand-1 version)... if you eval that you get the desired behavior. But for some reason, just getting rid of the macroexpand causes it to use the top-level *connection-info*, which is really bamboozlin' me
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<citizenandrew> Oladon: OK, the dynamic environment created by the let is not the one in which the macroexpansion occurs.  Here is a paste explaining why you might expect that to be the case.  https://pastebin.com/SkTNtAzZ  .  What I think you want to do is figure out what redis:with-connection-info does and just do that in your macro.  This stuff is
<citizenandrew> confusing, so I don't guarantee I'm right here
<Oladon> Hm, fair point...
<citizenandrew> I would imagine there is a real redis:with-connection or something that behaves how you want (allows dynamic rebinding of the current connection).
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<Oladon> I don't really need to change the current connection, I'm just trying to use a single list of connection info instead of multiple variables
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<jmes> Is there a way to get a list of the exported functions by an ASDF package programatically?
<Bike> jmes: an asdf system? i don't think asdf tracks which packages a system defines, but if you know the packages already, you can get a list of exported and fbound symbols
<jmes> Oops, yeah I mean a system
<jmes> or, if I knew the packages, how would I do that?
<Bike> (loop for s being the external-symbols of packagesgoeshere when (fboundp s) collect s)
<Bike> and you can do some other stuff to separate out macros if you want
<Bike> or get setf functions
<Bike> Oladon: looking at the with-connection macro, the main thing it does is bind *connection* to a redis-connection object. all the symbols are exported so you can probably write a functional version like you want.
<Oladon> Yeah, I suppose I can rewrite it, I just didn't want to poke my fingers too deep :)
<Bike> also, andrew is correct about the problem
<Oladon> nods
<Bike> a simpler thing you could do is just keep the values rather than the whole plist
<Oladon> Yeah.
<Bike> since the with-connection macro does evaluate those
<Oladon> But then I have to destructure it and poke them in the right places
<Bike> sure, but you don't have to poke your fingers very deep.
<Oladon> True.
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<jmes> Bike: nice! that works great, thanks
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