havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.0.6, 3.3.0-preview1: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Paste 4+ lines to: https://gist.github.com | Books: https://t.ly/9ua4 | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
<weaksauce> all your tests are written for a particular version of ruby so it makes sense to hedge your bet that it will be best to run on that particular version of ruby
<weaksauce> a point release probably doesn't break anything but it's easy enough to do
<plujon> What do tests have to do with it?
<plujon> I'm confused. I'm surprised to hear that tests are written "for a particular version of ruby". I nearly always do the opposite: write Ruby code that works in any relatively modern Ruby.
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<weaksauce> the wording may be off but i mean you develop on xyz version and that is tested on xyz version so you want to deploy to xyz version
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<aesthetikx> its funny watching React start it's downslope
<aesthetikx> fear. uncertainty. panic sets in. its only a matter of time before isreactdead.com, etc.
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<adam12> ox1eef_: Lots of back chatter so maybe this was already discussed, but on Rack 3, streaming IO is a lot simpler.
<adam12> So definitely check which version of Rack you're targeting.
<aesthetikx> does rack3 support http2 now
<adam12> aesthetikx: Part of the Rack 3 improvements were to support http2 better. I am not sure of current state tho.
<adam12> But to do http2 I think they needed a better rack hijack implementation, which also conincidentally is better support for streaming.
<aesthetikx> right i remember that discussion
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<sarna> adam12: with fossil you only give up rebase on shared branches (ie where you shouldn't really rebase ;))
<sarna> locally you can do anything you want, mostly with the help of `stash`
<sarna> myself I gave up fossil because nobody uses it. I still think it's better than git though
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<Shell> fossil's definitely nice for little mostly-single-person things. can even throw up a quick website!
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<Sampersand> I got ruby 0.47 to compile!!
<Sampersand> im so happy, it took three attempts over six months to finally do it lol
<Sampersand> (if you wanna try it yourself, https://github.com/sampersand/ruby-0.47)
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<sarna> Shell: yeah, or when you have a small dedicated team (and they're up for learning a new thing)
<sarna> Sampersand: lol nice! how much did it take you to make it compile?
<Sampersand> three attempts over six months lol
<sarna> :D
<Sampersand> it still has a ton of rough edges and will segfault on things but it works for basic stuff
<Sampersand> it's crazy how different it is
<Sampersand> blocks are `do fncall(...) using var; ... end`
<sarna> oh dang
<sarna> glad it's the other way around now tbh
<Sampersand> also, the exception syntax is `protect; ...; resque; ...; ensure; ... end`
<sarna> it's the tree-walking interpreter, right?
<sarna> how much slower are the microbenchmarks?
<Sampersand> yeah
<Sampersand> havent checked, but the man file (which i had to translate from EUC-JP and then into google translate ;-p) said that it's a decent amount slower than awk/perl
<sarna> how the tables have turned, hehe
<Sampersand> hahahah yeah
<Sampersand> it's wack, a lot of things i didnt think would be in early ruby (eg `include`) existed, but stuff i coulda sworn would have existed early on (eg `print` defaulting to `$_`) don't
<Sampersand> it's also fun being able to use `$=`, and have `.123` be actual valid syntax
<Sampersand> try it out, download it and compile it :-)
<sarna> I'm on arm, will it work?
<Sampersand> yep, i compiled it on my m1
<leftylink> probably makes a good talk at some point, like what were the obstacles to making it work
<Sampersand> i plan on trying to present at rubyconf
<sarna> oh cool, let me try then
<Sampersand> one of my ideas is "ruby 0.47"
<sarna> ruby 0 x 47 (0 productivity, 47 times slower)
<Sampersand> lol
<Sampersand> one of my goals now is to write a decently sized program that works in any ruby version
<Sampersand> sarna it's almost 2am, so im heading to sleep soon
<Sampersand> try cloning it and following the instructions for modifying the makefile
<sarna> it works!
<Sampersand> OH, also, when you make it, do `CPPFLAGS=-D__R47_BUGFIX make` — I added a flag where it fixes some bugs that are intrinsic to it
<sarna> tho I'm getting "syntax error" trying to run anything lol
<sarna> guess it really did change a lot
<Sampersand> CPPFLAGS is required because CFLAGS is overwritten
<sarna> ah okay
<Sampersand> if you know how to read EBNF syntax, i boiled down parse.y into syntax.ebnf
<sarna> neat, I'll check it out
<Sampersand> nice, have fun
<Sampersand> since it compiles, i'll head to bed now ;-p
<sarna> have a good sleep o/
<Sampersand> oh, here's an example program
<Sampersand> ```
<Sampersand> def one_upto(max)
<Sampersand>   for x in 1..max
<Sampersand>     yield x
<Sampersand>   end
<Sampersand> end
<Sampersand> do one_upto(10) using i
<Sampersand>   print("in here: ", i, "\n")
<Sampersand> end```
<sarna> 🙏
<Sampersand> there's also `sample/` but i havent tested any of them and idk if they actually work
<Sampersand> anyways, gn :wave:
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<sarna> gn
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<leftylink> dang, I wanted to see if there is any definition you can do to make this do/using thing work (like datDkio1AXM)
<leftylink> but I kinda doubt it since there's parentheses and then the block argument is just bare
<leftylink> pandabot: ytid datDkio1AXM
<pandabot> RubyConf 2018 - Ruby is the Best Javascript by Kevin Kuchta by Confreaks @ 2018-12-11T23:55:13Z (1661d9h ago) 35m8s: https://youtu.be/datDkio1AXM
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<nona> oh wait, so ruby is not dead afterall, leftylink? :)
<sarna> ha, I got fibonacci working
<sarna> fib(35) takes 15 seconds on ruby 0.47, 1s on ruby 3.2
<sarna> 0.2s with yjit :D
<sarna> funny, the toy language from "crafting interpreters" book takes 2.5s for the same thing (tree walking interpreter written in java)
<sarna> but it's not a real language (no exceptions, for example) - so..
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<nona> hmm
<nona> leftylink: https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/7ff1111e5de7a8fb85d262d901b389b5 ... i was sceptical when i saw this in the talk you linked. how could this be made to run in ruby?
<leftylink> by defining the correct definitions of `var`, `function`, and `console` that do the right thing
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<nona> ooooooooh
* nona facepalms about himself
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<nona> wow ok that is seriously involved
<nona> hihi, ruby3 doesn't really like it: "warning: redefining Object#method_missing may cause infinite loop"
<nona> thanks for that link, leftylink ... that'll give me a lot to munch on and new things to understand!
<nona> sarna: how did you even get ruby 0.47 running? :)
<nona> sarna: 0.099s with ruby 2.7 and 0.074s with ruby 3.2
<nona> but then this is a 9 year old Core i5 laptop
<leftylink> well I assume the point is to deliberately write it recursively to test how the language version handles recursion
<sarna> nona: I built Sampersand's repo, it's a bit above in the log
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<leftylink> not as a test of what is the way of writing fibonacci such that it can run fast, because we know how to do that
<sarna> yep, it's deliberately naive
<leftylink> pandabot rb def fib(n); a = b = 1; (n / 2).times { a = a + b; b = a + b }; [a, b][n % 2] end; t = Time.now; [fib(100), Time.now - t]
<pandabot> [573147844013817084101, 7.124e-06] - https://carc.in/#/r/fduv
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<Bish> how would i save binary data in ruby?
<Bish> usually i dump things with .to_json
<Bish> i know about Marshal, but i.d like it to be human readable, aswell
<Bish> ["\xD6cjC\xD3\x83O\x10\xAA?3a+\x85\xFC\xB4", "\xC3f4c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"] something like this
<Bish> i actually like the .inspect format.. but evaling this doesn't sound right
<Bish> sarna: well it's structured binary data
<Bish> it's an array of binary "strings"
<Bish> and i'd like to keep the array
<leftylink> argh, I've forgotten how the test works
<leftylink> pandabot rb def a(k, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5); b = -> { k -= 1; a(k, b, x1, x2, x3, x4) }; k <= 0 ? x4[] + x5[] : b[] end; a(10, ->{ 1 }, -> { -1 }, -> { -1 }, -> { 1 }, -> { 0 })
<pandabot> -67 - https://carc.in/#/r/fduy
<leftylink> I'd like to see how many times a was called...
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<leftylink> pandabot rb @ac = 0; def a(k, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5); @ac += 1; b = -> { k -= 1; a(k, b, x1, x2, x3, x4) }; k <= 0 ? x4[] + x5[] : b[] end; [a(10, ->{ 1 }, -> { -1 }, -> { -1 }, -> { 1 }, -> { 0 }), @ac]
<pandabot> [-67, 722] - https://carc.in/#/r/fdv0
<leftylink> I see.
<sarna> Bish: if you want an array of binary strings, just ensure they have the "BINARY" encoding
<sarna> (same as "ASCII-8BIT")
<Bish> that still won't render me enable to to_json it
<sarna> pandabot rb [1,2,3,4,5].pack('c*')
<sarna> well guess I don't know how to use the bot
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<Bish> yeah what about [1,2,[3],4,5]
<Bish> because my problem is ["\xff", "\xaa"]
<sarna> what do you have initially, and what would you want to end up with?
<sarna> earlier you posted a flat array of strings
<Bish> yes, that, and i want .to_json it
<sarna> `[1,2,3,4,5].pack('c*').to_json` works just fine
<Bish> yeah but it has nothing to do with array of strings
<sarna> ditto for `[[1,2,3,4,5].pack('c*')].to_json`
<Bish> well.. okay
<Bish> you want me to data.map { |x| x.pack("c*")}
<sarna> I don't know, because you won't tell me what the data is :D is it strings initially? and you want them to be binary? or do you already have something like `["\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05"]`
<sarna> it'd be better to encode an array of bytes to json, because with strings you need them to be valid utf-8
<sarna> your initial example (`["\xD6cjC\xD3\x83O\x10\xAA?3a+\x85\xFC\xB4", "\xC3f4c\x00\x00\x
<sarna> 00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"].to_json`) fails exactly because these strings are not valid utf-8
<leftylink> of course, there is base 64
<Bish> sarna: the data looks like "\xff"
<Bish> it's strings but.. not really
<Bish> it's binary data read from redis, yeah not utf8
<Bish> they're serialized rust structs
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<Bish> > it'd be better to encode an array of bytes to json, because with strings you need them to be valid utf-8
<Bish> ruby strings are awfully fine with it, i'd wish json wouldbe aswell
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<sarna> ok, so the minimal example that fails is `"\xC3f".to_json`
<sarna> what works:
<sarna> `"\xC3f".unpack('C*').to_json` - produces an array of bytes, `"[195,102]"`
<sarna> `Base64.encode64("\xC3f").to_json` - produces a b64encoded string, `"\"w2Y=\\n\""`
<sarna> Bish: I don't know any better options.. myself I'd pick the first one
<nona> leftylink: your recursive fibonacci is on average twice as fast as the non-recursive one i'd found somewhere (use two starting vars, keep adding them together: f=[]; x=100; n1=0; n2=1; x.times{f<<n1 if n2>1;n1,n2=n2,n1+n2}). you said "we know how to write it fast". i definitely don't.
<Bish> well certainly not as pretty
<Bish> when i see the .inspect format of ruby i know if somethings wrong
<Bish> this way i see numbers
<Bish> i'd be cool to be "human readable"
<sarna> Bish: ruby strings are fine with it because they can contain broken contents for their encoding. try `"\xC3f".valid_encoding?` - it's invalid utf8, and yet it works
<nona> Math.inspect => 'Math' ... pretty human readable, no?
<nona> oh, you're talking about strings
<sarna> json specifies that all escapes need to produce valid utf-8 graphemes
<sarna> hex-escaped stuff mixed with ascii characters is more human-readable than byte values?
<sarna> do you want it to match the rust representation so you can check if something's wrong? or
<sarna> would a helper method work? when you have something produced by `String#unpack('C*')`, you can get the initial string by doing `[foo.map {|
<sarna> b| b.to_s(16)}.join].pack('H*')]` (assuming `foo` is your array of bytes)
<sarna> though at this point I'd reconsider using base64 :D
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<Bish> hex-escaped stuff mixed with ascii characters is more human-readable than byte values?
<Bish> yes, maybe just because i am used to it
<Bish> > do you want it to match the rust representation so you can check if something's wrong?
<Bish> no i'd prefer the ruby thingie.. the rust representation would be a neatly struct
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<adam12> gday
<weaksauce> hello
<_ht> Good afternoon!
<_ht> Just fixed a bug. As usual, some stupid mistake I made months ago :-(
<ox1eef_> base64-encode, then to_json. But it is hard to consider binary data human readable, maybe you could give it a structure with json otherwise I wouldn't be that concerned how it looks.
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<tockitj> Ruby used to have as many users as #python channel did some years ago. Is there another ruby chan - or is this it?
<ox1eef_> This is it.
<tockitj> So unfortunate. Love the lang though.
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<weaksauce> irc is dying all over the place is why
<weaksauce> discord is pretty active
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<leftylink> that is definitely a shame since naturally discord is forbidden at work, whereas we use irc for work so obviously irc is allowed
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<leftylink> obviously I can still use discord during non-working hours, but between working hours and sleep and other non-computer activites well there isn't much time left over now is there
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<leftylink> too bad
<ox1eef_> Discord is a for-profit, centralized platform. Not for me.
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<sarna> leftylink: you're using irc for work? it's pretty insecure, no? but maybe I'm just uneducated
<ox1eef_> You can lockdown who can connect, who can join channels, it supports encryption, etc. Far more DIY but not insecure by design.
<sarna> ah neat, I didn't know that. I thought it was "open by design"
<ox1eef_> It is, but you can add rules on top of it.
<tockitj> what might be replacement for irc?
<ox1eef_> I don't think we will see one because we're in the era of big corporations concerned about profit more than anything else.
<tockitj> that was always the case I think. Capitalism is ancient. At least when compared to comp-sci
<sarna> supposedly that replacement is matrix, right?
<ox1eef_> Nah. The internet was born void of that. And then, it became a vehicle for big business.
<tockitj> oh? but is there a client for it. I just found out about it today (by listing largest channels here)
<sarna> yeah there's an official client called element
<sarna> element.io
<ox1eef_> If things were the same, discord would have a protocol specification, a diversity of clients, etc. A lot of the time, business wants control more than user choice.
<sarna> it's not pretty, and kinda buggy.. but it works, and it's decentralized, you can self-host it (IIRC), etc
<tockitj> ox1eef_: but people will always want corporate-free option, right? I mean.. I never considered otherwise.
<sarna> ox1eef_: yeah meanwhile they ban you for using alternative clients :)
<tockitj> sarna: sounds sort of like xmpp, may it rest in peace
<ox1eef_> tockitj: Agreed. I don't think it is new. But it seems more profound than ever.
<tockitj> element.io seems quite neat. Though it is just a product (no free option as far as I can tell)
<sarna> tockitj: nah it's free, the apps are open source https://element.io/download
<tockitj> ox1eef_: sounds something to push back against. corpos should not own internet. thing should be free - even if it means that it is whacky
<tockitj> sarna: neat
<sarna> there are some other clients here too https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/ but last I checked (a year+ ago) they were all unusable
<sarna> "corpos should not own internet." - I think it comes to one issue: people don't want to run their own servers
<sarna> they just want to click on something and have it work without thinking about it
<tockitj> sarna: wow - this looks pretty awesome - like free slack. I like this
<sarna> and the only way you can achieve that is centralizing everything
<ox1eef_> I think it is mostly to do with most people being oblivious to the reality.
<tockitj> meh, people are people. all we need is a sound cause and people will rally - some will. this can shift on its head in a little. though profound changes like this would come from the student/teenagers
<tockitj> that is how facebook/wechat/instagram/and whatnot came about
<ox1eef_> Well, I mean, if you're a chef you probably don't care. You want something that's easy and solves a problem. Beyond that it's not a concern.
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<leftylink> hmm. there's someone in another channel I'm in who uses matrix and has a lot of positive things to say about it
<leftylink> I haven't tried it yet. I'm too set in my ways. that's a bad thing. if you stop learning, you stop growing
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<adam12> tockitj: Wow, #python does have quite a few users.
<adam12> I wonder if it makes a difference that it's the _official_ Python IRC channel. AFAIK, nobody has ever explicitely blessed a Ruby IRC channel as official.
<tockitj> there used to be ruby-lang and ruby on freenode. also matz used to hang around irc too
<weaksauce> it
<weaksauce> is official. ruby is dead
<weaksauce> jk
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<tockitj> dead or alive, it is still one of the best designed langs I know of :)
<weaksauce> it still powers some of the biggest websites in the world :)
<tockitj> look, I am also on R and prolog so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<leftylink> yeah whether it is dead or alive can have no effect my actions, since the fact remains that I know no scripting language that I would rather use
<leftylink> this does tie into the previous statements of "if you stop learning you stop growing" though - it wouldn't do to be a dinosaur who refuses to change from Ruby because I'm grumpy about it. It has to be a considered decision
<leftylink> there are things to be learned here, like "is it because people are trying out other alternatives? what are those alternatives? are they useful for me?"
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<leftylink> one of the engineers whom I respect the most is really into Perl, but it didn't seem like he was stuck on Perl. he was also very skilled at Ruby
<leftylink> I just hope that I too can avoid getting stuck
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<weaksauce> ruby is like vim