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<johnjaye> weaksauce: in C i've learned the habit of always always always including the parens in a function call
<johnjaye> my guess is it has to do with the declaration syntax. like a pointer to function is *f()
<johnjaye> so the ruby syntax is what seems odd to me
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<EvanR> yeah not putting parens on a function call in C is usually a disaster
<johnjaye> this confused me when i was reading about object methods in ruby
<johnjaye> because in java you can do object.f to get the field f in object object
<johnjaye> and of course object.f() to call the function f. but in ruby you sort of... define f to return @f
<johnjaye> so that way object.f isn't ambiguous
<EvanR> in which case, put object.f() anyway to confusing people, when f is just getting @f xD
<johnjaye> would people find that confusing lol
<johnjaye> i would think in ruby you would be used to a.b notation meaning a.b()
<EvanR> just saying I foo.bar makes me think of a field
<EvanR> foo.bar() makes me think it's doing something crazy
<johnjaye> i could just write foo.bar() everywhere in my code knowing that I can't be criticized or called out for it.
<johnjaye> because then I can say well ruby syntax is weird so it's not my fault
<EvanR> lol yeah except that goes against this style guide
<EvanR> a very complex style guide
<EvanR> thanks ruby
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<weaksauce> i think having everything being messages is elegant
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<ox1eef_> I prefer to call functions with parenthesis, but every language has its own character and ruby is no different.
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<johnjaye> i think i will grow to like ruby's spartan syntax
<johnjaye> whereas lisps is overflowing with parens, ruby gives them only to those who deserve them.
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<mooff> isene: "Not when I'm sleeping" xD
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<ox1eef_> johnjaye: Hahaha
<ox1eef_> Something like that I guess. :)
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<rapha> tried rails 7 today and also looked at the past upgrade guides and was pleasantly surprised. seems it is through all its teething problems now.
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<adam12> rapha: It's a good safe default, other than the JS/CSS picture is still kinda muddy.
<adam12> If they dropped ActiveRecord for Sequel I'd move in a heartbeat.
<cata> What do you like about Sequel over ActiveRecord?
<mooff> sacrilege.. a core Rails gem not starting with "Action" or "Active"? :-)
<adam12> cata: It supports lots of great features via plugins, so there is no penalty to ship them but not use them (ie. class_table_inheritance, enum, tactile_eager_loading). It's generally kept at 0 open issues, and I _rarely_ run across a bug in Sequel over all of my projects (500k+ LOC). And perhaps my most favourite, is it's a SQL toolkit first (not an
<adam12> ORM), so breaking out of the ORM to do SQL safely is well supported.
<rapha> i also prefer Sequel just for how easily it can be used outside of web dev
<adam12> I performed a security audit on a Rails application a few months ago that did custom JOINs and it was full of SQLi. I almost never see SQLi on Sequel projects because it's expressive enough to never hit those sharp edges.
<cata> Very cool, thanks for sharing!
<rapha> how do you mean "murky" about CSS and about JS?
<adam12> Yes, it makes a great generic database for non-web projects too. `DB = Sequel.connect` gets you _really_ far.
<adam12> rapha: propshaft, jsbundling, cssbundling, webpacker (deprecated?), importmaps(gimped by no SRI?), vite_rails (external dep but maybe better?), etc. I'm happy they offer options because the frontend world is meh, but Rails was always convention over configuration. Which is the convention listed above? :\
<adam12> I'd rather just use esbuild for everything but it's not always possible, especially with postcss requirements (tailwind for me, usually).
<rapha> ah, so, the same problem as the whole javascript world
<adam12> Yep, pretty much. As long as I don't need Tailwind, esbuild works awesome.
<rapha> isn't the CSS convention, quite simply, SCSS, though?
<adam12> Which CSS? :P sassc, libsass, sass-dart? I have projects on all 3, iirc.
<adam12> Sprockets had it's quirks, but it was _awesome_ for keeping everything straight. It was my favourite asset pipeline for years.
<rapha> ah, true, just looked at the rails7 release blog post: "The same approach is taken with CSS bundlers that rely on Node. With Rails 7, all they need to be able to produce is a compiled application.css file, and they’ll integrate perfectly."
<adam12> If I can now, on new projects, esbuild + Unpoly (for my JS/SPA experience) + OpenProps (for my CSS variables) is the most I really want.
<mooff> sprockets was really something
<adam12> bbiaf lunch.
<rapha> all those JS build tools are giving me a headache anyways
<rapha> have a good one adam12
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