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<isene> I could need some intelligence; `a = [[1,2,"a,b,c",3],[4,5,"a,d,e",6],[7,8,"d,f,g",9],[1,4,"b,c,h",9]]` and `b = ["a","c"]` . I want to return only those elements of `a` (`a[2]`) that matches the elements of `b`. I.e. the first record ([1,2,"a,b,c",3],[4,5,"a,d,e",6]) is a match, but the third record ([7,8,"d,f,g",9]) is not a match. The full match would be;
<isene> [[1,2,"a,b,c",3],[4,5,"a,d,e",6],[1,4,"b,c,h",9]]) How?
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<leftylink> "only those elements of `a` that match some condition" is Enumerable#select any day of the week (AKA Enumerable#filter)
<leftylink> and in this case, the condition here can be expressed in a few ways. 1) Enumerable#any? and Array#include?
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<leftylink> 2) Array#& (or Array#intersection) and Array#empty?
<leftylink> 3) Array#intersect?
<leftylink> oh but it needs to handle partial string matches, so 2) and 3) are right out the window
<leftylink> it has to be 1) but actually it becomes an Enumerable#any? containing an Enumerable#any? containing a String#include?
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<leftylink> I apologise for initially giving wrong solutions as I had initially missed the details of the "is a match" condition
<leftylink> solutions 2) and 3) however might still be considered though, by splitting the strings inside each element of `a`. whether that split is done 1) ahead of time and stored or 2) only temporarily, during the select will depend on other constraints.
<isene> I was thinking a.map! as I would want to modify `a` to include only those that matches any elemnt of `b`...
<leftylink> that's a select! then, not a map!
<isene> OK. But this is a nesting thingie and I'm not quite sure how to nest this...
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<isene> Got it!
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<isene> `a.select!{|i| (i[2].split(",") & b).any? }`
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<leftylink> yes if you hadn't gotten it what I would have said would be
<leftylink> pandabot: bs step by step
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<leftylink> very relevant in this situation, figure out the small parts of the required operation step by step and put them together
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